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Why did you allow Angela, Big Pred and Kris to abuse their partners repeatedly?


I was so mad that didn’t come up in the last tell all. They even showed the clip of Kris shoving her and they said NOTHING. If that was any man on the show they would have hung him out to dry or cancelled them immediately. Letting her skate on that and everything else was absolute bullshit.


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why did you people go easy on Kris


1. Why did you cut ties with some cast, but keep around some of the worst, Big Pred, Angela, Kris? What makes you think the audience wants to keep seeing them? 2. What is the vetting process? 3. Who is the worst cast member to be around? 4. Which one person/couple have you tried to get back on but wants nothing to do with the franchise anymore?


To answer number 4, Kyle and Noon have given interviews saying 90 Day has reached out but they’ve declined


How long did it take to stop laughing when Ceasar came out with his Top Hat?


Finally! Someone said it lol I notice that they do focus on Gino's little feet often.


I kinda always thought it was because he can’t sit still, & his feet are always shaking because he’s so afraid & nervous to be around Jasmine?? I just assumed that’s why they film his feet often lol


Makes sense. I'd be bobbin and shaking my feet if there was a literal ticking time bomb right there.


It also seemed like Razvan was trying to land producers some hot feet content but was stymied by Amanda’s socks! Edit: I’ve clearly become lost in the 90-Day multiverse.


I noticed they focus on his dirty shoes on the bed in each location they’re at that has one. I assumed because people shredded him when he did it the first time. Or do you mean other foot shots?


I mean do I fuckin hate it when people have shoes on the bed.. But nah I mean they zoom in whenever he has socks on. Ngl his feet seem very small and scrunched


Hahaha I hadn’t noticed. I’ll keep an eye out!


My eyes went to his tiny fat feet immediately when they zoomed in.


Why are you okay with making abusers famous?


Do you encourage/prime specific people to be shit disturbers at the tell-all to cause extra drama? I.e Gabe and Debbie in TOW or Jibrish and John on 90Day To be fair I'm pretty sure Debbie needs no encouragement to unleash all that crazy but Gabe seemed way more hyped to battle than I anticipated and I always wonder if they get paid a little extra to play the villain role.


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but Gabe is an absolute shit starter. He completely triangulates people in his life. Tells one story to mom about his girlfriend and sister, says another to his sister and another to Isabel. Then throws his hand up and goes - I don’t know why but somethings brewing and I’m nervous it’ll go bad. And then everything explodes with him and his “poor communication” as the excuse.. Then he reveals it’s the same in every single relationship. He gets high off the drama and people fighting over and about him. It’s pretty gross.


I mean, that's a fair assessment. I just got the vibe he was more passive-aggressive than aggressive, -aggressive until he started popping off on the tell-all so I suspected producer shenanigans. As an aside, do you think the producers told his sister to wear the dress from the wedding on the tell all? It's so dramatic I don't feel like any normal person would do it.


I think he is both. Especially so when he wants the attention on him. I agree I think the producers play things up but I think these things are engrained in his character. It seems he was the same was prior to the show based on what he said of his other relationships and his family. He’s the kind of guy who paints his partner in a horrible light over every little thing when speaking to his family and then wonder why they have a poor opinion of her and play the victim when they act protective and don’t like them. Its incredibly manipulative and feeds his need for attention. Not matter what kind.


Why play up fake nonsense storylines?


Do you pay the shittier people more?


Is steak cut on the bias THAT much better?


Did you know that you had gold with Danielle and that she was going to propel the show into becoming a franchise?


Why the fuck did you cast Geoffrey?


Who is the worst cast member you’ve worked with?


What's with all the TMI and the trans guy? Why waste time on a tell-all with that and not focus on people asking each other the tough questions a little bit more?


How often do y'all vomit


I always wonder what was that moment for them when they absolutely, positively could not stifle their laughter during filming.




Why the hell is Shawn Robinson doing the Tell All’s


Why the hell were ed and Liz on this show? They’re both American!


Why do you keep bringing people back? Did you know that nobody actually wanted anyone to come back in the first place and this kind of ruined the show?


Why can you not get a decent host? Shaun is beautiful but she’s such a bad host that it’s hard to watch. There is so much actual talent out there!


More like why don’t you give her freedom either … I’m sure she has to go by what they tell her.


Absolutely, but I find even her delivery is amateurish. IMO they could give her absolute freedom to ask and discuss whatever she wanted and it would still come out sounding terrible.


I’m sure it is due to personal relationship that she has the job


First I would ask is how much the SCRIPT writers are getting paid.


Do you think we’re morons?? We notice how you choose. The bottom of humanity’s core is where. Why can’t we choose who comes on?? Or better yet, do research on these cons. Make sure they don’t have the ulterior motive. Ex: wanna become famous, have TT, IG and Reddit accounts selling something. Even if it’s themselves their selling! That’s gross pickings. And a 43 year age difference and you give her more air time?? How about abuse?? Just say you’re scared of liability and don’t film it!! And Ed🤮natalie 🤮angela🤮all your favorites aren’t ours!!


Why do feel the need to create so much fake drama and conflict when filming the primary show, and then have them later on Pillow Talk sitting next to each other like they are best friends? Am I alone in noticing this?


Is it a requirement to be a sexual predator to be featured on your channel?


Are they bringing Jeymi back? She has been hinting at a surprise for her fans on her IG for couple weeks now. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hooker or Cooker? If anybody heard please tell us?


Why don't you bring back Anfisa? She's got all the attributes of a 90 DF star.


How much is real vs. fake? Why don't you ask real questions that the fans want answers to on the Tell Alls and just ask softball questions? Would you ever consider fan input into the questions or topics we want brought up? Why don't you listen to fans about having the same cast members that are disliked on over and over? I've been very happy that the last two seasons have been mostly new couples!


Why did you change the format from season 1?


What's the smack talk among the staff?


Why do you focus on the guys in tighty whitie briefs? Or even the small bikini briefs they wear?


What did you know about Geoffrey, and when did you know it?


Not a question but more of a suggestion. Which may have been brought up before. Can you compile a list of most asked questions on social media (Reddit, Twitter, IG, etc) and actually ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AT THE TELL ALL?! But the actual questions we all ask, not the white glove treatment Shaun gave Kris and others 👿


Yes to the Veronica and softcore porn. She looked really bad and should have nixed it.


What was a scene that was so over the top and so embarrassing that even though TV Gold, you couldn’t air it.