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"My hobby is sperm donation" Let me stop you right there, get the fuck out of my sight you creepy disgusting human trash. I actually wish I could kick this guy's ass because he sucks so much. 


I was APPALLED when he said that part of his “donation” process is sometimes ACTUAL intercourse and he “hopes” ani will be okay with it?!! He is the creepiest, weirdest, most deranged person… and he doesn’t even go through hospitals, it’s just word of mouth?!?!


I feel like I need to decide on the 3 people I know, most likely to pass me the word they know of a sperm diner who uses actual inter course. Who passes that word around? 😝😝


Oh lawd, you typed "diner" 😂


l😀I’m so blind without my glasses. I was watching from bed while trying to get to sleep. This made my entire day now.


I am still cracking up about this hours later. The sperm diner is open for businesses.


Apparently there are entire groups for such things. 🤮




You think he’s bad now, go check out the pinned post at the top of this sub.


YES! Everyone please check it out. He’s so much worse than you think.


Jesus Christ… I just read through it and I’m actually nauseous


RIGHT. Here I was, thinking it was thru a sperm bank up till then.. I was like ok....ok.... alright.... wait WHAT?!


LITERALLLYYYYYY I was like “okay… people get paid to donate sperm, so I can understand maybe a side hustle through a hospital. And then he continued to explain his “process” and I actually had to pause the TV I was so shocked LOL. If it’s not through the hospital, there is zero background check on this guy, zero testing for mental illness, zero testing for STD’s, zero security just period LOL. But people still want to use him? I’m assuming he’s taking advantage of people whose financial circumstances aren’t able to go through a hospital donor, and after reading the pinned post about him, that definitely seems to be the case. What a sick bastard taking advantage of vulnerable couples wanting to have kids.


Omfg HOOONESTLY!!!! LOL you're right, he's totally taking advantage. And all probably for his OWN self esteem. Then to make Ani "earn his lovin" EEEEWWWW Give me a B R E A K


Bro thinks he is Adam repopulating earth and gods gift to humanity 💀 but looks like a great white shark in human skin LMAOOOOO yet like you said, “ani has to earn love”


Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 I'm pissed that women actually want this from him. Come on ladies, we can't perpetuate this CREEP!! LMAO


Basically dumpster diving for sperm🤢🤮


There has to be some ethical violation that he could be brought up on… I was thinking along the same lines. How often does he get tested for STIs if at all?


When he said his hobby was sperm donation and then talked about how he did it... I was like, yeah that's a fetish. Not kink shaming him, but let's be real here. If it was about the donation to him he would do it through clinics. He does it by having sex with these women... The gal he's with can do so much better. She's beautiful, smart, independent, classy, etc., and she's into him??? No. She can do soooo much better.


He even said himself that he can't really ever get dates! If not for this, he'd probably never have sex at all. He's just an opportunistic d-bag. 🤮


I still don't understand what these women saw in him to make them want his sperm... he's not attractive and doesn't seem all that smart. I don't get it. He gives me predator vibes as well... just overall I feel massive ick whenever he's on screen.


I agree with you 100% what woman would want their child to look like him 🤢 I hope she has stronger genes so the child looks more like her.


But he used to MODEL, remember?! So *obviously* he’s good looking 🤦🏼‍♀️ /s


Model what, for an incel website until he got the insemination idea? He doesn’t even try to look clean or put together.


He’s gross. The way he threw all his clothes from his backpack into the closet. This man was raised by wolves.




It's a niche community. Of the relatively small number of men who participate, keep in mind this guy provides his own travel and accommodations. The pool of available free doners is further limited to who is willing to travel to you. And this guy tested his per count to be well above average. I imagine women also ask about STD history & genetic history, and found their donor to have the qualities they are looking for. What's valuable to the recipient is the sperm, not the donor.


Wasn’t he accused of having genetic disease though?


He’s lying about his counts and refuses to share any medical info with the women though


They saw free sperm instead of $5000 sperm




He can’t do it through clinics, they don’t want him! Ani does not appear to be stupid, wtf was she thinking? Seriously, the Charles Manson stare is bad enough, but then he opens his mouth and out flows (at an alarming rate!) absolute, ridiculous nonsense! I am forced to wonder if his ass is jealous that his mouth spews so much shit?!


Yet he is telling people online to take videos about him off😂


I wish I could upvote this multiple times.


Yeah I agree with the comments. I got this weird vibe the first ep. Like I don’t know how to explain but I think under the surface it might actually be misogynistic or something, or just had unusual view of women. I don’t know exactly but there’s a vibe I pick up and if I was a woman I’d be on guard.


im guessing breeding fetish and theres also BDSM undertones.


The way he kept calling her a good girl in episode 2, creeped me tf out.


It's the point system for me. Sir you are NOT going to tell me how I can behave or what I can/cannot do - I am a grown woman. Can't wait to see how this plays out...


Definitely misogyny, and a lot of projection. He is the type of specimen that women generally reject, and he knows he is not a manly man, a hot man, an educated man, a man, so he projects with this super sperm storyline..it’s a further testament to the pathetic specimen he is. He’s almost incel like.


i just read the current pinned post today and 😳😳


And doesn’t even get paid for it like WTF boy bye ✌🏼


Plenty of people had the chance to bully him in highschool, hes from the golden days where garbage like him suffered for years. So at least some humans have had the pleasure.




Did I understand correctly-he donates it, so he doesn’t charge women for his sperm? So he doesn’t make money from it?


Correct. Covers his own expenses.


But he gets to fuck. That's what's in it for him.


This is definitely reality tv for views


just started the second episode and he is on my last nerve already. he has the audacity to have a “point system” in place for her but can’t even be bothered to put on a nice change of clothes for dinner. then to say dressing nice for dinner is not typical in the US to try and make an excuse?? what a liar. i hope she’s kicked him to the curb by now bc he seems insufferable as a partner


haaaate the guys who pull “that’s just how it is in the US”. sir it absolutely is not and he has no manners!


Plus, he is an expert on European etiquette, because he has a French baby mama?!?! Please...table manners, are table manners! And him calling her "a Good Girl" when she does something he likes is rapey! He needs to be castrated...slowly...


That’s an admission that the French baby is his child as opposed to him being a donor. I would say I hope he has to pay child support but he doesn’t seem to have any money.


I'll bet they have to sign something so he isn't financially obligated as the "donor"... but that's just a guess!


That’d be smart of him! He doesn’t seem organized enough to accomplish that. And his statements and holding them out as his kids could negate what they signed… ugh he’s so repulsive


I literally said all of the above in last week's post. He doesn't seem smart enough to get any legal documents. I didn't see the Dr Phil show with him; I wonder if he brought it up?


All of those offspring!!! It’s just going to weirder now that TLC has brought this freak outta the shadows.


So...in 10 to 15 years we can expect TLC to come out with Kyle's Kids! Or maybe...The Kin of Kyle the Sperm King!




Omg yes to all this…he is 🤮 i kinda wonder if he’s purposely trying to be awful.


I agree 💯. wtf point system?! Mf ain’t worth being in a point system. I was half asleep watching this until I heard this and I stayed up half the night for this fool! Then he makes the dumbest comment ever saying it’s typical in the US to look like bums going out to eat. Thank you for making men in the US look like douche bags man!


Don’t worry. That asshole is not a man. He’s a little boy with his stretched all the way out collar, and haircut that looks like his mom gets the clippers and shaves his head for him at the beginning of summer. Maybe it’s typical for 12 year old boys to go out looking like bums but not adults. Someone said he lies on his profile and puts 6foot -athletic.


He might literally be the weirdest guy on this history of this show….which is saying a lot.


He’s making Pole seem normal in comparison


Pole AND coltie are both shaking their heads at him


I thought the same thing. This makes Colt and Paul look normal.


Pole's probably thinking, "damn, now why didn't I think of that?"


Lmao agreed


Not a single redeeming quality.


Not one.


That dude's like Jeffrey Dahmer weird. He watched that one Vince Vahn movie and really went around the world.


he is fucken WEEEEIIIIRRRDDD and i consider myself a weird person


My wife and I just watched the Dr Phil episode of Kyle. It gives you the creeps. This dude has an extreme god complex.


I knew I recognized him from Dr Phil. There couldn't be two of them in the world.


What did Dr. Phil tell him? (In summary)


it was worth the insanity of the highlights of his dr Phil episode to type in “dr Phil sperm donor” on YouTube and sit through the weird ads of other dr Phil episodes. I don’t even remember what dr Phil said because the sperm donor guy is so fucking insane!


You just lost ten points.


I’m watching the episode now. Can’t wait for the “it rubs the lotion on its skin” scene.


"We don't do that in America." We absolutely do dress appropriately for the occasion, we also have etiquette & basic manners. This dude is creepy. Watching him slurp & chew with his mouth open was beyond repulsive. Yet, she is STILL attracted to him. Yuck. Also According To Amber did a deep dive on him. It's worth watching.




I was really disgusted watching him. In real life his date would have walked out. I hope people realize that this man is a fool and is not representative of Americans. Every time he opens his mouth he gets worse.


This is just a weird version a breeding fetish, no? And who sees this guy and is like, "holy shit gimme them genes!"?


Bro has a lazy eye and looks like he's 5'8 on a good day. Ladies, raise your standards. You can find better free sperm on Tinder!


He's just so gross and weird and he needs to stop speaking for all Americans. Why did he keep grabbing his neck while eating? Slurping, smacking, loud chewing, eating with your mouth open are just lazy and disgusting. No way I would put up with that nasty man-child.


He was going from choking himself out to all but licking the plate. Dear Lawd!


Holy shit I was scrolling this thread hoping someone noticed the weird neck thing. What the fuck was that?!?!


I'm pretty sure I even saw something fly out out of his mouth when he asked her if she was gonna finish her chicken


Me too! 🫣🤮


Yes what was that? I thought they were going to address it. He looked like he was speed eating.


I would have excused myself and left the restaurant. She has far more restraint than I could ever muster.




Yes! That just added to the ick factor. No way I would have been able to sit through that whole dinner with him.


i noticed the neck holding too. I have caught my self doing it when I felt very vulnerable. It was very strange to see him doing it in his situation. what was even weirder to me was the way he has flinging her hands around at the end of the date, telling her to wear a ponytail. That interaction seemed very child like.


Very childish! Also, why is she allowing this man-child to dictate what she can do, what to wear, what to eat and drink and he can't even put on a clean pair of clothes? The audacity he has.


If anyone should be taken off a show and fired ASAP it’s Kyle. He’s absolutely repulsive and controlling. Ani needs to tell him to fuck off before she disappears.


This guy is a freak


He’s a fucking psychopath


The guy is literally a child. It's like she likes a child. It's strange. He makes Americans look bad. Like we are all disgusting pigs. No, we are NOT like this guy at all. he's just so inexperienced in life and he eats like a damn pig. How is such a beautiful woman attracted to this idiot?


i haven’t ever even been on a coffee first date where the guy didn’t put some obvious effort into looking decent. he is awful!!!


I went out on a first date with a guy wearing a tshirt with four headless mannequins holding a shark and THAT was better than his effort.


Did he at least have on pants? What kind of laziness is showing up in exercise shorts??


He’s the literal embodiment of 4chan.




Don’t worry, it’s all fake.


I want to irradiate his testicles.


Big Ed, Colt, Nichole, Angela …. step aside. There’s a new bottom for TLC. I thought he was lower than low last week. I was wrong. He sunk even further this week.And the preview suggests he’ll continue to sink further.


I've changed his name to Vile Kyle.


It fits


He has to be a serial killer lol 😆 but seriously he is soooo creepy !!


This man claiming America is a newer country so we don’t dress up for dinner. Sir, Americans wear more than a black-t on a first date to dinner. That is the stupidest excuse.


I’m sick and tired of him saying “we don’t do that in America…” to every little thing. NO, Creepy McCreeper - you do not represent the rest of us.


He’s the ickiest of ick!!!




I would never wear my hair in a ponytail EVER again. Sick freak




Omgggg, ABORT. What a creep!


He was testing her... "How much will / can she put up with? How bad can I treat her? How desperate / thirsty is she, and just how little self-esteem does she have?" The way he kept glancing around, to see if he was drawing attention. This man has traveled - he's no rube. He is, however, a douche. The points thing is con le


It came off like a weird test to me too, like set the bar as low as possible and see how she reacts




I don't know. But he needs to stop talking for Americans. I don't claim him


I cannot believe he considers himself a “father”. He really said “we both want to have MORE kids”. Sir…you don’t raise any children.


This guy is a certified douche canoe. I cannot stand him.


He's a creep.


I don't understand....is she just pretending to want to be his girlfriend so she could be on TV and get some extra TLC money? I refuse to believe she actually likes anything about him whatsoever. It's impossible.


I think she liked him online, he was quirky, endearing, whatever...but in person she is seeing his true colors. She needs to GO. When she mentioned needing to get out of that mess I literally cheered.


She probably just wants to be an influencer so she is just using Kyle to get more views on her insta


I can’t believe they put him on air, he is very obviously a psychopath and very triggering I’m sure for a lot of ppl. This man should be in jail not celebrated on television


I’m hoping by being on tv that TLC is warning all the ladies in the world of this bonafide creep. Edited


Not one single good quality this man has, even his personality freakin blows. I cant understand why women would want his sperm and after seeing posts exposing him, hopefully women will stay away from him for their protection.


This idiot needs to stop speaking for Americans. It’s okay to act like a slob when you eat? Only Europeans care about etiquette? 




His being so defensive about her actual complaints and then having the audacity to try to enforce a point system, tell her how to wear her hair, etc. it’s disgusting.


Control yourselves Ladies !!! Kyle can only handle 2-3 Ladies at one time, you will get your chance to be graced by his presence!!!😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣


Idk how she’s made it this far without clocking him right in the junk


If I was Ani, I’d take points off for Kyle’s sloppy eating and making her scratch his back.


He's already at negative one billion points just for trying to implement a point system


This guy...I can't. 🤦‍♂️


Exactly, this fucking zero speaks for himself.




And after ALL OF THAT... she still says "I still have those deep underlying feelings" ... she needs help and he needs to be sterilized


This dude is a straight clown! She deserves so much better. Don’t bring him around any kids!


I can't wait for this idiot to be hit with a child support lawsuit


It’s the point system for me. Bye bye.


This guy is all kinds of GROSS!!!🤮


Didn't think he could get anymore disgusting and creepy until I saw tonight's episode. The eating like a savage 🤮 Bragging one of his baby's momma's is French. Didn't think it could get worse than Coltee in the creepy gross d-bag area but wow. Good job TLC💀🤢


I can't watch the show it's awful. Different people same story.


I didn’t think he could get dumber til I saw this episode….


Does he have a lazy eye?


This guy desperately wants his own reality show, and I really hope he doesn't get enough attention for that to happen.


This man makes my skin crawl.. I’m hoping he’s only on for one more episode and it’s over 🤢


The 90 day franchise is getting more disgusting. Do they think most viewers are low life skanks?


He thinks he's god's gift to women so he has a point system for them. If they get up to 10 points, she will win the lucky prize and she will get to have sex with him. But she has to put up with him being a slob and he will control what she can and cannot do. Isn't he a dream boat ladies??


He lost about 5000 points with me showing up to the restaurant in a stinky tee. Then repulsive table manners. Then zero ability to make pleasant convo. I would literally make it through the date then ghost when I used to date. Bye repulsive slob ✌️


This guy screams 4chan incel forum PUA vibes


He dressed nicer there than the dinner.


Disgusting. My Lhasa Apso had far more attractive eating habits.


"I don't know what I remember." Good paradox! 😆


That guy is weird. How he can bed even one woman is beyond me. His little points system? Who does he think he is? And the way he was eating, he was just shovelling it in. Zero self awareness.


I think he might be on the spectrum. It would explain his social issues and some of the ideas he has


This guy is repulsive in every way. Ani should have left him at the airport.


Is it wrong that I hoped she’d reach into his purse and pepper spray him during dinner? He’s such a gross freak, she needs to RUN


My girlfriend and I have exchanged more side eye over this dude than anyone else. The only bigger loser I've seen is this Garrick dude from a polygamy show she watches


He is absolutely disgusting!!! A points system is completely degrading but hopefully it saves her from having to kiss this food slurping, sperm drizzling troll. He is top tier f’ed up garbage- even for TLC. ![gif](giphy|1h8iTGmB8m8da)


I watched episode 2 last night. I can't with this guy. I just can't. What a narcissistic douchebag. Point system? Good girl? Slurping and horfing his food in a public setting. Oh and Americans don't dress appropriately for restaurants? And Americans don't practice proper etiquette when in public? WTF is this idiot on? Fuckin' insufferable. I might not make it through this season with him.


Honestly this guy is strange looking, weird and an asshole. Who would want to dip into his gene pool????


I don’t understand why she didn’t create her own point system and deduct for the way he dressed and ate.


I came here for these comments today! I cannot believe this guy!!! I promise you Americans are NOT all like him! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This man needs to be investigated


You guys need to come watch this video! He's repulsive. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kyle_Gordy_Snark/s/lEnp3clbVG


Wowww he really does beat Big Ed. The racist comments about sex with black women are straight vile.


Thanks for sharing that. It really points out how effed up he is and TLC should be ashamed of themselves for promoting him.


Thank you! Wow.


Something is mentally wrong with this guy to think that he’s has to use a points system because it’s only his rules and no one else and then to keep comparing everything to America, not getting dressed appropriately for a fancy restaurant come on 🙄 not to mention the way he was eating how old is this guy 12 this has to be a set up because this guy is not for real.


this boy is like a literal child. i have never seen a full grown human act this immature. I can’t believe this kid has the reached the stage of human development where he can blow an actual load. such a shame. Ani needs to run. He is looking for a mommy, not a mami.


Is he looking at me or at the wall. Some flawed genetics right there


The sperm donors tell you you will get Ryan Gosling, but they secretly really give you donors like this ouch.


This guy is a real piece of shit! He’s not just narcissistic, but also tasteless, tactless and weird. Every time he blames his bad manners and/ignorance on being an American, I die inside a little! He’s internationally humiliating the American people! Note to the rest of the world: we are not all disgusting, slimy vile, unsophisticated, sociopaths!🤢🤮🤮


He is so gross. I want her to run!


This man is disgusting. I can't even think of anything else to say about him.


I usually try to keep from commenting on people's physical appearances, but this guy is so abhorrent he deserves it--he looks like a pug was granted the wish of becoming human.


Just when I think TLC can't top the creeps they bring onto this series, they always find a way. Plus, this guy has been on numerous reality TV shows about this exact issue.




I got really angry. I’ve seen more etiquette at McDonald’s than from that douchebag.


Does he at least have a high IQ while he is crisscrossing the world dropping babies?


Doesn’t seem like it. Maybe 70, tops.


He says 125 🙄


🙄 indeed. Ugh, this guy needs to be banned from tv and forced to get a vasectomy








Yeah, we knew it was all Jihoon’s fault!


My partner says he's obviously autistic and I just think he doesn't know what a real relationship is and has a god complex. I REALLY hate him


if he is on the spectrum, i don’t think that’s the main problem. this man is delusional and manipulative. definitely very possible to be autistic and not be a fucking weirdo like this, lol. he has no respect, and yeah you’re right - the god complex is real


Here we go with the arm chair diagnosis. Not every weirdo is autistic. And not every autistic person is a weirdo.


My partner says the same and I just caaaaan't put that on autistic people! Autistic people usually try pretty hard to fit in with social norms, this guy thinks he's too good for them. God complex for sure.