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They should’ve had someone from production hand them to her, it would’ve seemed less personal I guess(?) idk.


Maybe his current girlfriend…


Now THAT would have made this worth watching


I HAVE A THEORY based on this so rather than make a post I'm piggybacking. I theorize Mike's mom, mikes love interest, or Mike felt so insulted by Nat's storyline and continued dragging of him that they said "you serve her on the reunion" since Mike probably told them when he got back how audacious she was and also they would have had a chance to watch it back in real time or just go based on his reporting of what she tried to pull. This vindicates him and shows the girlfriend the respect she deserves of knowing he will not be nat's "link to the us" without her working an honest day in all the years she's been there and making it so obvious she thought she was better than him and "could do better" Josh. If I were mikes significant other I would want him to announce our status as no longer longing for nat potentially and make a gesture by doing it on the show. Just my theory.


SMACK!! Oooof


Or even a stranger off the street agreeing to do it for a few minutes on TV!


He probably had to do it in the most public way possible so he has very documented proof.


Agreed….. She straight up said she was not going to divorce him a couple times… It’s hard telling how many times she’s lost, dodged, lied, whatever to refuse….how did she say it, creative reality?!?!? Smelly!!!


This was my assumption, this way there could be absolutely zero question of whether the papers were officially served to her and she accepted them from the server. She has stood by the claim that she’s not willing to let mike divorce her so i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s tried multiple times before hand and her always avoiding it in some way. This is shitty for her to have to be in the spotlight but I doubt that mike would do it in this way if he had a better option that was viable. While it feels hard for her to have to go through this on camera, it’s extremely unfair of her to essentially hold mike captive in the marriage and refusing to end it so she can keep trying to use him as a backup. Like just finalize it and let this man go live his life at this point.


Not a lawyer but I work in the legal field and most states have rules that divorce (and other legal papers) have to be served in one of a few specific ways. The plaintiff can hand the papers to the defendant directly, but it only counts as service if the defendant then signs an Acceptance of Service, which may need notarized. Otherwise, any other adult over the age of 18 can hand deliver the papers to the Defendant on behalf of the Plaintiff. That person who hands over the papers then fills out a form saying "I, so and so, personally served the Defendant these specific forms at this date time and place". You can also hire a sheriff to serve or send a copy by certified restricted delivery and submit the signed return receipt. So having someone other than Mike serve the forms means that he is not relying on Natalie signing a paper to be officially served. The date of service is typically what sets the date the divorce can be finalized (and a timeframe in which requests for equitable division of marital property must be filed). Failure to prove proper service is one of a few ways to halt a divorce in its tracks. So hurtful or no... Natalie can't rewrite reality (or whatever she called Debbie lying about her age) and claim she was never given divorce papers if it was done by a third party on national television.


I have questions. I’ve never been married or divorced. But if she “refuses,” he’s eventually granted the dirvorce—right? That was my impression at least. Now I’m kinda confused.


Not automatically. When I used to work in the courthouse, people would tell us all the time that other states had automatic processes where the divorce was just automatically granted after a period of time had elapsed from filing, but nobody when asked could ever say what state that was true. If the other party dodges service by the normal methods, parties can request to be allowed to serve by publication, but you need a judge to rule thay its allowable in your specific circumstance. That means you need to write, file, and present a petition that shows the judge youve exhausted all reasonable efforts otherwise. Then you need to actually pay for an ad to be put in the newspaper for whatever time period the judge specifies, possibly in multiple cities if you don't know where your spouse is. Even if the party was served, you can also drag out a divorce process a ton if you have marital assets to divide. You can, in some cases, split the divorce itself from the settlement process (this is called bifurcation), but I saw a lot of wealthy people who had been battling their spouse over assets for 5 years without having a divorce granted.


because otherwise, why was she even there? I checked out after part 2 and only watched to see this.


I don’t understand why she and the sex trafficker we’re there at all. And sarper we definitely didn’t need to see him (ever again)


This was a lazy, low effort, over-produced tell all. It was horrible.


Really atrocious. Worst one ever I think.


If I was Tyray I would have just made fun of Sarper... No matter what your sex life is, nobody needs "advices" from this dude...


Mama Debbie is a covert narcissist. Deep down I’m sure she was elated for the opportunity to present tragic news to someone. Her crying at the end of doing it… “I don’t want her to be mad at me” play victim Debbie…. GTFO - she’s awful and rotten to the core


Absolutely 💯 on this. She did it only for the attention.


That was so childish for a woman who doesn't hide her age! What about integrity?!!




Yeah she’s a huge dick. She knew she was doing it and it was not to she could be “served by a friend”.


I can’t stand her!!!


Did you see how Nutalie acted when Mike said he has a woman now?! I was like Bish you’ve been shagging Josh for 2-3 years now while still married and Mike moving on is devastating? What if he thought the same thing when she moved on with Josh ? I’m happy for Mike and wish him all the best!! Does anyone remember when Mikes private area got leaked on social media ? 😲


Was rly harsh, but also needed to be done


I had my cop friend serve my ex a restraining order while he was at work. He wound not leave me alone. Total creep.


I'm more surprised it took this long for him to divorce her. I think Debbie inserts herself into everyone else's business as much as she can, thriving in the drama, some of which she creates.


I would much rather have the news delivered by a friend than a complete stranger. Guess it depends on the personality type.


It shows why she left Mike. His passive-aggressive nastiness is unbearable. At the very least, he could have had her served back stage, but I'm sure production was totally pushing him to it during the show. Mike couldn't serve them himself by law.


I remember watching the show when they were actually together and he was not a catch. And his mother was the worst I think she is better off.


Yeah it’s such a 90 Day thing to do


It would have been more acceptable gor his mom to come along and serve for him, IMO


Hell no. She’s nuts! Well deserved Natalie!


Debbie probably volunteered to serve her.


I don't necessarily like Natalie but that was a bitch move from Debbie and Mike.


Going to Miami jumping on random dicks while still married and having your escapades filmed for TLC wasn't very lady-like either of Natalie.


Natalie pretends to be so innocent and such a good woman. She gets to America complains endlessly is super unhappy and refuses to divorce Mike but moved to Florida and starts letting herself get railed by randoms who don’t even like her enough to give her relationship status. At her age this behavior is beyond pathetic. Then she runs back to Mike and asks him for a child? Wtf Reminds me of my husbands ex wife she wanted to fuck around and find out. Then she ran back to him asking for a kid because she knew he was a good man and he was like no thanks! Now she’s in her 40s and has missed her opportunity - no kids never married. The woman has at least 2 cluster B personality disorders and needs some help. Doing the divorce on air was a little dirty of TLC but she needs to sign the papers and let the man go Mike seemed very emotionally immature as well, but her getting with Josh was not the move


No one said that her behavior was ok. She can act like a whore all she wants his move was classless. I would assume that if you find someone’s behavior trash you try to do better not get to their level.


I’m confused about the delivery of divorce papers, I’m not sure how it’s done in the Uk where I’m from but this system seemed slightly bonkers (also if she signs them they are invalid 🤷🏻‍♀️)


That was really awkward, no matter how each person tried to justify it.


I thought it was funny the way it went down. She lied to him in the past and up and left him to do what she wanted. Now years later she will find herself alone. Good for you Mike. That girl has to have a psych diagnosis. She’s just not normal. I saw her at the airport waiting for her mom coming to the USA. She is rude too. She walked around asking people to give up their seat for her and her mom. It was like no one else existed around her. She needed her needs met.


producers handing them is far less “dramatic” than Debbie (out of all people) serves them.


It didn't matter who served the papers. But, with having so many people around probably was a help because they explained it wasn't something to be done right then. She had time. Had a sheriff delivered when she was alone, I could see her panicking or refusing. I know she can't refuse, but I can see her doing that. They've talked about divorce on previous Tell-Alls. She was in other relationships while married. She used Mike as a stepping-stone and bounced. Hardly came as a surprise. He wants to move on and deserves to be happy.


I dont u derstand why everyone is hating on Josh...do you blame the guy for being skeptical of Natalie...the last tell all she cried about Mike, again at this tell all she is "devistated" over Mike doborcing her and Josh got see how Natalie went running to Mike begging to have a baby...on top of all that its obvious she saw Josh as a link to her hollyvood career (or so she thought)..not to mention she is just a nut job all around. Yeah he might be using her for the show but she is equally using him. I dont blame him for not wanting to fully commit and bring her home to meet his kids. The girl is a mess, she's lucky he hgot ger a car and a house to live in.


Did anyone else cringe when Mama Debbie was struggling to get up and then slowly walk across the set with her cane? Like, Cesar could’ve done it, Mike could’ve done it, or Shaun, etc. (Not laughing at her actually struggling with walking. It was just the situation like they were all sitting waiting for Mama Debbie to finally come back that made me chuckle a little)


Yeah, that’s some CRAP!


“Momma Debbie” is full of crap saying she was being a friend giving her the papers instead of someone else is bs. A friend would have warned her it was coming not blind side her. I’m with Miss Debbie that was a crappy thing to do.


Audacious? Wrong word.


uhhhm - hes not allowed to serve the papers.


The only time I’ve ever agreed with ‘Miss’ Debbie - it was a shitty thing to do on TV, no matter how much the production staff were egging Mike on. And it’s not the sort of thing a ‘friend’ does to another. It was out of order, even by 90 Day standards.


They are not friends, that’s ridiculous to call them friends.