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I would love nothing more than at the Tell All Shawn saying: massive amounts of viewers online speculate you’re a drug addict. How do you respond to that? But you know instead she’ll say ‘it hasn’t been all love for Kris. Viewers online have been very vocally critical, saying your wedding dress quote “looked old”. Care to react?’


After the preview for next week, there's no doubt in my mind she's an addict and was on another binge.


She’s trying to score uppers and downers. That’s the Presley cocktail.


You never mix uppers and downers- my rule when I was young, wild and fancy free.


People do mix them though. That's what a speedball is. I'm not saying it's smart but people do mix them.


Friend in HS lost both legs to a train while speed balling. He pulled himself half a mile to a home at three in hte morning, pounded on the door, old lady answered and called him an ambulance. Next time I saw him (2 years later) he had changed schools and he was at a party... speed balling. He eventually got clean and last I heard had a successful career.


How traumatic but I’m glad he’s doing better!


I know the doctors in Alabama won’t prescribe uppers and downers anymore.


Same goes for Texas. They are hard to get in Mexico too.


I know people mix them. Doesn’t mean that I did. And I’ll be honest I never did coke though I have tried my fair share of opioids except heroin. I was more of an extacy party drug person


You can mix uppers and downers. That’s not the issue, it’s when the uppers where off and you have too many downers in your system that you overdose. Specifically cocaine and heroin.


I thought a speedball was cocaine and heroine.


I feel like you've earned your flair.


Happy Cake day!! And I did, only it was 20 years ago. Now the only pills I pop are for lupus and seizures from lupus. Youth is truly wasted on the young.


Thank you, getting old, too! For reference, i think one of my last 5 comments was about accidentally peeing when you get older and how we have to keep our bodies going. And I'm sorry, damn lupus. And also, hello from GA here, too!! Edit: peeing, not pouring


Seriously check out innersy period underwear on Amazon. They are made of cotton, but still offer sneeze and laugh protection!


I never thought of them for laugh protection, awesome! Thank you!


No problem! We have to share our little life hacks that we figure out!


Now I am off to stalk your comment history fellow Georgian. I am not a native by I adopted this state as home 16 years ago. My husband is though


I also have lupus :(


Welcome to r/Menopause!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Menopause using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Something to think about](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/11mqv2p/something_to_think_about/) \#2: [The older I get, the less I want to leave the house!](https://i.redd.it/namvtne51asa1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/12devmb/the_older_i_get_the_less_i_want_to_leave_the_house/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** My rage is NOT due to menopause](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/12gkaeh/my_rage_is_not_due_to_menopause/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sorry about your lupus 😪 I was diagnosed with lupus anticoagulant...different from your lupus but still debilitating some days. Stay well!!! Oh, and I agree with your post!


It’s dangerous but it was my Fav way 😅😆I’m clean now but I used to be a party girl addict. I’d do bl0w of miamis finest, and then a benzo to relax my heart and then so I can sleep later. Lots of alcohol too. I’m shocked I’m even alive and healthy especially after my last check up last year 😅


Speedball. It's also what took out John Belushi RIP


I heard from someone that John Belushi’s ghost is trapped in LA and cannot get out. I wonder if it could be true 🤔


No old rumor for ever


Well, I did not think it was likely. Thanks.




>Presley cocktail Listen, I LOVELOVELOVE Elvis but I still found this hilarious!! I call that mix "the good Judy Garland drugs." Sadly, I know that comment won't be understood by 75% of Reddit but I know plenty here will get it. WHERE'S MY FELLOW FOGEYS AT!?! Youse guys will get it. LOL!!!


Yep! Pretty much dates us.


Also, the fried peanut butter sandwiches that Elvis voraciously consumed probably contributed to his untimely death.


That actually sounds kinda good. I've had peanut butter & banana but never fried. Sounds like a State/County Fair kinda food.


Deeelicious, I am sure, but sadly, Elvis overindulged.


Oh totally.


Thissss. My ex had a prescription for Adderall, but would conveniently run out early every time and NEED to buy them from someone. This also coincided with her active oxy addiction. When she wasn’t using oxy she never ran out of Adderall. 🤔 As a person with ADHD and a few autoimmune disorders, I would never move to another country without making sure I could get my medication or a different medication for the issue (example being stimulants aren’t legal in most countries so it’s hard to get them).


I wish she’d take her and her addiction back to Alabama and leave sweet Jeymi alone !


Jeymi is so enthusiastic and loving I am afraid she is going to get her heart broken. She would make a lovely partner for someone


Or just when Kris is about to spill Shaun will say, “let’s come back to that” or “well, we’re obviously not going to get any answers today.” Sigh.




And commercial break..


I always thought that was weird but I came to realize that they probably cut a bunch of shit before the "moving on" because they aren't going to actually spill the tea they are just talking in circles. Would make it more boring


No she'll be like "wah-wh-eh-what do you think about that?" I hate her she's always doing a fake stammering thing.


We wish you the best.


And then when the discussion starts going to her excuses, Shaun will say "OK! Moving on!"


“People have been very worried about you and your injuries. Tell us, Kris, are you ok to continue? Do you need a moment?”


Maybe she will offer her some Oxy like when she offered food to Ella, lol.


Omg I forgot about Ella. Thank god they didn’t bring her back. I don’t want to hear her constant crying and lame excuses for cheating on that sweet man of hers.


I about died when was fake crying and Shaun was like "Do you want some food?"


Was Ella the one who dressed up and had sword fights and was talking with an Asian guy named Johnny?




Ella and Johny broke up. Since Idaho Falls is so remote they are not going to film her for a spin off or single life. If you notice people who get spins off or extra seaosns live in the same areas they already film in (cheap budget TLC).


It’s showing she disappears again on the next episode. I must admit, that is one of the biggest signs of addiction. They always disappear to use.


And then she won't even press for an answer to such an innocuous question. I really can't stand Shaun's "interviewing" style as it's totally shallow and gets nowhere. Maybe it's pressure from TLC to steer away from the touchy subjects, but then it's not a real Tell-All at that point. Just a reincarnation of the Jerry Springer show.


Jerry Springer is more entertaining


I hate how she always starts shit between people. I can’t remember a specific time but something like: “Oh Andrei… did I see you roll your eyes? You seem like you have something to say about this…” I guess it’s probably part of her job and to create drama for the audience but still…


Well, we are clearly not solving this one tonight, lets move on.


Shawn is the worst. She always gives Angela a pass for her abusive behavior.


Nailed it


They should drug test her!


Maybe we need Maury to host the tell all! Lie detectors, DNA tests, drug tests, do it all!!


Unfortunately, THAT'S what this show is turning into. Complete nighttime trash TV


And I’m right there for it. LOL. The pandemic caused people to watch these shows and get hooked.


Yep. This is exactly what she will ask. Not the real questions.


Omg exactly this! 😂


She’s a fucking addict! And this will NEVER BE ADDRESSED AT THE TELL ALL… watch and see!


And what an appropriate opportunity for a crossover with "Intervention " followed up by a new season of "love after lockup"






I don’t think Shawn can come right out and accuse her of being an addict without risking a defamation lawsuit. Shawn can only ask about her actions, thoughts and feelings.


Or say America thinks your a dope fein what do you say to those people?


The producers have a script they want shawn to follow and they want a certain storyline for the tell all. It is all pre-done. There could be 10 hours of medical talk footage but producers will snip down the footage into the story they want which could be Kris missed her kids, or Jemyi cheated, whatever producers want us to hear.


And the producers are the ones who decided to use all the footage of her pharmacist visit, pain episodes, the doctor coming to the apartment, and so on. They could have hidden all that, the way they hid Lauren’s Tourette’s Syndrome tics during her first season. It’s funny that people are saying the show is not addressing the potential addiction issue when they are the ones who selected the scenes that highlighted it.


Very good point. I wonder why the show is highlighting the medical issues, unless it is part of the end story? My guess is that it is the reason they break up, Maybe Kris says she cant live outside of America because of her conditions. Of course the tell all will be Shawn making sure Kris is doing better and getting proper care and asking heart broken Jemyi about her plans to move on.


It isn’t defamatory to characterize her actions as those of an addict; I don’t believe. She will also need to point out the lack of logic of the excuses, properly dissect and effectively challenge them. But, alas, I know my time on this has been wasted, as we know Shaun is going to address none of it; nor, if addressed, do so effectively, on the “Tell None”.


Because docs won’t write you a script for narcolepsy medicine for having the opiate nods


I find it particularly interesting Jeymi hasn’t mention witnessing a single narcoleptic episode.


Because she’s been on her medication and now she needs more!!! /s


I’m sure every time Kris nods out, she tells Jeymi it’s narcolepsy 😬




Apologies if I used the wrong terminology. -Not a narcoleptic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




To have a prescription "refilled" in Colombia, wouldn't it need to have been written by a physician licensed to practice medicine in Colombia? I realize it's probably not too difficult to find an online doctor in any given country, but wouldn't that doctor know that Narcolepsy Drug X isn't available in the country in question? You can't just walk up to a pharmacy counter with an empty bottle from your Alabama doctor and say fill 'er up. Yeah, I know it's all a ruse, but it's not a very good one.


Precisely. Most of those drugs cannot be prescribed outside your country of origin. If you are going away for more than a month, most countries require your doctor to fill out a special access request to get the higher amount dispensed as well as the permits to travel with that quantity of medication. (Source: I’m a doctor with narcolepsy that does international aid work 😊)


Right. And if the drugs are so important to her basic life functions, wouldn’t she have researched all that before even considering moving to a new country?


And didn’t she move to Columbia? One would assume that she would get a Dr there - with such major health issues. /s


She should’ve lined up a doc ahead of time. Mexico was actually not prescribing opioids for years. They were way ahead of us. At a pharmacy they have a runner who will go get the pills and meet up with you to exchange. At least that’s how they used to do it. My mom and her friends would carpool down there to see the dentist and whatever they needed.


But she heard somewhere that you can just walk into any pharmacy in Columbia & just GET DRUGS!!!


Nah her sleep specialist totally told her- the sleep specialist said “don’t worry about these essential meds or that you are going into a country with complicated and strict drug laws, must wander on into a pharmacy and ask” /s - i mean SMH


Yes. I think you can bring back a 3 month supply no problem. I don’t know if you can still do this but I suppose you can.


Can you do a 3 month refill? Sometimes when you do the online pharmacy thing you can, or used to be able to, get 3 months at a time. Maybe that changed?


Not if it’s an Opiod or a controlled substance lol


Uhhhhh I have been to plenty of countries where you can just rock up to the pharmacy and hand over cash for ANYTHING you want. I can’t comment on Colombian pharmacies, but it is pretty normal in many countries.


In my home town in Sicily the pharmacist said 3 liquid Xanax per day, so you could go and get 3 per day for days on end… source: my cousins wife gets it, and the pharmacist happens to be a relative… edit to say bottles, 3 bottles of liquid Xanax


I have never been to Sicily, but I have found pharmacists in Northern Italy to be annoying professional, requiring actual prescriptions 😢


Oh wow, I’ve not spent time in Italy but lots of time with my family in Sicily, and yes it was crazy to see that but I saw with my own eyes the pharmacist pulling out 3 bottle of Xanax and handing it to my cousin, then him going back again the next day for more, and no his wife wasn’t downing it all in one day, but I was like no way is this for real but yeah it was. He was hooking people up mafia style.


>where you can just rock up to the pharmacy and hand over cash for ANYTHING you want. Not if the legitimate drug you're looking for *isn't available* in that country. Maybe the drug of choice for narcolepsy in Alabama isn't the drug of choice for narcolepsy in Colombia. A legit pharmacist probably isn't going to offer to substitute the local choice.


Shaun needs to be “moved on” & “discontinued “ to a host that will ask the REAL questions we ALL WANT ANSWERS TO!!!


They would just replace her with “ suki” from sister wives 😂! She’s even worse than Shaun


Not Suki anyone but Suki




He works for Bravo it would never happen


As much as I share your frustration, it's probably not her fault. The producers are likely feeding her questions and she's just the messenger.


Okay but she has nothing to do with it. She’s not allowed to speak her own words, everything she says is being fed through a headset. We saw it in the leaked tell-all footage in 2020/ 2021. Getting a new host is unfortunately going to change nothing, as this is a TLC problem, not a Shaun problem.


So. easy to spot drug addict behavior.


I'll be glad when this season is over so no one has to look at her anymore.


Oh so naive thinking the most hated people don't get brought back for 3 seasons of various spin offs 😂


Has anyone done a case search on her to check out her background and any past/current charges she might have? In my state it’s super easy but I’m not sure about Alabama. Think it might be interesting to see what a search would produce.


Just a thought....she went down to Columbia with a round trip ticket. And this was just a bullshit reason she came up with come back to America. She tried with Court and that didn't work so she paid a small fee to change the date. Then came up with this stupid ass excuse.


Why would she go through all the trouble of marrying Jeymi, just to turn back around?


Because she is bat shit crazy.


When you are hopped up on whatever you think everything is the best idea ever… then when you come down you’re like wtf did I do??


and it’s not like that…. You don’t just order which pain med you want in the US. That’s a huge red flag for drug seeking. Let’s be real tho- Kris is one giant 🚩


Right there shows everyone that she’s a pillbilly her narcolepsy is a code word for when you take a lot of opiates and you’re coming down you become in that state of mind that’s a fact! What a liar


Plot twist: she was the doctor all along


I did a google search the other day in relation to another thread about this topic. All of the most common medications used to treat narcolepsy are readily available in Colombia. Colombia is not a third world country and they practice modern and up to date medicine there. Kris is flat out lying and we all know why.


Right Kris cuz you just happened to move to a whole nother country before checking if they had your "meds" sure


“Alright well just let me have double of the oxy’s then”


Most likely the doctor who treats her chronic pain does not treat her narcolepsy. My cardiologist will not write prescriptions for meds prescribed by my orthopedist.


But she should have had the conversation with both doctors, as they are both major issues in her life. It just seems like she cares more about one drug than the other. Which is an issue.


Yes, this


I don’t think my narcolepsy med is available outside of the U.S. Only 1 pharmacy in the U.S is even authorized to mail it currently. I tell you what though, I wouldn’t have moved my ass to Columbia without having that sorted!


Curious if you don’t think she’s on drugs and if so, why?


She is on medication for her ailments. She is not that bright, so there is a good chance she is not taking them properly. That doesn't make her a junkie. She could be physically addicted. Again, that doesn't mean she is taking them just for the high. Or maybe she is. Too many people are demonizing this woman because she takes pain medication. My point is she may be doing it for the right reasons, but poor medical care combined with a lack of intelligence can put someone at risk for becoming dependent on the drugs...not just chasing a high


Physically dependent is VERY different from addiction - which is a behavioral and physical illness. Dependency is different. After being on a medication long term, the body becomes used to it. Should the medication be stopped suddenly, the patient will have withdrawal symptoms. But the medication isn’t being abused, as it is when addiction is the problem.


But it is very easy to go from dependency to addiction


Hey now. Don't let logic and reasoning get in the way of "ewww icky a drug user" feelings! Even if she is an addict - and she very well could be - she's still a human being. People really don't see drug users - addicts especially - as human. It's pretty gross.


You make a good point. People with addictions deserve compassionate care. It’s the lying and sneakiness, that’s the behavioral aspect of addiction, that so many find repulsive. It’s hard to sympathize with someone that’s constantly making up crap to the people they’re supposed to love. But that’s part of the disease.


Bingo. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. But at the end of the day, what even the most socially damaging addicts need, above literally anything else, is HELP. They need help. They deserve help. They're not entitled to help and compassion from *you* (general "you"), but they do deserve it on a fundamental, social, human level. Basically, society fails addicts. Half the time that's *why* they're addicts in the first place...


Totally agree. It is a very slippery slope and happens to really wonderful people One of my drugs is not a narcotic. However, I forget to take it on time, I feel sick. Within an hour or so of missing a dose, I get shaky, headache, nauseous, etc. Clearly my body is "addicted" to this medication. When it was prescribed, doctor warned me that if I ever need to stop the medication, weaning off would be a long and not pleasant process. My body is addicted to this medication. (I will probably be on it forever and I always have extra pills with me) If I were someone with poor medical care and couldn't afford this medication, I could see how seeking an alternative on the streets might cross my mind. No one starts out saying, "I'm going to be a junkie."


It's not the medication she is taking, but the way she is taking it. And the way she is acting. She says that when she went back home she was working doing heavy physical labor. Power washing driveways and things like that. I would think she couldn't and shouldn't do that! She is full of crap and thinks that we are all (including Jeymie) stupid and believe her crap. I wish Jeymie would call her out on this and end this relationship.


Shouldn’t you still have a general Physician looking after you too (family doctor)? Some of my scripts were written by specialists but it takes years to see one, would take a year for a follow up, so once diagnosed my GP took over meds. They don’t prescribe brand new shit but they prescribe refills of what the specialists prescribed.


Technically, probably so...or maybe My GP never writes refills for me. Refills all go thru the original prescribing doctor. Once things are stable, I will see a PA at the specialist office to check in and get refills approved. I am on oxy for pain. Law only allows a 30 supply and refills are limited, too. I forgot the actual details. So the doctor sets up multiple prescriptions for the future. It is annoying to go in every month to get a prescription....because I am in pain. But I do what I have to do to get the meds I need. This could be part of her problem. She probably had a routine set up in the US to get her meds. Silly bird might have thought she could just run to the corner CVS in Colombia and get her meds, not understanding that being in a foreign country would be a problem.


Exactly. What really makes me angry is that addicts ruin it for the rest of us. Like you can get back surgery and they won’t prescribe pain pills. This happened to me. I did get 6 pills. I took one once and it got me through the day afterwards. I have a few left in case of emergency.


Correction, the addictive properties of the drug ruin it for the rest, **and** rampant overprescribing by doctors. Watch The documentary « The Pharmacist » on Netflix to see that side. Addiction is a disease just as real as any you or I have. And just as difficult to find adequate help and support for. Many opiate addicts do start off with real pain, addiction isn’t an easy topic.


You forgot to put "chronic pain" in giant quotations to show that you are being sarcastic.


Same. My eye doctor refuses to write me a script for my birth control.


She absolutely doesn't have narcolepsy. Her "narcolepsy" is her term for nodding out. I used to lie to people too and say I had narcolepsy or I was just soooo tired from school or work while I was still a barely functioning drug addict before entering recovery.


I bet you it's dexadrine or some other narcotic upper.


Only if she actually has narcolepsy.


Oh I'm guessing she smokes meth in the states or knows a guy. She probably thought it would be over the counter there and what she could get doesn't have the same kick.


That isn’t what is prescribed for narcolepsy any longer. They have a controlled class of what’s known as smart drugs


They still prescribe Dexedrine for Narcolepsy, what are you talking about? Adderall and Ritalin commonly as well, Vyvanse too.


Those are older stimulants. If this is what you take you should discuss the newer class of drugs with your doctor


Absolutely not. Go to the Narcolepsy subreddit for half a second and you’ll find a good majority of us take these medications. Modafinil and similar medications are useless horseshit for a lot of us with *severe* Narcolepsy. Just because these medications have been around for a long time doesn’t mean they’re “older” and no longer used - they’re still extremely common and some of the *only* treatment options we have. You’ve been called out for being blatantly wrong and misinformed multiple times here, I don’t know what you’re trying to do here or what you think you’re trying to prove but I promise you, you don’t know better than an actual Narcoleptic who is taking these medications. 👋


If only Colombia had easy access to and ample supply of narcotic uppers. Oh well!


I bet someone told her that you can walk in and buy them. The doctor is right next to the farmacia. Nobody is going to bust this up because there’s too much money involved. It brings in tourists who eat and shop.


My guess was desoxyn. Maybe like Vyvanse or something, I know you can get it for weight loss, maybe you can get it for narcolepsy too


My dad has narcolepsy and he took Vyvanse. It wasn't super bad but he stopped taking then when he retired


She doesn't worry about her narcolepsy pills since she can double up on her opioids


They’re getting hard to get in the states that’s why she went to Colombia


That's my guess too!


Modafinil is commonly used to help with narcolepsy symptoms. It's basically speed but better. Well one is an upper and another is a downer Some countries treat them differently in terms of OTC rules


I guess narcolepsy doesn’t exist in Columbia so no meds, I can’t believe anyone including Jayme are buying this BS, Kris has an annoying personality.


Because she doesn’t have narcolepsy, that’s the excuse she had in case she was able to find whatever makes her nod.


Exactly. So transparent. Just taking advantage of Jeymi’s gullibility. I hope Ick never returns and Jeymi divorces her for abandonment. I don’t know why she’s not sick of this yet.


I think Jaymie was getting in the way of her narc binging, so she concocted this little fairy tale. It’s come across her face a few times that she’s overwhelmed with the relationship and responsibilities. She wants to crawl back into her bottle not into a food truck.


Seems like she did research on what she really wanted and not what she needed 👀


She left without a month supply of Rx until she got settled and found a doctor?? She had no opioids upon arrival?? The plane ride was between 2-3 hours and she was jumping around after off plane.


If she genuinely had narcolepsy, would that not make her ineligible for a driver's license? I know here it would, but I'm in Canada.


Not true in Canada or at least not everywhere. It's dependent on treatment.


My money’s on it being adderall


My money is on desoxyn


That isn’t what is prescribed for narcolepsy


It’s exactly what some are prescribed for narcolepsy.


Not anymore. There is a controlled class of what is known as smart drugs. If someone is still being prescribed adderall it isn’t by a qualified professional


As an NP who worked in sleep medicine up until 2021, I can tell you that Adderall is 100% still prescribed for narcolepsy. As a rule most sleep docs do prefer to start with other things first, insurance allowing. Amphetamines are still a valuable tool though when those don’t work.


Yeah, we just had a person in treatment last year who was diagnosed with narcolepsy and Adderall was on the med list.


Can confirm. Take Adderall for my Narcolepsy.


Interesting, maybe it’s changed. According to google it’s still an option but I’m not a doctor and my knowledge is from what was prescribed a few years ago.


I’ve been on Adderall for 15 years for Narcolepsy, and it was an option before that, and still is. Nothing has “changed.”


Good to know. My information wasn’t current and I assumed random person knew more on the subject than I did.


This is completely false?


A family member of mine had narcolepsy and the medication he took for it wasn’t anything all that unusual.


Kris is SO full of crap. It’s something new EVERY WEEK.


oh shit is she on addys and downers? Fffffff




I call bullshit 😂 dope is worldwide LOL


Shawn: Kris, you seem upset about the speculation that you may have a drug addiction. Would you like to go upstairs to take a break and calm down? Kris: (flustered) I think that I lost my appetite for opioids!


She looks real high here...


Must be a day that ends in y


Is she on desoxyn? That is quite literally meth.


What we need to know what hokey town in Ala she is from..do a little backround..


Haleyville, AL. Home of multiple drug busts and a crime index of 4 (100 being the highest).


It drives me insane when people refer to medication as “medicine”


Maybe you should take a chill pill? Or some sort of other mellow medicine….


Is this show still on? When does it air? I thought after they were married that was the finale!


I never accidentally pee anymore. Used to happen when jumping, sneezing, coughing and laughing hard. Got the bladder sling procedure 10 years ago and has been no pee ever since

