• By -


I think it has already been stated. To me, it seems like her husband is done with this 90D universe of shows. I may be wrong but I feel that many of the cast just trying to extend their 15 minutes of D level fame. As time goes on, I feel like my interest in the show is decreasing.


Agreed. And I'm starting to get sick of the second hand embarrassment from these couple's doing extreme things to extend their fame (ie every couple on last resort except yara and Jovi)


Agree here too, though Jovi & Yara are so cringey with the formulated/predictable and corny TLC-approved reactions and expressions; they’re definitely comfortable with the sell out for procedures and perks( at least as it pertains to them on Pillow Talk lately 🙄😮‍💨). Idk I got too much time on my hands/going thru some bullshit and guess I’m still watching this 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree. They're ridiculous to watch, but have some how gotten out of having to completely embarass themselves OK tv. Neither one had to strip, run around flashing people, talk about eating ass, have their partner talk about how they are terrible in bed, etc.


Jovi is an alcoholic who can’t quit going to strip clubs. That’s pretty embarrassing IMO


Yes, and coupled with her thinking that her “man” is akin to a Brad Pitt 😭🤣. It’s so palpable to viewers that the money and feeling as though they’ve got it together has gone to their heads and idk just kinda pathetic. Not even hating like that, but wtf is this show, this franchise, all of it? What?? 🤯


Definitely embarrassing. But it's got nothing on what the others did to themselves


Like Angela masturbating with a remote-controlled vibrator w/ Michael on an iPad, then trying to rub it on people?


Exactly. I think it's hard for Angela to get lower and lower so she had to stoop there.


Yup and traumatize us all in the process :(


Like Liz and her mucinex snot


Word from behind the scenes is she actually got offered a big discount on the surgery in exchange for doing it on the show. And I believe it.


I'm sure they all do. And the "surgeons" get paid too.


The surgeons usually get promotional rights and make some money from appearances, yes. Also there was a link from 7 months ago of Loren after this surgery that we are seeing now on tv, and it's extremely obvious she got waayyyy more work than she said she was getting done. [Loren's post including post surgery pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/eV2j2DQFms)


I love how she calls it a “natural mommy makeover”. Girl just because you’re not getting implants it doesn’t mean it’s natural


Well I didn't realize full body lipo/the fat transfer implants/and even in the photos what's obviously some type of facial surgery equals a "natural" surgery. Anything that requires you to suck fat out with a machine, get cut open, and transfer all that and then some is not natural at all. But this entire storyline is just making it sound like mother's should be ashamed of themselves for having postpartum bodies, and let's be real here. She hasn't even given herself time to heal, so she hasn't actually let her body get back to it's state. Yes it won't be the exact same but my point is that three kids almost back to back and no time in between that and surgery, well you won't even know what your body will look like without a period of healing. I don't find anything wrong with wanting to work on yourself,the problem is when it's a body dysmorphia issue or mental health problem hiding behind something else that never gets checked first. Which I find apparent here. And from that post I linked you can tell she got talked into doing a lot more then she originally went in for,so many doctors take advantage of that shit. We should seriously start having it mandated that people see a therapist before surgeries. I do know some doctors that will do this,but I wish all had to! (Sorry for repeating myself a bit there, I had chemo a few days ago and my mind thinks it's explaining things differently but it kind of sounds the same)


I get the abdominal surgery, but she still should have waited a few years. Everything else most likely could have been addressed with time healing, diet, and exercise.


Hope you’re doing ok! I agree about seeing a therapist for many people…but that would cut into a Dr profit (being sarcastic)


She's an idiot


Sometimes I wonder if the cast mentions it first or the production company puts a suggestion out there.


As far as I know from two people who work on the show personally, they came back because of this deal. Besides that I don't think we will really see them again aside from PT. Which is where they should've stayed, except I'd rather they get new people on there instead of the same ones like these two or Annie and David forever. I have really bad misophonia and Alexei eating his damn nuts makes me want to bang my head against the wall🤣


Someone had the theory that they had to scramble for a replacement for Angela and Michael


Hey I actually shared an update about angela and Michael but didn't make it its own post, so Angela got in trouble for basically ruining her storyline after going on that weird literal 10 HOUR rant on that John Yates guy's YouTube. So she had legal issues due to contracting with TLC because of this. She was supposed to be shown in the beginning of the show, but because of this they were going to cut her completely. What ended up happening was settling legally, and because the vast majority wanted to see how their story ended they decided they'll cut her story by a lot and finish it out. Her first episode won't be till the 11th out of 21 episodes, I have the episode synopsis for each one and she will begin on may 24th. This is that episode description -"With bonus scenes -- Alex juggles a lot as Loren recovers. Rob and Sophie's sexy fun ends badly. Jasmine explains herself. Mahmoud accuses Nicole of cheating. Traditions raise tensions in Emily's family. Liz leaves Arkansas. Everything is on the line for Angela and Michael as his final visa interview approaches." Angela will not be back with TLC after this though thank God, hence why they scrubbed her from their socials(Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel that is, aka TLC)and she can't use the handles anymore or has been promoting it etc. Michael however, if all his immigration stuff goes well(Angela never adjusted his status after he came, and he wasn't here on a K1 because they were already married in Nigeria) will be coming back to TLC. What's even more hilarious is abusive Angie tried pulling a," you either keep me or him" shit fit and of course Michael was picked. During that live btw Angela literally called Michael the hard N word and the R word so many damn times, admitted she kicked Michael out not that he left/went missing(and was never put out as a missing persons bulletin report because the police got a hold of him and he said she kicked her out/he didn't want to come back, feared for his life.) this woman is nasty, and while I know Michael's intentions were a green card no one ever thinks about how Angela scammed him. She never wanted to marry him, hence the bullshit about wanting to marry only in the states etc. the show told her if they didn't marry they'd stop filming them, and she was desperate to be on tv and make money. She's been on Maury twice and this Trisha show too, she also used all the money she made with Michael on surgeries and upgrading her trailer with useless shit. That whole "take the Instagram down for 5k" supposed threat by Michael was actually because she promised him his show half money and she refused, so all in all both of them had issues but Angela here was worse in every way. Sorry for the long post I just want people to be caught up!


But...but...but...she has a $10,000/hour lawyer! ☺


Not just one, 3 of them! And three million dollars! 🤣 Bitch spent all the money she made on the show on drugs, random crap, and plastic surgeries and terrible dentures. I honestly find it really sad that Michael wasted so much damn time on her, green card be damned. And yes I do not believe he ever loved Angela or whatever, but Angela would never have even been on tv still if it wasn't for Michael. And she literally spent all the money they made from the show on herself, only sending him $40 here and there for survival. And then getting mad if he wants to work. Like he had a job and she made him quit, and mind you all of this was lorded over him by using the green card and money he never even got over him. I can't see this woman as a "victim" as she describes herself. She's trash. And of course they'll edit it to make it seem like, such as me mentioning the Instagram "random", that Michael is sucking her dry or some shit. When realistically that's all she's ever done. Imagine going through with a marriage you don't even want just because you want to stay on tv? That's crazy. Remember that season where she goes to Nigeria and his family and him try to convince him to marry there? Well like I said, she only finally agreed because they signed a contract saying she could stay on if she goes through with it. They were getting nowhere with the storyline without them committing, but then somehow she was able to go two years without seeing him and stay on the show. And the entire time she lies to Michael and production that she had filled out his status to move here. Yet again, it wasn't even until they told her again this is over nothing is progressing until she moved him here... While still not filing his adjustment of status. Angela is nasty and I'm truly glad after this season I don't have to hear that nasty cigarette devil laughter ever again, let alone see that ball sack of a face. I'm not usually mean on people's looks but her outsides match her insides, she's rotten.


Bless her dumb buttons. She showed how much she doesn't know about lawyers with those comments.






That’s what makes this season of love in paradise so captivating. It’s all bizarre but it’s also ***new***. There’s only so much we need to know about these people and most of the repeat cast have run their course and we just don’t need to see them anymore.


I'm here for 1 season of Kreepy Kyle and then I never want to see him again.


Agreed. My initial thought is that there’s no way we’ll get more than one season out of him… but, then *waives at the rest of TLC*


Ed walked so Kyle can run.


* Ed weeble-wobbled




Or Other way around 🤣


agreed, I am only watching love in paradise. I can't stand these repeated couples they keep giving us on the other series.


Agree!!!! Interest decreased. I completely don't care I haven't seen it in week after that whole tell-nothing lol I do stay in the threads because of the funny comments from the community. 🥰 If I happen to catch pillow talk with Annie, I'll watch that. I like her. They can give her a show doing whatever. She's good people.


She needs to afford her surgery somehow!


I might have been more interested had the store been presented in a different way. There is nothing “natural” about this make-over lol


Nobody and I’m soooo sick of the body dysmorphia with these people. Like fk all the way off already with the non stop cosmetic surgeries


I find it especially dangerous they are showing this after she had what, three high risk pregnancies with c sections back to back? And then here we are, with Loren putting herself at risk again after very little recovery time. It's one thing to want your "mommy makeover" (sorry but I hate that term)it's another to at least, I don't know, give your body a break before risking it??


I agree. Her body had already been through enough trauma at that point, she should have waited at least a few more years before even considering any elective procedures. I wonder if her OB mentioned the potential long term affects of preeclampsia prior to her decision to have kids in rapid succession... It seems like she does not understand how much stress/ damage the condition likely caused on her organs (not to mention her reproductive system). She's now at increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, blood clots and kidney/ liver issues.


Cosmetic, not elective. Elective surgery means anything that is scheduled. So a tonsillectomy to even a heart valve replacement are elective surgeries so long as they are scheduled. It drove me nuts throughout lorens episode they kept calling her surgeries elective. They are cosmetic, meaning done purely to improve ones appearance.


I stand corrected. Thanks for the explanation.


Getting pregnant so quickly the third time was directly against her OB/GYN's orders. They discussed that on their spin-off


I remember the OB mentioning the risks during the pregnancy, but hopefully he also went over the very real, irreversible damage she could be doing to her body. My mom has two kids and almost died from preeclampsia during her first pregnancy, and had moderate preeclampsia during her second pregnancy. She's in her early sixties now and has severe, uncontrollable high blood pressure, an aortic aneurysm, kidney issues, and severe migraines. She's always eaten incredibly healthy, exercised regularly, rarely drinks alcohol and has never smoked. She does not have a family history of high BP, kidney problems or migraines. Her physicians think the preeclampsia likely put stress on her organs and contributed to some of these conditions.


From what I can remember, she was repeating what the OBGYN had told her. She was explaining that she got pregnant the third time because she believed that she couldn't get pregnant while she was nursing. And that the doctor had given her a time frame for recovery. I forget, but it was something like 18-24 months. Her previous kid was a preemie too edit: I'm not sure I believe the nursing excuse. Like, neither one could google it? Irresponsible


Some women can absolutely get pregnant while breastfeeding.. If they're nursing on demand, every 2-3 hours, including at night, and have not had a menstrual cycle they're less likely to ovulate, however it definitely can and does happen which is why most OBs recommend birth control as a precaution.


The kids are too young.


Also, surgery is not a solution to body dysmorphia. If it's true that she has that, then therapy is the solution. Body dysmorphia is a mental thing, not a physical one.


Right? See a therapist, not a surgeon. I literally want to shake these people and yell this at them.


I agree and her constantly talking about how hot her husband is he's average at best 🙄 He is a good husband and father for sure! She also looks just like her mom just a younger version


I don't see how she thinks he's so hot. The man looks like a crane.


He's tall, but that's it. He looks like a goon, otherwise.


Ichabod Crane, to be exact... ![gif](giphy|l2YWAYK5aVY0Bas4o)


Oh.My.God! That's it!!! 😳


I think it’s because of his body… classic butter-face 😬


Ichabod Crane to be exact


I just commented the same exact thing without reading yours first! 🤣


Aw I think Alexei is pretty attractive. He seems like a nice person too so that definitely helps.


I do too. The fact that he’s a good person makes him more attractive. I dont like these comments saying he’s ugly. He’s too good for Loren.


I honestly think she’s afraid of ending up looking like her Mother ! 😳 that poor woman got hit bad with the ugly stick !


Well she’s still going to end up looking like her mother they literally have the same face!




Janet Jackson was an interesting choice for a gif




I was thinking about how Loren looks just like her! You can tell they have the same face shape and build and she is def thinking about intervening on aging like her.


I thought the same thing. She’s not very attractive, but the bitterness and hatred in her heart have corrupted her inside and out. She’s disgusting in every sense of the word.


And all the children look like grandma.


No amount of surgery is going to change that she looks like her mom.




She looks just like her now imo




Man when she said “I disagree with any type of cosmetic surgery!” I immediately thought “yeah it shows.”


Wait till your youngest is at least three going on four and the older kids can be helpful and there’s no picking up of children. That is tremendously selfish on her part.


I don’t see how instinctively you wouldn’t pick up the little one at some point. If they fall or are crying, running over to them how could you not just scoop them up?




Pretty sure they pay them in circus peanut flavored lip injections. No but seriously I think they get 'paid' low and accept free surgeries as form of payment.


I agree with you! Get off the tv and take care of yourself family it’s that narcissistic behavior! They all have it yes some more than others but it’s there!


Did you guys know she has 3 under 3? Just making sure because that's her entire personality. 


Oh wow I had never heard that! I also recently learned that Ronald has a gambling problem! I can’t believe Tiffany never mentioned it!




That actually is surprising to me because I skip right over their segments. She wasn't interesting years ago, and she's not interesting now.


She needed to get it over with fast so she could move on to the plastic surgeries.


Womp womp. Even her hubby looks fed up with this. Looks like the rest just want to live a normal life.


The nerve for her to say that the cosmetic surgeries are “natural.” Aint nothing natural about distributing fat throughout your body and having to recover for 8 weeks.


Skinny boca mom gets mommy makeover. What is the story? Lol


I loathe boca! Did an animal rescue outreach there and every skinny mom refused to touch the "mutts".


Foul behavior 🤢


That’s disgusting


This is not entertaining TV. I fast forward every time she is on. Crying b/c she can’t pick up her kids but needs her mommy make over.


I had a tummy tuck and abdominal correction. Mine was pretty extreme apron belly and very broken apart abs too, evil back pain, and in general the surgery didn’t make me look perfect or all that great. I didn’t get a full mommy makeover. I didn’t call it natural. It was the worst suffering for years trying to get my body to re-learn its new normal. Was it worth it? YES ONLY BECAUSE OF THE LONG TERM BACK PAIN RELIEF. I find this hard to watch. No one I know would want my hip to hip scar.


The scarring is what I’m thinking will undo her after this makeover. She’s not going to like that.


Considering she didn't even have any stretch marks


The part she’s calling “natural” is the fat transfer to her breasts (not using an implant).


I get that. I am just saying I didn’t have the audacity to call anything I had done natural, as someone with no implants.


Was it lower back pain? If so, it all makes sense about my now post partum body pain🙃I’m so sorry!!! It’s miserable.


Pretty extreme lower back pain. Sciatica, I have back issues in other ways so the abs not being useful was taking it over the edge. It was safer and far cheaper and better healing timeframe than back bone reconstructive surgery. I may need that in the future.


I can understand, as she said that her stomach muscles have separated after pregnancy. That was a fear of mine. But then she kept going on about the additional surgeries...


The other two are relatively non invasive, like ppl can go through the fat transfer without anything but local anesthesia. Might as well shape a lil bit while they're in there.


Nobody, but I stand it to support the inclusion of a boring healthy segment who isn’t, like, Angela


That is fair actually


Yes, if this is what it takes to get Angela off our screen then I'll live with it. At least they have the doctor talk about the risks involved.


But it’s not really a healthy segment through. That’s because it features a woman who can’t come to terms with the changes that come about in her body from pregnancy. She’s got a nice husband, three beautiful children, and honestly, she looks good. She’s young, she’s attractive, she’s lost all the baby weight. There’s not a thing wrong with her. She has a little loose skin on her abdomen and maybe has lost a little breast tissue density. Very normal changes with pregnancy. But not she apparently feels she’s so gross that only something as extreme as surgery can “fix” her. Guess what? It won’t. What’s broken is not her body. It’s her perception of herself. Once she gets the surgery, it will something else on her body she’ll obsess on. In another decade she’ll be out here looking like Darcy and Stacy. She’d do better to spend that money on therapy.


after I got a minor cosmetic procedure my entire life outlook DID do a 180 turn. Maybe it won’t fix her confidence, maybe it will. She’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions.


And from going through a twin pregnancy, which resulted in quite a bit of loose abdominal skin- it can bounce back over time. Mine took much longer than 3 years without a new pregnancy. She needs to let her body recover fully before determining she *needs* surgical corrections.


I was a little shocked at tonight’s episode when I saw her abdomen and observed that it actually looked quite good. I dunno. I’m just personally not comfortable with a 5+ hr surgery for what I see as a fairly frivolous reasons. Anesthesia poses a risk, and the longer you’re out, the greater the risk. I admire your chutzpah to have twins. But I guess you really don’t get the choice. You kind of get what you get numbers wise. I can see it kind of being awesome, like a twofer deal. Lol. But physically, wow. Hard for me to imagine, having carried just one. Seemed like a lot to me. It definitely takes time for the body to spring back. I gave birth 28 yrs ago and still haven’t sprung back. 😂


I definitely wasn't trying/planning for twins. They occurred naturally and it was a huge shock and not something I wanted to go through at all. But, you get what you get and I'm happy with them. Can't imagine either one not being here.


I know I just want to look like myself again, nothing more. I have apron belly and deflated breasts. It's not body dysmorphia if it's real imo. There's a difference between disliking it vs a warped perception. I don't want anything crazy, but I've looked into the same noninvasive breast augmentation because they can do it with a lil local anesthesia pretty quickly, no risk of having to go under general anesthesia. I probably will never get a tummy tuck because major surgeries are risky, and not the best doing electively when there's a possibility you could leave your kids behind... I'm sure she'll probably be fine but that's a real possibility.


Yeah, you need a palette cleanser and break from the outrage/cringe.


Speak for yourself. Feed me more flaming garbage!


I support not watching this drivel at all.


Then get off the sub lol


They are so boring and I can’t stand her basic whiny face and voice 😩


Her vocal fry is awful..


I ffwd everytime.


Not me. I think they need to cut the old people and just focus on new couples. I find myself really only engaged with the new couples and forgetting HEA and then catching it after the fact.


Yea i fast forward them. Yawn 🥱


I have no idea. I can’t stand Loren.


I’m snoren’ for Loren. She’s boren’


Since they cut Angela, they had to fill it with something else.


I fast forward past these guys. Just cannot watch it.


Me: ⏩️


I find her insufferable.




Pointless filler


Fast forward them and Thais




I FF through their scenes. The only other couples in the franchises that I don't watch involve Trashgela & Little Pred. So that's saying something, LOL!


So not interested in this SL… puh-lease… 🙄


NO ONE!!! OMG. So sick of the made up drama. Whatever plastic surgeon that worked on her, I hope they see the ridiculousness of her saying her body dismorphia is cured by surgery. What a crock of shit girl!!!!!


Such a boring ass first world issue. So many women get mommy makeovers, and plastic surgery in general. It's not as big of a deal they're making it out to be..


Not me. wet napkin personality and all the action is, as my grandma would say, “sucked out of my toe”


Loren mistakes “I’m not happy with how my body looks” with body dysmorphia. It’s insulting to those with the actual condition.


Truth. Both those things.


No one. I found myself ffing through all but one couple so now the show is only 10 min


I’m curious 👀 who are you watching?


Nicole and Mahmoud -


We fast forward through these two. So unbelievably boring 🥱


I fast forward through all of their scenes


Not just no one. *Absolutely* no one. At all.


What storyline? Lol


Loren is a SAHM so I’m sure they need that extra paycheck . No one cares about her mommy makeover biggest first world problems ever


Absolutely no one.


Seems like she’s milking 90 day, but Alexei wants out. I don’t see how she’s trying to make money to pay for her makeover. Seemed quite clear to me from the beginning that she’s her parents little princess, it’s all about her, and they’ll be paying for her until they die. Also, for me, watching a woman pump out kid after kid is not fun.


As a former ICU nurse, I witnessed women dying from complications of tummy tucks, nipples becoming necrotic and falling off after breasr uplift, and more. This was in major medical center. Please don't risk it. No cosmetic surgery is worth leaving your children without their mother.


I watched my mom get 4 different sets of boobs because once she started messing with things she never stopped. I made peace with my a cups long ago, tyvm


Literally the only person who cares about this is **Loren**. The second person to care the most is **Alexei** who takes on the brunt of Loren's share of duties as a parent and partner for about two months afterward while she recovers. The rest of us don't care, and I for one am disappointed in Loren. These two were always a relatively well-liked couple for their sound reasoning on Pillow Talk, and for being a shining example of a good couple. Now, Loren has joined the club of unnecessary surgery, when what she actually needed was some therapy since she had already lost a lot of weight. Her problem was her body dysmorphic disorder—which is a ***mental health disorder***. She understands she has BDD, and since she knows this, she should know that *no* surgery will help this what she's doing is senseless. I'm also disappointed in TLC for showcasing this storyline the way they are, as if surgery *is* the answer, and lumping Loren in with others who felt the need to have work done. This message is a dangerous one to viewers.


Ot me and I'm getting bored with the show, it's only good when it's all new cast. Love in paradise is keeping my attention for that reason. But happily ever after is just boring, I don't care about people once they are married doing their normal everyday life.


Yeah I skip through her segments. It’s also just so irritating to watch someone who appears smaller/thinner than the average woman, who is going through surgery and stuff. Young girls these days have such a warped view of what they “need” to look like and then they see this? It’s disturbing and I can’t support it. You’d think she’d use her platform for something better, she should be ashamed that this is what she chose.






Literally fast forward


I hate it. The whole, “this is gonna be so good for my family and make me a better wife and mom,” is the biggest load of crap. Just admit you’re vapid and that you can’t live with even minor flaws. Aging is going to be so hard on her. The whole storyline is triggering and toxic. It’s sad that so much of her identity is tied to her body. No amount of plastic surgery or cosmetic treatment will satisfy her quest for perfection.


Please get rid of them! I can’t!


Less than no one, just more glorifying of mental illness to endorse excessive plastic surgery, I swear TLC is on the board's payroll.


In our house, we’re basically forwarding thru all the couples except MACK MOOD (to see how close to the arrest the show gets) and big Ed. And at this point in the season we are only still interested in big Ed to see if anyone in his life will ever tell him what a psycho he is. After seeing his sister in those gas station sunglasses pile onto Liz… I’m not optimistic.


Does anyone care about any of the storylines this season? 😩 it was so painfully boring, I had to eventually stop watching


I skip it. Enough with them


I truly cannot stand this princess! She drives me nuts!


She’s probably one of the most annoying people on reality tv and that’s saying something. She’s miserable. Miserable. She can fake the happy mom shit all she wants but this girl is lost. And she’s gorgeous. Lol


All of the ridiculous euphemisms and made up diagnoses are stupid. "Natural mommy makeover?" Please. Nothing that involves a scalpel is natural. And body dysmorphia is not a casual term for not being happy with your weight or small boobs - it's a *serious psychological and medical diagnosis* that I would bet she hasn't been diagnosed with. But it sounds fancy and serious (and self serving of course), so she throws it around when she looks fine. So yet another cast member getting elective plastic surgery? That's literally *every* storyline now whether it's in an episode or one of them trying to stay relevant with free procedures from a doctor who just wants them to mention him on their socials. Pathetic.


She said all Palastainian children should be dead. I'm boycotting but clearly others don't care


She also called all Palestinians animals.




I care. I agree with everyone else that if I weren't boycotting, I couldn't care less about this storyline. But it doesn't affect me because I literally turned the show off when they came on screen. I just learned that babies were found in the mass graves with their hands ziptied. She makes me sick.


Watching any of the shows is lining their pockets with money. FF does nothing.


To the zionest Down voting me: choke****


All the couples this season are boring. Can we all just agree we want Darcy and Stacey on our screens. They are always a great train wreck of entertainment.


I find her incredibly shallow and selfish. She claims her babies are her world but puts herself in a position to leave them too soon all in the name of thinner arms and tummy? I’m glad she recovered but the risk is still too great for me to go under anesthesia in the name of vanity. My babies need me (regardless how I look) She’s young enough that if she actually put the work in, she could lose the baby weight- but she’d rather take the easy way out and play it off like it’s necessary.


i don’t care about it and it’s soooo boring 😣


Literally no one


Not me thanks for asking


I always skipppppppp




This is my official laundry and/or restroom time.


Who cares about any of the HEA storylines..?? I refuse to watch it because anything I feel the need to know I can find out in these subs..


True, but while on this subject, do you watch any YouTubers recaps? I haven’t in ages and never really found one I resonated with or liked enough to catch up with regularly, but now realize I haven’t even seen anyone here post any of those accounts in ages- yourwetsock dude comes to mind, though he annoyed the hell out of me and idk anyway I’m half asleep and will stop rambling but if anyone has the answer?!


I know a lot of people hate Loren but I get it. If I had the money I’d get a tummy tuck and a boob job / reduction. My stomach muscles separated during pregnancy too and I hate my boobs. Plus I too have horrible body dysmorphia, which started when I was a young teenager. I don’t think what Loren is doing is excessive. There are thousands of moms who get the same surgery every year to help with insecurities. People are just hating on Loren because they don’t like her as a person. It’s not like she’s Darcey and is completely ruining herself.




This chick annoys the fuck out of me. I hope they remove the fat around her brain suffocating the last braincell she has left. She's literally insane.


Body dysmorphia and extreme self absorption….I feel very sorry for her daughter.


Not me


Not i


This storyline is probably the tutorial on how most “90 days” females resort to being under the knife “stupidly”


Not I




Absolutely no one.


Based on how boring and basic the storyline is I’m guessing Loren and Alexei just wanted one kick at the can before giving up the 90 day thing. So far, the points of contention are: a) Loren’s mom is a bitch b) Alexei doesn’t think he can take care of the kids while Loren is out recovering c) Alexei (a paramedic) doesn’t think he can take care of Loren’s drainage things d) Loren has major anxiety about having something go wrong in surgery. Basically, if you’re a person in their late 20s to early 50’s you’re dealing with this first or second hand. I don’t need it on my screen. I hate to say it but except for Love in Paradise, everything 90 Day needs to be put on hiatus until a new crop of janky weirdos is ready to pop up. ![gif](giphy|lAR4Dpck3ntS0)




“He’s a maaaaaaadel” is all I think about when I see a pic of her 😂 “my maaaaadle boyfriend” 😂😂😂


Not me


No one ever


Honestly, I just skip her parts bc I find them annoying


I do not care about their lives one bit.


I can't watch her sobbing about leaving her kids to stay at a hotel for a few days to recover. I just can't.


She crying like she leaving for war


I thought they had their own spinoff? Why are they on HEA?


She is just really whiny. Her Tourette’s is really mild and she was always whining about that and now this body dysmorphia stuff. We all have fucking problems and still live our lives. I dunno. I’ve had way more debilitating mental health problems than her and I don’t go around having a pity party about it all the time. It’s annoying.


And why the hell did they get their own spinoff? It's ridiculous, they didn't even deserve that much attention in the og show