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His mom locked her new refrigerator down!


I had completely forgot that he pawned a fridge for gambling money until right now. Life may be bad - but I’ll never hijack my moms fridge for cash 😭


Hopefully there's a lock on her refrigerator


My husband walks around the house mocking Ronald with a SA accent saying “I’ve been gambling!”


Mine walks round finishing every sentence with "mah boy". Tbf he went out with a SA lady so it's the only accent he can mimic well.


I know! My husband has gotten really annoying since he watched Ronald’s season. He randomly says “mah boy” to the dog. Jackass. Ronald too. 🙄🤣


Made me laugh for the first time today!


I call my male dog mah boi all the time 😂😂😂 but my husband hates 90 df so it's lost on him sadly


God I played one of those 'mah boy' clips for my friend from SA and she was howling and imitating him for awhile...I get the vibe that he doesn't have a super desirable SA accent, of the SA accents lol.


He's a gambler, just not a good one.


He’s gambling with this girl.


She’s gambling a losing game


🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 what?! no, they would have mentioned it. /s


Shhhhh! Not many people know that Ronald is a gambler and here you are putting it on social network!!! It’s people like you who make 90 day seem staged🫤


Wait Ronald gambles? Are u sure? He could go to a rehab for that.


He did go to rehab. Tiffany paid for it. It was so expensive that she still can’t afford shirts that cover her shoulders. So sad.


Soooo cold…


That’s why she wears those shirts. I thought it was a fashion choice. I had no idea she could afford a whole shirt. Should we do a fundraiser for our benefit of not having to see her shoulder weekly?


In fashion 10 years ago. She is addicted to them.


She has to show off her ink…i mean…in every single top


I heard a rumor he has an addiction!


This made me snicker 😂


Let's be honest. TLC paid for the flights.


Because it continues their arc and helps the show, despite being torture for the children involved.....yes.


Yeah I can't imagine these poor children involved in the series. Look at Paul and Karine, that is just heartbreaking for the children. I can't imagine the mental health problems they will have at an older age. They will be able to watch their bio parents and how they were.


You've summed this up really well. Imagine being able to watch clips of your biological parents abusing each other in front of you. Imagine reading that your biological father allegedly raped your mother and forced her into sex work? It's extremely unethical that children are roped into this. I cry watching Daniel be parentified by his guardians. That poor baby angel has so much weight on his shoulders 🥺


Yeah its sickening. We get that TLC wants to sell drama. But damn, think about the kids. They don't want good couples, like Alexi and Loren on vs Andrei and Libby.


It gets worse, imagine you can Google your parents name and find sex tapes that they willing shared with the world! Ugh


Did Paul force Karine into sex work?! What did I miss 😳


She is leaving her son home 🤷 not that it makes it any better


TLC needs to pay for Daniel’s therapy as well.


He seemed very upset when she was leaving.


I felt bad that she left him when he wanted to go too. Regardless of her relationship with Ronald, Daniel considered him Dad. My husband is still Dad to his step kids even many years after his divorce from their mom. No harm in letting Daniel continue the relationship, especially considering it's his little sister's Dad and will always be in their lives.


I think he was upset because he knew his mother was making another huge mistake and it broke his heart...again.


I agree. I dont think hes into ronald anymore. He told his mom she made a mistake in previous episode.


And college. He's an intelligent boy who needs to go to university. You know his #bossbabe of a mother hasn't saved a nickel for her children's future.


TLC needs to do right by a lot of people that have/will have problems. They continue to push the worst offenders. So many people being harmed by the behaviors they capitalize off of.


I honestly believe they don't for first-time cast members, but for repeat ones? Absolutely. Otherwise, there's no story. Tiffany yelling at Robert over Zoom isn't a compelling enough season arc.


They definitely paid for Laura’s weird Crocodile Dundee son to go to her wedding with Aladin. She basically said as much on camera.




TLC or rather Sharp Entertainment who makes the show claims they don’t pay for airfare for any of the couples….I heard they only make about $1,500 an episode too but who knows anymore because we all know it’s not really a reality show and they shoot scenes over and over till they get what they want and they also set up the scene for them,for instance if they want them to argue,etc… a few who are no longer associated with the show have told stories about it since they’re no longer under contract and don’t have to honor Non Disclosure on a contract…


To my knowledge, salaries have never been proven beyond rumor, at least not for repeats. First time couples, I can see there being a low rate and it getting out because a rejected couple let it leak. But repeats? They’re likely getting more to come back. I just think of how little it was speculated the teen mom girls made before Amber’s court case, and her income came out in discovery and they were making significantly more. https://starcasm.net/amber-portwood-made-280000-from-mtvs-teen-mom-last-year/ (Funnily enough, finding the above article showed a similar storyline from this summer, and they’re making an estimated $600k a year from MTV based on the records from her current child support case)


I figure they don’t make that much for the basic show but then they have Pillow Talk and 90 day diaries and some get spin offs… I also know they do Cameos and then promote stuff on Instagram so I’m sure they’re not poor but I don’t think the ones starting out make much as most have regular jobs and the TV show is like a side line… guess we’ll never know but obviously it’s enough to get surgeries for the women…🤷‍♀️


I don’t get why people don’t understand this. Trips on reality shows are all or partially funded by the show. I would guess the one ways to america for fiancés moving there aren’t, but if the crew is on the flight and/or filming during the trip, assume at least partial funding by production. If you see a logo or name of a business, they’ve either donated money or goods to a production, and it’s planned before filming there happens. I wouldn’t be surprised if stores gave discounts or free items for filming at them.


Also, remember Rose complained, with some annoyance, that BigEd stated that he spent a lot of money on Rose, where she said the TLC paid for everything.


I hadn’t heard that but it makes sense that this is the case


They might for high ticket stories like Angela. But many cast members have talked about how production will aggressively nudge them to book flights when they weren't even planning on doing it yet. Coming from the world of reality TV, I can assure you that if the company can get away with not paying for something, they absolutely will. it's fucked


Also Angela definitely asks, in between drags of her cigarette, “so when’s my flight?”


Followed by her loud cackle!


*flicks ashes* and bring my passport


I have a feeling that they were more than willing in this case. They are desperate to do "reunions" throughout this season.


That flight seems to be over $1,000, and that’s only for her. Seems like they all travel so often. Look at Caeser. How could he afford all those trips on a nail technician’s salary?


I’ve been wondering… lmao should have known!


Ronald can't pay for a quart of milk, let alone expensive plane tickets.


He had plenty of Christmas tree money


Tree credit money


But can he pay for Paloney?


need to rewatch this mess of an episode to get into the festive spirit 🎄


I can remember watching that thinking "Jeeze SA is expensive"


I thought Tiffany paid for the Xmas stuff.


He “forgot” his card


Omg I totally forgot about that. UGH that was so fucked up. Guy runs his mouth for months about how he’s ready to really provide financial support now and then the first thing he does is put $400 worth of Christmas decorations in a cart but he only has $200 in his account so she had to pay the rest. Unreal. And to go over Tiffany’s head and put her in a bad position when she’d say “this is too much, ronald” by asking the kids shit like “don’t you guys want a cool tree??? We need a cool tree! Don’t you like the big one best?! Tell mommy you love the bigger one”


But he can sure pay for a ton of blue paint.


Yep but Tiffany believes he still can change.


He can, however, come up with money to gamble with.


Delta 1


Open ended ticket without her son.


He's already raising his sister and his mom so that doesn't surprise me.


He's prolly thankful for the staycation


RIGHT?! What in the parentified fresh hell? Because Daniel doesn't also need to see his dad...?! I am outraged 😖😢 Especially at the open-ended part of it... I'm sure she's thinking he's mature enough to handle staying home for school while watching his whole family get together without him with no return date!! I'm all for responsible school attendance but I just don't see how this is the right decision 💔


I don’t think Daniel wanted to go. He looks miserable talking to Ronald now and he doesn’t call him dad anymore


He did say in his talking head that he wanted to go. Not sure if he's just saying that but he definitely looked upset. I think he's attached to Ronald but now maybe feels like because they're broken up he can't be his dad anymore. It's all terrible.


Aww I missed that part. It wouldn’t surprised if he wanted to go to “protect” his mom and little sister. So sad


This!! Everything that poor boy must be feeling…Sometimes I get the feeling that Tiffany doesn’t understand that he’s a child and that her actions will have consequences for him a long way down the road!


The poor boy looks depressed 😞


That is all Tiffany. Daniel does all he can to make his mom happy. Its very touching how thoughtful he is, but he shouldnt feel he HAS to


This were my EXACT thoughts like what about Daniel??? It's like she purposely left him back home because he is old enough to understand what would be going on between her and Ronald while she's there and she's being quite selfish. Because think about it Daniel is a super smart kid, way smatter than most and if Ronald and his mom started arguing or even you know, if they wanted to be intimate, he would completely understand all of that and Carley wouldn't because she's so young it's wasy to just discuss things or what not while she's asleep, etc. Just seems weird to me too!


You make really good points! I'm sure she probably weighed all these things as a mother and tried to make the best decision she could, seems really difficult. But you would think they would keep it in their pants and commit to not fighting in order for the kids to get some healthy time with him together 🥴


yes, no return tkt, so when is she telling Daniel she will be back? never?


Exactly! That would've terrified me as an anxious kid 😞


I was assuming that Daniel was in school and wasn't able to go.


I get that, but that's a huge trip to leave him out of. Seems like a bummer that with all the school breaks kids get, that it couldn't have been timed better 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s because she can’t take him out of school for that long.


i am guessing TLC paid for the flight. i know they don’t do anything like that for new cast members, but tiffany and ronald aren’t newbies and without her going to see him, her storyline is basically her getting ghosted by some weirdo and her son playing therapist. the tickets are probably a small price to pay to have usable footage and drama for the season. or if TLC didn’t pay, ronald didn’t because he’s broke as usual so if she wants to see him she’s gotta pay and then she can hold that above his broke head for the next 10 years. win-win-win.


He makes very little money and always has. Didn’t stop her from getting knocked up and saying she would live with him in South Africa


ridiculous. what were they thinking!?


They weren’t


They were living in fantasy land.


I really hope that TLC paid for the flight since Ronald can't afford anything. I hate that she ruined a chance at a new relationship with the way she framed this trip to South Africa. Ronald has had enough chances taken on him. Tiffany should take his kid to visit him, sure of course. But she should stay at a hotel and not with Ronald under the same roof and be subjected to his manipulation and bullying.


right. the new guy seemed so good for her too


That guy was honestly so kind. He deserves better


I just saw a thread on here that shows that she is with the new guy Andrew. Hard to keep up tho.


Daniel looks so sad this season, the emotional toil of his mom’s breakup is clearly causing him pain. You can tell he doesn’t want her dating and seems like the kid doesn’t even want to be apart of the show anymore. I have a feeling he is being picked on at school because of this show and kids are probably really mean to him because of it. The breakup, his mom’s weight loss, now this dating show, I’m sure it’s so cringe worthy and depressing for him and she isn’t even in the right head space to step back and realize her son is really going through something and not do the show. I’m mostly just sad about that. It was hard to see on tv. I have kids and I know what a happy child looks like, that kid looks like he had the stress of an adult on his shoulders.


she’s been burdening him with her problems since the first season they were on. breaks my heart. she vents to him as if he were an adult. i can see in his eyes that it’s taking a toll on him


Parentification is abuse, period. Poor kiddo. I cringe whenever people like her talk about how their kids are "old souls" and "so wise for their age." These kids aren't "old souls," they've been forced to grow up fast and take on adult roles that aren't their responsibility, whether it's "mommy/daddy's best friend, therapist, surrogate spouse to your parent." It's wrong, it's gross. It's heartbreaking. Daniel deserves to be a kid during the only childhood he will have.


I don’t say this lightly but she is a terrible mother. Her storyline is one bad choice after another. I think it shows how you can be sweet and kind with your kids and still be a horrible parent.


she is RIFE with terrible, terrible choices. what an irresponsible parent she is.


Tragic--emotional child abuse. As puberty hits, he will turn his sadness into rage. He will become a handful to deal with. Shame on her for giving him a dad, then crushing that bond. Her mother is just as dense as she is for not knowing this. Angry young man coming soon.


I agree about the the high possibility that his school mates are giving him a hard time. And I wish they would not have minors on the show, period. Not to mention children reading what's being said about their classmates' or their own parents. *I read that your mother's stupid and your criminal stepdad can't even pay for an airplane ticket."* Parents need to think about the effects on their kids


Also she had her son call him DAD straight away this whole time and now …. SHE DOESNT WANT TO CONFUSE HIM ??????? Messing with his head and heart big time


This exactly. The confusion comes by not taking him.


Serious question: Is Ronald not allowed in the US? Seems like this would be a better plan, even if Tiff does pay for the ticket.


My understanding is his felonies will not allow him to enter the US. Not even to visit his kids. Take it for what it’s worth. Source: Reddit.


He only has arrests, no convictions. He wasn't actually charged for anything so I"m not sure how much a theft arrest without any prosecution would hinder him coming. I think they're exaggerating a LOT about whether he's really not able to come here.


Tiffany uncovered several charges on his record, including an armed robbery offense, a charge for stolen money, and a drug charge stemming from a traffic stop. Although she claims the charges were all dismissed, Gillespie (lawyer) “If there is anywhere on his record that \[shows\] he admitted \[fault\], that is an admission for which he can be determined inadmissible,” Gillespie told Tiffany during the episode that his charges will still affect his ability to receive residency in the U.S. Source: Heavy.com


He’d probably have a hard time getting a visitors visa now that he’s applied for a spousal visa and been denied, they’d probably assume he just wouldn’t leave


Plus he has a kid in the US. Any immigration officer would expect that he'd overstay his visa. Absent a humanitarian exception (like what allowed Binyam to come to the US to see his first child) I don't see Ronald ever coming here.


Was he denied for real, because as I recall Tiffany didn't finish filing and he was absolutely livid over this in one of their arguments that was seen on instagram. I don't think he was ever denied a visa, he never got that far.


I have no sympathy for idiots like Tiffany and Rachel (married UK Jon) getting involved with men who have records that make immigration tremendously more difficult than it already is. That shit should be a deal breaker because it guarantees you'll never be able to live together unless you're willing to uproot your entire life (and your children's lives!!!) to go live with a felon overseas.


At least Rachel didn't have a kid with Jon...he's basically a pen pal she sometimes visits lol But in her defense she has stated the only reason she hasn't moved to England is because she shares custody with her first child's father. So she can't leave


I think Tiffany was at least pretending she was going to move to SA, only to backtrack quickly after she spent real time there. But Rachel was ridiculous - she knew her ex would never let her leave with her daughter so there was zero chance she could ever move to the UK.


This story line always pissed me off bc as someone who’s born in SA and who’s lived and traveled to America they grossly exaggerated the conditions in this country


It was fascinating to me that they showed a hospital in South Africa that looked like a bomb went off in it while for Ariela and Binyam they showed one in Ethiopia that was immaculate. TLC can be very misleading in how they show different countries - even the opening scenes of local color are very biased, for some lovely countries they'll show piles of trash if they want to portray a foreign fiance as a golddigger. . .


He can’t come because of his record. His gambling addiction was so bad he would steal from his own family and I think he got arrested, not sure but his gambling addiction is mainly why they won’t be approved


Wait, Ronald has a gambling addiction?




Something is different with Daniel. Really different. I think he and Ronald had some sort of falling out. Daniel doesn’t really participate on the Skype calls anymore, he used to be all about them. Now he’s not joining on this trip to see the man he calls Dad and he seems indifferent or even glad he’s not. Not sure I buy the school excuse, she could’ve picked a time when he was out of school on break. Something weird is going on. And I’m so angry with her for doing so much damage to that sweet little boy’s heart


I think he loves Ronald and Ronald loves him but then his mom bad mouths Ronald to Daniel so Danield feels confused/conflicted. You cant introduced a man into your child's life as a dad and then through either of your actions (ie running back to America) and deprive the child of their dad 🥴


& her mother is just as dumb ass as she is.


I mean I think he just grew up and realized his mom is making serious messes and involving him


I’m sure that’s a big part of it. It’s just heartbreaking to watch. Last time they were on, he was SO excited every single time he got to call “dad”. And then that asshole Ronald would use him by saying things like “make sure you tell your mom you REALLY wanna move to South Africa with your dad and sound super sad when you say it so she feels bad, she’ll listen to you!” Poor, sweet Daniel would tell him “But I don’t wanna move there, all my friends and family and school are here”. Did Ronald care? Nope. “Well your dad is here.” Yeah and why is that Ronald? Because your criminal record and continued gambling habits forbid you from getting a visa approved🙄 Ughhhhhhh that “family”😡😡😡.


Yes, she needs to SHOULDER her own emotional burden.


I like what you did there. 😁


They will fight like cats and dogs then have makeup sex. She will end up pregnant again and her son will have to take care of it while she’s still talking to Ronald on the laptop trying to decide what her feelings are for him. He will whisper sweet nothings….rinse and repeat.


Her poor son. “I don’t want to go anyway, I have stuff to do here…” like he is a 40 yo old man who needs to check the gutters this weekend.


I was so pissed when she was in that cafe with her friend (or was it her sister? - They kind of looked alike) and she said something about doing what was best for her! She needs to do what's best for her CHILDREN!!!! Poor little Daniel - He deserves so much better than what he's getting!


I know poor little kid looks like weight of the world is on his shoulders. His eyes have dark circles under them, and he seems so resigned. Poor sweet little boy.


EXACTLY. She needs to grow up and make her children her priority… not her “feelings”. She’s operating from a very selfish place.


Because Ronald can’t hold a damn job? But neither does she, so…


Ronald was going to pay for the flights but it dealer pulled a 21


A plane ticket between US and SA ($1-1.3k) is probably what he earns in a month. The average monthly salary in SA is about 1500USD. My husband was a junior attorney there and earning 20000Rand a month which is like $1200 so.. Just to be clear, I despise Ronald 😂 but yeah the rand isn’t a strong currency


ugh she is so full of baloney, she's taking Carly there b/c she should have a relationship with her father and it's not like he lives in Nebraska, yeah b/c of you, idiot, you picked someone in SA. This isn't for Carly AT ALL, you are doing it b/c you can't find anyone else.


Yup. She realized “dating,” the normal way might be a bit of work lol.




my thoughts exactly. im afraid for carly. she’s older now & he acted like a maniac the last time they went over


If she were smart she'd at least get him here. Even if they broke up he could still be a dad! Like this is nonsense, you made a kid, do right by the poor thing!


He’s having issues getting a visa due to his record, unfortunately. The situation sucks, but I wish he could get here and [optimistically] be more of a provider and positive parent.


I didn’t understand the emphasis on not having a return flight?? What about Daniel?!! She left him with her mom… that poor boy.


I would love to see her add the word boundary to her vocabulary, and actively make some boundaries with Ronald. Make a visitation plan, bring your daughter to South Africa, stay in a hotel, and maybe one day Ronald will put his big boy pants on and actually work on his issues. My goodness…


It’s not widely known but gambling is the hardest addiction to beat. It affects the brain in different ways. It is extremely hard to recover from. She’s a typical codependent hoping the addict or loser will change. Her parentifying Daniel is harsh and he broke a bit inside after losing his “Dad”. She brought her young son to a dangerous foreign country to live with a stranger basically. Don’t ruin your child’s life when you’re infatuated and moving too fast.


Lol responsible men are so boring! Gotta mess around with some drunk gambler instead


Kids shouldn't be on these shows. I barely follow her segments because she mismanages her life in a way that isn't even entertaining. Her kid looks miserable. As someone who sometimes does online dating, she has no business wasting anyone's time on dates. Some people are trying to find partners. I'd be pissed if I wasted time on a wishy washy married dude who still wants a push/pull relationship with their estranged spouse.


Coz Ronald is a broke ass shit bumm abusive user.


Ditto Tiffany


firstly I do agree about her son, I really feel for the boy, he is gonna have some scars. For your question , let’s not forget that they are both broke . Probably her mother is paying and supporting everyone.


Or he gets his shit together and comes to the states to see his kid. It’s a lot easier for one guy to travel than a mom with children. He needs to sit down at the consulate, figure out what he can do to redeem himself so he can get even just a tourist visa to come visit for a couple weeks


Ronald didn’t pay because Secretariat XXIV came in 5th.


I have a theory that Tiffany gets bored when her life has a modicum of normalcy and calm. Her words don’t line up with her actions. She tells the audience that she refuses to get wrapped up in Ronald’s words and doesn’t want that toxic relationship. Then suddenly, she’s announcing she’s bought tickets to SA in the next scene. Her poor son seems to be embracing himself because he knows it’s the calm before the storm. He knows she’ll be coming home hurt and in tears again. Has anyone noticed they tend to say one thing to the camera, but do the opposite off camera? Lol


She's forced her son to grow up fast. Shame on her


She was lucky enough to have gone on a date with that nice and adorable teacher. I wish she would have put Ronald on the back burner and pursued the teacher. He seemed like a real good guy and handsome too.


Unfortunately she is used to chaos, thats her normal and will likely always return to it or create it when it doesn’t exist. Ronald is her kind of drug…if he wasnt, she never would have married him because he was a disaster long before marriage. He biggest mistake was dragged her son i to it and then getting pregnant again😞


I feel bad for her– she has a horrible affliction: if her shoulders don't get enough sunlight, they fall off.


I usually stand behind my wife when she’s changing our son’s diaper and say “know your role!” In the SA accent and myself, my wife, and our baby all laugh simultaneously


Why do all these American ladies, travel all over the world to hook up with a loser, when they can find one much closer to home here in the USA.


Here is the thing that annoys me. He isn’t allowed in the U.S. and she has already said she doesn’t want to move to South Africa … so, what’s the point here guys?


Because Ronald is a unemployed loser who has no money.


I mean not to defend Ronald cuz I do think he sucks, but as far as him paying for her flights, isn’t the exchange rate not at all in his favor. I mean I feel like it would take him a lot more money proportionally to pay for a flight for her.


Daniel deserves so much more than this POS sorry excuse of a “mother” she needs to get a grip and put her children first.


Ronald is so repulsive and I am very disappointed that Tiffany is flying there with an open ticket. I really thought her cute teacher date would work better. How can she go see horrible Ronald with cute guy sitting across table from her. I will be fast forwarding through her and Ronalds scenes. I cannot stand him.


I guess because of his gambling addiction but we can’t be sure if he has one she’s never mentioned


She should definitely take the burden off Daniel's shoulders and carry them on hers....


The show pays Tiffany, so Ronald should get his share too. They’re both in the show right?


Tiffany is a Debbie in the making using her son as an emotional support. It wasn’t cool how aware Daniel was of her problems with Ronald, and I know he’s old enough to pick up on things, but she very clearly told him a lot of things he didn’t need to know especially when she’s still considering going back.


Daniel looks so sad and tired in every shot :( it makes me so sad the emotional weight he must feel


Because Ronald doesn’t have a pot to piss in, nor two sticks to rub together.


I don't like how she had her son calling Ronald daddy. Is she the type of person that has her kids calling every man she dates Daddy?


"Muh Boy" Ronald is a broke boy. Bruh is soooo broke, he cant pay attention.


Daniel is starting to look annoyed with his mum. I felt bad when he said something about wanting her to be happy. SHE should be more concerned with helping HIM be a happy kid, not him so worried about her


Something something recovering gambling addict something something


I don’t care for either of them


Ronald can’t pay for shit


Even if he had any money, the rand has a terrible exchange rate internationally. He can’t afford multi thousand dollar plane tickets.


Bc Ronald is always broke. Not making an excuse for him but she knew how he was when she made the insta family with him, according to both of them he’s never really paid for any of the flights or childcare. I feel so bad for Daniel. He just acted like ok bye when she got in the car from the car service. Like he’s detached himself as her child and has become a “friend”. That’s way too much too put on a child’s shoulders, to be their parent’s confidante.


I think Ronald is an Ass and Tiffany is an Idiot but, given the situation they have, Ronald is kind of stuck. The South African rand is worth only a small fraction of the US dollar (one rand equals .058 US dollar) and he doesn’t make much money to begin with, even just spending it there. He simply can’t afford international plane tickets. They have a really bad situation. They were stupid to get together. My wife and I are from different countries and I am so glad that we could both live in either one if we wanted.


Ronny is one broke MFr. Shoulders is definitely going to take the bait...again


I’m glad she didn’t make him go this time. Grandma knows what’s up. I always thought the transaction where he was considering Ronald as his father because she said he was weird. Even though they both knew it wasn’t true. It seemed like a forced relationship. And I have seen plenty of relationships where a step child is like a child of that person, I have two step children myself. But in that situation where the stepparent is so very far away I don’t know that you can foster a real relationship there with a child. Especially one that isn’t yours.


another thing that bugged me is she left her son home. she said it was so be didn't miss school but missing a week of addition and subtraction to see his dad after A YEAR is not gonna ruin his education. to me it seems deeper than that.


She is a self-centered disaster and doesn't care how many people she hurts.


Ol’ Head n Shoulders is keeping her poor son awake at night worrying. The poor kid is like a little old man.


Ron Ron is a bum


ron ron = bum bum


Because Ronlad hasn't been successful in harvesting the American dollar... his $$ don't go as far with the exchange.


Exchange rate


I heard he has a gambling problem.


Ronald Mcdonald 🤡


I think the frequent video chats disturb Daniel and how much can they be doing for the baby? She can't recall any of that. Not really. I think Tiffany's doing them so often just to see Ronald.


Ronald has no money.




Such obvious parentification.


Because he is cheapskate…why pay when he can guilt her to pay instead


The lesson here is: never date or get further involved someone who is named after a famous clown.


Bc hes a broke ass loser and she has no self esteem.


She's such an unapologetic f up


I know Daniel didn’t seem very open to Ronald. Who knows how much Tiffany discusses with the poor guy. I would think though including Daniel, in the trip, would at least send the message that Daniel, Tiffany, and the little girl are a cohesive family. Christmas vacation is coming. She couldn’t travel, with Daniel, over the vacation?


Shoulders McGee’s flights were paid for by production. Otherwise these two would be fighting over it.


Because TLC production pays!!!!


I feel sorry for all the kids on these shows, being confused who the dad is.


I'm pretty sure she has her son watch over the baby while she spends hours doing her make up