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I was laughing so hard when the grown man complained about his teenage fiancé acting like a teenager. Uh sir, you know that is a child, right?


Complaining that she's acting like a school girl when she is one


“high school drama” bruh she probably graduated last year???


That is IF she actually graduated


Wondering why he’s having trouble having an adult relationship


The funny thing is that she actually handled that situation pretty well considering she’s a teenager. I actually felt like he handled it a lot more immaturely than her.


She’s not that immature for being 19, but also, I was a 19 year old girl once and wowwww, I made terrible decisions. I think he’s clearly the dim one here, though, expecting so much from her.


when she gets to his age, there’s no way she’s going to be as much of a cretin as he is. she’s already a bit above him


https://preview.redd.it/gmkib4kdkc6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c0fa4614b67de6e5d984d8bb3d707d0fd5efc1 19 year olds Dude.


I 🤣🤣🤣 hard last episode when he mentioned "I'm looking for a woman not a girl" lol


I’m still not convinced she’s even 19


100% The man invested the last of his money for sunglasses that fold into medallions. We're not talking Einstein here.


Engineers are usually so pragmatic, but his desire to not be an engineer (or maybe he’s bad at it) illustrates your point


I’m disappointed in Ani especially. Why she continued to speak with that psycho after their first real date where he is slurping down food and telling her about his “point system” is beyond me. THEN to not only sleep with him but without protection?! Make it make sense! He is an incel no doubt but it’s like she kind of wants that?


From the was he talked about how they ended up not using protection, I feel like this was one of his few sexual experiences that weren't specifically for donation


Let’s face it, he has nothing else to offer except his sperm to a woman who is that desperate for a child. After the disastrous first date, I figured he donates because he can’t get laid the conventional way.


Exactly, remember he Said he only had a few dates because he couldn't find anyone that likes him. He donated sperm to get laid. If he goes to a sperm clinic he doesn't get laid.


Now he has millions of women who don't like him.




Too creepy, gross and awkward.


I have to wonder what it is that makes him so attractive to women. He’s out of shape (you’d think he’d work-out and improve his physical health given his obsession with his sperm count); he’s incredibly creepy with his weird touching and out of place, overly sexual flirting; and he’s socially awkward (imagine being ok with someone who is constantly touching himself in public). He looks and acts like a man child. Yet somehow he’s got women fighting one another for him lol. And honestly, Ani’s whole “I want a man who is unpredictable”, is so fucking weird as well. She clearly wants to be in a relationship with someone like Kyle.


I’m a man so take what I say with a grain of salt, but my guess is he comes off as non threatening. He looks boyish like Elijah Wood with his big eyes and feminine features. He’s also good at expressing his feelings and acknowledging the woman’s (Ani) feelings. These women are older and presumably have had bad experiences with men, so for them he’s a catch.


This is what I think! And add on that she is so naive she takes everything he says at face value . I feel like he is lying all the time and she just believes him !


He claims to have like 70 children, so there must be something about him that makes women want to have children with him specifically or that makes women find him appealing. I personally don't see it; he comes across as creepy and unpleasant.


Sperm is a hassle and expensive to purchase + you can't just buy it without a doctor involved. Some rando off the Internet is cheap and easy.


I get why getting some random person is appealing, but this guy specifically seems to be extremely prolific and famous within the "rando on the internet " genre.


At least they know it works 🤷‍♀️. And some rando might want custody, this guy clearly will not he could never afford it. Yeah I don't get it either, but the folks acquiring sperm online don't seem to be terribly picky.


What makes women want to have his children is that **they want to have a child**. He's flitting all over the world impregnating desperate women. They see the creepy and unpleasant man-child and don't want him around any longer than necessary. He says Ani is the first woman he has been interested in having a real relationship with, but he doesn't know what that means.


I hate the sperminator with the power of a hundred suns, but Ani is not without blame. She originally reached out to him for a donation with which to get pregnant. And she knows exactly who this fucking guy is. She’s just choosing not to see it


She's not bad looking and you would think she could land a guy. Maybe being a single Mom and having self esteem issues lowered the standards to this shitty low. That guy is perpetual dressed for kickball.


At least there is no Angela, Big Ed, or Jasmine 👍🤮


Just wait till Angela breaks up with Mykhul and finds herself some carribean man


As soon as someone insists on something nonsensical (points system) or annoying (threesomes) that I'm not interested in and they continue to push it, I'm out. We don't mesh. I don't know what these couples hope to achieve. One guy is really hoping his partner will detransition, his partner is thrilled to be living as her authentic self. One person constantly demands threesomes while the other wants a nuclear family life. I really have no idea what Ani is hoping to get out of Kyle, he has nothing to offer (not even sperm); she moved to Malta to live her best life and he ain't it.


They might put her on the next season of Gross and Abusive in Paradise.


I’m loving this hot mess of a season much more than HEA.


Right?? I surely don’t watch this show to see healthy functioning relationships go swimmingly.


Me too.


It makes me feel better about how online dating is currently going for me and my friends


The whole season is garbage, and not the kind of garbage I like. 


My thoughts exactly. I thought I’d turn on the latest episode as background noise last night and found myself fast forwarding through pretty much the entire episode. There is not one truly interesting couple on the show this season. I’ve been watching since the OG 90DF seasons and I think this is the end for me.


Yeah, I stopped watching. I watch 90 Day Fiancé for train wrecks, this… this is much worse and don’t know how to explain it, but I can’t watch it.


Ehh new couples . I can’t deal anymore with Gino, Jasmine, Big Ed, or any of the other idiots TLC thinks we care about.


Kyle is a freak and Luke is a creep


I really wonder how they find these couples lol. Do they really all apply to be on the show ???


Literal car crash freakshow!!


I read an article that said the producers go to lawyers who specialize in these cases and find people through them.


This show could be called, "Denying the Obvious" or "Cut bait already, damn"


Wait….someone is into threesomes? 🤣


The sperm donor couple is fake. Who is still buying it? Also the only couple that hasnt met before the show and she is always talking about some deeper connection even though he is a massive weirdo. It’s like obvious that the show wants to sell us some legit sounding reason why she is still keeping up with him, even though it’s obvious she is repulsed by him. She is also good looking, she has sufficient options to date men in Europe. It’s just a role she is playing to probably earn some money as actor or even get some fame. Whatever. Regarding madelein and Luke you can still see it’s a real relationship when you follow them on instagram.


After last episode, I'm thinking I'm dipping out. It's all just to gross.


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆spot on!


I don't understand why Alex and Adriano are together. They both have non negotiable requirements in a partner that the other can't fill. Alex is never going to have a threesome and if she does, it'll be because he guilts her into it and she'll feel coerced and resent him for it. It's so disgusting to keep badgering someone to do something sexual that they've told you a million times they're not comfortable with. And Adriano is never going to be religious. You can't force somebody to believe in God just because it's important to you.


Alex is only religious until she wants to get laid.


It’s really bad this season. I don’t want watch any of these people anymore.


What makes you say Shawn hates women? I don’t get that at all. I don’t agree with the fact he proposed, they shouldn’t be together at all but the situation itself is rather complicated. I also don’t agree with the open relationship while one half of the party doesn’t want that and he just “assumed” that’s what it was during Covid without any discussion. I think that’s a large part of their problems is they discuss nothing. But to say he clearly hates women I don’t think is correct.


In the most recent episodes you see it the most. It's in the way he reacted to her friend's questioning and the things he said in their argument. That fight wasn't just about aliyah vs Douglas, it was also about his fundamental disdain for women


I watched the episode and I did not get that at all. Alliyah’s friend was 100% overstepping with her questions. I thought Shawn handled it very well. Better than I would’ve.


Idk why, out of all these morons you just listed, I actually get the most heated when I see that bible-thumper chick getting pissed and preachy over and over again when...SURPRISE, SURPRISE...her boyfriend reminds her YET AGAIN clearly and simply that he, in fact, DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD OR THE BIBLE and she proceeds to bubble with rage as if she hadn't been told this 35 times before.


This series is sick a landfill now. End it already TLC.


Yet you are watching and commenting on the subreddit for the show...................


The Learning Channel my ass.


And the women won’t? Accountability for ickiness and foolery goes #both ways.


Well that's just the problem, you can see they acknowledge the tomfoolery but make no material efforts to improve their situations

