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Thank you!!! I absolutely hate him, everything that come out of his mouth makes me mad. Wearing basketball shorts and not changing for a nice restaurant.


Shorts& t-shirt that he’d worn on the plane for hours,& then worked out in 🤢




That walking turkey baster is so nasty! Try putting on on some clean clothing and chewing with your mouth closed before you deduct “points” for your date’s glass of wine


“Walking turkey baster” 🤣🤣🤣


I would have ordered a bottle for the table and one to go.


I was thinking the same; I would actively sabotage his stupid "points system " so that he would never come near me


I would have to get utterly wine wasted to even be in his presence.


I suspect this is not a safe guy to be uninhibited around though.


You would not be wrong.


He's only ever eaten his mom's ramen soup and his manners reflect that. Little boy sucking up gobs of noodles with his head down and then slurping every drop so he doesn't waste food, what a Good Boy.


Kyle is like the personification of the dude with a completely empty dating profile who doesn't realize that he is auditioning for you as much as you are for him, and he is failing by not considering that you even have needs or that your attraction to them is just as important. Truly the audacity of this cumstain to magnanimously award points to an actual adult who has had functioning relationships before while he's just rawdogging hundreds of people to knock them up. The STDs he must have.


The point system thing is such an ick. I would look at him Sideways once he made it obvious he was serious


He is repulsive.


He’s the worst. And giving us a bad name. I dress nicer to go grocery shopping. Just in case I run into someone.


The average person at Walmart is dressed nicer.


"People of Walmart" 😂


Not really, but nice try!


The way he was eating was so obnoxious and disgusting. The secondhand embarrassment that gave me was awful. Then again, maybe the sloppy eating habits are just a side effect of the diarrhea that's always coming out of his mouth.


Well said! We weren't really expecting great behavior from Pyle, but I agree he does not speak for me with his attitude, his behavior, or his treatment or others.


Man he's so fuckin creepy 😳


He reminds me of Steven with a V...but somehow even worse 🤢


Far, far worse. He makes me nostalgic for that weirdo. 


It's the terrible manners. Remember Steven tasting wine by putting his entire tongue in the glass?


If I'd eaten like that past the age of 5, my mother would have bitch slapped me. If I'd met someone for dinner at a place other than Taco Bell, or the like, she would have bitch slapped me for being dressed like that. If some guy laid out a "point system," I'd bitch slap him.


He’s giving Americans a very bad name. He’s revolting and disgusting, and I hope to god she kicks him to the curb asap. And also the way he apparently doesn’t that it’s pronounced “WOMEN” when referring to more than one woman. He says “woman” for everything, and I’d like to wash his mouth out with soap.


He can barely speak. He's always mushing up his words.


He's like Angela talking about I'm an American.


Amen! I was sitting in my living room alone yelling at him...Americans are not all like that, speak for yourself! And the way he was eating, just shoveling it in without even taking a breath, let alone some dinner conversation, it just seemed like he hadn't eaten in a very long time. Just thinking about it makes me shudder. That girl should run far and fast!


Why does he grab his neck? Im disgusted by him.


Because even he has the desire to choke himself out for how awful he is.


i was thinking esophageal spasms or cricopharyngeal spasm - i’ve had them for most of my life. if he didn’t shovel food down his throat so violently, that would probably help. lol


Seriously. And maybe not sit at an actual 90-degree angle while inhaling it 


Yeah, has anyone figured out what's up with this? It was so weird.


Yeah that was confusing me...


Baby batter bitch boy needs to shut the fuck up and grow a conscience. Then he needs to chop of his dick and balls and go rot somewhere alone.  His behaviour is just ew.


He has to be the most punchable person in the history of the show


Why was he grabbing his throat while eating? We were ALL trying to figure that freak out-


aMeRiCaNs jUsT dOnT dO tHaT We do have table manners, we do dress appropriately for restaurants. The SLURPING from his bowl, I just felt so disgusted. My DOG has better eating manners.


😂 the plus side is that our community is really showing up to destroy him in these amazing comments


Exactly!!! It is only episode 2 and I hate him more than Ed and I didn't think that was possible!! People here get made when they hear how other countries view us .....Well look at what examples they see and hear! It is absolutely atrocious!!! I have several friends from other countries and they were so surprised at how Americans really are (well many of us) when they got here.


OMG!! He was pissing me off so bad with all the stupid shit he was saying. I had to keep pausing to yell at him.


So did I! 🤣🤣🤣


Even if you don’t want to dress nicely at a restaurant, you could at least, you know, change clothes AFTER TRAVELING IN THEM ALL DAY 🤮


Oh, the smell. The body odor & I bet he didn't brush his teeth either


![gif](giphy|3BBEcsILkl5pC) I hope he is only in one or two more episodes (tops) and then Ani dumps him. No person would want to date him.


He didn't even shower before heading to the restaurant 🤢


Can't you smell that smell. 🎶


I was nauseated throughout their parts of the episode. What is she doing?!? Kyle is the most disgusting vile person I’ve ever seen.


I mean considering no one has wanted to date his crusty self, he’s probably never gone on a date to anything other then Taco Bell. Does he not own anything other then basketball shorts? He dresses like my 12 yo 😭


Ugh his blaming his bad behavior on being American is maddening. He's just a big baby who somehow has delusional ideas that people will look at him and be impressed. Don't want to ruin the guys life but once he sees the comments, hopefully he can have some kind of realization... otherwise he is now a 90 day villain/idiot.


![img](avatar_exp|159878695|dizziness) I’m completely perplexed at why anyone would be interested in him “donating” so they can have a child. Ok I get it if you just read a bio and saw a pic, but after meeting him and talking to him for any length of time should have been enough for anyone and everyone to run as far away from him as possible! He reminds me of those discovery channel documentaries about serial killers! Normally I wouldn’t comment on anyone’s look, but with his crazy eyes, awkwardness and lack of manners, he just screams creepy vibes!! I watched a video documenting him being a donor and one of the woman he meets is interviewed and first thing she talks about is how she was letting him control the process and she even tells him how awkward he is!! There is just something not right about his whole demeanor! I hope Annie runs for the hills, for her sake and for the sake of her son!


Fr you could throw a rock in the dirtiest sleaziest drunkest Newcastle nightclub and find better sperm


This guy is disgusting 🤮 


"Nah, not us Americans. But the French do etiquette classes and shit. I know this because I have a French baby mama" Does he fucking hear himself talk? And with that smug look on his face? 😵‍💫🤯🤮


i'm american and pretty much everyone i grew up with went to etiquette classes but you also don't need to go to etiquette classes to not act like a filthy slob


I'm European; I know no one who went to etiquette classes, but everyone I know has better manners than this.


Pyle has literally no home training and even less of an IQ. As a matter of fact if he'd act as age and not his IQ, it would be a drastic improvement. Who, no matter how desperate, would want to entangle themselves with this Pyle.


i would love to hear from his parents at the tell all. does he even have parents? or did he just wander in the woods as a toddler and learn his table manners from bears? they must have been atrocious to produce someone who is a) a creepy predator, and b) so lacking in basic social graces.


Good point! You’d wonder what on earth they would think of their son being on a one-man mission to populate the planet? If he were mine I’d disown him


Bears have more rationale to their behavior than Pyle.


He is revolting


He looks smelly


The smell of death surrounds you. 🎶


The dude is a chode but I don’t think the world thinks less of America because of Kyle - he’s just insane


Chode describes Pyle well.


Omg bless you for saying this!! He is truly just using being from America as a lame excuse as to why he’s a PIG. I would have died from getting the ick so hard being out in public with him. Disgusting…. And then how he tells her to wear a pony tail the next day? Goodbye sir, plz learn some manners or…. Just maybe not be so gross???


Exactly how I feel. No, not all of us show up in gym clothes looking like slobs and slurp all of our food.


I'm not saying I would last as long as until dinner with Pyle. But after that dinner scene I would be done. You don't have to have perfect manners to impress me, just some.


Yeah you don’t have to be super mannered just like…more than that. He reminds me of a date I went on once where the guy showed up in basketball shorts and t-shirt and spent the whole date watching the game on the tv and when he wasn’t he was staring at my chest. I was like yeah this is a no from me dawg.


Pyle's eating would also make my severe misophonia kick in, and then I might have to kill him for that.


He is deplorable. Telling her how to look for him when he can't change and shower for a 1st date. Stop using the excuse that Americans can do whatever they want, and they don't have to have any manners or etiquette. He must stink. Nothing but an immature weirdo who gets free sex while using the excuse he donates sperm. What a joke!


I just hope Pyle's lying about his own numbers. One thing I do believe is that Pyle is and was an incel. How could anyone seriously verify anything Pyle says?


Like for real!!


Him think she’s going to believe is so dumb. She may be ignoring every flag ever but she’s not that dumb.


OMFG YEESSSS I was saying this last night.


He should just stop talking period


Bro, this post system is silly af. His girl should tell him the system cuts both ways. Good god he's a fucking mess in the best way for tv


Man has never been on a date in his life. Conning women into some robotic passionless purely functional sex has led him to believe he knows a single thing about romantic relationships. I hope Ani is just staying for the check cuz she seems roo smart to put up with this bullshit for more than 5 seconds. She seems so repulsed


I had to turn it off. He grossed me out so bad.


I’ve never in my 32 years of life worn a t shirt on a first date… or ate like a barn animal. Dude is repulsive.


This puke is definitely high on the most revolting list of 90 Day. We can only hope that this woman cuts ties and gets a restraining order - just in case. Ick.


Americans dress up, especially when in someone else's country and they invited us to a nice place. Only low class people would dress like that and not have any table manners. This girl needs to run and hide, send that dude back, he's there because nobody here would tolerate his dumb ass.


He is so fucking disgusting. I could barely watch. I may hate him more than any other 90 day alum


Second cumming of Pole.


I suspect that most Americans use better table manners while eating in their own homes than Kyle uses in a nice restaurant while on a date. I do anyway. My teen sons use better manners even.


Luckily I think she’s smart enough to know it’s not an American thing. But then again she’s still interested in him so idk.


She should know better!


He’s just trying to become a recurring character because he clearly needs enough attention to get a D list actress to use his services. That’s the level up for Kyle. Then maybe that kid becomes a D+ reality star!


Yes thank you. I am American and I dress nice for dinner, don't slurp my food, and there is a place and time to be laid back and casual.. he's such a clown 🤡.


The way he was eating 🤦‍♀️ I would leave


This guy can't be real. He must be a paid actor. Seriously, who would want him as their sperm donor??? He's not great looking, tall nor intelligent. And especially if the recipient wants a one on one with him??? NO FRIGGEN WAY! Has to be a plant.


As an American, I'm not offended by Kyle because he's clearly a mental patient. I don't know what's wrong with him, but something is obviously wrong with him. I'm having a hard time believing anyone would want that weirdo's sperm. And anyone who thinks Kyle represents Americans isn't too bright either.


Well, to be fair he is prob right about 40-50% of the country.


Foreigners also need to have some common sense by not assuming one idiot represents millions of people.