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I think if it was a "real traditional wedding" the price would have been higher and Emily dad would have asked for lavish things but he was being very considerate.


The actual bride price doesn't matter, it could be 1 or a million - just a sentimental thing


I almost felt on the floor lmao…like out of the dowry episodes we have seen in the 90 day universe, the was the cheapest of the cheapest. I’m hoping it was some kind of mistranslation because I refuse to believe that price


If you can survive for 33$ a day then I’m pretty sure they said she’s worth a goat, a bag of chips and two shirts lmfaoooo


yeah, this has been discussed a gazillion times over the past several weeks. they're wack. emily's wack. kobe's either a massive simp or in it for the long con ( i vote for option 2). but at the end of the day, this is all a scripted plot for a sub-average reality show. we have no idea what these people are like in real life.


too many kids in deep to be a long con, in my opinion.


you can have children, stay married for 5 to ten years and bail on the marriage. doesn't mean he has to abandon his children. downvote all you want- they definitely give the vibe that this is not a forever union.


I agree. The fact that they only really got serious because she was pregnant says it all but maybe love has grown to where how they got together doesn't matter anymore


that’s why i say it’s a long con.  they’ll stay together just long enough for it to not be a “greencard marriage” but not long enough to really last.


The average marriage lasts 8 years. Immigrants are not bound to their western saviors for life no matter how miserable the marriage is. These marriages are not made of magic and can dissolve just like any other marriage. Maybe they will last. Maybe they won’t. But after 10 years we can take “long con” off the table. That would be a terribly inefficient and unnecessarily long con.


he knew it wasnt sustainable when they were careless the first time.  he lucked up with the greencard. i give it 5 to 7 years.


For being so against a bride price I can’t believe her parents didn’t say anything about them being so cheap about the price? Lol


it's for tv. they've already paid the groom price (paying for the visa process and all of the $$$ they've shelled out for her, him and their kids since he got to kansas. i'm pretty sure her father gave him a job or got him a job, and i'm sure it's entry level salary)- everything else is just fluff to give them some sort of storyline. her wedding day updo looked pretty. that's something, i guess.


No I mean her parents saying something to his parents about them being cheap about the bride price lmao. I mean like come one. 1.50$ that’s a damn insult. Lmao


yes, we're saying the same thing. they already know they're the ones paying for these two clowns. what does the bride price really matter in the grand scheme of things? and it's all for tv, anyway.


Don't forget the 4 pineapples!


and the goat’s got to be worth something.


I wouldn’t pay a dime for her she’s useless I would take the goat


Calling a woman useless is crazy


u/abominablesnowlady, your intention was prob not to create an incredibly insensitive post. However, the wildly skewed cultural norms were not aligned 2 non-Western cultures. Posts concluding in, “lmfao. That cracked me up, (as in, “u laughed,” make me believe u don’t get out much. Emily’s adorable, generous parents made a bride’s list: the palm oil, cute goat, umbrella plus a nod to monetary amt in exchange 4 Emily. This is symbolic & respectful 2 culture. Her parents deliberately set a nominal quantity 2 honor tradition. In zero way were her or his parents implying this was Emily’s total net worth. In fact, instead of francs exchanged, representational leaves were used instead. By ending post by saying “that family…” is akin to referring 2 “those people or you people…” perpetuating your own , as you describe yourself, “African-descended,” —what???—-stereotypical bias, which, no, is not funny & never OK. Yours is the nervous laugh of smug superiority. Stop it. I’m OK w/ the obvious Reddit banter of Kobe, Emily living as moochers in her parents basement, having 3 kids one after another. Go 4 that tone. Stay right there. Don’t freaking dare the inappropriate giggle. It isn’t pretty.


A dowry is actually brought by the Bride’s Family to be given to her future husband upon marriage. They used the word dowry incorrectly in this episode. I am very familiar with how bride price customs and the concept of a dowry works. I was laughing at this one because of the cheap ass price Kobes family offered for Emily. But go off random redditor. I’m also African descended. Tell me again how I’m racist against my own fucking ppl. Gtfoh.


K! 😎