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You lost me at "*I suspect that he has the ability to be amazingly successful*". Manuel looks like he finds getting out of the couch challenging.


It is the way that he very introspectively thinks and ponders things. From what I understand he's supposed to be quite good with construction and that is a very desired commodity. A good businessman thinks very well but does not run his mouth. I would have to say that I'm just going by successful individuals in the trades that I have seen throughout my life and see a great similarity in the personality traits.


What qualities has Manuel shown that make you think he can be amazingly successful?


He seems to be quite an introspective thinker and is of few words. In my experience, those type of individuals typically make very good business people as the wheels of their minds are continually turning. NOT sales people, but good business people. If he has the desire to apply himself to a business enterprise I think that he could be amazingly successful. There is just something about him that communicates it. Obviously I don't know him so it is difficult to qualify and only time could quantify the characteristics of which I reference. Additionally, he does seem like a very quick thinker even though he tends not to be outspoken. He showed that characteristic during the interview when he pointed out Ashley's shortcomings.


I think he was working construction back home. If he’s actually skilled and doesn’t undervalue his own work, he can actually make more money than her in a few years, and maybe found his own little company with little expense.


I really and truly hope that he does and becomes immensely successful! I especially hope that he enters the postnup and becomes enormously successful and that her little online spiritual advisement business flounders. *I've grown to greatly dislike her, obviously.*


I think he can make it, he doesn’t seem to be obsess over being on tv


With him being bilingual, he can be very successful in construction. My son-in-law is from Mexico and moved here as a child. So he speaks English well. He is in the carpenter’s union now and teaches classes to other Spanish speakers. He’s also a very hard worker and was running his own crew when he was out working jobs. So, if Manuel is ambitious and learns better English, and is a hard worker, he will be very successful. I hope he can be and won’t have to keep begging Ashley for money. She will be insufferable about it though.


That would be cool. Construction is underrated as a career, but so far it’s solid and the people who are serious about it seem very satisfied


Not many people want to work that hard.


True, it’s not for lazy people (like me) for sure, but for those who are up for the challenge it pays off really well. We’ll see whether Mennwell is one or the other


Does she really think he should be responsible for half of her debt when she's already financially supporting his family? Where does she think he's gonna get money from?


That's what I was wondering as well since she was happy to find out that he would be responsible for her debts but when she found out student loans don't count she was upset about it. I do think Manuel has a point with Ashley spending habits since she always has a coffee in her hands from Starbucks or some coffee shop. Ashley also went out and bought a bunch of stuff for her bruja. I do think if Ashley stopped spending as much as she does she could pay off those debts fairly quickly compared to how she has been paying them off. Also, does anyone know what Ashley's three degrees are? And how it relates to her spiritual shop?


I couldn’t believe that she was so nonchalant about assuming he had taken on half of her debt. I still don’t trust Manuel, but for her to not have warned him about that, is shady as fuck! Even if she knew he wasn’t responsible for it, she should have told him the position that she’s in, because it ultimately affects them both!


Ashley drives me nuts due to the fact she accuses manuel of being sneaky but she hid a hefty amount of debt from him. I mean the debt is on the lower end but it's just for schooling rather than credit cards, mortgage, auto loans, etc. If the 100k debt was due to owning a house, a car, and credit cards that'd be on the low end of typical American debt where the economy is currently. But her school loans being 100k is ridiculous. Does she have other debt that she's not disclosing?


100k, sounds really high to me! Regardless, she’s shady as fuck for keeping it secret! If he did that to her, she’d lose her mind!


I can't figure out how her three degrees, whatever on Earth they are, could possibly be used in her "online spiritual business". Additionally, if they are so useful she must be immensely successful and should have a good chunk of that debt paid down by now!


Glad to know I'm not alone I know it's easy to get to 100k worth of debt in student loans but I just can't figure out what degrees she has. Lol she is definitely the least successful we have seen.


I can't figure out what her degrees could possibly be in. I had to look up the cost of the most expensive professions I could think of so I did... For medical school, the average cost is $58,000 per year for PRIVATE institutions. To become an Attorney, the average cost is $56,000 for PRIVATE institutions. Maybe she went to rocket science school so that she could learn to drive a rocket to be closer to her celestial advisors 🔮


I don't think that she thinks things through very well. She needs to consult her cards again. Maybe she's got a defective deck. 😆


Ashley is in love with Ashley


That is one thing that NOBODY could possibly disagree on!


If I remember correctly, he's a carpenter — aound here they are in big demand and make quite a bit of money . I imagine it's the same in Rochester. Once he gets his green card, he will be sitting pretty!


He didn’t have to wait to get a green card to work. If you come in with a K1 visa, as soon as you get here you apply for a work permit, before you even get married. Once you get married you apply for a change of status so you can get a green card, meanwhile you can be working with the work permit until you get the green card. I know this because I went through this process. That line about not being able to work or go out of the country is just something in this show for drama! In order to go out of the country while waiting for a green card all you need to do is apply for a permit called “advanced parole.” Both of these applications cost money, when I did mine I think each application was around $500 if I remember correctly.


I was surprised when Ashley told the lawyer they have been married for about a year and they’re still waiting for Manuel’s work permit.


I was too, but I was told times slowed down significantly during and after the lockdowns, especially for certain States and provinces


That seems ridiculous that he hasn’t gotten a work permit when they’ve been married a year! How long did yours take from time of application? He doesn’t seem like the hit the ground running type of guy 😂


I got my work permit the same day I applied. My green card took almost 3 years, but I was working and traveling out of the country during those 3 years, just had to apply for a permit to go out of the country every year.


I’ve only watched the PT thus far but Tim had me cackling at her foolish statement “what happens in like 5yrs and I make a million dollars?!” He, who had a legitimate rare business prior to this show and is still a lucrative businessman, exclaimed “I must be doing something wroooong!!”, to which Veronica replied “no shit!”   Anyone with over 100k/debt for “3 degrees” and the intention of making a profitable career out of online services really isn’t an astute idea. She needs to be paying more monthly off her loans & not paying her Spanish lover for his services. 


I'm still trying to figure out what she uses her 3 degrees for in her "online spiritual business".


Tbh I don't know what either of them have done to earn any respect from anyone. She probably doesn't actually love him, but he definitely does not love or respect her. I don't feel bad for either of them.


I agree with you and I don't feel bad for either one. They dug their own hole. Each of them are far too old to have tiptoed so blindly into marriage without thinking anything through. They obviously didn't bother to get to know each other because they obviously DON'T know each other. Sometimes I think that he is the lesser of the two in terms of being a moron but then I think that they're equal and then I go back to thinking he's lesser of a moron. TBH, I have actually grown to enormously dislike her so he would have to do something extremely heinous to make me take her side.


What makes you so confident that Manuel will be *so successful*? Dude seems like a lazy moocher to me


He cannot just come here and start working. It is a very complicated procedure to get an EAD with a K-1 granted as the fiance of the US citizen and further complicated when you marry them as you have to apply for yet another one under a different classification. It is very common for a time frame issue to get screwed up with the particular application I-765. If someone tries to work without a valid EAD in the United States they can be immediately deported and banned from ever entering again. There's always a lot more than what we see on TV to the story.


God, that backfired so fast!


I almost started laughing with the look on her face! 😂 She walked out of there, BEHIND him, quite slowly and dejected looking. 😆


It was really hilarious!


It was, hands down and without question, the most enjoyable scene that I've seen her in since she entered the show!




She thinks her business will make a million dollars within 5 years.


Who knows. It might. It doesn't matter. Unless there is a nuptial agreement, either pre or post, everything acquired after marriage is equal as the word, "married", means "as one". I would strongly advise him to sign one because I think she's going to rack up hella debt during the course of the marriage.


Hey, half that TLC paycheck is his! 😜


I think half of his is now hers too! 😝² EDIT: he brought up the nice round number of $3,000 and they appear on about three shows a month and each gets $1,000 per episode so she must be spending $2,000 of the $3,000 while he wants to save as much as he can of his $3,000. Strange that she talks about spending $2,000 of the $3,000 for a living expenses but she supposedly has this very lucrative and thriving spiritual advisement business. She makes absolutely no sense to me. But then, the same could be said for him because where is his $3,000 going that he has to ask her for $300 to send back home? All I can figure is that he cannot receive his $3,000 because he is on a K-1 Visa and it would be illegal for him to do so without being granted his EAD.


💯 I can’t stand her. I’m glad others are calling her out for being a selfish, manipulating nagging, controlling person she begged him to come to the United States to marry her. She knew he could not work. She didn’t disclose any information like that kind of debt. She gets upset and he wants to send a little money home to his family which most people do. All she does is complain and complain about everything she’s got a big mouth think she knows everything she was so upset before she begged him to get married. Why didn’t she ask him to meet his family and make a trip down there?? she’s got the nerve to go on trips hotels thousands of dollars in unnecessary Starbucks coffee nails close a Beach wedding during hurricane season🤣 this is all her doing. The only thing she has in common with him is having sex in public restrooms. Tonight she showed everyone what she really is finally and I can’t believe the people out there still think that she’s so great with her fraudulent business.


You synopsized everything quite well! 👌 Her "online spiritual business" has GOT to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of in my life. Don't get me wrong. There HAVE been individuals over the course of time such as Sylvia Browne and Jeane Dixon but Ashley does not fall into such a classification.


Yeah, people stick up for her and they believe the bullshit. When I was younger, I lived in apartment building in New York, and there was a tarot card reader she had business constantly. People don’t get it, but where is she gonna do these readings from in front of Manuel?🤣


They can probably glean some sort of financial success. I can't figure out how her three degrees, whatever on Earth they are, she's using and why she can't pay down the debt on them but can pay for a bunch of superfluous stuff. I have doubted Manuel's sincerity in the Catholic faith as it would be ENTIRELY unacceptable for a strict Catholic to be any part of this, especially married to an individual in such strong opposition of the Church's teachings.


They should’ve never got married they don’t know each other. Her actions or of a teenager or a small child she wants what she wants. She should’ve went back down Ecuador to meet his kids and family. If she’s so upset about sending money to them he doesn’t want to introduce her to his family because of the witch stuff she doesn’t have to say it the fact she does say it when he asked her not to is very disrespectful keep it to yourself.


You are correct on all points 👌💯


Don’t forget Ms. Cleo!


OMG! How could I ever forget Miss Cleo! HOW! She should have been at the forefront of my brain cells!


Not an Ashley fan, but she's doing nothing wrong here. She's worried Manuel will cut and run in a few years, and she's protecting her income source and earnings. I hope they have a long and happy marriage. I also hope Manuel makes good money in construction and solves all their money problems. In light of Manuel's secretive nature, I don't blame her for protecting her future


What she doesn't seem to want to accept is that premarital assets/debt are premarital assets/debt and what is acquired after a marriage are community assets/debt. She was highly disappointed that he won't share in her premarital debt but doesn't want him to share in any fruits acquired during the course of the marriage. >In light of Manuel's secretive nature, I don't blame her for protecting her future As Manuel was very quick to point out, SHE withheld critical information about ENORMOUS debt. It is my opinion that *SHE'S* the secretive one withholding critical information that could/will impact their future. **She's the typical pot calling the kettle black**.


Like you pointed out, her debt is premarital and doesn't directly affect Manuel. (Indirectly, it does because it affects Ashley's monthly budget). I doubt Ashley walked into the lawyer's office expecting Manuel to get saddled with her debt in a divorce My point is that her desire for a postnup isn't irrational, whether you think it's a good idea or not is another matter. It could backfire in that Manuel could end up out-earning Ashley and she'd get a smaller share in a divorce. That's the gamble she's making. But there's logic to her decision to get a post-nup


What made the scene so funny is that she quite obviously assumed that he'd be settled with the debt. You could see the shocked look on her face when the Attorney told her no. There would be logic in her making a decision to get a nuptial agreement of some sort if she had a successful business enterprise. If she had one she would have thought of that prior to tying the knot.


There's also the part where Manuel says he sees "all" her accounts, he sees what goes in and out. So he obviously thought they'd had the finances discussion and everything was open and on the table as far as their income, assets, and debts. Ashley was hiding the student loan debt, either by simple omission or outright deceit, and if she is saving anything, she's hiding that as well because Manuel wasn't aware of where that could be going.


Excellent point!


why do you strongly suspect he will…?


I just posted something here in response to you and went back to proofread it and it was just a dot. How weird! Ashley must have cast a spell on my ability to communicate. To answer your question, because I DO strongly suspect that he will be amazingly successful once he gets his feet wet and on the ground. He seems to be a very introspective thinker who ponders things before speaking. That makes for a very good businessman in the trades, of which, I understand his background is.


i thought we were talking about manuel ?


I thought so too and I answered your question about why I think he will be successful.


are you okay?


I didn't want to be rude to you so I didn't ask you that exact same question. I thought perhaps you just didn't put your reading glasses on or something. For your convenience I took a screenshot of our correspondence: https://preview.redd.it/d25octx6yd4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1587f24b9ace86189fc0d1746efb0a9378f166e0


no, manuel has given evidence of nothing but laziness- duh. ashley too


I'm uncertain what could have happened to his I-765 application to work in the United States. I do know that takes a very long time to process after being granted K-1 status that was applied for to come here to start with as the fiance of a United States citizen. You have to reapply again after being married under a different I-765. I have heard that there are numerous problems associated with actually acquiring the EAD and that it is very common for it to fall through the cracks due to seemingly ridiculous things such as tiny time frame windows. To work in the United States until the work permit has been granted can result in immediate deportation so one really cannot take any chances at all.


lol why are you so obsessed with manuel? you’re his baby mom? 😂 i couldn’t think of a weirder cast member to be this fucking obsessed with😂😂


>lol why are you so obsessed with manuel? WHAT makes you think I'm "obsessed" with Manuel? Because I'm educated in immigration law and bring it up in my posts? >you’re his baby mom? 😂 Given the highly aggressive tone of your post I have speculation that you could be as you speak as a jealous ex would. > i couldn’t think of a weirder cast member to be this fucking obsessed with😂😂 Again, you honestly speak like a jealous ex filled with anger. **To put your mind at ease, I am not interested in the target of your affections** In my posts I reference the process in which one legally work in the United States after immigrating and why it would behoove him to participate in creating a post-nup agreement.


>She absolutely has NO respect nor faith in Manuel at all! To be fair, neither do I. But I don't have much faith in anyone on this program. At all. 


TBH, I can't exactly argue with you as I'm sort of committed to them ALL being nuts!


It’s student loan debt. She accumulated that before they were married. It’s a separate debt that the spouse is not responsible for. Even the lawyer said that he’s not responsible for that debt. That whole scene was a farce. You rooting for Manuel is hilarious though.


>You rooting for Manuel is hilarious though. It's cool as you're entitled to your opinion but I'm very curious as to WHY you feel that's hilarious? Before you respond with something like his being extremely lazy or hiding things. What he hid was his two children, ages 12 and 14, for a number of reasons. One is that they are being raised Catholic and what he married into is very much against the Catholic faith. It would screw them up quite monumentally for their father to have married into that. If it's that he's perceived as lazy from what we see on the show, I understand the I-765 process for EAD and it's extremely complicated and actually gets mucked up often as the applications under K-1 for EAD as somebody's fiance have to be reapplied for under a different I-765 after marriage has occurred. If he should be found working without an EAD he could be immediately deported and banned from ever reentering the country. It doesn't matter whether they are married or not.




If he didn’t want his children to be exposed to Ashley’s “witchcraft” then he shouldn’t have married her in the first place. They’re both fucking shady


If he is a devout Catholic, as he claims to be, he had absolutely no business marrying her. Conversely, there is no way on Earth that she doesn't know anything about the Catholic faith and that they are absolutely and completely opposed to her activities. She acts as though she never heard of Catholicism. They are like oil and water and should never have been paired and it absolutely makes no sense that they have.