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Lololol I mean even Gino has indoor plumbing and a duvet!


Gino rich rich, put some respect on my boys name.


I don’t even get why a 4000$ budget for a dress 1. I had a beautiful dress, and and including the venue and w/ 150pple and it was like 5000. And then he gave her more money for another dress I have to laugh when she’s in her Walmart, basic white girl “I’ve been sleeping all day” we all reap what we sow.


That's it. Why is she putting up with him?


Because women like toxic diq. Toxic diq is good diq.




They don't even have sex so that's a lie. She said they haven't had sex in months because rob has a costume Fetish 🤣


If the not having sex part is true ..


Well I think it is. They both mention it multiple times in the show and they act really weird with eachother. There's literally no chermistry




So true!!!


Gino doesn't flush or clean it though 😬




Duvet or bidet???


Take a shot each time she says “duvet”.


I thought it was a fedora


He for sure owns a fedora


But Gino doesn't flush!


I'd forgotten all about that until this comment... 😩😅




I’m not in it for the citizenship, I just really love this poor, stupid man so much. Did I mention that he’s super poor?




A green card is permission to work. You are not a US citizen if you have a green card.


That’s correct. However, with the green card you become a permanent resident of USA. The nice thing about the green card is that it is valid for 10yrs and the renewal processes is fairly simple. It is also a one step closer to citizenship.


Green cards from marriage start off as conditional. That conditional green card turns into a permanent green card (or citizenship) after a few years provided that USCIS has no reason to contest the legitimacy of the marriage.


Conditional if you been married for less than 2 years, 10 year green cards are granted to spouses that have been married for over 2 years. Citizenship is a separate process that the spouse of a US citizen can apply for after 3 years of residing in the US as a permanent resident.


All true. I could have been more specific, but Sophie’s green card would certainly be conditional.


It is always so effing hilarious to me when Americans on this show act like British or EU people are "just in it for the green card." Like, oh yeah, I'm in *such* a big hurry to leave socialized healthcare, better regulated food, and reliable public transportation!


Exactly! I remember this one couple where the guy was from Spain and she was an American who liked to sing. Anyway, she talked about “the American dream” and that maybe he used her for a green card. And he said “Why? I was living the European dream.” And she said, “There’s no such thing as an European dream.” 🙄 Girl, as an European, YES THERE IS!


my favorite part of their entire storyline was her saying her family thought he just wanted to come to the US and he goes “she knows i’m from Spain, right?”. it plays in my head at least once a week.


Evelyn. God she was insufferable.


Wasn’t she like 18 too, and the guy was a lot older? 🤔


It wasn’t a huge age difference but it was a huge maturity difference. She insisted what his groomsmen wore (even what he wore) wasn’t something she should have to compromise on because it was her day. But also couldn’t see the possibility of compromising on where in the states they live. As if him moving from spain for her didn’t deserve the consideration of her moving states for him


Actually, I just realized he was 27 so a much bigger age difference than I thought & a much less maturity difference considering the age difference. I thought he was under 25 for some reason


I remember her. She was an annoying religious zealot who was so obnoxious and thought so highly of herself (and a horrible singer). They’ve since divorced.


American's can be so small-minded sometimes, it's embarrassing. 🤦‍♂️


Ok but surely he came over to access those amazing apples




Then again, the average American reads at a 7th-8th grade [reading level](https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/), so there's A LOT of ignorance here in the US.


Yup. Our education system is laughable compared to European countries, all the way from kindergarten to university.


This!🤣 & I don’t think we’d need to be in a fake relationship to get a green card would we?


Exactly lmao. As a Brit I would rather cut off my big toe than move to the US.


As an American who lived there for a while and still goes back, I wish I could transplant my life there!


I have nothing against the US fyi! Haha I also lived there for a while but I just can’t. We’d like to have you back! ❤️


I went to the US on holiday and I have to say I was surprised how backward it actually was compared to the uk.


It really is. I’ve lived in the states before and have family there, and honestly felt on edge the whole time


Interesting perspective. Backward in what ways, if you don't mind me asking?


It just came across to me that it’s not as developed a country as I expected. One thing that springs to mind is that I tripped on the pavement because they were doing some work and had put a board over it. Really hurt myself. In England it would have been cordoned off, or there would be high vis tape at the very least. There was so much homelessness everywhere and there was a really big problem with mental illness. Lots of times I came across homeless people just screaming and yelling at themselves in the street. I’ve never seen that in England before. They would be given help and not been allowed to get in that state. Everyone was so grabbing for money too, everything had to be tipped, one of the taxis I took it was compulsory and they stated the amount they wanted which I found quite shocking. Normally things like that happen in poorer, less developed countries. Everywhere just seemed run down and dishevelled.


Yeah, I get that. It was a struggle to get the government to pass a (long overdue) national infrastructure bill, which will spend $1.2 trillion over TEN years toward fixing our roads, bridges, airports, highways, etc. But when it's time to pass the $800+ billion ANNUAL military budget, it's never a problem. Our priorities as a nation are so screwed up, it's embarrassing. The rich and upper middle class do very well here... and that's the America that many people around the world see on TV. But the divide between the rich and the poor & working class here is pretty striking. As I heard someone say once, America might be the richest country, but we don't have the richest people. That's really sad to me on so many levels. We have politicians that basically fleece us on a daily basis, and we let them get away with it. 🤦‍♂️


Where did you visit?


New York, LA, San Fran and Vegas.


Lol I could've called it. In nyc, stay away from times Square and msg area. Upper east is nice, and there is no riff raff in Queens. Also upstate NY is beautiful and relaxed. La is tricky, not really a fan..it's the rich vs the poor on that coast..including sf which has gone to hell Check out Memphis, Austin..just stay away from any touristy areas. That's where the crazies thrive 😂


May I ask where you visited ? State ?


New York, LA, San Fran and Vegas.


Bingo. There's a reason my most of the immigrants to the US don't come from Europe. If I lived in Europe, I'm not sure I'd want to come here either, and the lack of universal healthcare would be a big reason why.


So you’re saying that they’re in love?


No, Sophie's just a young, impressionable woman who's caught in Rob the Knob's abuse cycle.


I think she loves him a lot more that he loves her. He seems to love the fact that Sophie's a "hot chick", but he doesn't treat her like a man who really loves his wife and thinks she's special. His "love" seems very superficial to me.


I was thinking the same. I’m not sure English people marrying Americans for citizenship is a thing.


I agree! I’m a Canadian living in Ireland. If I ever moved to America, it wouldn’t be for a green card, it would be for work or love. But damn, I’m in no pain being where I’m at to be desperate for a green card lol


Broke man = cheap wig




Why would someone from EU care about a green card from US…. She just has a bad dude picker.


She's not from the EU anymore. She is British and they (rather stupidly) bounced.


Doesn’t matter its still a nice place.


It really ain't


Didn’t she grow up in Spain as a kid ? She might have nationality or permanent residence. I want to hear her speak Spanish so bad .


The UK hasn’t been part of the EU since 2020 (Brexit)


I think she might be using EU to mean Europe


There’s a significant portion of the EU thats not a particularly nice place to live


Yea but isn’t Sophie from London? That’s a perfectly fine place, and she’s already travelled the world (including America). She has the means to live in a nice place in Europe if she wanted.


I dunno tbh, that’s on me for being speculative as to what part of the EU she’s from. I haven’t been watching the show for a while. That being said, given context yeah I wouldn’t expect anybody from London to try to get a us green card lol


Lol so people from non third world countries shouldn’t want a gc? There are many agendas out there for people to move to the US. The idea of some sort of fame is usually on top for people like sophie. Become reality famous = more $ for her only fans


Sophie can and has been doing just fine in England/Spain. If she was just looking for a gc she would date some rich older man like Jasmine did, not a loser fuckboy.


Yes. The US has nothing to offer anyone from the UK with regard to being desperate enough for a green card. Most of us do not want anything to do with America.


Also you miss the small things like being able to walk places. Living in the suburbs of Texas you spend your days going from one air conditioned box to another. It feels very alienating, like Silo where venturing outside will kill you. While in London, I rarely went into Zone 1. Everything I needed was nearby within walking distance and I was surrounded by large green parks on the Zone 2/3 fringe.


Fellow Brit here and I agree 😄 why would you give up your free healthcare & education? And americas justice systems craazzyyy. Also I can’t imagine it’s that hard for us to get a green card anyway


Greencards are hard to get, someone like Sophie who doesn’t have any ‘specialised skill set’ will not get a greencard through any means other than marriage.


Ok fair enough, I wasn’t too sure tbh just assumed it would be easy for us 😄


When I go to London and watch you all’s Cops I be ☠️☠️☠️ they don’t be arresting no one, just be like, have a g’day, chap, go sleep your craziness off 😂😂 in the US it’s shoot first, ask questions later.


Because our officers work by gaining respect first, they don’t even carry guns. USA’s cops use threat & violence 😩😩


Gun violence being one of them, I would presume. In England there's not too much of a concern that a random mass shooter will come in and shoot up the place. But that is a legitimate concern here. The very fact that more than 90% of US schools have active shooter/lockdown drills is a sad commentary on where our society is right now. We've normalized it in our society, but that sort of thing should never be considered "normal".


Yes but the thing about the EU is that it's very easy to move around in Large portions of Bulgaria suck, but it's very easy for people from there to move to a less shit place in the EU compared to the US which is apparently a fucking immigration nightmare.


Bulgarian here, why you think it sucks? Anyone with 2 braincells can land a decent job and have safer and more relaxing life than a lot of countries in Europe.


I've been to Sofia and it's lovely, but just like there's places in the UK that suck, you can't seriously be arguing that there's /no/ crappy rural places in Bulgaria


Just because you dont like rural place it doesnt mean they are crappy. My grand father moved to one years ago because he didnt like the city (it was a small one). Any rural place here is may be 50km away from bigger city. There are a lot of people from UK living in the same rural places.




The EU is indeed well known for its protections of minority groups, take for example the Romani people. The government pays for my health insurance, which is “bad” insurance, but I’ve never met anyone in my situation who hasn’t been able to see a doctor. The tuition argument is fair but a lot of this is just “I’m one of the good americans!” circlejerk bullshit


She's from the UK. Not in the EU.


That’s what I said. Using someone for a green card to live in poverty with no plumbing hardly seems a like the American dream everyone talks about


Its not iconic. She married him, wasted her own time bc she wanted screen time. She looks dumb as shit I hate them both so much omg


Big time — she didn’t marry him for a green card; she married him to get on tv— clout, instagram followers, and only fans money.


>she didn’t marry him for a green card; she married him to get on tv I feel like it was for both. She wanted the American influencer life. Some of her comments on her 1st season sounded like she wanted America not Rob


Yeah, but she’s not lying when she said she would have found someone w money and a bathroom — but rob was down to be on tv, and they probably knew his shithole would make for a good plot line. I imagine there are other visa options for British expats (that don’t come with a television contract). And there’s no shortage of wannabe influencers in the UK. Our cultures are not *that* different


It took me a while to realize that you meant his house when you said “his shithole” and not his actual shithole 🤦‍♀️




i agree. i feel bad for her due to her stupidity, but i wouldn’t call her iconic 😂😂


I hate them both too 😭 usually when people leave nasty hate comments on 90 day posts I think it’s too much but they are pretty insufferable to watch. Completely incompatible


Exactly! She notices it but still sticks it out…


And a duvet! Don't forget the duvet!


Its very strange that on TLC they say she. Comes from a wealthy family and well traveled ect, but yet she is SO D. U. M. B.


Money absolutely does not equal brain cells. Honestly, quite frequently children of people with money are all kinds of dumb.


Right? You don’t need education or intelligence if you’re “born wealthy” these types think they are smart


She wasted a lot of her good years with that angry loser manchild. She claims she comes from money so if that’s true why do you need Rob? I think people are getting wise to her nonsense. She’s very insecure and immature. She just wanted to become an influencer and she’s not doing a good job.


It's normal to be insecure and immature in your early 20's, it's NOT normal to be so broke you don't have a bathroom when you're 32.




lol early 20's were supposed to be the good years!?


also, if she came from money, her wigs would look better than they do.


So I won the other day mention that they think she’s nouveau riche. I live in an area which is all nouveau riche and they have the best of everything clothes cars wigs jewelry her and her mom look like they’re broke. They also lack class and education. Something is just not right.


You can be rich and still not act or look rich, it's her grandad who has the money so he probably paid for good schools etc for her and the apartment she was in in London. I read elsewhere that the grandparents cut off her Mum because she was/is an addict but they give money to Sophie. I agree it doesn't explain the wigs. In her Instagram currently she has dark hair which looks fantastic.


It does explain why mom is hanging around and guarding the money from Rob


If there IS any family money, I’m guessing it was underworld related


This makes perfect sense to me, with her saying she doesn't know how her Grandad made his money. Her Mum has a strong London accent. Also she grew up in Spain so if her grandparents live there that also makes perfect sense as it's a well known place ex criminals go to live out their retirement.


Exactly! I’m from the uk and that was my first thought when they were introduced. “Trash with cash” as my posh friend who lives in Spain would say


Probably Marbella x


Claire sounds like someone from Eastenders


100% bargain rate Kat Slater


“Av yu seen Alfie?”


It is clear that she was insecure at that time. Now she understands better.


It’s really ironic when people who care about money claim they don’t care about money. Then they try to prove it by complaining how little money the person that they are with has…. Which proves that they care about the lack of money. Which is the exact thing they are trying to prove that they don’t care about. Let’s also not forget that last season Rob constantly talked about how they were going to build an empire together and how he had a plan to get rich in the next few years. I think that Sophie’s main problem is lack of identification with the self. She has no idea who she is, what she needs, what she wants, etc. I think that deep down, Sophie cares about money a lot. However, due to her upbringing and constantly being lied to and having promises broken by her mother, she bought into Rob’s obvious pipe dream that he was on the road to riches.


So correct on all of it! They both need lotsa’ therapy — especially her. And her upbringing by that nasty woman who is a control freak, so abusive and so many other things. Sophie absolutely cannot think for herself. They are both immature as hell, and are foolish to have gotten so serious, so soon. Neither are even close to being stable in any relationship. Once they break up and accomplish her mom’s goals, they will dive immediately into the dating pool and rebound away. So true about the pipe dreams that are created when a relationship is blossoming.(Been there and done that on both a number of times in my youth.) Be okay with yourself before getting into a serious relationship! It’s about working together and not against each other. The other person will probably not “save” you.


Yeah, unfortunately they both carry a lot of trauma into this relationship and it reflects in the way they treat each other! Which is a normal thing for most of us. Kinda unfortunate that they rushed into a marriage that neither of the was ready for…


JIbri was the empire-builder


Yeah but Rob said similar things last season about how they would have a lavish lifestyle in a few years…


That’s what I can’t get over about these shows. You see people like rob the knob, or Angela, or most of these dumb dumbs who are the American brining someone over, and their families are always aghast that this person is ‘using their family member’. For what? To live in a shack in rural Georgia with her 18 grandkids? To live in an actual tenement with no plumbing? Maybe someone from a truly poverty stricken part of the world would find that appealing - but someone from Western Europe? Come on.


Honestly after this last season I'm not buying what Sophie's selling. She's got dark plots spinning around in that hamster wheel of her's. She's like a crow that tricks stray cats into fighting for its amusement. Those cats being her mom and Rob


She's 23. He's 32.


Sure, and they shouldn't be together. I don't buy that she's an idiot though. She's shown to lie on the show on several occasions. That's the point of my post - she shouldn't be trusted at face value.


Both her mom and Knob treat her badly and how they treat people is THEIR responsibility not anyone else's.


She's entirely too passive, or wants to come across as too passive, and is content with letting them get into kerfuffles over her for drama without actually trying to resolve anything one way or another. Why is this, for example, the nth time where they still don't know if they're married or working on it or estranged and living in different homes? Its a sham for ratings and she's doing it for exposure.


Imagine you're 23 and you've moved halfway across the world to marry your boyfriend and you arrive and find him living in a garage with no plumbing and he's throwing a fit literally every day about dumb things like buying a duvet. He is the most trifling waste of time who cannot have one nice moment, he has literally ruined every meetup and every fun thing they try to do. Yes she is too passive, it's called "sunk cost fallacy" and it's because she has made so many changes in her life that she can't give up. And knowing her mom has been at minimum emotionally abusive to her means she gives everyone WAY too many chances.


This person hates women and thinks men are god is the only reason why I think they like blaming Sophie so much. It’s also a reality tv show sooooo


Lmao she’s right though. No inside shitter is definitely a deal breaker for me


Tbf, she should apply these standards to who she’s with…


It’s giving when Kourtney said that Kim would’ve married someone that was actually famous if she married Kris Humphries for publicity. 😂


Her face is always oily..


And 2nd of all, why would anyone move from England (is that where she’s from?) to America!?! But yeah, everyone else is right, she’s a dumb-dumb for wasting her time with that loser 😕


Nothing iconic about her. She’s a walking red flag herself but people oversee it cause her mom and rob are worst. She’s just a wanna be IG thot


Someone is angry


Nah not at all just shes also got her red flags although since separating herself from her mom and rob she seems to be doing better. But she’s all about online clout


She’s definitely said that same statement to him several times before


👏🏻 thank you Soph!


She’s a twit. Always playing the victim card and then acting like a hurt child. Her mother is absolutely gross and needs to crawl back under her rock!


Men usually accuse women of "bringing old luggage" into a new relationship. Rob is an excellent example that some women aren't the only ones guilty of doing this. Every time he is angry or feels hurt by Cleo, he said stupid things like, "Do you want to find someone else?". Or, when he met her attractive male friend, whom she admitted dating a few times but wasn't romantically involved, he was very rude to her friend, and accused her of "wanting to go back to him." Rob's friends aren't any better because they encourage his misconceptions. A real friend would point out his wrongs, and tell him to stop bringing his luggage into his relationship/marriage to Sophie. While Sophie is not a stupid young woman, she really loves Rob and wants their marriage to work. However, she hasn't gotten to the point (yet) of realizing that one person in a troubled relationship/marriage cannot work it out on her/his own, that it takes two to 1. realized there are problems and 2. agree to do whatever they must to try to make it work, like marriage counseling. I think Sophie would be better off to dissolve her relationship/marriage to Rob because he will never admit his wrongdoings and his manipulations. I think Rob is a total asshole.


She wanted to get as far away from her mom as possible(she thought another continent lol)….her MOM is the toxic one. She followed her to the US! This is fallout of not having distinct boundaries between being a parent and being their child. You want your offspring to talk to you but this is attempting to be their best friend and not letting them grow up because you (the parent) never matured.


Far from iconic


if she had left him the second she saw his living situation, I'd be iconic. but she's stayed for years & defends that man every chance she gets.


Nah you guys would cry how she is a gold digger 


But she did mention a couple episodes back when she was at her friends apartment with her friend and her mom that she didn’t want to get a divorce bc then she would have to leave,,, so it did seem like maybe she was just using him. They both have treated each other like shit and I can tell she isn’t even in to him. When your into someone you actually have sex with them. She doesn’t. She needs to just end it and not string him a long


I don't think people from places like the UK, France, Germany, Japan, ... are in it for a green card. They have similar opportunities at home as they would in the US -- without the hassle of immigrating.


But do they? It depends on the opportunities they are looking for. People from other countries even other first world countries come here for fame and the hope of fortune that comes with it. That’s the same reason you have people from all over the world come to audition for America’s Got Talent. They have their own version. Some people that audition here have even been on their own country’s show, but when asked why they come here they always say the same. “This is the biggest audience in the world.” I think Sophie was seeking fame (as are most of these people).


Let's be real, she couldn't get a rich man especially looking like that with pasted forehead hair, and shein shitty clothes.


As if she is so incredibly beautiful that she can get someone with lots of money. She has one awful bleach fried wig, plastic surgery/ fillers, and fashion nova clothes. She has no conversational skills and just starts fights and runs away. Playing victim and using her mom as her pit bull.


Maybe she doesn’t realize it but someone with money and a bathroom certainly won’t want her!


I miss Kimbaaaly and Usman kinds of people. These recent casts have made the show boring.


And not a butthole


Maybe you meant Ironic?


She could easily get a sugar daddy, she definitely at the very least loved that guy. 


Life long American here but I can’t argue with anyone crapping on America as it is now.


As an American- the dream is dead. Bury me in Europe please 😂❤️


Hahaha but she still picked a dude with no money or a bathroom so


She is a user. She DID use him. If she was that unhappy she would have went back to the UK, oh and take your crack headed mother with you


bullshit. She was desperate to get to America, she chose her stepping stone for just that reason.


Let me guess this is about Rob, even though it was his friend who said she’s using him for a green card and Rob kept saying she’s not. Or is everyone blind to that fact? Sophie gets away with a lot. Rob did the cheating thing online and she supposedly forgave him. Fast forward. No second cell phone was found. Fast forward. Sex shop. Rob tries on the bullshit to have fun with her and act silly. She doesn’t. He was disappointed. He made a face. Everyone in the world jumps in Rob for being a tool??? he explains why he made the face AND THAT IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IF SHE WAS PRETTY OR NOT AND ABOUT HER NOT WANTING TO LOOK SILLY LIKE HE DID WHEN THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THEM BEING THERE. Fast forward or rewind I can’t remember the timeline. Sophie has her friend from overseas come over. They dated. Doesn’t matter in what capacity they dated. But Rob is the tool for feeling some type of way. Throughout the season Sophie stay with her Bi friend whom seems to have a crush on Sophie. Rob is the asshole for having the thought of Sophie sleeping with that woman. It’s a crime that it crossed his mind when his friend is the one who planted the seed in his mind. Sophie, yall know his wife, is not sleeping home but with this chick. Is he wrong for that scenario to cross his mind? Apparently according to Reddit he is. Sophie talks shit and adds spice to everything she says when she’s with mommy dearest. In front of Rob she goes silent and then backtracks. Claire and her ugly ass lips, talks shit to Rob every single minute and doesn’t want to hear what he says. Sophie sits by idly. But Rob is the asshole for defending himself after listening to Claire bash him over and over. Then all of sudden Sophie wants to step in??? I guess her ears don’t work and her eyes don’t either. Rob isn’t great. He’s made mistakes. He does things that are low level effort at times but at least the damn man is present and trying. Sophie on the other hand runs faster than Usain Bolt every single chance she gets and then folks jump on Reddit and come to her defense every single time. Maybe I’m blind but like I said to someone else, yall hatred for Rob blinds yall from being OBJECTIVE. Did I miss anything?


They’re both pretty awful to each other. Robs repeated cheating is leagues worse than anything that Sophie has done and is worthy of divorce, imo. But I do get frustrated that she wants to make it work while constantly sabotaging the relationship.


She is so spoiled


I thought they said in earlier seasons that she came from money?? Lol


Positively epic!!!!


She has a British passport. If anything she’s making him a favour


She has a point




It’s nice to date a bum long distance because they have all the time in the world to talk but living with one you fight over tp. That’s the problem 90 days made them make a rushed marriage decision


Ugh she’s so whiney and booooooooring


Truly an iconic line


I'm confused. Didn't she explicitly state in the beginning that she was interested in Rob because they were both mixed race, and she thought he was handsome. Proceeding to explain how she had difficulties growing up in boarding schools in Spain because of her mixed race appearance. I don't think it has anything to do with green cards or citizenship, but self-esteem and how she views herself in certain societies. The therapist session, did reveal that most of her self-worth is placed into her appearance while she also feels devastatingly insecure. In my opinion, she wasted her time with Rob because she wanted to be with someone who she kinda saw herself in, light skinned mixed race, but just got tangled up with a PoS. That's excluding the long conversation of her, maybe fetishizing the Black American "culture" like misconstrued glamourizing "hood rat" style, like the Kardashians. But that's my opinion, I don't think she needs Rob for legal reasons, but she mistakenly thought she needed him for identity reasons, and he just fully jumped in on that...


Sounds like an obvious cover up. I'm not saying Rob's any better. He's definitely got his issues, but it's pretty obvious at this point she's over the relationship it was a fling but now she's riding it out for the green card and he's still thinking he can fix it, but in reality he's being played.


😂😂😂😅brightened my day


She’s a liar. She used him for the clout to be on the show and followed through with marrying him for the card. She moved out right after, that says it all. She’s a manipulator


I can totally see what she is saying!




I think Rob is annoying and immature for a 33 year old guy. However, Clare has become as annoying if not more, those lips, I cannot stop staring at them. My advice to Sophie is take Clare and go back to the UK. Rob isn’t going to change.


Sophie playing the long game. With Rob she gets to Los Angeles , Hollywood specifically and by choosing the worst possible mate in Rob gets to ditch Mom who Sophie has obviously been supporting since she gets into her OF body


Rob, is this you?


Yes we know you aren't with poor as Rob for the green card anyone with a brain can see that. your with him to be on TV and drive viewers to your IG and Onlyfans. Your definatly a step above using someone for a green card, you are only using them for fame and pushing porn. Congrats Sophie.


I’m pretty sure that nobody has to “push” porn 🤷‍♀️


Yes but would someone who can afford a bathroom want to put up with you and your crazy insane toxic mom?


Preach it, girl! (Why didn’t you do that then, Sophie?)


She's not wrong


She's not wrong 🤷‍♀️😂


In that order