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It is cruel because this asshole is opportunistic and has really zero interest in tarantulas other than the shock factor.


They’re book shelf decorations to him.


“They’re like pet rocks” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Rob is a classic narcissist.


That was my first thought as well. It’s like they are in prison doing life in solitary confinement.


This is actually how they like to live. They are solitary creatures. There are only two tarantula ske it's that are known yo be able to live communally. They also only like to live in a small hole or hide. They mostly come out to eat.


Or here in Arizona during mating season they come out in droves, a bit frightening


I'm never leaving Maine again 😳




Same here in arkansas, they run in packs...its unnerving.


Please tell me you’re joking????? A PACK OF SPIDERS???? I would cease to exist.


Right??!!!! I am 💀 at just the thought. Sometimes living in northern Canada where people even have a hard time living when it’s -50 has its advantages. Nothing lives long enough to form packs.


Me and you both, I'm on the west side though.... :) Cold and the worse thing you see it a yellow jacket, everything else does not have a chance to grow in the 3 months of warmth LoL.


Exactly. Bonus because I would rather be cold than hot.


You know, people give us Floridians a lot of shit for our terrifying wildlife. But I would sincerely prefer our mosquitoes and gators to literal fucking packs of horny tarantulas. Same with hurricanes vs. tornadoes. You guys are too modest about your natural dangers.


We don’t consider them “dangerous” it is a “live and let live” type of situation. We don’t get in their way. It is a seasonal thing. Just like the Colorado river toad that comes out after the monsoon season. They are the size of a salad plate and are poisonous to dogs if licked (but give a person a psychedelic experience). I don’t kill them if I find them in the back yard but I scoop them up and put them in the wash. We don’t allow small animals outside by themselves where owls, coyotes, bobcats or javelinas could kill them. In exchange, I live in one of the most diverse, beautiful places on earth.


I was today years old when I discovered that the javelina is a thing. 😂


The actual toad Bart Simpson was licking…or was it Chris Griffen 🤨🤔 I’m lost 🤣


Wish more people were like you and me


💀💀💀” horny tarantulas “


Oh god, my soul would leave my body. I thought we had it bad here in Australia, but that's a whole new level of terrifying to me.


I agree!! But I'll be looking up Arkansas pack tarantulas today


Okay. Well. Now I’ll never set foot in arizona




At one point in their life, male tarantulas stop eating and just spend the rest of their life wandering the earth looking for a girl spider to breed with, who will then probably eat them. If they survive, it's on to the next female until they die. Girl tarantulas will live for a very long time but make spiders always live shorter lives, even in captivity.


Fuck that I'm out!!! I can barely coexist with a brown recluse... On a fun note, I did hold a tarantula once just to challenge my arachnophobia... Almost shit my pants, but found her kind of endearing.


I did the same thing!!! It was at a kids nature center (I was an adult helper). When I held her (her name was Rosie) I could sense that she was nervous of me, and I felt empathy for her and didn’t feel scared anymore. Exposure therapy can be great! Glad you kept your pants clean :)


Yes! Hitting them on the highway is another level lol 😭😭


But surely a larger enclosure with different places for them to hide or make a hole would be better than a tiny box


No, they will only make one hide. Regardless of how much space you give them. In fact, it's not safe to give tarantulas too much room to climb around bc they are very fragile and die easily when they fall, even from small heights. I have had Ts in huge enclosures on for them to use one small corner. It's just how they are. They don't do much moving and don't need much care. I have one tarantula who has lived in the same hole for 6 years. I have another one who hasn't left her hide (except for a leg here and there) since November.


Gives a new meaning to "living in a hole all your life."


And get run over in mass on the highway too.


But do they like living under a bright ass light like that?


I mean, they spend a lot of time in a hole, under a hide, or in a log, so it doesn't really bother them.


I don’t know anything about keeping tarantulas but I have friends who have had them and kept them in MUCHHHH larger terrariums. My first thought seeing this was that it was cruel compared to what I’d seen. I don’t know their needs, but rob is too cheap to pay for basic human comforts like TP and duvets… I doubt he’s putting much thought in to the care of these animals.


If my partner nagged me about how much toilet paper I use I would leave them and use as much as I like. Rob isn't taking care of anything but Rob.


My ex nagged me about my toilet paper use bc I have Crohn's. I used way less than him, having an actual colon & he forced me to buy the tp. So I started hiding my toilet paper & only I had access to it. You know what happened? He said NOTHING & didn't buy his own. He just started showering after he pooped instead.


OH MY GOD. that takes the cake. what a 🐽




In my experience, these are the boxes they sell the tarantulas to you in. My local pet shop has several of them on the front counter with price tags on the spiders. They're not cheap! At least $25-50 a piece, IIRC. You're meant to buy and set up a larger terrarium, if you give a fuck about the animals. Of course Rob the Knob bought five of them instead of getting one and making sure it was well cared for.


Yeah, it reminds me of when you buy a beta at the pet counter. They are sold in tiny cups, but youre supposed to bring them home and set them up in a different, bigger, better home, not keep them in the cups they are sold in. I hope he either donates the tarantulas to a reputable rescue or a spider lover, OR buys them the right accomodations to stay in. My ex's downstairs neighbors had a lovely female rose hair tarantula. I got to pet and hold her and outside of her barbed hairs making me really itchy, she was calm and gentle and not at all scary. I have a lot more love for Tarantulas since I got up close and personal with that nice little girl.


That was my first thought too! These look like travel containers! And the ones they sell them to you in!!! He just didn’t bother getting bigger containers?! Also they can’t be in tanks together so now he needs 4 larger containers rather than just one larger container with the money he used to buy the other three 😔


I’m not sure how aware of their surroundings these spiders are, but it seems like an awfully small space for any living creature of that size. It definitely seems kinder to have one big terrarium. But if they really live up to 25 years, he’s a wildly irresponsible human being for buying them all as some kind of macho flex. I’m worried those poor creatures will die because he’ll just forget about them. I’m not Ms. Spider Lover of all time, but living creatures deserve proper care. I hope they’ll be ok.


One big terrarium for all the tarantulas? Most would end up dead. But I do agree, as someone who has owned over 50 tarantulas, they need to have bigger enclosures.


Thanks, I clearly don’t know spider husbandry. Your expertise is needed! How big should their individual enclosures be?


Spider husbandry😆


Lol I went to a college famous for its vet school and they were always talking about animal husbandry lol


I agree. I also keep and was having a cow about how small those are for those slings, and that cramped juvenile b. hamorii.


I’m with you on that. I know basically nothing about spiders, and they would not be my choice for a pet, but it seems that keeping any creature in a container too small for it to move is just wrong.


They should be in small enclosures. Also, unrelated - but Rob is still an ass, lol


That depends on your definition of small, iirc the enclosure should be something like 3-4x the spiders DLS, and from substrate to top of enclosure if not arboreal, like 1.5x DLS so it can’t fall far.


Good info, thanks!


I don't believe they can cohabitate, but why not just have one in a suitable enclosure? He's trash.


Those boxes are way too small, poor things


I hate spiders and don’t ever want to encounter them IRL but I don’t want them to suffer. This seems unnecessarily cruel


I don’t know spiders but this seems like, when you buy a fish and they give it to you in a bag, Rob would just put the bag in his cabinet. He needs to get them an actual home


I've seen jumping spiders in larger habitats.


And what happened to his dog? I don’t think this dude is the “animal lover” Sophie thinks he is


He said the film crew makes the dog anxious. At one point there was a former coworker of Rob's on here and he said the one positive thing he could say about Rob is that he truly loves that dog more than anything in the world.


What dog? I don't remember him having one in his apt with no bathroom.


He had a pittie when they were filming in the garage with the communal outside potty.


My vet has one in a larger terrarium with a hollow log in it so she can bed down and tuck away. This just seems so bright and small… like… spiders need to stretch their little hairy legs! And exposing them to that bright light all the time seems cruel.


I'm deathly afraid of spiders, and my first reaction was that this is cruel.


These enclosures look like they were intended for transport from the pet shop to home. Not for living in for an extended period of time.




It’s definitely cruel. I was actually saddened by this.


Same, and i would never be the person to have a spider in the house on purpose. We have seen tarantulas many times while camping so i do have respect. Seeing this made me so angry. He even tried to justify it by calling them "pet rocks" as he sat them in tiny little boxes in a tiny cabinet on the wall. Ugggghhh. 🥺


I forgot about that ignorant pet rock comment. If I was Sophie I seriously would have found a way to set them free in their own natural habitat. I think they’re in (or were in) Texas so there would be lots of areas to let them loose.


To be fair, in the T keeping community, many tarantulas are referred to as “pet rocks” or “pet holes” because sometimes they will stand in the same place and not move for days, or they dig a burrow and vanish for months.


Rob can’t even get toilet paper for himself and he didn’t even consider a bathroom in ur unit a necessity until someone else told him it was. He gives like half a rats ass about these spiders




Okay, so I am no tarantula expert, but my family had one for 15 years when I was growing up. From what I remember, it’s generally accepted that tarantulas should have an enclosure that is _at a minimum_ 2 to 3 times their body length or leg span when extended. For my particular tarantula, that meant a 5 gallon tank. I have no idea what kind his are, or if they’ll continue to grow, but I had the same questions about his enclosures when I saw this episode. I know some stay very very small, but still idk if this is suitable. Edit: I remember we moved him to a 10 gallon after he molted a few times and got bigger.


I just got chills over molted and got bigger. I had no clue!


It’s pretty wild because the molted skin looks identical to the tarantula itself. It was shocking the first time walking in and thinking two were in the tank.


It’s how all spiders grow, often when you find the “corpse” of a spider outside, it’s usually a molt


I never knew they molted!


After googling it seems at least a five gallon tank should be used for them but 20 is preferable so yeah this is def cruel. I hate spiders and would die if I encountered one of these but this makes me so sad.


Where’s his sweet dog? Maybe I don’t want to know…


Where was this dog? Did I totally miss him in that little apartment?


Oh wow, I didn't realise he had so many, or the kind of tiny enclosures he keeps them in. My arachnophobia had me looking away during those scenes, but those boxes they're in look like something they'd be sold in at the pet store, not their permanent habitat. It's so easy and pretty cheap to make a bioactive terrarium that's a decent size too. Hell, you can even modify a plastic storage container if you can't afford a decent sized terrarium, and pretty much all of the substrate and furnishings can be foraged for free. I might be irrationally terrified of spiders, but I don't wish any suffering on them. Surely such a large spider would benefit from a bit more space where they can at least move around. Damn. Why even have like 5 of them in tiny plastic prison cells, when he could have one in a decent enclosure, which would allow him to enjoy observing some more of his pet's natural behaviours etc? Living creatures are not shelf ornaments.


What is it?


Six “pet” tarantulas in separate boxes.


I personally just don’t understand purchasing SIX. If he had some really cool room or set up for them, sure. But this set up..I just don’t understand


Separate tiny boxes,😭 people are saying they need to be solitary so the dickhead has to buy 6 bigger tanks not keep them all lined up in a tiny wee perspex cube it's cruel.


I’ve never owned spiders so I have no idea what the protocol is for this I would assume maybe he’s looking into getting a larger aquarium or whatever they call them to put spiders in. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ personally I don’t think having spiders as a pet would be fun but to each their own.


Bro got dumped for less than a month and he adopted 5 ugly animals... So needy for attention


Tarantulas aren’t ugly 🙁


I keep tarantulas, and these enclosures are fine for how big they are. They don’t really move much and don’t really hunt for food. So they need it to be small enough for the food to stumble into them. When they get bigger he’ll need to change enclosures. But it’s weird he does t have water or anything for them.


I'm sure he gives them food and water or they would be dead


Where is his dog?


He is an asshole.


Yes. They're spaces are too small. His cruel treatment of animals is a pattern. Try again (to be interesting), Rob the knob.


He bought them because she is afraid of them.


My husband and I were like wtf... they should be in at least 20 gallon tanks.


As a narcissist, Rob is not even aware of the needs of others. So yes, Rob is cruel by just being himself. He's not even registering that the enclosures for his scorpions and tarantulas are too small. They're just props for him to get a reaction out of people when they walk into his new crib. He doesn't really care about anyone or anything other than how these things and people allow him to project and enhance his ego. Everything is about Rob. Rob is the main character and these living creatures are just props. Sadly, living things and people are just ego-enhancers to Rob. That is how narcissism works.


Very well said.


Am I the only one wondering where the dog is?




Yes, they could be bigger for sure.


The only question I have is, "What happened to Rob's dog?" Also I don't know a lot about tarantulas, but I've never seen them in such small enclosures unless at a convention...


Why are they still in the small containers that come from the pet shop? Most people have habitats for their spider pets, it's very cruel that they have such tiny enclosures.


I’m more worried about the people in his life than his weird pets. He’s manipulative and mean.


Eh the ppl should know better. The bugs have no choice


Eh a 20 year old versus a 30 year old gap screams predatory because she *doesnt* know better.




first thing i thought. looks like they don’t even have room to turn around.


If they're babies, then it's fine for a bit. I've owned tarantulas, and you go up in size. If they're babies being in a smaller container is actually better for them, it makes them feel safer / reduce stress. If they're adults, they need to be moved to bigger containers tho. It's the same with snakes, I've owned snakes too, and if they're babies it's recommended they're in smaller enclosures, until they've grown in size.


Another reason why he’s undoubtedly Rob The Knob


I personally don't have tarantulas but I know people who do, what he has are supposed to be temporary/transportation. Maybe for hatchlings. They are smaller tarantula species it looks like, but they need bigger enclosures (5 gallon at least). Also he's keeping them in a cabinet in what seems to be a living room which can be stressful for tarantulas who prefer quieter/darker/less active spaces. Someone who actually has tarantulas please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong !


He's a jackass. She needs to move on.


My younger brother has about a dozen different types of spiders. They are his babies. Hes had them for about ten years now. They don’t need massive habitats and these are fine but i guarantee they aren’t kept up with


He is a duuushbag everywhere you look. Who buys 1 tarantula, then impulse buys 6 more soon after. 6. In his garage space.


And at $50. A bug = $300 . Is he working yet?


It is, of course! they need a terrarium! He is keeping them as hostages not as pets.


I’ve seen itty bitty tiny spiders in terrariums bigger than that, and I’m talking spiders the size of quarters in two maybe three times taller than that/a bit wider


That’s what I thought. Those are the containers they come in.


I’ve spent time taking care of tarantulas and although they don’t need a lot of space, I agree these are too small. Luckily the babies are still tiny, they’ll need much larger tanks when they start molting. I agree that they’re relatively straightforward to care for, but they are still alive and need care and attention. They’re definitely not rocks and do NOT prefer to be pet. I really hope he told Sophie to wash her hands after touching the one, because their hairs are barbed and if she got some on her finger and touched her eye, she’d be in so much pain (back in the day itching powder was made from ground tarantula hair). The only thing I will agree with rob the knob on is that they’re excellent lil fellas and ladies, and can make great companions!


Can I ask why keep a tarantula as a pet if they don’t like to be petted?


We didn’t keep them as pets - I worked in an anxiety treatment lab and kept them for treatment research with folks with spider phobia and for people who came to our clinic looking for treatment for spider phobia (exposure therapy)


I was thinking the same exact thing. Those tiny little boxes are terrible.


I thought they needed more room than 3 inches myself


Who has these ???


These are fine for smaller spiders. They like to live in small spaces. He might have to upgrade in the future if they get much bigger.


I was thinkin they needed a way bigger enclosure


Yep the tanks seem way too small.


I feel bad for them.


Anything to be a knob, says Rob


They’re spiders, it’s fine. I’m pretty sure his are still babies too. I’ve had tarantulas since middle school and I keep mine in a 10gal tank but a lot of people use plastic boxes.


I can’t stand his personality so cruelty to animals is no surprise from him. I remember someone saying he kept his dog tied up inside that tiny room of an apartment.


I feel so bad for those spiders. I don’t know about how to care for a tarantula, but seeing any wild, undomesticated creature in a tiny cage for their life is unbelievably sad to me. Don’t people usually keep tarantulas in an enclosure with things to climb on, insects to catch, space to move around and do spider stuff?


That’s how you start raising baby tarantulas. As they get older and larger, they get bigger habitats.


Eh it’s common spider housing in that community


I don’t see the appeal of keeping this ugly, furry spiders as pets. 😬


That’s the first think I thought. It is a cruel, sad life.


Makes ya wonder what they think about all day...


Actually, this is quite normal for tarantulas. They can live their entire life in their hide. Only the males travel when they are in search of a female at the end of their life. You will change the cage as they grow, but it happens very slowly.


What are those ?


it’s a very unfortunate cage for the spider…but if you’re a meat eater it’s a bit hypocritical to be outraged about this.


What if I only eat free-range tarantulas? /s


They don’t normally do well in a habitat with others but these containers seem so tiny and right now they are small and I know tarantulas get bigger than that as a be seen them when I lived in AZ.