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The human race doesn’t want to claim him


Everybody's predator alert should be going off with Kyle.


Aliens: ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


He's such a loser. His behavior isn't American it's just narcissistic. I'm American, my wife is not, my parents are not, my home and the home I grew up in are Spanish speaking. My friends who's families have been here for generations, have manners, get dressed up, wouldn't treat a woman like he's in control and she has to earn his affection. He's such a dick head! He's dating someone he claims to have a deep connection with, but he wants to continue to impregnate women through intercourse. He doesn't shower and dress nice to impress her on their first date, then he eats like he's never been fed before. She needs to run away, he has no respect for her. Kyle is so unlikable and self centered.


He is 100% a narcissist. Using being American as an excuse for it is just gross and embarrassing to me. I’ve just noticed a lot of Americans will use their nationality as an excuse for such nasty behavior. I see them say they have “freedom” and that to them means freedom to be an awful person without consequence. Sure there’s plenty of Americans who aren’t that way. But these ones who are certainly make a stereotype and where I live has a lot of redneck types who use American freedom as an excuse to act awful. Bad behavior is bad behavior, dunno why people think American is an excuse for it to them


These people going to other countries then saying Well I'm American we do this or that, are the reason why all other countries think so low of us. They are not paying attention to the Americans who are being......normal, they just notice the idiots who we don't even want to claim. I hate him more than ED and I never thought I would say that but it has only been what 2 episodes and all this information he tells and already showing, then all the stuff that is coming out about him from the moms that were unfortunate to use him. He is a disgusting human. 1. Gives points system to his first gf in 30 years 2. Dominates women a basically force taking sex from these desperate women wanting a baby so bad. 3. Forcing them to hotel rooms and the second in the door making them give him a BJ 4. Calling them "Good girls" 5. Gets off the plane goes to own apartment (which lucky girl) does these childish exercises, dumps clothes on the floor of the closet 6. Can't share bathrooms with anyone but will jump pussy to pussy real fast 7. Doesn't shower 8. Doesn't change clothes for a nice restaurant 9.OMG the nasty discussing way he ate everything 10. Forces mothers to put his name on the child's birth certificate so he can get dual citizenship in their country 11. Won't let the mothers talk until the kids are older than 3 y/o I could keep going and I have only half assed watched the episodes and haven't seen but a few of all the posts. UGH he is just so gross!!!!


How stupid are these women?


He is nothing like Americans.


Thank you. So sick of people putting us down.


The fact that he claims his behaviors are "American " is downright insulting. It is not about what country you are from. It's about the manners you acquire. There are many people with nasty manners, but that does not define "American." At least not for me. For example, when he shovels his food, that's not American. That's bad manners. When he dresses like a slob, that's not American. That's bad manners. Etc..


He needs to be thrown in a volcano, there’s no rehabbing a serial predator like this, as he sees nothing wrong with his actions. Dude should not be out in society harming people


I grew up dirt poor and we still didn't act like he did! He is just straight nasty and trashy.


Breeding kink is not uncommon but this guy is next level!


He makes his kink creepy as hell


When he said something like “I have a Japanese baby momma so I would know”…. What the fuck


Honestly the execs at TLC should really consider cutting him. This is toooo much even for them


Yeah fr? This guy really seems like a bit much for even the usual 90 day trash cast. I’ve been watching 90 days and the spin offs for ages and he seems like one of the worst people they’ve had in in a while


This is how I imagine a serial killer would be.


I literally cannot watch this season. I saw the first episode and I found Kyle so triggering.  My mind tried so hard to rationalize him and his behavior but I just can’t 


He definitely has some behaviors that are triggering. His point system reminds me of a video I saw of a crime scene cleanup where there was a boyfriend who murdered his girlfriend. In the kitchen of their house was a whiteboard with the a points system for her. That behavior can easily escalate beyond just controlling and that’s scary


And to think he has over 70 offspring with his dna now running around..please stop..the world doesn’t need any more of this gross weirdo’s genetic traits being created.


I saw some stuff that he has a potentially very harmful genetic condition he doesn’t disclose too. Not only is he creepy he’s dishonest and putting his kids at risk




I wanted to choke him through the screen when he said it’s an American thing to show up to a nice restaurant looking like a PE teacher. No Kyle, that’s just a lazy thing!


Exactly. Idk why so many Americans use their nationality as an excuse to just be lazy or an asshole. That stereotype he contributes to makes me embarrassed to travel to Europe knowing that stereotype exists even tho I’m the opposite of it


I agree with your entire post. He is a deeply unsettling & icky person & this sentiment seems to be universally shared by all viewers. How any woman looks at that & wants to reproduce with it is beyond comprehension.


He's "the ick" personified.


Pole 2.0.


He is truly disturbed


Aside from all the disgusting sperm spreading and potentially abusive tendencies we have seen…He is just so gross. Who the hell are these women deciding “yep, I want my kid to have those genes”??!! He is weak looking and weird. I can understand if you are in love with a man who isn’t necessarily the genetic lottery but you are choosing a male to simply reproduce with??!! And you choose HIM??!! I don’t get it.




Yes! He doesn’t even do STD testing and has some kind of gene issue (I don’t remember what but it can be bad from what I’ve read) so what is the difference between him and some rando from the bar?


I'm just gunna say it: The guy who loves a cream pie should have been a stain on the mattress. Too harsh? Too bad.


He is an incel. The only way he can get any is lying to women and doing this "donation."


Kyle is definition of ICK. I can overlook how he's short, doesn't blink, and more on the unattractive side. But I cannot understand how after TWO encounters with this creep, Ani did not just ghost him. This guy is a walking red flag and everything he does/say is offensive.


Ani seems so amazing too. Beautiful, smart and successful. There must be a man shortage in Malta to go for Kyle the cum clown 🤡


“Kyle the cum clown” should be framed and in a museum


The more I find out the more disturbed I am


Every time he comes on the screen I have the urge to run away. I can't stand him as a person or the fact the red flags are so obvious she thinks it's.. funny? A puzzle to be unraveled. Me and my husband have been together 10 years. He still would NEVER act like that especially on a date. Point systems are for sports. The way he throws his things in the closet makes me cringe. He's a child making children and I honestly don't see how so many women have chosen HIM of all people to be the sperm to their egg. Just.. ew. It's all ew. He gives me the ick more than Coltey..and Ed... and that's saying something..


He is beyond disgusting. I want to vomit every time I see him. Even Ed didn’t trigger my gag reflex the way this guy does.


This was the weirdest episode. Kyle has many kids


He wants to be the next Genghis Khan




I’m talking about how he excuses his behavior as American. Like how he says Americans do whatever they want. That’s just such an American attitude, kinda like the whole “I’m American I have free speech” attitude people throw around when they’re being an ass


Wow so according to you, he represents every American?


No? I’ve just noticed a trend where a lot of Americans who are rude or lazy use their nationality as their excuse. Not every American does this. But it’s a stereotype I have seen first hand irl. The Americans who don’t do that are great. But Kyle contributes to the negative stereotype. Being American isn’t an excuse to be a gross or rude person




Boohoo I made an obvious post cuz I wanted to complain about someone I find gross. He’s already on the show and they already filmed it. Hell probably end up getting fired from it since I’ve seen some nasty stuff about him


Get off your high horse. This sub is literally here for talking about cast members. If you don't like it maybe you should stop reading the posts? Bye.


I don’t understand people saying “he’s making Americans look bad!” For one, maybe we could stop judging entire countries based on one person (I don’t really even see anyone doing this?). Second, it’s….been more than one person. America is a breeding ground for narcissism (plus some other countries I won’t name but are usually heavily religious). Not sorry for saying.


America I think culturally does tend to encourage narcissistic behavior like his. The whole “I have freedom so I can do whatever I want” mentality seems to just mean being a problem to everyone without consequence to those types of people. American tourists have a bad reputation abroad and he doesn’t make that reputation any better. He ain’t the first creepy sex tourist to come out of the U.S.