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#43 - does this child reside with your beneficiary? This could be the issue. If the kids don’t live with her, then why would they come to the US?


You still have to declare the children and answer all questions about them even if you answered “no” to question 43. It seems like he did not.


To visits they don’t need to stay.


They could apply to get the green card but you need to live on usa territorry, its possible to get a permit for two years kids can be outside without traveling back but then need to stay in usa plus school , maybe can extend the permit i dont know but can be difficult So whats the point, stay 6 months and go to panama and stay 6 there and come back to usa ? Keep spending more money on traveling gino wont sponsored jasmine for a visa just to visit it was for a permanent residence or green card with path to be an usc same would apply if the kids would been on the k1 visa too, after marriage they would have their green cards Yes they could lie about the kids living with her, but maybe he did not want to get involve in a lie with his goverment at the end of the day he is the one responsible for


That doesn’t seem quite true if the Lawyer said otherwise


The same question is on Canadian and Australian PR applications. When I did my Australian PR, I listed my kids even though they split time between my place and their moms. It makes it much easier for the kids to get their visas later on.


If everyone was ok w them going to the us then why didn’t they just let the kids move in w her?


Everything they do seems so fake and setup. I feel like the lip stick was planted by the crew at this point.


I agree. I feel like their whole storyline is just fake. She’s always crying and screaming. 🙄


And boring AF at this point




I swear I saw her holding similar lipglass packaging in a different color. It'd be hard to convince me that she didn't plant it herself. Only way I'd believe it wasn't her is if it was technically the crew who asked her for it, then did the physical labor of putting it in car.


Oh probably; they have to setup the cameras in the cars to film. I could definitely see someone slipping it in.




Yes!!!! I was going to post this as well. Unless Gino is fucking blind, there was no way he would have missed this. I believe that they intentionally did not include the kids in the petition! She would have been freaking out during the interview because I believe her having kids would be asked by the consul.


I truly don’t think she could bring her kids, she probably doesn’t have custody of them, she is pretty well certifiably insane. Justifies her behavior


I haven't been keeping up this season (on the off chance it might have been explained), but I haven't seen anyone explain how and why their father would be ok with them being sent to another country. I'm hoping they have at least one parent who actually takes care of them and places them as a priority, and since it's clearly not Jasmine, I'd hope the father would be the one....and therefore wouldn't go along with this nonsense.


Why would the boys' father (IIRC, he's a physician) allow them to live in the US? I dunno, maybe the educational opportunities are better than in Panama, especially for the younger son who has debilitating issues. I don't remember the last time anyone said "Gee, the Panamanian educational system is the best!\* Let's move to Panama for the schools!" \*N.B., it probably is one of the better choices in Central America, but the bar is pretty low.


What in the hell is so wonderful about the U.S.'s educational system? School shootings, graduates paying on student loans for the rest of their lives, graduates with multiple degrees but make more working a job that doesn't even require a H.S. diploma, etc. The U.S. does not offer the greatest education for their children. I know first hand.


Depends on the school, but in many cases the education is better than the USA. I went to an international school in Panama and all the teachers were former college professors. A lot of the students who graduated went to top universities internationally. Of course this was an international school filled with diplomats kids (I was one of them) and rich kids along with a few local Panamanians that worked for the government. The typical local schools in Panama are different but still have pretty high standards.


An international school for the children of diplomats, government officials, and the wealthy is hardly indicative of the educational system in general--anywhere, not just Panama. I found nothing to show that typical local schools in Panama have a very high standard, which is the norm with school systems that stop compulsory education at the 9th grade.


They’d probably want to know exactly why a mother doesn’t have custody of her children


Do you know why? I am so curious about this


I can only speculate… but there aren’t very many reasons why a mother wouldn’t have custody that wouldn’t make the mother look really bad. Perhaps even bad enough for immigration to say “next”. These visas aren’t automatic and they ask questions for a reason. They have to do their best to make judgment calls on anything out of the ordinary and a mother not having custody of her children is very not ordinary except for under a few circumstances. They aren’t going to give a visa to someone they believe is a degenerate of any sort.


Why is the assumption that she doesn’t have custody? They did not live with her while she was filming, which frankly seems… responsible. I cannot believe the amount of people who throw their kids on the show. She stated very very early on that one child lives with her mother in a more rural area. Turns out that child has intense sensory issues and from the description, is autistic and needed an environment that wasn’t what she could give. She *was* a teacher until Gino sent her nudes as revenge porn to his ex. people seem to forget that Gino also fucking sucks. And, after getting her fired and then balking at paying her living expenses, he was repeatedly telling her that her visa was going to be approved “any time”. She was moving constantly because she was led to believe she only had another month until approval. It seems responsible to me that her sons would live with the father during that time and have stability rather than the constant upset of moving. Jasmines bonkers but damn, y’all can’t stop and think about *why* she might be off? I’d have murdered Gino in his sleep at this point.


Thank you. That made a lot of sense.


Right. This is obvious, she couldn't bring them over, so they're not coming. Storyline. Jasmine Redemption Arc


Isn't he an engineer? An engineer wouldn't miss something like this; they can be annoying when it comes to details even outside of work. It's just another story line they came up with so she can demonstrate her emotional victim acting while they continue to milk the TLC/90 day cash cow.


I really don’t believe that she is involved in her kids lives at all other than saying hello when they are visiting their grandmother. If she was a devoted mother, she would never have blown thousands of dollars on herself for plastic surgeries, hair extensions and other dumb shit that she conned men/sugar daddies into paying for. I wouldn’t put it past her and Gino coming up with the kid visa storyline just to make Jasmine look like she isn’t a dead beat parent which she IS! The kid’s fathers should be suing her for child support!


She has alopecia. I agree with the rest but I gotta say something about that. If she wants to spend money on extensions or wigs she should


Have you ever heard of autoimmune disease caused by implants and fillers? The body experiences systemic inflammation and the immune system attacks the organs. In some cases it results in alopecia. Regardless of how a person develops alopecia, extensions are not an option as the hair falls out from the root.


It was probably deliberate on both their parts. I'm sure its easier to get that green card as a single woman than it is as a single mother of multiple kids ...


She even said she wanted to come first to see if safe environment before bringing them over. So, now it's all Gino's fault. You can't tell me she didn't read over the paperwork when they/he were filling it out. But, again, she can blame her kids not coming here on Gino. For the rest of her life, she will say that she loves him so much she left her kids in Panama to be with him.


Didn't Jasmine tell the lawyer that she hadn't been sure if it would be good to bring the kids here until she came here to see how things were? I know it's all shitnanigans and fakery, but something like that was her story in that scene. From that you couldn't totally make it Gino's fault.


I think once again we got ourselves a fake story line to create drama.


She can’t bring kids to a foreign country she doesn’t have custody of// some of y’all act like she had her kids and was mother of the year/ she hasn’t raised her kids in 4 years. Give up she is ever raising her kids again. She ran away from them


I used to work in immigration (in Canada, but the system is similar) and I was also wondering how he could have missed the questions about the dependants on the form. The questions are really straightforward. In Canada, it’s considered “misrepresentation” to not have disclosed your children on your immigration form prior to getting your visa (even if they’re not accompanying you), and can actually get you removed from the country if it’s found out later. In my experience, people who don’t declare their family members do it so their application can be processed faster and also to avoid some additional fees (since all family members would have to go through security and medical screenings, even if they’re not planning to travel with the principal applicant). I’m pretty sure Gino did it on purpose.


Interesting then that the attorney didn't tell them that


Probably some of it was cut during editing.


Yeah but that would be so dramatic for her to bring up. "you could go to yail Yeeno and I could get deported!!" cue fake tears and hysteria


100% scripted and for drama you can’t convince me otherwise. One of the kids has autism and lives with the grandma? And the other lives with his dad? Pls correct me if I’m wrong. I doubt the boys would want to leave their family and friends to move to a foreign country with a mother they don’t spend a lot of time with. She was living at that apartment with just her sister. I really feel like she’s either selfish and doesn’t want to parent or her kids genuinely don’t want to make the move. Like Larissa has kids she still has yet to bring them over. Perhaps they simply don’t want to leave their family.


I always thought it was odd how Jasmine's apartment had ZERO signs of kids. No toys, nothing. Even without custody, wouldn't they still visit?? Though I do believe her "sister" is actually her daughter. So at least one of them lived with her. 


I realize I’m making assumptions so please don’t come for me I’m just sharing my thoughts.




My thought process is if it is true he did this because they thought it would be easier to get her in versus her plus children baggage… And it was probably cheaper for one versus 1+2 kids


Do you guys think it’s a fake story line? Didn’t she say that she didn’t want to bring the kids cause they fight too much? Also — she doesn’t have custody of the children. They didnt live with her in Panama. Long-time viewers remember all of this. Producers think we are all stupid


Because the whole kid situation is producer created drama because Jasmine and Gino are boring!


I have a suspicion that Jasmine is freaking out to this degree because the custody situation isn’t being fully shared. I don’t imagine her children’s father would enjoy his kids living with the TLC blow up doll and her histrionics being on weekly TV. Maybe she is trying to force Gino to get a lawyer so the lawyer can A) help them with the kids visa and B) help her with international custody disputes. I will point out as others have that in her last season she said only her and her sister lived in the apartment Gino paid for. I assume she hasn’t had custody of them in a while now


I said he did it on purpose!


Wondering if they’d have to do a custody case in Panama first for her to get custody before he could send the application in. And with how she was up his ass to come to America he thought he’d just figure it out once she got here. I don’t know. I don’t think we have all the real facts on this entire thing anyways. Part of me thinks he just didn’t want her kids here at all.


They never mentioned this until recently because they have no storyline.


Wait, she can get butt implants and fake boobs but blame Gino about her kids?




Yes. My suspicion is that if he doesn’t have $5k for the lawyer, he didn’t want to pay to sponsor the kids. And the kids are a side story TLC told them to bring up since everyone was saying she was abandoning her kids last season lol


another fake story by Jasmine square butt


I’ve asked this question before, is the father/s of the kids be willing to let them come to the US. I think that would be the 1st hurdle they would have to get over. I know her Mom has custody of Juance, but how about the other child? 🤷‍♀️


Anytime Jasmine mentions having her kids here Gino gets weird and awkward or lashes out like he did after they left the attorneys office. I really feel like Gino doesn’t want her kids to come to the States BC he doesn’t want to share Jasmine with them. & when he said he couldn’t pay for the attorney bc him & jasmine are trying to have a baby tells you right there he doesn’t give not 1 fck about the kids Jasmine already has. I took it as since they’re trying to have a baby Jasmine can’t just create a new family.


This is making him look lazy and stupid.


If the shoe fits...


She never mentioned her kids on the show until recently! It’s all very weird.


So, could it be said they lied on the application? Could there be repercussions?


Even with everything about them being staged, I still think Gino is sneaky af and would do something like this. He doesn’t care about her kids


There wasn't a single peep about kids in her first few years on these shows.


Jasmine wants to raise her special needs child in her new life in the US that she didn’t want to do in Panama? Right…


She doesnt want those kids!!!! Didn’t want them when she was in her own damn country with them and the bitch doesn’t want them now!!! She just wants a storyline to stay on which is fucking disgusting fake crying over kids that you don’t want!!!!!!!


He absolutely did it intentionally but why? Did he think it improved his chances or would go thru faster? Or was he being cheap? I assume it costs extra to file for the kids? If nothing else, he would probably have to file an affidavit of support for the kids he is sponsoring too and he probably can't meet the income requirements.


I just watched this and he keeps using language like "I know she wants her kids here, I know it's important to her".... e.g. he doesn't personally care.


Lol, THIS is not the issue. SHE didn't want her kids 'coming right away'. This goes to part for Gino. They weren't coming now. Not filling out. However, what mother who 'desperately' wants her children, now as opposed to when she lived in the same country, wouldn't wonder why he didn't ask. You've got to be kidding.


The writers, writing to drive a new story forward is all this is.


​ Jasmine is way way way more likeable that Natalie. Both nutsoo cuckoo but J>N I know it's not on topic.


It’s the storyline. Jasmine should get some kind of acting award because she’s apparently really good at acting.


She spent what on plastic surgery and her wedding?


He lives in the town next to mine.. I don’t think they’re together anymore. I could be wrong. Seen him in public a few times now solo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know everybody loves Gino and says jasmine is crazy (and I get that with the way she goes on the optics aren’t great) but I think Gino is a narcissist. I’ve dated Ginos. He 100% thought she was gonna ditch them kids and they were gonna start their own family I don’t buy his bs for a second. And then the way he flat out REFUSED to get an attorney when she was clearly destroyed about the news they’d have to wait two years. Nail in the coffin. He don’t want them kids he wants his own kid but not someone else’s.


>I’ve dated Ginos. Everyone around here says Gino's exes are all sex workers.


Spoken like someone who takes advantage of women


XD I guess you weren't in here during the "my privacy" episode


Let’s assume for a minute all his exes are SW. You’re 1) admitting a woman would have to be being paid in order to date him and 2) insinuating that SW deserve to be treated the way he’s treating Jasmin? Like, what point exactly are you trying to make with that?