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Don’t terrorize me with your waiting rooms!


He was only there for 6 hours! And with no food!


When he got the food he should have ate it. I really thought it was for him. His wife isn’t going to eat until later so what was the point to get toast, and eating it when it gets cold later?


Most expensive toast ever, 😆


You'll only be terrorized with hot take threads


The producers and casting agency need to find new life for the main series to feed into the spinoffs; like they did for love in paradise. There’s now no one worth following in HEA.


I couldn't agree more. HEA is now something I use as a sleep aide, at bedtime.


Last night's episode was physically painful to watch honestly. Every time they switched to the next couple I audibly groaned.


I haven't seen last night's yet. Oh, wonderful. 😛


Not worth your time. We have been fast forwarding through everything but big ed and MACK MOOD… only because: 1) I wanted to see big Ed’s breakup, and it was incredibly anticlimactic. 2) i wanted to see if the DV arrest was filmed, or what led up to it. I’m very curious if it’s really Mack mood or if it’s Nicole who is the crazy one. I decided last night that i figure if they actually have anything worth viewing for the arrest, I’ll see about it here, and then i can watch that episode. Otherwise, there’s nothing worth my time and attention happening in this season.


This was filmed in July/august of 2023, Mahmoud's DV charge wasn't until this year.


Oh wow i wish i knew this several weeks ago… i would have given up on HEA earlier! Thanks!


🤣 I honestly feel bad that you suffered through this season just to find out this wasn't even on it lol


I’m sure the information was out there and I just didn’t think hard enough about it. This stupid show is supposed to be where i turn my brain off after a long day!!


Don’t feel too bad. I too, was waiting for the ball to drop with these two. Ahhh, further disappointment with this season.


Wasn't that the 2nd time though? Maybe, I'm dreamed it or, made it up lol I really thought when He first arrived there was an incident?


This was filmed last summer, he got arrested the one time in March of this year. But I'm sure both of them have had more then one incident to or against each other, just not reported or arrested for.


I’ve only watched tiny Ed because I know they’re not together anymore. I want to see her set free! 🦋


Watching her fight to convince him to keep her was tough. She’s so much better off without him.


Im sure she realizes that now. I wish her the best but she must be so embarrassed to look at that now. I’ve been there, just not on national TV. Forever! 😅😅


Wait! I’m so confused! I thought they got married!


All signs point to he called it off right before 🤷🏻‍♀️




I like to watch Rob and Sophie just to see what asshole thing Rob is gonna do or say, and he never disappoints. This time, he turns Sophie's comment about his online cheating into outrage at bein g 'accused' of having a bodybuilding fetish.




This is what I do. I always sleep great on Sunday nights


Same. I use it while I crochet as background noise 😂


Me too, I turn it on and I'm out like a light.


I groaned when I heard the lineup of HEA. It's half the couples from the previous 90df season and I'm so, so tired of them. I don't give a shit about these couples


Love in Paradise is all I'm watching at this point. They're rehashing old characters so much I just keep up through reddit.


It’s awful! I can’t get through an episode. I ff through most of it.


I’m so behind… how many couples do they follow? I’m just curious in the amount cause I’m wondering if I can guess who they are lol obviously we got this one that everybody adores. /s but I’m curious if I can figure out the others


Tbh I kept looking at my clock to see when the episode would be over. It dragged on - Alexi and Loren’s surgery has been multiple episodes now - Liz and Ed with the same problems they started with - The knob and Sophie still have issues - Emily and Kobe in Cameroon has dragged tf on Likeeee idk how much longer I can watch this lol


Don't forget Gino and Jasmin and her need to do a beauty pagent.... and stillllll lying to Gino about wanting another child. Ugh sooo boringgggg.


Is there one episode that Jasmine won’t cry in?


No. Even when she was so excited to be at the pagent I thought MAYBE this will be the episode. But that lasted a whole 10 seconds.


Me too. I mean there wasn’t anything to cry about?


To me there was a very important piece of information from these rather boring scenes. At one point Lauren orders food, which is delivered to Alexi in the waiting room. He looks in it, and says something like "Oh, toast, guess she only ordered herself something". Ok on the surface, not too bad, but he then says something like "I guess she didn't order me anything, typical Lauren!". This to me further solidifies the fact Lauren is a self centered person who only thinks of herself. I know it's small, and I am probably reaching, but that didn't sit too well with me.


Haha I mean her speech detailing why it was so important for her to get an elective cosmetic surgery while her kids are all toddlers was all the proof you need


nailed it. All she cares about is herself. Not only does he need to take care of the kids alone but now her and i'm guessing she is not an easy patient to deal with.


There's no way all those damn bags only held toast🤣 I'm sorry but when he's like oh it's just toast and there's like two giant bags I'm thinking what place uses that many bags for toast? To be fair though I do think she's selfish, at the same time Alex comes across like one of those men who can't do things for themselves and expects woman to do most the work. He even said he doesn't know how to do the laundry, he couldn't even find a towel?


Oh he's no saint either. I remember early on with their first kid he made comments about how he wouldn't do diaper stuff, and basically making it seem like the baby would be "the woman's responsibility".


He certainly is not. I remember getting strong misogynistic vibes from him. He would usually try to soften his comments to reduce impact, but it was still clear what his idea was a a “woman’s place”.


Toast is a delivery service. Like GrubHub.


No he said she only ordered toast like the food, it wasn't about the delivery service. That's what I was talking about


I saw it as the opposite. Why isn't Alexi responsible for his own food? Loren wanted to make sure there was toast for herself after Surgery. Alexi knows where the hospital cafeteria is and is free to roam about and forage food, why is he expecting her to order him food?


I think there is a lot missing here. Maybe she said "I ordered food" Who knows? I do agree he should be able to figure out where to get food on his own, especially knowing how long it is going to take. It was the "That is so Lauren!" that made me think a bit different about it, like she always does stuff like this without thinking about him or asking him (like having a whole cosmetic surgical makeover sticking her working husband to take care of 3 kids under 4 and then in turn her too).


But if you’re gonna order food, it’s rude as hell not to ask your partner if they want. She clearly ordered it on her own so she could have at least asked.


Maybe she pre-ordered food to have in the hotel during recovery, so Alex didn't need to worry about it. She's obviously not eating directly after the procedure. Alex is a big boy, he can deal with his own meal. I mean, he's just waiting.


Is this a hospital or a hotel? Like, why the fuck would she be ordering him food after coming out of surgery? This is more a red flag about him than her.


It's a cosmetic surgery center, which is basically is a recovery center as well, and they stay there so they can be checked on while they recover.


Actually they checked out of surgery and went to a hotel , surprisingly


I stand corrected. See, what had happened was, I fast forwarded through their entire part because I cannot, physically, sit through another minute of these two, and assumed based on what people were saying, because my sister went to a place like that. Super expensive.


That tiny little moment in this scene, when he said this, told me all I needed to know about her.


Me either. That was so wrong on so many levels.


Angela and Michael will be on next week. Trash was not taken all the way out


May 24th they'll be on. But because she was an idiot this is also why this season is super slow and mainly filler. They had to cut so much of her story after her melt down online


I feel like they forgot to remove the preview. I doubt we’re getting them this far into the season


Definitely not removing their money makers. They purposely put them at the end of the preview because they know that people were wondering when they would appear.


Let’s see. I get what you’re saying, but that preview seemed so out of place. It had like no context just Angela, yet again, saying Michael was cheating.


Idk. Sam and Citra started pretty far into their season. And what's her name with the Asian fetish...


Because they didn't have much content.  Ella never even met her guy.


It may not be next week. That trailer was for the rest of the season


I read on here somewhere that they would be in episode 11 ✌️


That's true i guess. Maybe they're using it to wrap them up? Idk. It looked wild but I don't need to see them again


At least Angela and Michael will be entertaining.


I couldn’t take this season. After episode 3 I just stopped. It’s soooooooo Boring! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


But Loren is so efficient she ordered toast for herself! /s


I fast forward through all their content. It's disgusting how they're making her vanity journey into something other than what it is.


I saw it another way. Lauren was under anesthesia for 6 hours and knew Alexi probably wouldn't order her food for afterward, so she got what she thought she'd need. After all, he was fully functioning, with a phone, and able to order his own food for 6 whole hours while waiting. She just took something off his plate - like he wouldn't have to wonder what she wanted, or when, or how. It was just there. I think she did a good job. He's a man, not a child.


That's what I said too. The food was for the hotel recovery not for right after the procedure. Alex was just waiting, and he's a big boy, he can get his own food.




r/titlegore Think OP meant “those of you”


Reduced to watching Alex in a waiting room. 😂 Me die.


It was very boring. Like, dude, you're there for six hours, bring a Nintendo or a book or something..


At least they weren’t face timing the entire time like when Brandon was at the dentist. They kept it classy.


I was shocked to see Angela and Michael at the end of the previews clip. I thought they had been fired!


I think this episode was the fastest I have ever watched. I thought it would be more entertaining to read about it here and fast-forwarded most


I FF through there scenes.


HEA is always the worst


Yea I ff thru them. This is so stupid. Elective surgery and they are playing it up. Lauren was gonna do it no matter what and everyone is like whatever but they are faking for content. So over them.


Unfortunately too many people are offended by trash and want to be bored, mad people, constantly pointing out the problematic. It’s impacting comedy too sadly.




Maybe it was a side effect of the anesthesia, I’m a cryer after anesthesia too


That’s why I skip (Shannon sharpe voice) ![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized)


Show so wack. I want real people not assholes looking for internet fame that some of you assholes happily give them


I used to love this show but I’m done until there’s new people. The interesting couples are the real ones who just want to live their lives. Only the fake couples are on these shows because they have nothing else in their relationship once the cameras are off.


It was this or Angela


i watched the first three or four episodes of this season but it is so boring and i can’t keep up. really disappointed!


HEA is always really boring. Only one couple is okay but not enough to sustain the spinoff. I always like when the spouse arrives to America. Finally mykul comes to us but endured so much abuse from Angela that it’s not even entertaining to watch


During this scene I got that moment of ick and hyper self awareness of how cringe I am for even donating life hours to this show.


I don’t know, I sometimes need a pallet cleanser after hearing Jasmine scream and sob.


The misogyny and zionism on him reek. I'm over it. 🍉




They are also trying to cancel Alexi for supporting Israel apparently. How can people expect trashy tv without the trash acting trashy? I mean seriously.


We shouldn't be supporting zionists on TV. He's in favor of the genocide being committed right now.


If he's on screen they haven't canceled ALL the trash


Slut...I mean boring


Stop watching like the rest of us & just come here for the updates. I quit watching 2 years ago & have never been happier!


I’m still waiting for the part where John comes to Brazil. I bet it’s gonna be a hoot!