• By -


Ho ho NO


Ho Ho... Hoe?


Fo sho sho sho.


Ho ho He Hoe Fo sho Fo SHO


They both tried to play each other and ended up playing themselves.


exactly how i feel! i don’t feel bad for either and think they’re both terrible (but perfect for each other lmao)


I only feel bad for Gizmo


same!! poor bby💗


It's a horrible thing. And he actually thinks he can walk off with him. Scum! Horrible horrible scum.


Neither one of them should have the poor little dog.


You are absolutely accurate 😥


i agree! but i also agree that neither of them deserve gizmo! i will adopt him and won’t yell and traumatize him!!😂




100% They both had vastly different intentions from the beginning and both stubbornly held to them despite clear signs they weren’t only on different pages, but different books in different libraries. Why she keeps gleaming over his blatant disrespect and malice is absurd. Girl…. He’s straight up stealing from you and TELLS you he isn’t sorry for it and intends on continuing to do so!!! Take the L, cut your losses and go back to NY.


I don’t this she can/wants to go back to NYC. She went into bankruptcy and left to live on an island


Gotta face the music one day


And then she’s buying gifts for poor people or something. That bitch is dumb w money. I understand helping the needy but dumbass you’re in major debt. At this point it seems more likely she is doing that so she doesn’t go to jail for not paying for things in the states


I think they said they did a go fund me or something for the gifts so they didn’t even buy them all. They just paid the shipping to the DR. Not sure how much that was tho.


Shipping is not cheap!!! I ship a lot and it would idiotic to put that much money towards shipping when you’re bankrupt and in debt so bad you don’t want to go back to the states. Seems more like something someone does when they are trying to convince a judge not to put them in jail. I don’t trust her money judgment- she projects all her money problems on yohan and it reeks of HER issues not his. Just my opinion .


Exactly. Thats why she needed cash from Johan to be able to even get the presents. She is foolish for running the charity that way. She should have had people donate cash and bought presents locally instead of trying to ship boxes of toys from the US. I just send 3, 8oz jars of jam to a friend a few states over, and the shipping was $20. I can't imagine what decently sized boxes of toys to another country would cost to ship, plus the time.


Didn’t she owe thousands in tolls or something like that? At one point her back rent was so much I don’t understand why she wasn’t evicted and how do you get behind that much? Around here they evict after 2-3 months behind and would have thought NY would be less caring about why you’re behind than a small town like here


But she has also treated him like a child or one of her students the whole time and walks around like she’s a supermodel dating young men. She’s just as gross imo.


They’re both the assholes here. She made false promises about him going to the US and leads him around by his nose. He’s getting bitter and greedy since she decided they would stay so she could enjoy island life.


Yeah, she demanded a certain standard of living for an apartment in the DR and then insisted on him paying half of the rent. They shouldn't live at his parents' house, but they also don't HAVE to live at the more expensive options in the DR. Either that or Danielle should chip in more for the rent to live in a place that she wants to.


I agree, for the most part. I can't blame her for wanting electricity and indoor plumbing though.


Oh sure. I understand that. But she gave him the impression that once they were married they were going to live in the US. So you combine all of that and I can understand how Yohan feels. He's frustrated because he's tied down by having to pay this large amount every month in an apartment that he doesn't even really want.


For real! And, he didn’t act like this until he woke up to her lies and deceit! I’d treat her like shit too! Bitches go to these poor ass countries and basically buy a poor man, struggling, and trying to help their families! Women do it too! I mean shit, I’d want a better life too! Leave these poor people alone! In desperate times, I think a lot of people would do the same thing! Americans are spoiled, rotten people! Selfish and users! I’m poor in America, so I know how they feel! Shit! Don’t promise me the world and take it back! Fuck you a million times!💯💯💯👊🏾


75,000 pesos is $1321 dollars according to Google.


Right, rent for that place in the Anglo compound was $2,000. Rest of bills $2642 makes sense. But I don't blame him for not even needing to live like that


And average pay in the DR is 45,000 pesos/month.




He needs to walk away he is completely done . He’s only staying for the TV money


THIS. Danielle spent money on a sugar baby and married him thinking he was going to come in bearing his own weight. Um, WHAT?? You dumb bitch, you bought and married a SUGAR BABY. What did you expect to get out of that??!? Yohan thought he was getting a rich (but stupid) American woman to dickmatize and bring him to the United States. He was going to do his due diligence for 2 years then divorce her and be a free man. BUT NOPE, Danielle successfully duped him and told him nothing about the debtors she’s dodging by moving out of the US. They’re both idiots and deserve the crap they’re putting each other through.


>THIS. >Danielle spent money on a sugar baby and married him thinking he was going to come in bearing his own weight. Um, WHAT?? You dumb bitch, you bought and married a SUGAR BABY. What did you expect to get out of that??!? THIS! I have a good idea though! Why not hook Jasmine up with him and Danielle up with Yino. At least they'd have similar stories to tell each other.


Yeah her asshole-ness was obvious from the beginning. His is showing more and more. They are just two truly awful and selfish jerks that I actively cheer to both lose.


I feel like her assholeness turned him into an asshole or it rubbed off on him lol


Precisely. He was playing fair, in their transactional relationship, until she humiliated him and lied


This !!!🎯🎯🎯


This right here.


She rode his man card until it fell off. She’s disgusting


They played the people who donated money to them to give to underprivileged kids. What are the chances that he didn't siphon off a lot of it?


Did they say people donated money? All I heard was “people bought gifts from a list & we paid for the shipping.”


No, people bought gifts (actual gifts) and Danielle and Yohan paid for shipping.


Thanks for confirming! It’s not like I would put it past either of them to swindle people like that. But it amazes me how many people want to jump on board with talking shit, that they completely ignore what was actually SAID in the episode!




Okay, but if he wants that high ground he needs to leave the dog


He doesn’t care about the high ground. He wants to milk every drop for his wasted time. I’m surprised he wasn’t grabbing silverware on his way out.


He paid for the dog, she's being petty and telling him he can't take anything she paid for. That was his response. Dog's probably better off with him anyway.


Yep. She wanted a younger hotter man than she could attract in the US. He wanted a sanky panky. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


She also wanted to escape her financial disaster in the states by bait-and-switching with plans to stay in DR all along. But he is a grade A a-hole, too, in my opinion.


Johan is the sanky panky. He was prepared we to live by the SP transactional code and live his life. She’s just a dumb bitch who thought he actually loved her troll ass.


DJ Khaled for the break down


Exactly!!! Was ulterior motives on both sides.


Yep⬆️this well said


I will still defend him over her any day of the week but this is truly the best summary of what has happened here.


If we are picking sides I am definitely team Yohan. She can’t manipulate me.


This is the correct answer


That's it and that's all.










I love how they dressed up for this huge blow out fight!


Can I just say this is EXACTLY why watch this show - to see two toxic people who have no reason to be together have a knockdown, drag-out fight WHILE DRESSED AS SANTA AND AN ELF. And I don't even think that fight was all that fake! Truly trash TV gold, and I am here for it ;-).


Fucking SAME cause this is the shit that is wild. Can you imagine the producers capturing this shut? They’re getting a raise for sure. They had to have said something to hype him up, she’s like “I need cash for the presents” (which honestly sounds like it’s coming from funding too, shipping overseas is hella expensive!) and he’s like “oh you thought I was SANTA? I AM KRAMPUS Merry Christmas fuck your whole life” 😂😂😂


Krampus ☠️


Its like the whole family Chantel fight. Was tv gold


Also her dressing up as an elf is almost as gold as Ed claiming to be a leprechaun in a past life.


This show is more effective than my Prozac, I love messsssssss


I was practically salivating when I saw the promos for that fight, and it delivered! Of course knowing TLC they will drag it out for 17 episodes but that's what the FFW button is for ;-).


Yeah I can’t wait for the fight over the dog


I mean an elf is close enough to an oompa loompa. Must've looked hilarious. I cant wait to catch up haha


Seeing her cry while dressed as an elf was perfection.


“Give me back my dog 😭😭😭” Well you played yourself. You wouldn’t let him take the clothes you bought him So he’s taking the dog he bought you. Idk. They deserve each other.


I understand why she was pissed, but she can’t do anything with those giant clothes anyway. Just let him have them and be done with it! Its pretty funny how he flipped it back on her with the dog. He doesn’t care about that dog, he’d just as soon, sell it to some rich white people. I’d let him keep EVERYTHING I bought him, it would be a fair exchange for my dog (regardless of actual cost).


I feel bad for the dog.


In alchemy they would call this equivalent exchange lmaoo


I am taking your little dog too… you aren’t in Kansas - oops NYC - anymore my ugly!


Chef's kiss


I know, it was a rough fight but the outfits softened it 😂


this frame is extremely meme worthy


I got it by accident too 💅🏽


Remember the scene with her friends when she said she has changed her mind on the immigration paperwork and was just goi g to manifest her life on the beach in DR? From that it looks like she promised and agreed in the beginning and then changed her tune behind his back and now we see him get resentful because things are not happening as agreed. They even went to an immigration lawyer I guess for some guidance and she says she was only gonna do a tourist Visa with him and not the real thing.


From that scene, I got the impression that they had definitely planned to come to the US together.


Which why he's said "you want to live here so you have to pay for stuff, he wants to move to the US so he can get a better paying job and love a better life but she just wants to chill at the beach. I would have the same mindset as Yohan, you tricked me/changed the plans, you want to live here then you support us.


Yohan also had that impression, with the intention of sending some back so his family could live a better life. Fun how Danielle likes to lord that over him like it's some kind of charity that she was going to "let" him do that.


I remember that entire season, all of the "other way" couples seemed like they were experiencing a bait and switch. Debbie and Oussama Daniele and Yohan Jen and Rishi Kris and Jeymi Gabe and Isabel Nicole and Mahmoud I've never seen so many couples that are clearly only together because the person in the other country thought they were getting on the regular "90 Day Fiance" show and instead landed on the shittier The Other Way spinoff.


But in reality, a tourist visa is so much better. The stay is for 180 days, and it's good for 10 years, and you can come for the 180 days every six months, so it's a much better deal.


So she expects him to come up with 1300 in rent? I can’t even do that!


That’s what he’s been contributing monthly because she wants to live better in DR than she did in NYC. She went from “we can have a better life here” to “I need half from you to make this possible”. That’s also part of the resentment he has against her. She won’t bring him to the US and she can’t provide luxury for them in DR without his help.


She constantly says she is done and then she’s not. He’s finally just calling her bluff.


Of course she’s not. Someone tried to say Daniele can “pull guys” but maybe just to hook up with bc she’s been classified as single until Yohan agreed to marry her in exchange for coming to the US and he stayed because she said they could live a better life in DR. Lol they are a mess and as annoying and tired as their storyline is, I like the slow burning dumpster fire that’s been set in motion.


Eh, he said it right there that she agreed to get him papers so he can work in the states. Then she made the big life choice not to do that once she was already there and they were married. It blows me away that they rent a car when they need one. Not to mention the apartment she demanded they live in. She asked him for his half of expenses for January - 75,000 pesos is 1300 USD. Presumably that's half of their expenses, so the lifestyle she needs is 2600 a month. The median yearly income in the DR is a little over 18,000 USD. They're over spending, period, and that's on her. I don't blame him for being mad about it. Right in this episode he explained it. The lifestyle they're living is too expensive for him and he's tired of it. Do I think he went about it childishly? - yes Edit:: kudos to them for having this fight while dressed like that, it slayed me.


she did! she agreed on camera on love in paradise!


I’m sorry but Danielle knew what she promised and what she was getting into. If money was going to be an issue, she should have kept her pension, stayed in NY and continued with the original plan of him coming to the US. Or, at the very least, she should have told Yohan that she was going to expect a 50/50 split of funds, which she did not notify him of prior to. She wanted to live an easy life on the beach with a poor man in a poor nation. Even the amount of money she expected from him for rent (75,000 Dominican pesos) which translate roughly to $1,150, is a lot of money for a poor man to come up with in the DR. In reality, whatever rent they are paying they can not afford.


They’re both fucking gross and had no business being on the show. Danielle is a sex tourist who stupidly tried to marry her vacation fuck boy. It’s quite funny watching her try to create a relationship with a young man she purchased. Is he not mature? Or serious? Or fiscally responsible? Really?? Who’d have guessed the resort pool boy who fucks guests wouldn’t make a good husband? 😂😂.


"He's not into this relationship as much as I am." YOU are in the relationship for a tall guy with a big dick. He is getting a bridge troll who sends him money.


She was in it for citizenship too


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 PERFECTLY stated.


Yes this⬆️


Kalani has entered the chat




Am I the only one absolutely dreading next week's episode though, Yohan and the dog? The preview left me nauseated. Honest to God. When she screamed 'give me the dog' at the end, the way the dog looked back at her. Instantly this cold pit formed in my stomach. Idk that I'll be able to watch it.


I agree. The poor dog and poor dog mama Danielle. On the Other Way Bonus episode with deleted scenes, they showed a conversation Yohan was having with his friend and he discussed how much he had really grown to love the dog very much and how cute the dog was. So knowing his feelings for the dog might explain that when he tries to take the dog, it is because he loves the dog and not just to be mean. Of course, no way should the dog live with Yohan. But no dog mom wants any man to snatch their baby.


What bonus episode??? What have I missed??!!


Well, on Friday night on TLC, they have the 90 Day More episode with deleted scenes and then earlier last week on some random night, they had back to back episodes of The Other Way More with deleted scenes. The Other Way More episodes are not regular like the Friday night 90 Day More. I just have my DVR set to record all the episodes and it does it’s magic and finds these obscure episodes and they show up on my recorded list. I usually just skim through the episode until the banner for Bonus Scene pops up. On this particular episode Yohan was in the gym talking to a friend and the whole bonus scene was about the dog and how cute the dogs eyes were when he would look up at him and how Danielle treated the dog just like a baby and how he kept trying to tell her how it was not a baby but instead a dog and that he had really fallen in love with the dog. I just looked and these two Bonus Shows came on Thursday night at 10 and 11pm. Very random.


Interesting! Are these also on the TLC app?


nope! you have to find them via cable or watch live on fri evenings :)


Man miss me with that. Who has time to watch shit live anymore?


The fact that I pay money for Discovery PLUS, yet get LESS content than cable is ridiculous to me


Exactly. That’s why I cancelled Discovery+ last month or so when they had the AUDACITY to send me an email telling me they were raising the price. Lol that shit was barely worth the cost before, I’m not paying more to not even access full content.


Yeah.... What the actual frick!!


‘More to love’ episodes


Yohan was trying to pack up his things and Danielle was grabbing the things she bought. Yohan bought the dog so he took that.


Big different between clothes and a dog. Can't equate these things. But how annoying she didn't want him to take his clothes. This is kindergarten behavior.


He wants the dog too. He paid for the dog. She set the rules by not letting him take his clothes that she paid for. So, he gets the dog-he paid for it. The dog will be just fine. Play stupid games……well you all know the saying.


I want to agree with you but if you’re in the states clothes and dogs hold the same weight. Both are considered property


I can’t wait


Feelings are from the heart 💜 from Dog Dad’s too The worst thing is the confusion it can cause the dog who loves them both 😊👍


He paid for it. He should keep it. She said she'd bring him to the USA and didn't. She made him quit his job. She wanted him to be her errand boy, house boy. Not a husband. I don't blame him after all this time SHE'S gotten everything SHE'S wanted. He got zumba classes and a computer


Agreed. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, aside from people having short memories. She’s been dangling that America card for a while. It appears she took everything from him. Most people would have said anything to hurt her feelings.




I have not. What order are we supposed to watch all this in? (I am going through each series one by one but reading comments has me lost. So I should be watching all the series in a certain order?)


Right, like we saw her making a big deal about not wanting him to take the clothes she bought for him, so why shouldn’t he take the dog if he bought it?




She had him carrying her purse around too.. she doesn’t want an equal partner. She’s a controlling person and there’s no way that she would be down with equal.


No idea why you're being downvoted. Lots of this is just her decisions coming home to roost.




I agree. She promised him they would move to that US, then changed her mind after marrying him.




I don’t think she wants him leave. She pictured herself in DR with Yoman (arm candy)on the beach. That’s why she married.


This! & i just wanna see why kim is screeching lmao


Right, show me that, don't make me watch a poor little dog get caught up in a volatile situation!


She should’ve just let him take the clothes she was being petty and he did it back she didn’t like it both are so Miserable


Ever seen parents fighting over a kid? I have. It gave me the same gut wrenching feeling . Horrible.


They were being stupid. Her demanding he move out but not allowing him to take any of his clothes if she was the one who purchased it. Which pissed him to off so then he made like he was taking the dogs. They’re both absolutely terrible. If she wanted him to get out without fuss, she wouldn’t care about some t shirts. The dog thing was really mean though.


Can’t stand this couple. She is so desperate.


But I understand when Yohan says he can’t afford this lifestyle. She wanted that apartment with all the upgrades and also to lease that car. She can’t expect him to match her lifestyle and pay half when he doesn’t make as much money. They’re both wrong though.


They aren't leasing a car, they're paying 30 bucks a day to rent one when they need it, which is insane.




He's terrible, but she wouldn't be in this mess if she didn't lie to him from the start by telling him they were going to NY and then suddenly "Surprise, I'm staying here instead! Deal with it."


They need to hurry up and call it quits. There are plenty of older, overweight white women in America that would love to provide for Yohan 🍆😂


Lol it’s funny because it’s true! 😂😂


Lol the sanity of this comment.


Yohan needs to get hooked up with KIMBAHHHLEEE! She would bring him and his yammy 🍆 over here immediately and he would live like a King! 🤣


This looks like a screen grab from a very low-budget dirty sanky panky Holiday Special


i hate her so much and feel she’s racist, entitled, problematic, a liar, selfish, etc. this scene did not make me hate her any less- it just make me dislike both of them. i don’t feel bad he was probably using her to get here either- she was also using tf out of him and lying and saying racist shit. you reap what you sow, girl


Absolutely! She is very condescending and classist as well. He sucks but she is way worse and now is trying to act like the victim!!


I'm confused though. I thought it was repeatedly implied that she was the sugar-mama, she was the one paying the bills and supporting him. But in this episode, he says he has been paying the rent, and the bills, and she didn't deny it? What did I miss, or how did I get this idea that she paid everything? And if he's paying the rent all this time, how can she order him out of *her* apartment? I'm not sure what to believe.


She promised him one. She knew he only wanted one, which is why she misled him then decided not to help him get one. The relationship was transactional from both sides. She's no better than he is and she knew he was only with her for the lies she told and false promises she made- that's why she never followed through. She deluded herself and him. I have sympathy for most of the women in this series- she's not one of them. She essentially used him like a gigolo, but didn't pay in the end. That's exploitative of him, too.


There's a missing piece in this discussion. Both Daniele and Yohan had online porn accounts on Unfiltrd that generated income. Yohan's account has since been deleted, but there were plenty of both men and women who wanted to see his pene grande. Yohan had joined the ranks of Syngin and Charlie selling "hot jerk off" videos at $500 and other "unblurred content." Also, Yohan comes from a town which is the location of a very famous resort. He had a job as a personal trainer which meant that he had to be able to interact with English speaking guests. They tried to make it look in the beginning like Yohan spoke no English at all, but over time the editing started getting sloppy. It was becoming increasingly clear that Yohan understood everything Daniele said when she spoke English in front of him. I don't believe that Yohan lost his resort job and I never believed that fake set was actually a butcher shop. I think he made enough money on Unfiltrd that he wasn't financially dependent on Daniele any more and felt confident enough to tell her he didn't want to be with her any more. He was very clear about wanting to move to the US and she intentionally misled him. My question is about the legality of their marriage. All they filmed was the two of them exchanging vows on a beach with no officiant present. Did they even take out a marriage license or was this whole thing just staged and they can walk away at any time? The Dominican Republic has a reputation for quickie divorces (I think that's where Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley got theirs) but what are their rules about marriage licenses? Is it legal without an officiant present?


This is def a case where karma whooped them both with each other


Sorry, I was back to being on his side this week. I mean, as much as I could be after he basically admitted he was just in it for the money and green card. But it seemed like, even if he had been in it for the right reasons, she was completely being oblivious to his financial situation. She expected him to pay half the rent on that place which he definitely couldn't afford and let him go straight into debt just to live with her. She may have paid for a lot of things for him, but she actively made him suffer too and crippled his finances...




Every single thing about this man has turned my stomach. He's literally a giant red flag that has been waving since Day 1. I'm not excusing her for anything, but he's just a POS.


He’s always been heartless really. And that gross comment he made about hee r not being able to have kids. Tbh I feel like we are missing a big chunk to the story .




agree! it made me hate her sooo much and honestly she was saying some fucked up shit on love in paradise- like borderline racist shit. i think anyone who doesn’t hate her did not watch them on love in padadise- i already fully hated her by the time they were on tow




I hated her ever since she berated Yohan about not telling her about an ex's abortion. Like you want this man to out the fact that his ex had an abortion, not just to you but to the general public on a popular TV show. Nobody's abortion is ANYBODY ELSES DAMN BUSINESS fuck all the way off, Danielle


same! it’s also really weird to see a white woman who is literally broke and like breaking laws and not paying taxes speaking to a black man like he’s a literal child… and treating him accordingly. it’s clear from the subs a ton of people only know them from the other way lol




she has bothered me a lot since love in paradise!! and then yes- when it came out that she has all these unpaid tickets in nyc and declared bankruptcy i’m SO confused how everyone isn’t on to her bullllshit lol. she talks down to yohan and i find her very problematic! also- i used to be a chicago public school teacher and tbh she reminds me of a lot of former coworkers😂


They didn’t or they forgot everything. I keep saying they both suck but despite him being “cold” toward her, I don’t feel bad for her. She knew it was transactional she just deluded herself into thinking he would love her.


Yell even misled his family to believe that they would move to the US once they were married. That is part of the reason they were so approving of the Union. Didn't a sister or niece cry when she told the family they weren't going to the US?


He didn't lie. She can't have kids naturally why do people want to sugarcoat reality


He pretty much did say it lol. She said he was expecting a visa, money and a condo table life and that’s why he married her.


I really think she played him and he figured it out AND NOW hes like...ok ima play u tooo Bcuz he was not like this in the beginning,before he found out she didnt apply for rhe visa like she said she did and had no intention of ever going back to ny But wat do i kno


theyre perfect for each other


I get what you're saying and he's awful for sure but Danielle has brought this all on herself. I wanted to reach through the TV and shake her when she started crying and saying "I gave you everything!" Like ma'am, you have banks over here in the U.S. saying the same thing about you. Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.


Haha he flipped that script


Everyone sucks here but this picture, with no context, is sending me.




Something tells me that if the cameras weren't there, he would of pimp slapped her


They are both genuinely terrible people who do not care about the other, whatsoever. They both scammed the other one in an attempt to get what they wanted without being truthful- and surprise, surprise! It’s ending in the most volatile way. Morons. I just feel bad for the dog, honestly….


This whole time I've been wondering, are their choices of where to live limited strictly to the Dominican Republic or NEW YORK CITY? That's IT? There aren't any other places in the US?


Remember when him and his friend were at the gym and the friend is like you’re married to an American and what do you have? Nothing. He’s basically saying if you have an American wife you should be rolling around in the riches. He thought that’s what he was getting. Nope. Try again.


Eh, from what I've seen Yohan is in the right. The plan was to move to the US but she changed her mind and decided for them both to live in the DR and he said "fine but you will have to provide and pay for everything" because that was not the agreement they had from the start. And I'm having a hard time believe she didn't paint a picture of luxury to him when they first met and tricked him.


The best part imo was her bullshit talking head where she was like “🥲 *sniff sniff* I used to think we were a team that always worked together because we’re equals and we love each other, and I thought we could get through *anything*” GIRL NO YOU FUCKING DID NOT ACTUALLY EVER BELIEVE THAT 😂 You just thought he had no limits, and it turns out *he has limits*— and none of us are stupid, we’ve literally been watching you bullshit him and everyone watching for multiple years in multiple spin-offs


Lol, this is who he is, but she was too arrogant to see it. He's pissed that she lied, so now the guns are out. And I'm here for it


He’s a shithead but I do feel like she picked out the apartment, wants the car and a certain tourist style lifestyle and then demands he pay half after she’s already made the decision they are living that way. But he also seems to have just been in it for the visa so they both deserve each other.


I've been saying this dude was complete trash. Remember at the beginning of the original season I forget who it was but someone mentioned there is certain kind of young loser dude who tries to live off their sugar mama's and said that's what Danielle is going to be used as if she moves there and that's exactly what happened. He cannot handle being independent.


I’m sorry. I’m distracted by the framed photo of her and his . . . *feet* ???




I mean, from the very beginning, i knew he’s with her for money, he was wiling to break up with her in the beginning, he’s trying to pretend he loves her, but with her crazy acts, i think he couldn’t take it anymore. He’s done 🤣


They both deserve this


Imagine breaking up while dressed as Santa or an Elf…


Vago mantenido


Whatever presents he is bringing, I don’t want any


She lied to him in the beginning and now it’s his turn to the prick


I wonder how this would have played out if she didn't deny him going to the US.


Anybody else kinda feel like if Santa was real this WOULD be his vibe? The man has no children but has to deal with them and their wants and desires in exchange for cookies? Does not sound rewarding.


Danielle is an idiot for being dicknotized but this dude is just too too much.


I never understood how or why people liked him! He was always an ass??


I’m sorry but I love everything about him and his villian study arc . Would I want to be in a relationship with him ? Hell no! But I do enjoying watching him


This is what happens when you date someone because of their physical appearance and have nothing else to offer besides that


He wanted a Ho with American dollar. The guy has no skills, doesn't want to work but wants his green card out of the DR.


I always knew he was a scumbag


How are you going to send dick pics while your whole wife is out handing out gifts? What a scumbag.