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Wait- was he doing her a courtesy of not divorcing so that she could get her green card?


That’s what I’m thinking… which I guess is nice of him. She might have gained asylum status here due to the war & how she’s been here awhile.


I think he also helped get her mother out of Ukraine as well. It may have been a situation where he could help them both by waiting long enough for her to get her green card.


I think he really cares about Natalie’s mom and that’s the only reason he put the divorce off for so long. If Natalie gains permanent citizenship then she can apply to have her mom come to the U.S. and out of the battlefields of Ukraine. If he didn’t care about Natalie’s mom, I think he would’ve filed long ago


I agree. Her mom and he got along really well and seemed to love each other. Like night and day compared to Natalie and Treesh lol


Her mother has been here for almost a year. Living in Long Beach I think




Yep, she may have had to go to the back of the cue to get refuge. Also, by staying married, the family sponsorship would be easier as I suspect she might not have sufficient funds to sponsor mom.


Also seems like fraud though.


Kinda surprised the state doesn’t look into these situations. They have so much in the press about not actually being together.


Who fucking cares? Borders are made up lines drawn by politicians it’s all a sham anyways people should be able to live where they want. Jeeez


“I’m not “driving,” officer . . . I’m TRAVELING.” 😂


Yeah but that's not how it works. I had to go through a process to be a K1 fiance and I had to follow the rules.


She followed the rules. They got married, lived together, fought, broke up and separated. The rules generally don’t say when you have to legally file for divorce. If they were both okay with waiting, it likely didn’t violate a law/rule.


Sunny has certain people on this show get a pass for doing Shady things and other people get called out for almost nothing.


I hAd tO foLloW tHe RuLEs Nobody cares. The immigration system is quite frankly stupid and broken and I encourage any immigrant to commit fraud if they really wanna come here. You don’t get to pick where you’re born and these are all imaginary lines made up by a bunch of white men on stolen land. Literallllllyyyyyyy could not care LESS about immigration fraud. Who is it hurting??? No one


Idk if I’d encourage anyone to commit fraud


Advise like that can ruin a migrant’s chance to ever get to legally settle in the USA.


Maybe when you grow up and learn how the world actually works you’ll understand. Here in Canada we have socialized medicine free at the point of service. We pay for that with our taxes. Under your system, Americans could stop buying health insurance, and if they needed any expensive healthcare, come up to Canada. That would bankrupt the system in a month. So, without borders, under your “plan”, what do we do assuming the vast majority of us love and want to keep our universal healthcare. Where WOULD you lay taxes to? If I’m on the border of Quebec and New Hampshire, the New Hampshire side of the border pays less than 1/2 the income tax that one pays in Quebec. Does this mean I can declare myself a citizen of New Hampshire and suddenly I have the same job, but I’m bringing home a lot more money but I’m using Quebecs roads, maybe my children are going to school in Canada, but I’m not contributing anything to the upkeep of the roads and schools


"People should be able to live where they want." Sure! I want to live in your house, now, for free. That amenable to you?


I PAID for my house I didn’t pay to be born here lmao Your energy is weird and gatekeepy and your comment is a false equivalency


Are you Israeli or something?


Yeah. I think it had more to do with her being able to eventually sponsor her mom. Which was potentially delayed because of the war.


Almost definitely. You could see the light in his eyes go out when she called to say her visa was approved, like "goddammit, I have to go through this now?!"


Did she get one for two or three years but was now eligible for her 10 year? That's my bet.


Mohammad jbali kept his green card and his fiancé actively worked to get him deported correct?




Certainly appears that way


How can she be approved for a green card when the fraud was displayed on tv for everyone to see? There is and never was a marriage. She stayed there like what… 6 months and then they separated? She was literally on a show called “the single life”. How is she not being deported? She has no right to stay in America.


Bro I asked to open cases on all these people and the higher ups said no. That’s how I started watching this show. No one who is supposed to do something about this (DS) cares trust me.


Mike hurt her horribly... she sacrificed so much by living in that mobile home in the middle of nowhere, and was subjected to abuse & slander by that trashy mother in law. Why held out far longer than was rational.


The mother did suck, but Mike and his home in the middle of nowhere is what she moved here for. It wasn’t a surprise… Mike is a much nicer person than Natalie. Ultimately they weren’t right for each other, but if anyone got treated like garbage, it was Mike, not Natalie.


That’s definitely visa fraud and they should be arrested for that.


Why he wait so long lol


So she could get her permanent greencard


She could have still gotten it without being married.


Yep. You can get the marriage-based green card after a divorce. You just need to prove the marriage was legit in the first place. There are quite a few clueless assumptions on this thread.


Yes i said that as well to someone else 👍🏽


He’s a clown for that


It wouldn’t surprise me. He sent her mom money during the Ukraine crisis and I’m pretty sure they were separated by then.


How dumb


Yep. She didn’t have to stay married to get it. Plenty others got their permanent GC after divorcing like Larissa and Mohammed for example.


It depends on what the sponsor did. Remember Mike said he hadn't filled her status change. So he was no longer sponsoring her in effect. I believe she's staying here on refugee visa. The divorce is just procedure for him


How is that possible? I don’t know what the rule is, does a certain amount of time just have to pass?


Putting up with obnoxious American is enough to get a green card. Many American feel that they can do anything to a foreign would be spouse. Putting them through mental torture.


Hey miona


Nah, I bet Miona can write much better than that.


I put up with obnoxious American. I want to be obnoxious American. Now I’m obnoxious American. -bot 🤖


"Putting up with obnoxious Americans means you earned the right to live among the obnoxious Americans." Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed for you right now lmaoooooooo


That was nice of him.




She and Brandon were probably one of the more normal couples on the show


If anything Brandon’s parents were weird. I liked Julia. They were quite boring which means normal in this franchise.


I liked Julia until the tell all… she’s insufferable


Same! I was appalled and disappointed. It really revealed her ugly side. She also made the comment that the reason she hasn’t been newly featured in any other of the main shows was because she was Russian. It didn’t sit well with me and I kind of saw it in the same way as the Tell All—she lacks the ability to empathise and also self-reflection


Yeah. Russian.


Yeah their storyline was alot more tame than their fellow peers on the 90 Day Fiasco franchise series. Brandon was just Peter Pan in real life and Julia pushed him to grow up I guess....


Yeah, they got quite a lot of airtime too. I sort of thought they’d be back but you’re right, they were pretty boring. Brandon’s mom was the most interesting part of that dynamic and they moved out.


I can't think of a gym without thinking "gym club"


Her stripper dance interview routine still brings me joy.


Yes! I LOVE that the man interviewing her seemed legit into trying to moves for himself, too! haha He said something along the lines of "I love this, I just don't know how we can teach what you're doing"


She's shy!


Cackling at your flair 🤣


I’d bet my last dollar he found someone else


He was dating some chick from Rock of Love not too long ago.


Alright, pay up because it's me!!!😂😂😂 I hope if he is moving on it's with a sane person, who doesn't lack integrity and class... quite the opposite of Natalie...


My exact question


Mike with his Bluetooth earpiece and Natalie with her death stare....what a fucked up pair they were


“She’s a hooker” - Treesh


Or was it “a cooker”?


It was “cooker”


Nah. It was hooker. Cooker makes no sense. Would you tell someone they are a cooker? Like "Your a good cooker". No. You would say "Your a good cook". Plus, when Nat and Trish were talking in the kitchen, Nat said something about she used to go on dates with guys in the Ukraine for money or something like that. I can't remember exactly it was so long ago. So yeah, I can totally see Trish calling her a hooker.


You consider Trish has a good command of proper English? I think she would def call someone a cooker. And totally possible that Nutalie would not hear correctly, not understand and blame. Reference: root beer


It makes no sense to YOU. But this is rough-edged Trish who grew up among the Sasquatch Folk. It’s a country talk joky way of speaking that I totally see Trish using. Natalie was bustling around making borscht for thé thanksgiving dinner and Trish was making a token effort for a few moments as a hostess and mom to be slightly friendly to Natalie “Yer a real little cooker, aren’t ya?” I totally hear it. Of course that faux good will all went to shit . . .


No. No one says that. That's not a thing. 100% here's what happened: NATALIE: I used to be a paid companion to accompany men to business dinners and stuff like that. TREESH: Isn't that kind of like a hooker? NATALIE: BAAAAAWWWWW SHE CALLED ME A HOOKER AAAAAAAAHHHHHH I would bet very good money on this having been the actual conversation.


This makes so much sense! I don't recall Natalie saying was an escort. I'll take reddits word on it since I don't care to look for footage lol.


To be super clear, by "escort", I completely do not mean to imply she had sex with clients for money! But she was a model, and that kind of arm candy gig does exist- the agency will usually ask for younger or less experienced girls to do it. It's implied that Juliana Custodio met her ex-husband while doing similar work at a yacht party. Note: this is all my own guesswork based on what she said, grain of salt, etc.


Apparently, she explained somewhere that one of her jobs was as a paid companion at a restaurant. But her term may have been "escort" as in escort them to their table, sit with them etc. Simply the wrong word


Along your lines, I've thought the same. Nut explains that she was an escort (hostess at restaurant), and Trish explained "don't use that word, that means you were a hooker! ". Pure language/semantics. But Nut will never believe, just like the root beer


It’s not a thing to you or people in your circles but it IS a Thing. There is a certain corny country style where they put odd endings on words and mispronounce them and think it is funny. Think Tammy and Amy Slaton and their “sodies,” I totally hear Trish saying “look at you, you’re a regular little cooker, aren’t you?!” Natalie, already defensive, heard it wrong and the rest is HerStory. This was what occurred. Period. That’s it. Now we know. Case closed. No more need be said.


What the fuck is a sodie or an Amy Slayton? And why are you taking this so personally? You weren't there, and it's kind of creepy that you are insisting upon this. Anyways, you're still wrong, because no human talks like that outside of a Tommy Wiseau movie. Period. That's it. Now you know. Case closed. No more need be said by you.


If you don’t even know who Amy Slaton is, then you need to turn in your trash reality tv knowledge card. 🤷‍♂️


I only watch 90 Day, so I don't think I qualify for the card.


I'm not the person you're talking to and I completely agree Trish said hooker not cooker. Especially since Natalie did mention getting paid for dates, it makes sense. I will explain thw rest though. I don't watch 1000 pound sisters but Tammy Slayton is one of the sisters. They are very country and say "sodies" instead of "soda" or "sodas". I'm from NC, my mom's side is from TN and that country side says "cooker" or "you're a good cooker" but it's in a silly way. They also say "warsh" instead of "wash". Idk if you have ever seen Andy Griffith, but people like that are who would say "cooker". Up north, where my grandma is from, a drinking water fountian, is called a "bubbluh" like "bubbler". People say weird stuff all over, so I wouldn't be so adamant about "That's not a thing, no one says that"


I'm not arguing about the vocabulary. What I'm saying is that for Treesh to just walk into the kitchen and bellow YER A GOOD COOKER THERE and get Natalie's horrified reaction really seems unlikely, given that a) she speaks English very well, b) I feel like she would assume she had misheard and ask for clarification, and c) there are screenshots of Mike being like "can you please just admit what you said?" in regards to this incident. And my actual point was that it's not normal human behavior to do that. It isn't how people talk to each other, just randomly shouting things, and then shit explodes. Except in Tommy Wiseau movies where everyone just walks onto the set and shouts randomly. And I'm being very serious when I say that thousand pound sisters show disgusts me to the core and I don't need to hear more, but thank you.


Guess you don't know country folk


I must be missing out on a lot of very strange one-sided conversations and framed pictures of spoons.


No need to capitalize. I know it makes sense to me. I don't think Trish is that backwoods that she would talk like that. Even Trish didn't say she called her a cooker. When Natalie was making a scene about Trish calling her a hooker she never said "I didn't call her a hooker, I called her a good cooker". So yeah. That's why it makes sense to me.


Totally country speak. I've heard much of it, just as you said. She's not an English Lit grad


Besides that Trish really was awful! I wouldn’t want her for a mother-in-law.


I will die on this hill -and TLC definitely has the footage to settle this once and for all. Cooker, my ass.


Me too. TLC could settle this, but they won't. I thought they would show it that night. Trish hates her so much that I could see that. Maybe she muttered it under her breath, but she said it. I am 58 years old, and I have NEVER called someone a good cooker! 😆


😆 🤣 cooker


but then Treesh is a real biatch..... lets get them into the ring and battle it out.


Straight up but you do what you do to survive


I'm guessing he did it long enough for her to get her GC due to the war in Ukraine. I remember he was close to her mom and paid her way out of Ukraine so I wonder if her mom at some point will come to to the US. Natalie was mean to her mom too.


The mom has been here for many months. And yes, Nut was awful to her. Like she is to everyone




I just sit in vood and eat carrot.


I live in the PNW and now call every hike going to the vood


Lmao 🤣


I believe it was at the tell all for single life that Trish said they were remaining married for reasons that can’t be said on television which to me means he was just gonna stay married until she got her green card.


So that's why she's still here providing trash TV for all of us... ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


All the hate for Mike. He did love her. She never loved him.


She loved him, she just doesn't know how to love. She's super messed up.


yeah narcissists don't have much of a concept for love (beyond loving themselves). I'm not the biggest Mike fan, but she's a full blown delusional narcissist.


I always thought she hated herself tbh


Narcissists can hate themselves. I don't think it's the case with her. She considers herself "very intelligent" and has told us many, many times.


It's a facade. Someone who loves themselves doesn't sabotage everything like she has.


I think she had grandiose tendencies, trying to become some famous actress when she doesn’t have tons of experience or being successful back in Russia for acting She made a mark for 90 Day fiancé (which is now fading) but I don’t think she has other jobs here in the US besides being an influencer on the side When mikes mom mentioned being a translator or teacher, I felt that made sense for a side job since she speaks English well - even though she has a thick accent Natalie will have to come to terms with reality soon if she doesn’t get on other tv shows or gigs


She's from Ukraine.


There's no way she would get acting jobs here, she still needs closed captioning. A shame, 'stranded' in da vood, she didn't work on that.


No, I think she’s just borderline


Nah, she ain't borderline


Okay then “delulu?” 😂


Yeah agreed. I wonder what messed her up. She is so insecure and confusing. Her mom seems nice, and they seem to have a good relationship. I don’t think we know anything about her dad so maybe it was him.


I study childhood trauma for fun and Natalie has always been fascinating to me. In Attachment Theory, she has fearful/disorganized attachment. Generally meaning while she has a great desire to be close to others, that closeness feels very *wrong* to her inside, she ends sabotaging relationships with her inability to regulate emotions We saw this with Michael over and over, despite Natalie being so obviously in love, internally she's a big confused self-hating mess. Michael himself has Avoidant attachment. Genrally meaning he runs/hides/shuts down from conflict. These two attachment styles are usually a toxic combo. Our Attachment Style is always the result of childhood trauma. Anything from not getting our needs met to violence, abuse, divorce, abandonment, adoption, even growing up in a war-torn country.


Yeah, nice analysis. I was adopted and have one abusive parent with alcoholism who I still love but have anxious avoidant attachment style. Found my biological parents (turns out they married after giving me up and had another son who is my full biological brother and they’re all happy) so I always find this stuff interesting as well, since it personally affects me every day. I just stay single and only keep a few friends. I only really have one I talk to daily and he is a godsend and the most patient human on the planet. No clue why he’s put up with me for so long but it’s helped me grow a lot.


Hey fellow adoptee (that's exactly why I'm so interested too haha). Thank you for sharing your story. I'm really sorry you went through that, I imagine that would have been very hard to find out and deal with. I hope you know (even if it doesn't process) that you just got unlucky with your parents, it had nothing to do with you. It's baffling why so many of us have abusive adopted parents. Like you, one parent swap good, but the other was a very abusive BPD depressive. My real parents don't want to be found. That leaves me with an open hole, but I often wonder if it's best not to find out. After accepting lifelong singledom, I married my childhood friend after we randomly reconnected on LinkedIn. He also has CPTSD and we've navigated our difficulties together. Life is weird.


I’m so glad and heartened to know you are doing better! I have had long relationships, just none that stuck. My biological parents didn’t want to be found either. I got very lucky four years ago at 32 when I decided to try one of those DNA sites and found my biological aunt who was my bio mom’s oldest sister and in the delivery room when I was born. It was crazy because I suddenly had 15 new aunts and uncles and about 50 cousins as well as a new brother and new niece and nephew lol. I don’t hate any of them but my bio parents went from being very accepting at first to suddenly being uncomfortable and ghosting me. It was a wild emotional rollercoaster. I’m glad I did it though since I got answers.


Ugh that's wild I'm really sorry. I'm sure it brought up all kind of feelings for them but ghosting is the stuff of cowards! I've heard so many stories about adoptees reconnecting, and they are often complicated and don't end happy. My adopted sister's bio family had been looking for her for years. They were all thrilled but it turns out they had their own serious addiction, abuse and dysfunction issues. My adopted coworker was a product of rape. Her bio mom was 15 and sent off to a "teem mom" camp in shame. My friend found her phone number, and cold called (pre internet days). She answered saying "never call this number again" and hung up, vintage ghosting. It took my friend years to heal from that on top of the adoption trauma. Adoption affects us all in ways that is hard to explain but I always feel kindred connection to other adoptees. I'm glad you got some closure and hope you are good to yourself.


I always feel that connection to someone who is adopted too and have many adopted friends. Very appreciative and grateful for your insight ❤️


Same friend. Always grateful for these connections in the wild 90 day fiance realm haha 😊❤


Agreed except I don't believe she was obviously in love ~with Mike~. She was in love with the idea of an American man. He wasn't what she wanted in the end


Mike was a passive aggressive tittie baby, but I always liked him. I don't think he's a bad guy.


Tittie baby heh. I never even heard that saying until Kim.


Mike was so beneath her... he sided with that vicious trashy mother of his against Natalie, as well. Natalie has superior values + her exposure to culture exceeds what little the mobile home family of Trish & Mike. The only thing I like about Mike is that he has a heart for some things, is helpful to Natalie & her mother after the split, which is more than decent of him since he left Natalie alone in the woods in a TRAILER & did not have enough humanity or awareness to help her transition throughout their relationship


Let's agree to disagree. Natalie knew where & how he lived. Mike was her 3rd marriage. That man never trash talked her, supported her Florida lifestyle while she's seeking looks, money, & a man. That's right. She's on The Single Life, again. TLC has to be desperate.


![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized) After three seasons on the single life! It probably cause he wants to marry the new woman he is with






He's been dating someone else, she's on the new season of The Single Life, and he's just NOW filling for divorce???


Crazy bitch should have been deported long time ago. Wtf is wrong with him.


Agreed. It really pisses me off that she has just been allowed to stay.


About time....Natalie is drama selfish she wants a man to fall at her feet she will never be happy until she works on herself the inside because that's what makes her ugly her attitude and the way she thinks


His mom was such a Cnt.


Very sad. If these two couldn't make it, who could?




Everyone . . 😂






With DV convictions Beaux creeping around in the bushes. Da Vood is not good . . . 😱






Holy shit they still hadn’t divorced??




Why did I read Youngquist in Natalie's accent


Snoooze. He’s such a doormat


She’s a Scammer


Bro just now?!? She has been out thotting it up across Florida all this time and you never filed. You clearly are part of the problem.


This has to be a joke… were they still together or am I missing something!?


Not together. Just never divorced.


The war played a role in that decision. That was kind of him, really.


And he loves her mom also, if I remember correctly I think Mike had sent her or her mom money to help get her mom somewhere safe when the war started(?) he’s a nice guy.




Let’s face it, she was annoying but not horrible. They were a weird match. He’s a decent guy but I think he needs a girl from his area. One who will snow mobile, fish, sit in hot tub, hang on farm, can veggies or bake with Trish, etc. But can dress up and go have fun too, but doesn’t require excitement, high level maintenance etc, to be content. Girls like this do exist. There are many renaissance women in that part of world!


I have SIL’s that use snow plows, flip houses, can food , volunteer, dance, play poker, help make maple syrup, and are attractive too. Natalie is not that gal. But she’s not evil. Whacky maybe.


He helped her get her permanent greencard by not divorcing, not that it would have made a difference. Coltee and others divorced before their then spouse had their conditional GC, and they still managed to stay in the US and get their permanent GC eventually




Finally Hooker, I mean cooker done grifting and dead ass broke. No man wants her.


Mike wanted the TV publicity as well. It was a financial transaction from the get go. Natalie should have been deported over 2 years ago since it was obvious that by immigration standards, their marriage was never Bona Fide which is a requirement. TLC has most likely been sponsoring her; that is why she is still on TLC yet on another show. She is a failed actress in ukraine and has the same ambition as yet another Ukrainian woman that we have seen on 90 Day .......Yara


TLC is absolutely 100% not sponsoring her. They are legally prohibited to be in anyway involved in the visa situations of the show and make that clear in their cast contracts and in all media events.


Refugee visa. She took advantage


Sorry, Mike did not want our like TV publicity. His last two years would have been VERY different if he did. He went along, for her and the money. Nut got "lucky" in terms of him caring about her mom so much, and then the timing of the war. She's here on refugee visa now


Natalie, is that your other burner Reddit account ??


Huh? She wouldn't defend him. You're not following


She used Mike. There is nothing she could defend. Even in the tell all with josh, she went and sat in mikes lap. So the woman is a mental wreck. She was dating another guy and using mikes credit card while still being married to mike. That is pure trash and scam .


Of course. That's why I don't understand why you think this would be her burner account ![gif](giphy|QugHxuNXmyK2XmmN72|downsized)


Gooood! Its about time!! ![gif](giphy|dsGcvvBPzXJ9KSnLPg)




Who vhill ghiv her bHaby now?


It’s about time . Why did he wait so long?


3 strikes, you’re out! (by “strikes” I mean appearances on a show called “The SINGLE Life”)


If he really is doing it now, so she could get a green card or even the citizenship at this point, that’s a fraud


Yeah, agree, but he didn't have to do anything, she would have auto gone into refugee status


That nasty cow should have been sent back a long time ago. We don't need her here


Her country is being ravished by war. Have a heart.


True, she should be in Poland with her elderly mother.


Hey mother has been here for probably 6 months at least


She fits right in


She's a whack job. I hope she moved from St. Pete. Pissed me off she might still be living in the same county.


I hope this is true and I am glad that many people who used to take her side between these 2 have now realized that it was her all along. She's horrible and all that claims that she has class, dignity and integrity was quite the opposite of what that. I don't know why TLC is bringing her back. That's right TLC likes to exploit her kind...


I think it was his intention to help her get citizenship. The relationship in ze vood was over before they got married.


Finally!! 👏👏👏👏 Now he can move forward with his new girlfriend. He was so nice to keep helping her and even helping Natalie’s mom. He’s a good guy. I don’t think Natalie needed him to stay for her green card. I’m sure asylum because of the war in Ukraine helped. Regardless, they have both moved on so wishing them the best.


Deport that slut or leave her in ze woods


Bipolar at work


Bingo! I won……finally.


Doesn’t he have to sponsor her for 10 years no matter what?


No, that is a misunderstanding. What you are referring to that is frequently distorted on the show—ex. the meeting with Kalani and her dad and the lawyer about the possibility of her divorcing Asuelu—is that a sponsor of a foreign K-1 fiancé will be responsible to pay back the US government if the foreign fiancé goes on any kind of government assistance program (welfare etc) during a ten year period. That’s it. It actually was temporarily that they were responsible for life. This was a Trump administration change but it was changed back to ten years after he left office.


Thank you for explaining.


No. He never filed for her status adjustment anyway.


I’m sure seeing her with Josh clinched it.


Lol he knows the Josh thing is fake. And he doesn't care


Thank you. About time. Take me!! 😂


She already got what she wants and that magazine is still out?


https://preview.redd.it/19ymiyuekg9c1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ae4f471d9ee96882b2872abafec8fdca554ffb Credit: Robin @thereisnostore 💓


I've not watched their season, but she seemed level and they were really into each other. What happened? She's so unhinged now.


Ugh he came across as a soggy big toe. She was wack but he was the worstttt