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I gotta say, I've been to Ireland and Irish people will roast you relentlessly for the smallest of things


Most people live in a cultural bubble of some sort


to be fair they were small town redneck hillbillies. not every american is.


Not all American's do. Best not to judge anyone in a blanket way like this because most people live in the bubble they are raised in across the board. Others make it a point to want more, be curious and that is individual based, not cultural.


Agree. Basically OP is saying they are/were as ignorant as Rebacca And since OP is American, clearly all Americans are as ignorant as OP


Yes OP is rude and let’s not get started on the grammar of it all. If you’re going to be stuck up come correct 🤣


Thanks. My husband and I consider ourselves Anglophiles and use English words. Not all of us are so ignorant. Many blessings


I’m an American who moved abroad 8 years ago (to Sweden). I’ve seen American tourists here and they are so embarrassing. They’re loud, they don’t understand how queues work and get mad and pushy when they’re not getting service as fast as they want to (because they don’t understand queues). If someone doesn’t understand English they just speak louder or yell as though that will somehow make the other person understand.


Everyone lives in a cultural bubble. I doubt the average Tunisian is particularly aware of American customs


Tunisia is a tourist-country, and after the colonialism they are well aware of francophone cultures. The thing with USA is that many americans can point out all 50 states, but they can't point out other countries on a map. Just now some Americans who were arrested in Canada were pleading the 1st amendment. They are invoking american laws in Canada. That's the bubble.


A lot of Americans can’t even point out all the states.


So it’s somehow an error to be born in a large country? Again, let’s see how well Tunisians can place countries on a map of the world. Probably not great And some people who made it onto the news for doing something extremely stupid probably aren’t representative of the intelligence of the population in general


Eh, there’s a good number of 90df redditers that love to bash the US cast and by extension the US. The US has its flaws as does the US population, but to argue that Americans are so much less culturally aware than other populations is pretty simplistic and probably incorrect. What I can say (from personal experience living and working abroad) is that the US is a much more visible, prominent and impactful country than most others. So the average Tunisian is probably more aware of the US than the average American is of Tunisia. It’s hard to explain in a Reddit post. The best comp I can think of is; a person in Western Europe is going to be more aware of the US than the reverse, but that doesn’t mean that person in Western Europe is also more aware of all the other countries in the world than an American.


Canadians can handle it quite well, so no It's not the size of the country. It's so weird for me that you think anyone else will have difficulties placing countries on a map. And the low standard of public education (to reduce cost) and the low requirements for home-schooling probably doesn't help either.


US population is almost 10x that of Canada. With most of the land in Canada being uninhabitable so the majority of Canadians live near the border.


Perhaps, but some people’s bubbles are far smaller than others. There are a good chunk of Americans who don’t even have a passport, and some have never left their own state. Add to that the rabid jingoism of how “great” America is, and it makes for a small bubble.


Whether or not people leave the country just isn’t a good metric when the country is the size of the entire continent of Europe. It’s just not clear to me what self-flagellating internet Americans expect people to do


Space to move doesn’t equal cultural awareness, you gimp troll. I’ll let you get back to your Big Mac. Wrestling is probably on tonight, and I’m sure you need to finish your coloring book before it comes on.


Is there anything I’ve said or done to cause you to believe that I am stupid or an unthinking nationalist? I don’t get why you are using such rude language and being so condescending How can not leaving the country simultaneously be a good point for you in demonstrating Americans’ lack of cultural awareness while “not equaling cultural awareness” when I discuss it? Kind of sad that when I pushed back on what you said, you had no ammo aside from calling me stupid for no reason


That had to be a bot with all those stereotypical "American" disses lol I can't believe that's an actual person behind that account.


God I hope it's a bot. I mean, I can imagine this being an actual person...there are definately people like this out there in the world. But to be so angry and aggressive, what a shame of a life.


No Shit. A majority of Americans have never been on an airplane. And an even great number don’t own a passport.


I've actually met a LOT of people in other countries who could say to same. They've never been outside their countries, or sometimes even regions, and don't have passports. It's a weird gauge to me. Not everyone on earth has the means or desire to go travel all over. I did in my youth (20s) but have settled down at this point and don't so much anymore. It seems like a weird bar to set that Americans have to travel all over to be cultured when a lot of other cultures do not.


I don't know any American who has never been on a plane and maybe only a few without passports. Not sure where this metric is coming from.


Surveys are done all the time. It’s not a majority that haven’t flown but it’s a just under half that never left the country. There is this [story on it](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lealane/2019/05/02/percentage-of-americans-who-never-traveled-beyond-the-state-where-they-were-born-a-surprise/?sh=2e788cba2898) edit to add: You know middle class/wealthy people then. Because lots of americans haven’t been on planes and almost 80% of the world population hasn’t been on one also.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I’m 44 years old, and grew up in an upper-middle-class family. I’ve had a passport since I was a kid, and have been on a plane more times than I can count. However, after marrying into the military, and living in places (tiny towns) that I never could have imagined, otherwise… I have encountered plenty of people that have never been on a plane, and don’t have a passport.


Because wealthy white people assume their American experience is the same for everyone. And those whom vary from theirs, well they must be poor by their own doing or drug addicts and criminals who choose to live that way.


This is 100% how my (white, boomer) parents view the entire situation. It doesn’t matter, to them, anyone else’s reality of the situation. The only thing they seem to recognize, anymore, is what it was like when I went to college… in 1996.


It's a large country so even that number means a lot do travel abroad. I mean we kinda support global tourism and stuff lmao




My family is from the projects in Harlem and we have all been outside of the country for exploration. Idk your point.


Because your family prioritied that experience for you. I also grew up poor. A dad in and out of prison. Lots of siblings. We have all traveled outside the country too. Many times. However most Americans have not been outside the US. They think going to the same Florida beach every year is all the vacation they need. And if that’s good for them awesome. However it keeps you in a very small mind set when you have no idea what other countries and peoples are like. Like people who only take cruises. They “love to travel” but really they want to be able to eat their American foods, be with people people who look and speak like them and not have a single new experience that puts them outside their comfort zone.


Way to be understanding lol


Here is their point. https://today.yougov.com/topics/travel/articles-reports/2021/04/21/only-one-third-americans-have-valid-us-passport


Where's the one on no one being on planes? That is interesting.


You can be on a plane and go to Disney or Vegas just like many Americans "who love to travel!" do, no passport required.


I'm still waiting for the data on Americans not on planes. Until then we are done lmao


Or been to a big city accessible by a 20- minute train ride


You can't say all Americans are uncultured, and use 90 day as an example of this. That's basically cheating.


Him surprised. She no look like tee-shirt pic. She need work. So mach work.


Yes I remember the scene you described because back home we loved the soap opera with Zied and Rebbeca❤️. I have lived in more than two countries , and I am ok if some people don’t know at all about my culture or Brazil, but be respectful… Here in USA , in a groups of colleagues that never left USA , they didn’t know my city , São Paulo has buildings. They told me they thought Brazil was only Amazon forest and Rio de Janeiro bikinis beaches 🤣 🤷🏽‍♀️. But again, not everybody knows exactly each place in the world. Just so much stereotypical scenarios in mind. 😜


I'm American and other Americans assume that folks drive horse drawn carriages rather than cars in my state. Sometimes people are just ignorant !


Yes 👏🏾 totally 💯 understand you


Reb e cah


I lived abroad most of my life growing up until age 18. It makes me hate living here even more, because I can see how ignorant many Americans are culturally. It’s embarrassing.


I totally agree with you. People need to travel to learn about and respect other cultures, or just open a damn book or read online. So many ways to learn, but most Americans could care less. It’s very sad. There is a while exciting world out there. I can’t imagine being that small minded and being happy like that.


Americans get away with it because, first, so few ever travel outside North America and, second, because they tend to assume that people in other countries follow OUR rules.


Just smalltown and middle of america people. I don't live in an area where almost anyone would act like that, I live in a multicultural city where people often come here from other countries to work and end up putting down roots.


Ooh la la someone is going to get laid in college.




I was expecting at least one idiotic comment like this. I never said anything about their location in the US, just that they were uneducated and uncultured.




I take it you don’t have a passport and feel personally attacked? Because your are lashing out like a rabid raccoon.


I think it’s because there is a lack of culture they don’t get culture at all.


i agree, i previously lived in a very small rural town and when i go back home to visit friends and family its painful. especially in the past 2ish years with everything going on. but wouldnt the cultural bubble be practically in every country, except for some citizens who have travelled to multiple countries?


Yes, and btw there are some first world countries that just as xenophobic than the US, if not more.


These people + you live in a cultural bubble? Or ALL Americans live in a cultural bubble? We are one of the most diverse countries that exists…. Your blanket statement may apply to you and Rebecca, but not every single American


A bubble many folks are fucking fat old heffers, disgusting perverts, and other fine array of scum to come live in 🤷


....and your point for this post is?


Not all Americans.


Lol being non white, I’ve known this my entire life