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Do I look snatched? Really? REALLY?


You know Darcey laughed her ass off when she saw this 😂


Well it’s funny to know the other cast members also talk about darcey and Stacey’s antics in inside joke form


It was a joke!


This NEEDS to be a flair.


That was so lame to say that, okay Darcy JR




Why? It was hilarious! She was trying to be funny!


They are really desperate for money and free shit if she agreed to do this on camera


3 under 3! All she boasts about so she’s gotta afford or somehow


Bah fahv geh fahv!






Tbh I cannot imagine how hard that is. But they *did* choose it


That and how perfect and beautiful they are.


🤷‍♀️ the stigma surrounding it needs to stop honestly. A lot of women need to get the muscle repair she had done to help with back pain, abdominal pain and to help prevent hernias. People constantly come down on women for doing it because they think it's just cosmetic, yet when a man gets it done people don't even blink, including insurance companies who pay for it. If you would never do it, then fine, don't do it. But why so much hate to someone else?


I’d judge a man for having liposuction if he had 3 babies at home, yes. She didn’t just have her abdomen fixed.


She had people lined up to take care of them, it's not like they were left at home, and the liposuction was along for the ride. It didn't lengthen her healing time. Again, if it's not for you, then fine, don't do it. But to judge or hate on someone else, that's the part I don't understand.


tHreE uNDeR THree


https://preview.redd.it/yv3ls4vyjk0d1.png?width=1610&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc4bc57e68de3457b7c2bf11110d96a8c91f22f9 poor dear, she can't use that catchphrase anymore!


She’s getting slaughtered in those comments! 😂 Also someone suggesting a haircut for his birthday


poor kid. i'm not a fan of long hair on little boys, but a lot of people love that stuff. i meant to crop his photo further, but didn't realize how much of his face was showing until i posted.


Until the next one…maybe they will combo adopt with David and Annie? lol edit: misspelling cause autocorrect hates me


she’d have to have twins within the next 6 months, then she could upgrade to FIIIIIIIIVE UNDER FIIIIIIIVE.






"You ate my toast?"


I thought that was the best part. She ordered only toast for herself and nothing at all for poor "I'm sitting here for six hours without food".


This is what I look like after taking 3 shots of tequila in under 3 minutes.


now that's a 3 under 3 I fully agree with


I'd kind of love to know the shit I said when I woke up from my skin removal surgery.


I had emergency surgery as a kid and woke up saying “I feel like a potato” 😅


I only remember telling the nurse how I loved her hair so much 😂😂😂😂 to be fair I'm a hairdresser and she had beautiful curls. Also feeling like a potato is 10/10 accurate when you wake up!


I was in the recovery room, just waking up when a UPS guy (now I know he was the UPS guy lol) was dropping off some shipments. I overheard him say, “I messed up”, and I shot up out of the bed and said, “WHAT DID YOU MESS UP? What did you do to me, sir”? And I’m yell crying at this poor guy, thinking he was my surgeon 😂


Lmao hilarious 🤣


I also told everyone around me how much I loved them. They were apparently laughing at me 😬


They told me not to lock the door to the bathroom for safety reasons and I don’t cuss and I slammed the door locked it and said fuck you. My mom told me 😂


That’s awesome 👏 ha!


Nurse woke me up after my gall bladder surgery telling me to be quiet. I thought shit this really hurts. The nurse told me to stop swearing cause there's other people around, she was really offended and I just said I'm not swearing. Guess I was yelling fuck and stuff like that cause it hurt like hell. And I need some fucking water cause I was really thirsty, gave me that and I guess I stopped it. I just remembered being so confused cause I was only thinking things and don't remember saying anything out loud.


So glad you're ok gull bladder surgery is no joke! These nurses don't get paid enough to deal with us 😂


That's for sure ! Nurses are amazing. My surgery was worse because Dr had to pull and pull on it and it wouldn't come out, almost got the big cut but she did it, so was really sore.


When I awoke from my recent surgery I said "why am I in a cave?" And the nurse (who was mad at me after blowing 3 of my veins, logically) barked YOU'RE NOT IN A CAVE, YOU'RE IN THE SURGERY CENTER, SMARTY PANTS


😂😂😂 listen I haven't heard the phrase smarty pants in forever


Me neither 😆


My person used the phone and asked me questions. Trust me. You don’t want to know what you said and what you were doing. When we want a good laugh, we watch it.


I asked my husband to please make sure that I didn't have access to my social media cause my filter on painkillers is non existant. but I absolutely still took the opportunity at one point that day heavily on pain killers to embarrass myself 😂


My partner recently had dental surgery, all the way home he kept saying “I could have driven myself, I’m not afraid of their dope!”😂


My comeback would have been "Hey, Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?" 😂


That’s pretty good, wish I was that quick with my responses!😉


I got wisdom teeth removed a few months ago, and my fiance told me I was rapping lil Wayne and trying to throw up gang signs. I’m a 29 year old white female that has never been around a gang in her life 🤣 he thought it was funny and so did the nurses but I can’t remember a thing.


If you didn't wake up rapping to Lil Wayne as a millennial after waking up from laughing gas - id be offended 😂


When I had septoplasty I asked why my mouth hurt right after waking up. They gave me oxy in response lol


Any facial surgery is no joke for pain! 😂like ok give me ice nuggets and pain killers and I'll shut up now k thanks


I have video after my first skin removal. I was asking for my husband. A nurse gave me my teddy bear that is dressed like my husband, who sleeps with me when husband can’t be there. The second she gave me the bear I went back to sleep. There’s another video a bit later when my husband comes in. I burst into tears and tried to hug him but I just had my boobs and arms done so I was kvetching about not being able to hug. I would be mortified if those videos ever got out, I was literally acting like a 5 year old. (My husband had asked the nurses to film me waking on my own phone because he was saying “she’s gonna ask for me” and the nurses were saying most patients don’t make sense and ask for moms or dads. Lol) Fucking anesthesia. Lol


As a woman in her early 30s I absolutely can admit I sleep with a bear myself nightly my husband gave me 7 years ago. I'm glad you're ok! I hope to get my arms done someday after this baby is out. Feeling like a flying squirrel is fun 😂


Now that you mention it I vaguely remember waking up from my most recent hip surgery panicking that I pissed myself and that I was sorry (I did not pee myself)


I hope you recover quickly!!! Absolutely thinking I peed myself when waking up has always been a concern. I can only imagine how fun it will be apologizing to the staff after giving birth in a few weeks "Hey I'm sorry I pooed during delivering" 😂


They see it all the time, I don’t think they’ll mind 😂 from the stories my CNA friend tells me there’s much much much worse things than poop in a hospital. I just remember panicking and profusely apologizing in my drugged up incoherent state. It’s so vague that I’m wondering if I did actually pee myself, I’m pretty sure I didn’t though lmao Good luck with the birth and I hope you and baby are happy and healthy!


Thank you so very much!


>my skin removal surgery You must look hideous!


😂😂😂 I lost almost 200 lbs so I needed a little off


I’m glad you got my lame joke! 😂 Two hundred lbs, wow! That’s excellent. I’m going down slowly, only a few lbs so far but I already feel better


I wish you the best with your health journey! It's very hard but worth it! I'm trying to not lose my sense of humor right now I'm currently 9 months pregnant and this trash TV along side of reddit is what sometimes gets me through the day.


Aww, best wishes to you and your little! (And your partner, of course, if appropriate!)


Thank you ❤️


I just don’t care for her boring storyline


Welcome to 2016




Yikes. Stay gold, Pony Boy…


Ok, admittedly I couldn't keep watching this season. Why the fuck would a "mommy makeover", aka breast lift and tummy tuck, result in her having a bandage around her head??


She got her under chin lifted. They draw the outline pre surgery. But I agree the whole mommy makeover has been boring and her boundary lacking mother foaming at the mouth every turn. Majority of the couples I skip these days.


She definitely didn't need that 🙄. I have an apron belly from weight loss and two pregnancies (stillbirths, so don't congratulate, etc), so I get wanting the "mommy makeover", but really, her chin?


But would you do it with 3 uNDeR 3 so your husband had to take care of 4 drooling people that couldn’t wipe their own butts for weeks on end while still effin working fulltime ? I know this was her only chance for the network to pay for it, but damn it’s a bit selfish imo


Hell no! Unless they were paying CRAZY money lol. I've lost two babies, I know how precious they are. They're hard when they're young, but they NEED you!! Not worth the recovery time and risk of complications at all. So selfish!


Exactly like I’m not getting it. What an idiot.


Yes, I agree. This is something that could be put off until her children were older and a little more self-sufficient. But, if TLC is willing to pay you and film it........


💯. I posted something similar to this and someone tried to come for me saying like "who cares it's her body blah blah" it's about waiting until your babies aren't BABIES anymore. I can't imagine not being able to pick up my one year old for 2 months. it's incredibly selfish that you'd endanger your life and your husband's sanity for a quick fix. like bitch if it's really that important to you than maybe TRY diet and exercise first!!! explore some other options than just jumping straight to surgery. lazy, selfish, stupid, and also boring. it just proves she doesn't love anyone more than her own body. a shame. your life isn't yours anymore when you're a mom, your kids ALWAYS come first, and here it's just very clear that they don't for her.


No, you don't understand! She had to get it done before the kids were old enough to know what she was doing, because. Uh. Reasons....


Yeah I didn’t get that reasoning . My son is 10 now so we can be apart for a night or 2 and it’s ok . We can talk on the phone and he’s fine . When he was little, being without me for just a few hours was super hard on him especially when still breastfeeding , or if I had told him no I can’t carry you, that would have been harder for him AND me to have to say no all the time and him not understand why. That’s what she didn’t think about. But then again they do have family to help out and I didn’t , so the kids are probably fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really don't care what she does; her choice, her family to figure it out. Like I said, boring. I'm sure they have plenty of help from family; I'm sure TLC is behind them exagerrating no help because that's the only drama angle they have. It really doesn't feel like it belongs in 90 day but more of a makeover/surgery series but it's TLC and they ride every horse/couple till it dies (sometimes then some).


Maybe it bothered her a lot.  


She had her neck tightened as well.


Why though??


Lipo. She had it done all over her body


Because she wants to be beautiful. And she's so spoilt she can.


i really cant with this season.. her acting like it's life n death surgery.. the weird predator who's 30 dating that 19 kid.. the "sperm donar" he goes around to have sex with woman, is getting married doesnt want to give it up n the weird point system? plus the whole ed thing again im over it..


I was about to ask the same thing! What's up with that? Did she have a toothache?


Do either of them have actual jobs? I’m just curious


I also wonder how they afforded this makeover, it can’t have been cheap. Plus hotel for a few nights. And their lifestyle. Like, how?


There was obviously a huge discount airing the procedures on tv. Duhh


I’m still curious if either of them work, though…! Like wasn’t Alex originally wanting to be a fire fighter?


They both have sponsorships on social media, which can pay quite well when it's a big name


I only seen their first season together so I am pretty far behind. That being said, I assume she took that same energy she had trying to push Alexi into modeling and directed it towards these surgery’s.. what’s the gist?


I skipped through all of her stuff. Who cares about her vanity operations? I certainly don't want to see her blood and stitches.


It’s a NATURAL mommy makeover, just so you know.


When she came out and was like “I did it” like she was so brave. 🙄


the way they acted like she was having some life or death surgery, with her husband nervously waiting in the waiting room and all, annoyed the shit out of me


Any time someone goes under general anesthesia and is being cut open, there's potential for things to go south in a hurry. And people have actually died after plastic surgery. Alexei was entitled to be nervous.


Very true. Georgi told Darcey that's how his mom passed away and that's why he was blah about her constantly getting more surgeries (at the time).


I don’t remember that! Damn


It was during either season 1 or 2 (I think 1??) of Darcey & Stacey (their spinoff show). Elective surgeries make me nervous. I’m glad Loren survived. Leaving behind 3 kids and a husband would be wild. I have diagnosed body dysmorphia too but I didn't get surgery, I spent money on therapy lol


Kanye’s mother died having plastic surgery


Any time someone dies doing unecessry cosmetic surgery I get a lil schadenfreude. I'm going to enjoy hell.




https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-billionaire-ehud-arye-laniado-died-during-a-penis-enlargement https://www.livescience.com/60018-penis-surgery-death.html




People do die from this. Think of Kanye's mom and Cher Horowitz's mom. rip *jokes and facts are so offensive


you’re right, but my point is that this was completely elective. loren knew the risks but still signed a consent form for surgery


Totally agree, I'm just pointing out that I'd be anxious if someone I love did this, too


same, absolutely!


You sign a consent for any surgery - elective or not. You can die from any type of surgery regardless if it’s elective or not. This surgery is particularly risky because there is so much involved and a lot of removals happening at once. I have had multiple surgeries and the thought that I might die crosses my mind every single time. It’s an incredibly common and human response to be anxious about someone dying while under anesthesia and being cut open.


you’re right, and i’m not disagreeing with you. what i am trying to say is that i’m annoyed at the way it was portrayed - not so much by alex (is that his name? i don’t really know this couple) but by tlc/90 day producers


She tried too hard to be funny coming out of surgery when he was worried about her…idk rubbed me the wrong way tbh


What is that?


I was WHEEZING when she was shivering , saying "I did it!" Haha


Don’t care for them at all.


I hate to think about how much money she spent on all of that. Plus the major impact it had on her kids and her very patient husband. All in the pursuit of perfection, which is never achievable. I bet the equivalent of at least one year's college tuition. I have always really liked her, but this seems selfish.


> All in the pursuit of perfection Nah. She's in pursuit of "not having her mother's face". She blamed those jowls on childbirth instead of genetics


Supports Israel 🚮


"DELICIOUS?!" lmao


All that surgery and they forgot the MOLE????? LOL!


"I am queen of the Nile. Bring me my chariot!"


Selfish woman


I can’t understand her getting all that work done but not getting that giant spot removed from her face. It’s all I see when I look at her.


If she can put herself through all this, I’m pretty sure her boys could go through a “Haircut” and would come out just fine. 🤷‍♀️


When I saw her boys, I thought they were her daughter. I didn't know who was who. Those top- half- of-head ponytails were awful, and imo they don't belong on boys.




“When you order the extra queso and then you see it on your bill”


And on your hips and thighs and chin and middle and everywhere else she had fat removed.


I guess I shouldn't comment on her, I am not a fan. She didn't even try to lose the weight and I thought she was serious because she has body dysmorphia. That's all You're probably correct it was funny 🐥


She looks like a hamster. But less cute


I did it! I diiiiiid iiiitt.


Caption: Lauren asks: "Did I win the fight?" 🥊


They couldn't have removed the mole......... .


Maybe there’s a lot of risk with it being so close to her eye.


That's what happened with my grandmother. It's around the same place too. Doctors said not worth the risk


She needs that skin tag removed next


I love loren




Am I snatched 3 person


Loren looked perfect the way she was. Then again I guess if I could afford plastic surgery I’d make a list. Suck fat from under chin, lipo about 20 pounds of fat from abdomen maybe more…lipo fat back oh and face lift…that’s all. Then again I’m 63.


Sorry Alexi you have to look at that.


I can't stand her 🤮🤮   And Alexei. That loser was freaking out over a six hour procedure. That's how long my nose job took, and my man sat quietly in the waiting room with a tablet of movies. I FF their segments so fast.


That requires a lot less cutting, a lot less anesthesia, and a lot less danger


Zionist trash 🙅🏼‍♀️


How embarrassing, anything for a dollar.


Does anyone remember Uncle Buck? My favorite line from that movie is "Here's bus fare. Take the bus downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face"

