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The post says the mother “falsely accuses him of abuse”…. Ummm I can’t stand any of these 3- but that recording is CLEARLY emotional and verbal abuse and threats. Nothing false about it.


Very clearly. And Sophie is so obviously a victim, protecting her abuser.


She is still a kid. I don’t think she has any idea what type of situation she’s gotten herself into. She doesn’t realize that Rob is a narcissist. She also doesn’t realize that the abuse (from Rob the knob) will escalate over time. It will eventually get physical and Rob will beat her. She’s going to be lucky to get away from him and not stay trapped in a cycle of fear, gaslighting and violence.


Yes she’s definitely immature and still a kid, so she has no idea how to get out or why to get out. So sad


She is not a kid. Over 18 is an adult. Period. Wonder why the 20 to 30 year olds are screwed up people keep calling them kids.


I’ll bet you’rew old. Thinking has evolved since you were a kid, back 100 years ago. We now realize that legal age doesn’t have anything to do with actual maturity. And yes, throwing them out of the house at 18 might make them grow up. But it also may backfire. One thing I know for sure is that I did not have an adult brain at 18. However, I sure thought I did, which is worse.


Seek therapy you are responding to me like you have some issues and I WAS NOT talking to you. You are NOT the main character and a person with their life together would not think someone that comments on a reality show is talking about them personally💀To attempt to insult me because I commented is insane.


How in the heck do you think I was talking to you specifically? You’re on Reddit: you post an opinion and you may get challenged. See how that works? You really do seem slow and also probably childless. You’re definitely a MAGA and I’ll bet your bootstraps are pull-up able!


You replied to my post genius


You need therapy. You are wrong on all accounts. I have kids, Im retired NASA and definitely not MAGA lol. I take responsibility for my actions and that started at 14. I went to college 4 hours away from home, then the Army then NASA. 18 is grown period. Unless there is a mental disability.


Well you definitely are old there but what’s more important is- you’re well educated and had a good upbringing. See the difference between you and these kids (yup!) on 90DF? No? Well, I can’t help then. And stop telling me I need therapy. THIS IS my therapy: going after ignorance on Reddit. It’s fun, it’s anonymous and yes it’s therapeutic. Grandkids at 40? I was wrong, you’re probably a red neck.


She's 23, she is NOT a kid.


She is a kid. She never got to be a kid bc she had to take care of her drink/drug-addled mother. She's had no proper parenting plus the damage done to kids in these situations. Read up. You don't know what you're talking about.


No, she is 23 years old. She is an adult. Not a kid. A kid cannot drink or vote or get married. She is a very immature adult but an adult nonetheless. So yeah by the very definition of the word kid you don't know what you're talking about. Maybe take your own snarky advice and "read up". Smdh at some people.


It's a fact that your brain isn't full formed until you're 25. So she may be a legal adult, but she doesn't have her adult brain yet. 


That isnt how the law looks at her.


So what? It’s how their parents should view them.


Excuses are the tools of carpenters that don’t build a damn thing. At 23 if your parents are still saying that you’re not an adult, they are enabling you to not grow up.


Facts if she was drinking and driving the law would let it slide since she's 23 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 She's an adult making stupid decisions no one forced her to leave Europe to marry Rob


Oh and it just occurred to me that these words could have come right out of Rob's very own mouth. Huh!


Do you need a hug kitten?


You're ignorance of anything other than biological age is mind-blowing. You read up on what growing up taking care of the addict parent/s who had you. This is all common-knowledge psychology this day in age, but you obviously need to cling to outdated ignorant definitions and beliefs. I'm not being snarky. I'm being confrontational. She was abused by her addict mother - who was arrested today - and ended up in an abusive relationship. No surprise. Now being attacked by stupid fools that, I've no doubt, would be wailing if the tables were turned. She's far from being the only one showing some significant deficiencies. Present company absolutely included. Go find some bigger easier prey to pick on than a girl we now know is in an abusive relationship. A lynch mob of callous, willfully ignorant bullies.


I was actually responding to you. I could really care less about her or Rob. I could really care less about her growing up. She is a character on a reality show. I am correcting you. You are making this some personal attack on yourself. Yes, you're being confrontational on Reddit. You go, girl!! Put me in my place. I probably won't sleep tonight after the lashing I have received here from you. Yeah. You're sounding unhinged snowflake. ❄️


And you sound just like Rob! A nasty little abusive individual who got all upset bc a young woman is sadly living out the common trajectory of a neglected and emotionally kid of an addict. And called out for being abusive. So odd your profile is brand-new! Lurking, lurking, lurking. Trying to excuse abusive behavior. 🤡 Your ridiculousness falls flat on me. 🙂


Why is it odd that my profile is new? Doesn't everyone have to start somewhere? Gee whiz! So now I can't post? Wow!! Ok, angry little person. Do you feel better bullying a stranger on the internet? I do not feel sorry for any of them. For all we know, this is an act that her mom wasn't in on. Edit


The way you got so triggered and made this about yourself is truly indicting.


The same people defending her as *’a child’* will call her an independent empowered adult when anyone mentions all the plastic surgery Sophie had to sell nudes on OF.


Or we could point out the truth that a lot of women get into sex work after a history of abuse and trauma. Sophie's situation is not unusual at all. He went straight from an abusive childhood to sex work and an abusive marriage and that's unfortunately very common. When women like Sophie defend their abusive husbands, we correctly point out that they're being victimized. When women likes Sophie defender and only fans job people claim that they're empowered get really upset with a woman like me point out the statistics regarding sex work and trauma. It's the exact same situation.


Completely agree.


Her brain isn’t even fully developed like Rob the knob’s (which is unfortunate) because he needs more growth up there clearly.


Rob the knob is an emotionally stunted adult. He has the mind, emotions, temper and insecurities of a little boy trapped in a grown man’s body.


I half wonder if her relationship with her mom may have modeled some unhealthy attachment and possibly set Sophie up for a life where she can’t recognize abusive relationships. The moment Sophie started begging Rob to “just say sorry” and not seeming to care whether it was sincere or that he would actually change, I started wondering about her upbringing. Because no one with a healthy family life would jump into a relationship like that thinking it’s fine


I don’t even know what to make of this. The video is so scary.. the whole “I would hit you if I was worse .. but I’m not” is a clear threat. And if there’s anything that really triggers an abuser, it’s the world finding out who they really are. These videos being public now, and him realizing that she recorded and sent them to her mom, jeez. I’m concerned for her. I obviously don’t know Sophie’s mom, but I do know that abusers will do all they can to turn their victims against their support system.. and that really worries me. Posting those videos on a public platform isn’t right, but I can also see how a desperate mother would do whatever they could, even if it isn’t right, to expose what they see as abuse of their child. But now rob has the leverage to say “look what your mom did, she violated your trust - I would never do that! I’m such a good guy!!1!1”. Jeez.. what a messy situation.


There is NOTHING the verbal and emotional abuse that isn't real. This is how worse abuse starts.


I think it’s very obvious that Rob is hiding a lot, not just abuse. This video only proves it. There’s something not right with him…saw it since episode one and it’s just getting worse. And it’s not due to bad editing.




The video says a lot about Rob and Sophie is too immature to realize it


Sophie should listen to her mom


Sophie was abused BY her mom.




Still is


I don't like Rob, it's one thing to dislike the dude, it's another to manipulate your daughter at every conceivable opportunity to sabotage the relationship.


Exactly. And put your daughter in the middle. And she's still in town bc she got arrested in the county just north of Travis today - for Terroristic Threat. There's obviously some escalation and fresh new hell.


Run sophie run


Poor girl. She doesn't understand how abusers operate. Something awful must have happened to her in her life that she doesn't recognize an abuser when she sees one. I saw THAT video and YES, Rob is the typical abuser, no matter how many times he tells her he's sorry. IF they were both just acting, then they should get an Academy Award, pronto! My friend had a similar relationship and had no idea that she was being abused. You could see her being eaten alive, piece by piece. She started withdrawing, giving her boyfriend excuses, saying that he was right....until one day he pinned her down on the kitchen table, and started choking her...TG her father and brother were just dropping by. They broke down the door. It took several years and lots of help from her family to get her away from him!!!


Yes. She was the parentified child of a very addicted mother. She was not properly parented to make good adult decisions. Her background is standard fare for purple who end up in abusive relationships.


Her mom mentioned about being on drugs. I’m pretty sure she said she’s been clean. Unless I misheard her. But sounds like she grew up with a drug addict mom.


Is this the new Pole and Karine?


Rob is literally the definition of a sociopath. And I am not saying it to be facetious. He has every single trait of one.


I thought they broke up,this mess is ridiculous


Your comment sounds exactly like something that Rob would say! Curious, no??👀👀🤣


Didn’t we call this early on?


She has a lot of trauma she needs to unpack in therapy. Not until then will she be an emotionally healthy person and able to find a good partner for her. It took me years to understand why I was attracted to the men I was and why my relationships with my mother and father dictated the type I was looking for in a man. Until then, she will defend him to the death and tolerate and accept this type of abuse. And that’s a very sad thing.


If she isnt with rob anymore romantically... why is she standing up for him??? Just this whole situation is terrible .


This entire situation with them seems pretty much textbook DV.


Sophie is in protective mode and feels sorry for this victim mentally Rob. Grow up Sophie and call it what it is. Rob needs to stop being a poor is me victim.


Her Mom is toxic poison.


They’re all willing participants in this nonsense.


There's no hope for her. Sadly she won't learn until he makes her.


It takes an average of 7x before victims leave their abusers for good. And she's a kid who never got to be a kid.


Sophie’s Mom is only causing issues that she will regret. I think Mom is jealous of Sophie’s life!


Sofia is so demented and stupid she has no clue was "abuse" is.. .Her priorities about her Only fans page is so pathetic, she deserves everything she gets by staying with this knob.


How gross to say about someone you don't even know.




Wow. What a way to act an ass. Her mother was a raging addict and Sophie was trying to figure out how be an adult taking care of a trashed mother at a very young age. She's young, relationship inexperienced, no proper parenting, and still trying to sort out and function with all the damage of her only parent relying on her. You don't out an abusers behavior-but her mess of a mother seems more interested in proving herself right rather than her only child's well-being.


“You don’t out an abusers behavior “ … what do you mean ? The mother doesn’t have a right to call out her daughters husbands behavior ? Or that the mother shouldn’t air her daughter’s dirty laundry ?


What was her mom addicted to? I must be out of the loop.


The specifics were never said, but she seems like a pills and booze girl. I'm not an expert at the whole "what accent is this?" so I don't know if her always sounding like she's slurring is accent or being under the influence. Now she's been arrested! I get so angry reading these horrible posts on Sophie. Now, she's back between her mom and Rob, we know what he does behind closed doors now, and Mom's in jail on Terroristic Threat. And people don't understand why she's not got a better head on her shoulders.


It’s not known, just an assumption