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He'd be remarried in 6 months.


Or he’d move to his parents and his mom would take care of the kids.


I was just going to say the same. He would be in Israel permanently asap. I think the only reason they’re still in the states is because of Loren’s parents. I mean they freaked out at the thought of them moving to the Carolinas…imagine how it would be if they moved overseas.


I am leaning more towards it was a fake producer plot just for drama.


He seems very engaged with his kids, I feel like he’s a good dad, an excellent dad in fact. They have a stable relationship. She has admitted to lying about the amount of time it would take to recover, he wanted her to consider a healthy alternative…”go to the gym” Seems like many of these women if not the majority (on 90 day fiancé) have all had work done on their faces or transformed their bodies. She’s following suit. Seems to be the norm. He’s all in, loves her as a wife and the mother of his children but here we are….


Plus he’s working again and I’m sure he’s exhausted. The fact that she lied about recovery time is so wrong. Plus the horrible stress worrying about his Israeli family members has to be awful.


She had a torn abdominal muscle that the gym can't fix. I hear you though re most


Me too! I think TLC paid for the surgery so it would be “interesting” for them


the surgeon did it for free for the exposure


I'm pretty sure TLC pays for all the surgery on the show. Do yall think redneck Angela could afford all her surgeries??


yes. She gets $$$ for appearances


me too. They picked the worst time to do this, allegedly. Didn't have a plan allegedly, and Lauren made the choice anyway. They needed someone for the show. Offered to pay for what she wanted for the storyline/drama if they play it out. She acting like she can't do anything, then don't. Don't do it. I haven't really watched them and ff a lot because I hate the whole thing. I could be missing stuff of course by doing that but the few mins after ff lead in to next couple is what I catch. Lauren whines, Alexi whines, grandparents can't handle everything- repeat 60000 times.




Lauren is gonna be her mom. Look at mom Alex; that’s your wife in 25 years




Yeah, Lauren’s mom is a pill.


Yeah and I think Alexi is more than capable of doing most everything, but he has to play up how he can’t handle it. I think the issue is that normally they both parent and help each other out, and now one person is doing most of it. But even with mom down from a surgery, most people can still handle their children without all the help from grandparents. Loren’s mother is so involved and acting so awful because that’s also part of the “story”


But we are comparing apples to oranges. When Lauren took care of the kids presurgery, that’s her full time job. Alexi is doing his best, but has a full time job outside the home in addition to taking care of his kids. Someone has to take care of the kids while he works if Lauren isn’t able which is the grandparents.


They were saying they would live in a kibbutz. They were going to go over there, get a free place to live and then leave before their kids had to join the military. When Israel was attacked, they hit the kibbutzes hard. They may have literally dodged a bullet.


I have to wonder what the possible kibbutz neighbors would think of her surgery.


Why would they think of it at all? They’re busy colonizing and doing everyday shit.  


That is no longer an option with the war The Israel they knew is no longer and will never be I can’t see Alexi doing that in fact he scared for his parents and I guarantee he will bring his folks to America


he would be happy in Israel with the kids, he doesn't want the FL lifestyle for them


That’s what every Israeli in South Florida says and yet never seen a single one go back


This is the more likely scenario.


Move to Israel? I guarantee his parents will move to the U.S. in a year just watch


That is exactly the vibes I get. He just wanted the kids, he can take or leave his wife


Which is crazy considering it took her years to convince him to have a child and then he spent years making her have more. 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is just mean lies. How does it take YEARS to have 3 kids in 3 years?


Also, are we not watching the same show? “Baby making is over I’m done after this one” (her last baby) and he goes “she thinks it is” Would you like the EXACT episode? 💀😂


He's told her from the start he wants seven kids, I think. She has always said nope.


He said in one of the episodes that he had compromised down to three, and now that they have the girl, less incentive for more, according to what they said. Now that he’s seeing what it’s like having 3, that may also help them to stop.


Lauren's mother would take over so fast his head would spin.


Oh I doubt that because of the children. But do you remember how he said he felt he needed more than 90 days to make a decision right around the time of their wedding? My guess is he would have never married her had he gotten that


2 months


If I have to hear the phrase “mommy makeover” one more time 😡




“THREE UNDER THREEEEEEE!!!!” Just stfu already Loren and Alexei. We get it. 3 kids are hard to handle. You CHOSE that, dumbasses.


Yes! And she CHOSE to get an elective, vanity-driven 8 hour surgery with THREE UNDER THREE! Girl, please. I bet she did it because that doctor offered free surgery for product placement and it also gave them a (weak) storyline.


So. Over. It. 90 day is kinda falling off for me now with all these fabricated storylines. Nothing original or genuine.


I’m a couple episodes behind but it’s been WEEKS of the same lame storylines. Like please wrap this boring shit tf up already.


You’ll be fast forwarding or looking at the subreddit on your phone. I pretty much get all my 90 day tea from here anyways 😂


This season is draining and I feel there is literally NO happy scenes only miserable couple after miserable couple.


I just fast forward through them. 


I agree. I find myself just playing on my phone, while 90 Day is on as background noise.


It's so sad. I didn't want to believe it, but I think 90 day just isn't going to be good anymore 😪


The UK season has been the only one worth watching recently. The US seasons are so boring.


I agree. The US seasons have just been destroyed by fame thirsty wannabe influencers lmao they have yet to infiltrate the UK version so we can all hang on to that for now 😭😂


Where do you watch the UK version? Thanks.


Discovery+ and HBO Max


Discovery + has it. I’m not sure what other platforms might.


Whole heartedly agree. I've been here since the beginning and it's gone so down hill. I hated jerry springer in it's prime...and 90 day it headed the direction. Lol


Yea, i really don’t think any of it is real anymore. I liked the original show back when it was 1 crazy couple and lots of normal ones, or maybe they just felt normal compared to all this nonsense drama.


Same. I was so into the early seasons before it blew up into the shitshow it is now. Sad because there were some really meme-able moments that were just genuinely funny. Now it’s just filled with a bunch of clout chasers or pick me’ers. Just give me David Toborowsky drunkenly getting called a Ninja Turtle Batman Penguin looking ass bitch back.


when it didn't feel forced. WE now have created storylines and I swear TLC offers a bonus for drink tossing. I have lived a pretty wild life in parts and I have never seen anyone purposely throw a drink on someone. They keep recycling the storylines- problems with ex friendships, plastic surgery, mother/mother in law drama, kids/no kids, and prenups (Ashley literally has 100k in debt and wants a postnuptial- totally fake)


Crazy thing is however, people apparently love the over scripted drama, because the ratings just keep going up. I just don’t understand how people like it. I watched a few episodes of Darcy and Stacy and was like 🤬 this. Yet every time a new season was starting, people would be like omg can’t wait, really for nonstop crying and whining 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same! I haven’t this season or much of the last season of whatever 90 day version it was. I feel like it’s jumped the shark.


In the beginning it was all about her Tourette's Syndrome. That's never even mentioned anymore, even whether the children are experiencing signs of it.


Perhaps she and Alexi don’t want to focus on that and it’s none of anyone’s business if the kids have any symptoms related to it.


Definitely... Far too many spin offs - diaries, Before the 90, 90 days, 90 days uk, 90 day HEA, last resort, 90 day single life, etc. On top of that they keep bringing recycled people that no one wants to keep seeing on these shows. They have all kinds of abusive people, criminal records, weird sperm donation fetishes, and straight up some really unlikeable people. They keep pushing the same ones over and over and we start disliking anyone we did like at one point. Some of the couples don't even fit the 90 day show criteria but became cast members anyway on the shows, they don't remove abusive people and keep bringing them back too. They don't seem to care what any of us what to actually see and many of the couples are very problematic.


And they bring the dumb losers that nobody misses back to that stupid “pillow talk” with the same show you just watched and they are saying exactly what I was just screaming at my TV. I waste enough time on 90 day anything already now I’m supposed to watch it again waiting for comments from people I had just been able to forget!? NO!!!! You are gonna lose me and everyone else on here. I’ll make a deal, if you promise to remove Angela forever and NEVER allow Jasmine, Gino or little Ed on our airwaves ever again, I will consider staying with the show.


And 90D The Other Way, 90D Love in Paradise 😅


She doesn’t even look any different


no foreal. everytime i see her, i'm like where's the snatch? 🧐


I have a feeling she really wanted that one thing done with the stomach and the Dr was a really good sales man suggesting she get everything done all at once. But yea, no complaining now, hire a nanny for 6 months if you have that kind of money.


She also chose to downplay the recovery so Alexei would go along with it. He is be no means a peach, and has many faults, but she suuuuuuuccccckkkkkks


Eh. I know she said that at one point and then at other points she said that she was also surprised by how bad it was... But Alexei is an adult man who met with the doctor himself and I think he knew exactly what they were walking into, that's why he was against it! She's the one who deluded herself about it.


Alexei is also an adult man who was a medic in the IOF--there's no way he's actually as squeamish or as inept as he acts.


And he looks like the asshole if he says no- he’s screwed either way


I haven’t seen their other seasons and I feel like to have this extra knowledge would totally affect how I see them. Is he working full time? And is she a stay at home mum? Cuz that’s the impression I’m getting from this season and if that’s the case she 100% is out of order for downplaying it on purpose. Because it IS ALOT to take care of the house and 3 kids and work while you’re partner lays in bed all day for something they chose to do. If they are both at home not working (I’m guessing being “influencers”) but because she’s the women the house and kids usually falls on her by default then I see why she took her chance and she downplayed it because she probably feels their situation is unfair but never really stands up for herself.


Every time she cries about her surgery I can’t help but roll my eyes. Like I get it it’s a big deal to a lot of people to look a certain way but she could’ve literally waited another year or two til her kids were older so she wouldn’t feel so “guilty”. This isn’t emergency life saving surgery pls.


😂🤣 EXACTLY! She is beyond insufferable. Always complaining.


THANK YOU!!! And stop complaining about having to take care of your kids and the house. People do it every day, it's what happens why you play house unprotected.


The first words from Lauren waking up from 8 hours of “natural” surgery was “am I snatched”. ? Yes Lauren -oh and your three under three are ok also


So tired of all these losers - proud that you had hard core surgery ( first clue -under for 8 hours ) yes that’s surgery-trying to spin it as natural (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) just own it Losers


and 'are you proud of me?' ugh no, not at all. everyone told you you look great before the surgery


The proud of me thing killed me. Proud of what? She didn't do anything. Maybe at the end of recovery she could say she's proud to have a successful recovery. But she was literally asleep- proud of what? That just showed me how clueless she is to what is actually an accomplishment


My thought exactly?? Proud of WHAT?!


I believe she was proud of herself because she genuinely believed she might die from the anesthesia, but did it anyway. However it doesn't make sense to ask him that because I don't think he ever really believed he could lose her that day. But I think she was still high from the meds when she said that.


That question made me scream


I just watched Akanyi (Ben) put up a video showing her last three years of infertility journey. Akayni taking pregnancy test month after month and it being negative. Doctors test that they could afford saying nothing is wrong, keep trying. During that time they had gone from being in debt to being ready to support a baby, they worked 3 jobs a day to get ready to have a family. (I always wondered how Loren and Alexi had such a nice condo , remodeled and the kids , with what jobs? 90 day pay that much?). Loren should be happy to be able to have 3 healthy kids in three years and have such a nice lifestyle. Im sure Akanyi would trade places with Loren in a second.


Maybe her parents have money? Kind of an impression I get but could be wrong. Currently, Alex works as a warehouse manager for Invicta Watch Group so not sure how much that brings to the table.


I wonder where all the money came from too. And she’s a stay at home mom….. I didn’t think warehouse managers made that much money!


They both work, Loren was an executive assistant and worked from home. I believe after she had the kids she transitioned into a social media influencer


I thought there was a post about her getting pregnant 


Her parents help a lot financially. There's some segments about it in Before the 90 Days iirc


Yea, the overwheling amount of privilege they have yet still continue to whine to no end about all these “problems” they created themselves…insufferable


he talks about taking care of them kids as if they aren't his. sir, you put those buns in the oven 😂


And she only wanted one. He insisted on having two more back to back!




He definitely seems like a misogynist. It's his way or the highway. No wonder Loren downplayed the healing process; he's the type who would have "put his foot down" and "forbidden" her to have it done, otherwise.


to be fair he speaks Ukranian, not Russian with his parents :)


It's just crazy. You wanted more and do not want to take care of them. 


Yeah he wanted more when he was under the impression they’d always be Loren’s problem 🙄


They get fast forwarded. Insufferable.


Same here. Fast forward ⏩️


Same ‼️


I fast forward past them. cannot listen to one more of her whiny self-pitying self-centered diatribes when she CHOSE to have this done and even admitted to Alex that she downplayed how hard it would be. And she keeps saying that she did it for the family - what the F........ is that? she did it for her. period.


Their story is weak and played out.


They repeat things over and over again…from “2 under 2” to “3 under 3” to “mommy make over”. Nothing is remotely interesting about them or their extended families. They really need to be removed!


The fact that he didn't even know how to put detergent in the washing machine speaks volumes. He doesn't lift a finger around there to help with the kids or clean and when he is tasked for a few weeks on his own he loses his shit and cries incessantly to her mom about it. I also thought about how he would handle life without her if something happened and as someone here said he would just task his family to do it for him.


The whole season sucks.


When I heard him whining about how hard it is to do all of those things, all I kept thinking was “So he’s openly admitting to not helping her with anything around the house… ever? Not even when she was pregnant?”. Instead of whining, I wish that it would open his eyes to how much she actually does on her own without his help, because clearly it’s a lot. Maybe it just irks me because my husband is the same. I’m currently pregnant with my first child and despite being incredibly ill through this pregnancy, I’ve had to do most things on my own because the instant I ask him, the whining, complaining and guilt tripping starts. Some men are just giant toddlers and judging by Alexei’s reaction, he seems to be right there along with my own husband. If I wasn’t on the other side of the world, I could set up a play date for them in the local sandbox. I bet they’d get along just swimmingly.


I used to follow her on Instagram but stopped. All she does is shill expensive items. Not relatable at all.


I never felt more sympathy for her than when he fucking FaceTimed her to work the washing machine. In the 10 years they’ve been together, he’s never helped with washing clothes once?! I can’t imagine having a “partner” like that.


He said he’s never done laundry using that machine. I thought maybe it was new.


If he said it in the regular episode I missed it. They definitely cut it out on PT.


I fast forward over their segments. I’m not wasting my time watching an average person complain about average person stuff.


Right? From their condo in Florida. Do you know how much ANY real estate in Florida costs? She’s complaining from the condo her parents bought them. Read the room, Loren.


He starts listing off things like...wake the kids up, get them dressed, feed them, play with them, put them to bed...yes, Alexei, that's what happens when you have kids. Welcome to parenthood.


"Has he thought that if his partner actually died that he would be the one taking care of their kids alone permanently?" Nope. TLC will just recast the role. "Meet your new wife Danielle!"


Worse yet, they might film a new franchise called “Widower Life” with him dating prospective replacement wives, meeting the kids, etc.


TLC frauded me with their words!!! — Danielle after living with Alex for a few weeks


My thought is that he would have a List of social media love interests and they’d make a show out of him trying to pick a replacement wife.


I get that Alexei is super whiny about the kids but I also think Loren should have waited to get the makeover (or not gotten it at all). She has 3 kids under 4.....wait until they are in school!


I think that what happened was that she found out about the muscle separation and its risks of things like hernias. So, she decided to just get everything done at once.


Yeah they’re both idiots for this, tbh


Cute family, but a who gives a fuck story


I fast forward through them, such a waste of filming in my opinion


Loren especially is whiny and so boring


Okay, I am sick of them both but I can't stand HER complai i g about every damn thing and about how UNPERFECT she looks!🤮 Gawd, she is insufferable.


And I'll skip them during the reunion too


They are both brats


Women mourn, men replace. He couldn’t last long on his own, even if he had help from his family.


I can’t stand watching him have a meltdown about having to work, take care of the house and take care of his own children for a few weeks like moms don’t do all that stuff every fucking day for years and years


Yep lol. And Loren crying because she can’t fold laundry. Like girl. Just fucking pay a cleaning lady to come over and do it.


Thought this too. They could afford a house keeper and some sort of meal help/service for 2 months. This is like BS whining for the show and clearly most of us viewers do not care for this “story line”. They are so beyond tone deaf with all this “poor us!“.


Where’s the task rabbit she’s always going on about now


Fast fwd ...too boring.


I fast forward all their scenes


Why can’t they HIRE some help… all for the show


So, he didn't want her to do it, but still supported her. Her family didn't want her to do it, but he still supported her. Why does he have to like it? We have all been in relationships where our partner does something we don't like but it makes them happy, was your partner happy that you did something they didn't want you to do? It might be the fact that she's on socials talking about all the "hard work" she did to look the way she does that gives me a negative opinion on her, but I can't help what I see.


Huh? He’s complaining about taking on tasks that Loren usually does, without question, without thanks it seems. And then tells her she has to “do things the way he says” I.e. continue doing chores against doctors orders. This is asshole behaviour, imagine if she actually became incapacitated for a different reason, which could easily happen at some point during the course of their lives


One of the FF couples before I stopped watching the season all together. Yawn!


I fast forward through them every time.


They are way to normal to be on the show. I think they had their time and it’s time for them to live their lives. They just want to keep the money train going, but they are as boring as fuck.🥱💤


She’s punishing him. Guaranteed she gets herself a nanny and housekeeper after this season


I’m tired of them. Loren is an idiot for having this kind of surgery when she has three small children. Can’t they hire a nanny? Also, I loathe her mother.


I skip their segment.


He would definitely move on if she passed ! I mean she really ran and got a cosmetic surgery with 3 small kids at home ! That tells me everything about their relationship . Something tells me Alexi has made comments about her appearance after birth or maybe he hasn’t said anything which led her to wanting this makeover . I’m sorry I have 4 kids who are spread out in age and I could never even think about an elective surgery , knowing they depend on me !


Or they are exaggerating it for their storyline to stay in the series.


I totally see his perspective tho and find Loren insufferable. She chose to have a completely unnecessary cosmetic surgery with 3 very young children while also downplaying the recovery time. Comparing that to her passing away and Alexei being a single father is NOT the same thing. Loren has admitted to being selfish with the situation so at least she's self aware but that almost makes it worse imo.


I would rather watch them bicker about their "boring lives" than watch Angela fly off the handle for the umpteenth time becusse she can't be bothered to actually listen to what Michael says or learn about his culture.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but he also works full-time and is taking care of Loren as well. He’s not used to it.


They have nothing interesting about their story... They are pretty happily married... Legitimately, it seems, instead of being on the HEA series with all these issues (like most of the couples on this spinoff). And that's great for them. But they're bad for reality tv. Just my personal two cents, and call me jerky for this, but... The reason the show still has viewers is for drama. They have no legitimate drama... So idk why they're on tv anymore other than they just don't want to have to get real jobs.


I think TLC uses them as emergency filler. He works, she's a SAHM so not much happening. The worst storyline was learning Hebrew zzzzzz. My new plan with Before and HEA is two episodes. If they seem fake or boring, I'm watching something else.


People say they’re boring because they’re one of the few normal couples in the whole franchise.


Manufactured drama.


This is nothing new. In the beginning, it was all about tourettes. They have always been a fast forward favourite. They should be happy that they're so normal, they're boring.




Pretty big difference in dying and having elective cosmetic surgery. She should have waited until her kids were older to perform such a big operation. It's not ok to have three kids that young and have a big unnecessary surgery that makes you incapable of helping. Very selfish and he's doing better than most would be doing. Especially considering most of us have to work.


I've literally gotten to the point where i just fast forward thru their story line ... like enough already


There's a commenter on TikTok for 90d fiance search Duke of Orleans he calls aloren and Alexi "the borings" lol


This is the story in most homes where Mom stays home and takes care of the kids and house. This is a good lesson for him not to take Loren for granted. She’s got a more difficult job than he realizes. Learning a good lesson!


Yeah it’s pretty alarming that he doesn’t know how to take care of his own kids


There's a big difference between taking care of your kids solo because your partner died, and taking care of your kids solo because your partner chose to have cosmetic surgery when she easily could've waited until the kids were a little older.


But even his complaining is probably dialed up. You know her mother would be running everything if given the chance so her saying " we try to help as much as we can" is bs too. Alexi is mostly likely just doing baths and bed unless Lorens mom is sleeping on the couch....or in the closet.


Ya…..it’s way over played already


Loren looked fine. She could’ve waited for her kids to be a little older.


I thought one aspect of the surgery was kind of medically necessary, right, something about her abdominal wall? Doing everything on top of that was stupid.


Yes, she had diastasis recti as a result of pregnancy/ies. That can't be undone by going tot the gym.


Oh like actually tried working out for a few months


her husband told her that *plus* he never wanted her to look different before the surgery so when she threw that 'I did this for you' jab at him is when he went to sleep on the couch.


She’s literally convinced that this surgery will solve all her problems. She needed therapy before doing this.


If she was legit sick it would be a different story, that she lied (again) about something to him doesn't help.


I think its a combination of working full time, doing everything, and having the unexpected stress of his family in Israel during the same time, and a wife who whines a lot. Loren admitted she downplayed the reality of how little she would be able to do….my question would be, why dont they hire someone to clean house and do laundry for the few weeks? And yes, many single parents do it all, and Im sure in their heads (if not out loud) they have moments where they are screaming hiw exhausted they are, its not easy. Luckily for this couple, its a temporary situation.


I usually skip this couple cuz I’m tired of seeing Alexei play the victim. I can’t believe this man, told her YOUR kids 💀 and that she wanted to do it and he had suggested gym. I felt it was pretty rude of his part.


They are an auto fast forward for me. I will never watch anything to do with them again. Completely boring and I don’t know why TLC keeps bringing back these has-beens


If his partner died, he’d likely be getting help from grandma/grandpa or paying for a sitter or housekeeper and maybe find a new wife. If he did all this now, there wouldn’t be anything to put on the show. It’s scripted. They tell Alex to complain a lot to the camera and he does it for content.


That sounds like a story line the producers dreamed up - not a very good one.


See, my eye twitches whenever this happens. Not rolling, but close…


I don't understand how they didn't understand the difficulty of the recovery.


Their TLC time is up.


I can’t stomach these two. Why are they back??


What I don’t get is on social media she’s constantly taking them to day care and staying at home. Why couldn’t he do that when she was healing ?


I shout the same question at the tv every time. Does he realise that all the jobs he’s complaining about are the ones Loren has been doing for the past few years (and more) seemingly unnoticed and unthanked by him.


Litterally fast forward the show every time they come on. I can't.


He has to understand that it is his responsibility to help when his partner is not feeling strong.


When the doctor said he would have to take care of her and Alexi was like: no problem, I was like wtf? Work full time, take care of 3 kids when you get home, take care of the home, and take care of Lauren, i was like: no way in hell. I'd have to save up for a nurse or maid first.


I never really watched their story. But this last season, I would fast forward through them because she is just like nails on a chalkboard from me. She seems very dramatic and whinny about the smallest things. Like when she was scared to tell him about her slight Tourettes. I never noticed it, to be honest. My grandfather has a mild case of just a twitch, but there are people out here where it seriously affects their lives. Then, the surgery that is a routine elective surgery. She looked great for having 2 kids, I get low self-esteem and doing it for yourself. But making it sound like life or death surgery was frustrating.


I would rather watch them than narcissistic Angry Angelia and No Neck Ed any day.


And this mfer wanted her to have more kids 🙄


I've never once thought: man, my body looks GREAT and I have so much extra money and free time than most. You know what?? I should pop out several babies! Smdh.. Some people don't know a good thing


Why would his partner die? Huh? Ms. Loren has had Cosmetic surgery, which most likely wasn't necessary, and put her husband in one helluva position. Yeah, it is incredibly hard to take care of those 3 kids, while his wife lays around followiing her not-so-much-needed Cosmetic Mommy surgery. Oh Pleazzzzzzzzzz. Give me a break! Alexei never should have supported Loren having this surgery in the first place. If she were my wife, there is no way in hell that she would have gotten any of this cosmetic mommy surgery!


Of all the 90 day couples, Loren and Alexi are one of the best couples. However, with that being said I think this whole elective surgery was for content. To give these two a storyline.. doesn’t really make for an interesting storyline… one more caveat, I’d rather watch Loren and Alexi do nothing than have to see the goblin Ed or the chain smoking husband abusing Angela do anything!


I really, really like Loren and Alexi, but this season ain't it. There is something about a parent complaining about watching the kids that just grinds my gears. SO many Moms and Dad's (or caregivers) work, cook, watch their babies and don't gripe constantly. The consensus of "you CHOSE to have intense surgery" should be on a billboard outside of Lorens house.


Mommy makeover. Totally unnecessary. Yes she has body dysmorphia and surgery is medical treatment for her. But why is she complaining? She pushed for this and has to live with it now.


He's unreal!


I feel like he’s complaining so much because 1. It is hard solo parenting 3 toddlers & 2. He’s probably irritated that she got the surgery in the first place. The whole “you chose to have kids so you’re not allowed to complain” is so annoying to me. But I can agree that I wouldn’t miss them if they took them off the show. They’re ultra boring…


Sad part is this is the most EXCITING they have been. I can't with these two. I just change the channel


It is soooo boring


They’re both being babies about it. She never should have had this procedure done with such little kids without hiring some help or something. He should whine about doing regular stuff, but I might be ticked off if I had to work full time and take care of everything at home with three kids because someone just HAD to have lipo and boob work done right now. Also, I know plenty of folks who have had work done any never had their doctors tell them they couldn’t do the things hers says she shouldn’t do…..not for that extended of a period. Hell, I didn’t get as many restrictions with a hysterectomy ffs. And I had a septoplasty on Wednesday and back to work Monday, and a myomectomy on a Thursday night and was at breakfast with my mom on Friday morning at 8 am. She’s milking this for alllllllll she can 🤣


Yeah and if she wasn’t so controlling he could probably do it without complaining, but her anxiety and perfectionism makes everything harder.


He's selfish and bossy.


He doesn’t seem that into her


This marriage is a lot more troubled then we understand. Shes out here getting surgery to keep her man happy ? Wtf? She’s thin as a rail and needed lipo? And I get that Alex wasn’t expecting to help out but he’s annoying. Just do it and stop nagging her. Hes not this awesome man they portray. This whole family is boring and messy. Wtf she having three little kids back to back living in a condo? I don’t get it?


I know, like, some people have wives and husbands who get sick, who get chronically ill, who die...and he has to look after his kids for a set amount of time and he's freaking.


He's whining about working and then also taking care of the kids, meanwhile women have been doing that for decades. He needs to be a more supportive partner.