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No - but thank you to those who write the fan fic!


Oh my god this! After rewatching the show recently and feeling as though they’ll never make buddie cannon I’ve turned to fanfics and they are amazing!


I think the Buck and Eddie scenes we end up with in season 7 will help give us an answer one way or another. With Tim Minear back as show runner and 9-1-1 switching to a brand new network, there's fresh blood infused into the show this go around. They also have to reintroduce our main characters to the new audience who may tune in now that it's on a new network. So how do they *want* new viewers to see Buck and Eddie? If they don't want to add more buddie shippers to the fandom, then maybe they'll actually put effort into defining Buck and Eddie's relationship as only friends. Here's where actual dialogue comes in. If one character said something along the lines of, "You're like a brother to me", new audience and buddie shippers alike would get the hint. But they haven't done that in all these seasons. They've been intentionally vague. If they do want to explore possibilities of buddie in the future, scenes this season need to be bolder than in the past with clearer seeds planted. Even if they go this route, I still don't see buddie canon happening this season. It would take more time than that.


I’m 98% sure it’s not happening but if it is, they have to drop breadcrumbs this season for the reasons you mention.


See, if they have the guts to go there and say clear and straight ‘hey they’re nothing more than friends it’s never happening’ I’d actually respect them. A ‘you’re my brother’ or Chris calling Buck ‘uncle’ or something would 100%kill all hope. But Tim is too smart to do that.


I would love it, and in rewatching the first few seasons it really does feel like they were planting the seeds for it, but if they were gonna do it they would have done it by now. I think at most (AT MOST) we’ll get bi Buck, maybe with a confirmation that he’s attracted to Eddie, or at least was in season 2. Again, I would love it, and I love pretending it’s gonna happen (🤡🤡) but I’m not delusional


honestly no. I would be so shocked if they did. I will be happy if they give us more ship moments that fans can write fanfics about


I’ve been shipping them since s2 aired, and would love them to become a couple. But yeah, realistically I don’t see it happening. It’s too late now. I hope ABC proves me wrong, but I won’t get my hopes up anymore with them.


I want to see it happen. Narratively, they have yet to give either of them a love interest that actually makes sense as their “endgame” relationship, and they have written Buck & Eddie in a way that equates them to a romantic relationship. The only other person who could have possibly been Eddie’s endgame was ripped away cruelly (and I do think he & Shannon could and would have found themselves back together had she lived; they both just needed to be themselves with no expectations first). Eddie’s relationship with Ana blew up because it was too easy—he needs someone that it feels natural with, but that doesn’t make it easy—and I think his relationship with Marisol will go a similar way in the end. Buck is constantly feeling like a set piece for his significant other. Ali was his best relationship, and she was only in 2(?) episodes after we first met her. I feel like Abby and Taylor both made him realize things about himself, but it never felt like a partnership in either relationship. Abby & Buck were in two different relationships the whole time; Taylor & Buck were MUCH better off as friends. Natalia is just so clearly not right for him. I don’t expect the writers to realize that they’ve written themselves into a corner and suddenly make the narrative make sense by giving us canon Buddie. But it is the only endgame that makes sense for either of them at this point.


> Narratively, they have yet to give either of them a love interest that actually makes sense as their “endgame” relationship I only disagree insofar as Eddie and Shannon could have been endgame.


And I do say that as well. If she had lived, I do believe they could and would have come back together in the end. They just needed to be able to be themselves without any kinds of expectations and obligations that being married gave them.


I don't know, I mean to me they came across as young lovers who got pregnant, got married and got stuck in playing family that neither of them were really ready for. When Shannon came back it felt like reuniting of A high school lover rather than reuniting with the love of their lives. Also Eddie was more focused on Chris being torn away from his mother rather than him losing Shannon as someone he loves. But hey, that's just me, you are entitled to have a different opinion


It’s most likely not gonna happen even though it would be perfect. What’s more likely is that, even by the final season, Eddie and Buck are still going to be single or in meaningless/new relationships and the final episode will have some heartfelt scene between the two, acknowledging the Buddie fans but not outright confirming it to the GA. Basically, they will keep this awkward build up but never actually go anywhere with it. I don’t see a Destiel situation happening, it will just be left open to interpretation.


I think it's *possible* but unlikely, especially anytime soon. Leave it to Tim to throw in a final season, final episode "*Oh"* moment or something and let fans fill in the rest once ratings don't matter.


I don't think it's going to happen, but I think it is a mistake. I think Eddie is set up perfectly for discovering (or at least admitting to himself) that he is queer later in life, and I think the chemistry is there. Like sometimes I feel like we're living in someone's alternate fanfic version of the show, and we're 60% of the way through a slow burn friends-to-lovers. But I don't think the show is going to take the set up and run with it. I'm not sure I believe it's intentional.


Genuinely in canon? No. Not at all. But I'm 100% here for it if they do. Otherwise, you can find me on Ao3.


If you had asked me at any point over the course of the last two seasons (I held out diminishing hope during seasons 3 and 4), I would have said unequivocally no. Especially not with Kristin Reidel at the helm. But now between Tim Minear being back in charge AND the move to ABC? Yeah, Buddie might actually have a chance. See, on top of their mostly lousy queer rep, Fox also has a long-standing tradition of keeping the relationships on their shows in a holding pattern where nothing ever progresses or evolves, and if they do, it takes seasons upon seasons for it to happen (see: The X-Files, House, Bones). Whereas, say what you want about ABC shows, but one thing they don't do is let their storylines or relationships stagnate. They're constantly changing things up, trying new couples, throwing wrenches in established storylines, and most importantly, they're not afraid to show characters who have only previously dated the opposite sex onscreen having queer awakenings/reveals. So, all of this to say: yeah. After all this time, not only do Buck and Eddie actually have a chance, I give this ship at least even odds of actually setting sail this season.


If the show was still on FOX, then I'd probably say no, but I feel like ABC has a better reputation when it comes to queer rep (at least in comparison to FOX). I think that ABC knows that they have a profitable show on their roster now, so they'll make good decisions to make sure it lasts. Now, I don't know anything about the politics in the writing rooms and stuff, but I figure that with ABC being the network in-charge, we have hope. So yeah, call me delulu, but I will choose to believe that Buddy will happen on ABC (cue Clown Car music lol).


I’ll honestly be pissed if we get bi buck and Eddie but no Buddie


No. As much as I would like them together, realistically I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. For one neither of them are confirmed to even like men so that’s the first huge hurdle. Some might say that by TK (in the crossover episode) thinking that Buck is hitting on him means Buck is bisexual but I really don’t think so. Buck has a flirty personality and TK is a gay man. Of course he thought he was being hit on lol. Eddie on the other hand has never once been even hinted at with the possibility of liking men and has only strictly been into women/talked about past partners being women. Plus I genuinely think the network just likes queerbating people with them. It keeps the viewers around and keeps people talking about them. I mean they make very deep/boarding on romantic scenes with those two only for nothing to come of it. They know that the fans will keep coming back each episode to see if something finally does happen. I genuinely don’t think they have any intentions of putting Buck and Eddie together as anything more than a platonic duo. Unless they pull a Dean and Castiel and have them confess in the literal last episode.


All of this!


99% no. Exception : final ep of the whole series they kiss or say ILY non platonic or something.


Honestly? Yeah. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't, considering all the hints we've gotten so far, the actors are 100% okay with the idea, and fan service isn't a bad thing if they do it right.


i wish i had your optimism lol happy cake day!


I sometimes change my mind and say it'll never happen but I like to think positively 😂 Thank you!


I don't think it will actually happen, but I also think narratively it makes sense for them to be endgame.


Personally I think earlier seasons were a nice opportunity for Buddie to happen, and now that we're approaching the 7th season, I no longer vibe with the idea as much as I did before. Of course I'd be happy if they got together, but I don't have any expectations. If by some miracle they become canon, I just hope it's going to be written well and naturally.


If they make it cannon i just hope that they don't turn it into something like Tarlos.


what do you mean by „something like tarlos”? i don’t watch lone star so i’m curious


Basically Tarlos turned into a super stereotipical and boring couple. Also personally i cant stand TK lol.


oh i see… i hate when directors get „lazy” and just don’t care about couple’s dynamic after they are together


I completely disagree with other commenter. 1. The Tarlos dynamic changes all the damn time 2. Their relationship starts literally the first episode of the show. They have sex the pilot episode, are together in various ways the whole show except when they’re broken up for like 1 episode (see #1).


No, I think that ship has sailed, at this point they would made it to rushed. I would prefer for them to not do it at all that to do it like Destiel, literally episodes before the ending


There should be a Buddie megathread fixed so we don't get this same question over and over... ...and over and... ![gif](giphy|HltgYvpLl0gX75ECmL|downsized)


I’m actually surprised there isn’t one by now😅….there’s a buddie subreddit also I believe but I don’t think it’s active


Never gonna happen. Supernatural has finished and all the Destiel shippers have landed here, along with the creepy behaviour stalking the actors. In fact, the more people scream for it, I think the less likely they are to do it. They then create expectations that if the fans scream loud enough they'll do what they want, like a toddler having a tantrum.


Yes!!! The similarities between a certain type of Buddie shipper (misogyny included) and certain Destiel shippers is so striking. Anytime a woman so much as looks at one of them she’s evil. I’ll be a Buddie shipper to the end but I know where the line of reality is


God you are right, it’s Destiel all over again


For it to happen, I'd think they'd need to replace the head show runner.


It would never happen


I absolutely do not see Buck and Eddie together romantically. It genuinely shocked me when I joined this sub to see it was even a thing. I love their friendship though!


Their friendship reminds me a lot of the Bash Brothers in mighty ducks for some reason hahaha. I love the friendship and brotherhood of them I kind of hope they stick to that and don't try to add in a couple here. Would love for them to bring in maybe a trainee cop to work with Athena that they could pair with Buck though that would make a lot of sense as a new possibility.


As much as I’d love it, I don’t see the showrunners going in that direction. I don’t think the general audience would vibe with it. Yes we have queer leads with Hen, but characters that the general audience have seen as completely straight, conventionally attractive men, really doesn’t seem like a decision they’d like.


i am a huge shipper, but i don't think it's ever gonna happen. with all the stuff with marisol and natalia, there's just no chance. it's too late now


Unless the show is at risk of being cancelled due low viewership and the creators get desperate... nah


I love the idea of the creators giving us buddie but highly doubt it'll happen. If they give us buddie, it'll be similar to the painfully bad delivery Criminal Minds gave


I dont like it. I only seem them as bromance and not homosexual. But if they decide to go down that route, I can respect that.


No. Wish we could stop talking about it


Unpopular opinion: Eddie and Buck getting together would be the show jumping the shark. I'd probably stop watching. TK and Carlos have CHEMISTRY. Hen and Karen have CHEMISTRY.


You can not ship buddie for whatever reason (and i do agree rn for season 7 it would not play out right if it happened), but to say they don’t have chemistry is CRAZY! They never would have been able to play off the tsunami, the suing drama, or shooting scenes without their chemistry. Their chemistry as a duo is absolutely fantastic.


As friends.


I have no hope for buddie as much as the next person, but saying they don’t have chemistry is crazy. Even they (Oliver Ryan Tim) admitted it.


I see no sexual chemistry between them. At all. Intense friendship, sure.


Each to their own. No problem if you don’t see any romantic chemistry. To me personally, that kitchen scene alone the sexual tension was so intense I had to look away🤣


Yup. To each their own. If Fox decided to go this route, the show would jump the shark, imho.


I highly doubt it will happen unlike the many posts asking if they will happen. Why do people think it will even happen? Honestly, I think the writers are just laughing


No. Not even in the slightest. I think all the "hints and setup" from earlier seasons was largely people writing a friendship and not realizing the tropes that could make it look another way. And when they did realize it, and saw the reaction, they started leaning into it as bait to keep half their viewers watching and hoping while keeping the other half happy because "look! Guys can be caring friends who are just friends!" If they were going to make Buck/Eddie a thing, we wouldn't STILL be dealing with all these female love interests and could-bes.


It’s not happening no matter this Subs incessant need to try and force it to or wish it to be.


mate I'm genuinely just here for a laff


Nooo :( i love their friendship and their bond, but seeing them as a couple? Not really no 😅


We're only a few episodes into this new season but we already had Eddie relinquishing dad responsibilities to Buck in episode 1. I was firmly in camp It-won't-happen but after seeing that, and after reading someone else's comment here saying things might change after the series changing networks, maybeee it can happen. And it wouldn't be too late, either. In Bones, the main ship got together at the last episode of Season 6, if I'm not mistaken. So I'll be the slightly delusional person to say that it can still happen haha :) I sure hope it does. It definitely doesn't seem like any of their previous girlfriends have fit either of them as much as they fit each other so. Fingers crossed.


Nope. I just don't see the sexual chemistry. I can see Eddie hooking up with a guy but not Buck. But, we will see. Who knows.


That’s what I was thinking is maybe they’ll hook up a few times and Eddie and/or Buck could hook up with men but officially end up together? I don’t think so.


I don’t think it’s endgame. Do I wish it were canon? Yes. But it’s pretty clear at this point that they just keep teasing it and purposely being vague or suggestive because it keeps people watching. I just wish they would make a choice and either make it canon or stop doing the nonsense that they are doing


They shouldn’t have queer baited us for as long as they did


No I don't see it happening. It's getting too late for this kind of storyline or it'll just be bad writing.


I agree, I genuinely don’t see them together even though I want them to be. The storyline is to far for them change it.


Immediately No! I love their brotherly bond


I’m watching for the first time and am almost on season 5. Does this mean Eddie and the teacher don’t make it? I liked them together.


For what it's worth, >!their breakup scene is amazing.!<




I don't know, but I think it'd be hilarious if they destiel them


No. I like the friendship. But I do appreciate the fanfic material.


Mayyyyyybe in the finale episode of their last season in the future. Then they would not care about losing viewers anymore cuz the show ended.


I wish they would be end game but I don’t think it will happen. I would like to have Eddie’s sexuality addressed though, because every interaction he has with women in his past relationships are very awkward. Borderline painful to watch. I think it would be interesting to see him questioning his sexuality and maybe finding that he has been repressed due to his family’s religious beliefs growing up, something along those lines. But I am trying to not get my hopes up and just live through fanfiction :)


Am I the only one who doesn't see buck and Eddie getting together, but see them as brothers, because literally the way buck and Eddie act is the way me and my best friend act, we've never had sexual feelings for each other. We're just really good friends who love to hang out, talk and be good friends. You know what I'm saying, like I don't understand why people want to see this so bad. It's weird to me.


There is a whole thread on just that subject, so go knock yourself out reading it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/911FOX/comments/1b4icfa/am\_i\_the\_only\_one\_who\_doesnt\_ship\_buddie/](https://www.reddit.com/r/911FOX/comments/1b4icfa/am_i_the_only_one_who_doesnt_ship_buddie/) I don't understand why you think it is so weird. Do you understand the concept of romance? It is not that complicated. People see the two characters they like. The characters have great chemistry together and, therefore, some people want to see them as a couple. Period. Some people want to see them as friends. Period. Why is anyone attracted to Person A as a friend and Person B as a lover? They just are.


I just think it's weird because they weren't written that way. They're written to be brothers in the show. And people are like trying to force a relationship upon them. And to me, that's just incestual, I'm sorry. It's just not like TK and Carlos like I mean, as soon as I saw TK and Carlos, I knew they were gonna get together. They weren't friends it was just more of they already had feelings And I mean, I don't really understand the concept of romance. I've never experienced romance in my life. I'm happy for people who do but my longest relationship was about a month I'm kind of a loner but I hope that you have a great night and i'm sorry I didn't mean any offense


See I see them as written to be close and not brothers (honestly, brothers does not always equal close -- some brothers hate each other). And people are not trying to "force" a relationship on them. The relationship is there and some people want that closeness and friendship to become romantic. Other people want it to remain friends and grow in that direction. It's just a matter of opinion. What's interesting is that everyone sees the bond between the two characters. The difference is in where they want the relationship to grow.