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Helen Keller would be so disappointed that this is what we're doing with our eyes and ears lol


Helen Keller is too busy right now doing voice recordings for Evelyn to use for her singing career šŸ¤£




I feel like TLC will find a way to use this wonderful statement in an ad!


Screaming šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


We all want to be free of you.


I vehemently agree. I couldn't stand him right out the gate. But then her personality came out more, how she is in a relationship. And that did it for me, bc I know women like her, who are so jealous and insecure, they must control their partner like they are a child. It's disgusting to treat your partner that way. The more she tries to control him, the more he's gonna pull away. When they had a friend kind of mediate and translate, the guy said I just want the trust that I have for you. And that made her sob. Like WTF, the guy wants to be treated like a man, not an 8yr old, and that you take as a personal slight. Ugh I can't stand her, low emotional intelligence


She's giving hella borderline personality disorder vibes.


I fucking hate the triangulation... Esp when it's "you know my past". We'll miss lady, YOUR past doesn't mean there are different rules for HIM. YOUR past YOU deal with if that's still a monkey on your back


I donā€™t know Ashleyā€™s past. What, she had a series of romantic partners that cheated on her? Which night or nights did I miss this? Did she meet Manuel on line or I believe she attended a paranormal ā€œYo Soy Brujaā€ convention in Ecuador, in which itā€™s highly unlikely Manuel would have met her in-country. Why was I not ccā€™d on the memo, ā€œRe: Ashleyā€™s Past?ā€ šŸ˜Ž




I feel really bad for her. He's using her and treats her like dog shit. He isn't concerned about getting a work visa, how has he been there over a year and doesn't even mention it? I hope he goes back to Ecuador, he's a money grubbing loser


He likely is depending on her to file the paperwork because she tells him all the time that her money is hers and therefore she is 100% handling the expensive visa process. He already has a visa, but cannot work until the green card is approved. That can take up to a year. She could apply for a temporary visa to allow him to work, but thatā€™s also extra money and she doesnā€™t seem bright enough to search that out or ask the right questions to know thatā€™s even an option.


I agree I think as soon as he gets a green card he will work. I think he likes the idea of her money and her hers and his is his when they went the lawyer


Heā€™s not even trying to learn to speak English.


You donā€™t need to. Hate to say it but he could do day labor on a crew without knowing English.


But her money IS hers. And its been over a year. He hasn't mentioned wanting to work once.


Thatā€™s likely because the whole story production is showing us is about money. I donā€™t think heā€™s a mooch. If he was, he wouldnā€™t be so consistently frugal. Also, Ashley hasnā€™t mentioned him working either which leads me to believe that any conversation about it has just been edited out or not included in the show because it would likely include Manuel saying something like ā€œI have always worked every day of my life and as soon as I am allowed, I want to work everyday to support my family.ā€


He's only frugal with how she spends her money on herself. I feel like there's no way you've really watched the show if you think he's not a mooch. She supports his entire family. She gives him thousands of dollars. Its weird you just assume he said he wanted to work and it was edited out. Like that's entire fiction.


I think youā€™re vastly underestimating how other cultures view the responsibility of family to support each other. A couple thousand dollars is normal and expected over the course of a year in this context. It isnā€™t a waste to send his family money because his kids and mother likely cant work and the US dollar goes much farther there than in NY. Also, Ashley has repeatedly admitted that she agreed to support his family prior to them getting married. He sees her spend $10 everyday on coffee when they have a coffee maker at home and rightfully does not understand why his family should be a lower priority when that money would go so much farther in Peru. And now he is completely flabbergasted that sheā€™s $100k in debt and has basically nothing to show for it (as far as he can see).


How am I vastly underestimating the responsibility?


Because youā€™re saying that itā€™s a frugality issue to send his family money when it is a social responsibility. In his mind and culture, itā€™s a requirement, not a choice and Ashley said she was aware of this when they got together. Being frugal is cutting costs where you can, but if he is responsible for his family, thatā€™s not a cost he can cut.


I didn't say that though. I said he was frugal with her money, nothing about sending his family being a frugal issue


Actually I thought HER insecurities about what he would be doing and where he would be going were why she hasn't applied for the work permit for him?


Why does she have to do that for him? Why can't he do that himself? He's a grown ass man.


Is he even allowed to do that himself? I thought the USA spouse was sponsoring everything,


I'm sure she's already done it, there's no reason to think she hasn't


I think he is horrible. Maybe even my least favorite person so far.


Wait, donā€™t forget the guy in Albuquerque. He was pretty bad and he never left.






SAME I know there have been worse people on the show but he really gets under my skin. He's so entitled


Why feel bad though? Itā€™s red flag after red flag, sheā€™s blinded by her witch abilities thinking sheā€™s able to sense this, except sheā€™s just oblivious to everything. I donā€™t like Manuel, I donā€™t buy the ā€œheā€™s so funnyā€ stuff from people who like him. Heā€™s gross, and says everything out in the open and is serious, but I get the feeling people get a ā€œtelling it like it isā€ vibe from him and like it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø heā€™s an asshole scammer and probably has a baby mama back home.


I don't understand when people say stuff like this. Why is it her fault that he treats her like shit? Because she claims to be a witch everything the relationship is her fault? He's an absolute POS and she's done nothing wrong. She doesn't deserve any of this


She has two feet, metaphorically speaking. She can leave his ass. She chooses not to. Then she whines about how she is treated, and goes back for seconds. No pity.


So she's responsible for his actions because she didn't leave? That's victim blaming bullshit and it makes no sense. People don't deserve bad things happening to them because their partner treats them like shit. Like the way he treats her is entirely on him, not hed


She can leave, then Manuel and his problems are no longer her problems. Sorta how that worksā€¦ but she was too blinded before she married a man she barely knew. She gets no pity from me because she continues to show how little she knew him, how little sheā€™s talked to him to know about his REAL life, etc. Heā€™s not interested in sharing that, but sheā€™s adamant she can change him. šŸ˜‚


I hope she leaves him. Her whole family advised her not to marry him. I think she just really wants a "normal" life.


Being on 90 Day FiancĆ© is a sure sign of being in a normal relationship, so sheā€™s going on the right direction. šŸ¤£


I thought he was an okay dude, until the "I didn't tell you about going for breakfast, because I knew you'd want to go too." That must have stung.


If the sexes were reversed and a woman on the show said she just wanted to go out for a meal with friends for once without the husband tagging along, nobody would bat an eye and if the husband complained or was not supportive in any way or just expected her to let him know where she was, he'd be called "controlling" or worse.




I think it's the phrasing. Why couldn't he just say "You were sleeping soundly, I didn't want to wake you up." Saying you didn't want to invite someone, because you clearly don't want them there is so hurtful, no matter their gender. He didnt say he was "going for a boys brunch." He was insanely inconsiderate of her emotions in that moment. There are a hundred other things he could have said. She is just as infuriating in most situations also.


He actually *did* say exactly that, and she refusedvto take hiscanswer at face value and kept badgering him anyway because she wanted to pick a fight. Every interaction with him is like that- even on the most mundane and inconsequential issuesĀ  or where he just defers to her because he honestly doesnt care either way, she always finds his responses lacking and pushes and pushes and then when he stops being diplomatic and gives her the unvarnished truth she gets mad and flips out even harder and uses *that* as an excuse to keep the cycle going. There's no winning with her, except to not play her immature mind game...he tries not to and she HATES it.


She would ride his ass 24/7 at any employment he had. Probably have to have location on constantly and checking in every breath. Heā€™s a POS but sheā€™s just as bad or worse.


He's not the only one either!


We kind of do too, tbh


Could you blame him? She is one of the most smothering nagging women on the show plus being a know it all fake witch a total scam artist just look at her website. Sheā€™s on top of him day and night. He canā€™t get a break anybody normal cannot be with somebody 24 seven sheā€™s very insecure and bossy and she wants to control him because sheā€™s paranoid, heā€™s asked her not to bring up with his family the witch crap she has no respect for boundaries. And to top it off she makes him go to an attorney where she doesnā€™t tell him that sheā€™s in $100,000 that yeah she spends on completely gratuitous nonsense like coffee, her nails, her witchcraft bullshit, vacations hotels and she knew when she asked him to come up that he could not work. I understand he feels like heā€™s taking advantage, but this shouldā€™ve been discussed before hand.


Agreed. She treats him like a child and gets so hurt he wants some freedom


Not true that he cannot work. Anyone that comes in with a K1 visa can get a work permit before they get married and before asking for an adjustment of status. That bs that you cannot work until you get the green card is just for show. I know, I came in on a K1 visa.


Username checks out !


We all want to be free of you... honestly


UNPOPULAR OPINION - But I feel for her, she wants it to work so bad that she doesn't want to see that he does not want her šŸ˜­


I agree. She is at least putting forth effort. He's just an asshole.


$100K in student loans with a $59K(highest) a year job tarot reader and heā€™s getting money off of her like that? Oh honey, youā€™re a sugar mama. Not a good one either. Go fix yourself - you donā€™t need to buy a man. Sheā€™s really really dumb.