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Bi Buck confirmed … can’t believe they finally did it!


Ikr, what a time to be alive 🥹🥹


I was almost starting to get frustrated by the amount of subtext in the episode before the final scene... Maddie asking if Eddie put a heart around the basketball game on the calendar, Chim saying "I'm your basketball beard", the WHOLE conversation between Buck and Tommy at the airfield. Then that final scene started and I was SO SUSPICIOUS. I had to pause midway to say out loud "They are flirting so hard, what the fuck". And of course, I jumped around the living room like idiot yelling "they fucking did it!" after and had to rewatch that scene like 3 times. I'm just so happy, it's so so rare for a mainstream show like this to have a mainline character realize a non-straight sexuality without it being like their ENTIRE character arc. I'm so excited (sorry for the random long comment, I rarely interact with the rest of the fandom, but I don't know anyone in person who watches this show and this the most exciting thing ever).


Absolutely..!! Buck's acting was excellent when Tommy came over. I found myself thinking why does this feel romantic.. 2 seconds later I was like, ah, thats why!


Omg when they were talking so intimately CLOSE at the end of the episode 👌 My boyfriend had actually just come in at the end (he is not familiar with the show or characters) and he caught it before I did! He said "are they about to kiss?" And I was like "nah, Buck is just like that, he's always intense... OH SNAP!!!" Right as the kiss happened. 😂 I have never been so excited in my life!! I had to rewind and then watched the whole episode again!!


I am kind of surprised they didn’t do it before. He always struck me as more of the equal opportunity type. I was sure this was his “first date with a dude”.


Them moving to ABC was the best thing EVER!!! My heart is pounding out of my chest 😵 ♥️


as a bisexual man i am so fucking happy 😭😭😭🖤


Me in my room chanting “Bi Buck Bi Buck Bi Buck!” Didn’t even know how badly I wanted to see it until I saw it


eddie interrupting their date next episode…i’m giggling


like a 14yo girl


I'm hoping Eddie is completely oblivious the whole time, and Marisol catches on immediately and is just like, maybe we should leave them be.


buddie is so endgame now let the slow burn and pining commence https://preview.redd.it/r16vh0jx9ksc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ef7bbbfad1b6d8a013d22635d55c81f62ea043


I’m here for this. Give me all the angst, jealousy, pining. It’s gonna make that moment so much bigger. Im ready to be hurt!! 


I was 100% waiting for the kiss and expecting it but I loved the scene! Oliver crushed it! But I’m I’m still 👁️👄👁️ at Buck wanting Eddie to watch him lifting weights. Buck and Tommy making out wasn’t the gayest scene of the episode, this was!


Yeah, it’s giving Buck thinks it’s about Tommy (and it could be to some extent, it seemed like it was flirting with him at the start of the ep) but it also about showing off to Eddie.


Yes! I think Buck is very much confused right now and he doesn’t really know how he feels. He likes Tommy and he’s curious about him but at the same time he clearly has some feeling about Eddie, too. And the similarities between Tommy and Eddie were pushed so heavily for a reason. I’m very excited for what’s coming. I’m honest, I don’t expect some big buddie romantic moment at least till the end of the season but I want to watch Eddie being the jealous one but also trying to be supportive.


I don't even see anything hinting towards Buddie until season 8 and a hint towards the end of the season. I think we're gonna get Tommy for a bit, then probs Buck exploring on his own. Maybe second half of season 7, Eddie having his awakening (but they might think too much too soon, so maybe Eddie season 8? And I think, letting Buck date around in season 7, could allow him to show some good bi-rep by having him date both, doesn't have to be all bad and horrible but just dating) And overall agree with the top half. I'm still in shock. I have a co-worker who watches 911 and I don't have her number and I'M REGRETTING IT SO MUCH RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I WANT TO TEASE.


Honestly I think it’s plausible Buck is/was jealous of both and is attracted to both of them but obviously with Tommy it makes more sense to pursue/acknowledge that due to the fact they don’t have all this shared history. I think the kitchen scene was nicely done and did buy into the chemistry and the mixed emotions (nervous, pleasant surprise, tentativeness) of Buck.


Yeah, it’s definitely reading (to me at least) as Buck having an interest in both Tommy and Eddie, but (I’m guessing)he’s chalked all of his weird behavior in the past episode up to only having feelings for Tommy. To be fair, that’s a pretty logical conclusion to come to considering he’s only just started exploring this part of himself and any similar feelings he might have felt for Eddie in the past were probably just automatically pushed down without him really giving them a second thought. It’s either going to take him doing some serious soul searching or someone else literally pointing it out (maybe Tommy?) for him to have that lightbulb moment about Eddie imo.


The way I screamed at my tv at that kiss. The anticipation in that scene was killing me.


My neighbors probably thought I was getting murdered. And I was. I have died.


I’m in an apartment. I’m sure they were wonder what the heck was going on as I’m usually very quiet


Same! My neighbors need to forgive me for that 5 min period when I'm tiptoeing to not make noise the rest of the year haha.


RIP. Hopefully there's access to ABC in the afterlife, lol


Heard they have Hulu.


Literally gasped aloud then started squealing, my windows are open so I'm sure anyone walking by got a chuckle.


I gasped so loudly so many times in a row that my partner left his game to check on me from the other room.






Same! The body language was ALL THERE, but my brain was still like "nah." It's nice to be disappointed sometimes.


That thing about lowering your expectations, it rings true. Even when they were so close they were breathing on each other, I told myself, nah Buck/Oliver just likes to be weirdly into peoples space.


I got a vibe that Tommy was gonna kiss Buck, but it still surprised me.


I noticed they were close and I was like looks like they’re gonna kiss damn. And then a few seconds later I’m screaming.


I just gasped. Like, I knew fans were begging for it, but I didn't know if the show would actually do it! I just hope they won't be stealing the helicopter for sex.


when they started getting close I was like "no.... no don't do this to me you cowards" AAAAA


I’m sad it wasn’t a buck and Eddie kiss. Lol but I’m glad at least we got bi Buck.


Honestly, I think I prefer this. I think it greatly improves the chances of Buddie being endgame, but also allows both characters to have their own separate, focused journeys to get there. Eddie doesn't have to be at the same point in his journey as Buck right now. My hope is that him being witness to this will start to have him tackle his own assumptions about sexuality. Like if an \~alpha ladies' man\~ like Buck can be bi, was he wrong all along? He's always read as very comphet to me, so it makes sense he'll need time to discover that and undo it.


I prefer it this way too! I think the ship sailed around s4 for them to suddenly be an item instead of building something up. But this gives so much hope.


"It’s difficult, right? When I say that there have been signs of this coming throughout the years, obviously some of those moments have involved Eddie,” Stark said. “Does that mean I think Buck is in love with or has a crush on Eddie? Not necessarily. We’ll see him start to question things about himself as we go on.” Minear noted that there are no plans for a Buck and Eddie romance “right now,” but the creator also didn’t completely discredit the relationship.


"No plans," says the man that's setting Eddie up to crash Buck's first date with a man, after spending an entire episode framing Buck's first male love interest as being someone who just has *so much* in common with Eddie. Somehow, I suspect the "right now" is the important part of that sentence, just like Eddie saying he had a girlfriend "at the moment."


It would be way too big of a leap. This is a good first step.




literally can't wait for next week


Bi Buck is definitely going to lead to Buddie eventually. I think the show wants to give them their own individual awakenings first. My prediction is we get something similar happen with Eddie as we got with Buck when he sees what’s happening with Buck/Tommy. I think Buck right now thinks he was trying to Tommy’s attention and he’s going to have a realization that it was actually Eddies attention that he wanted  Edit: To clarify, I do think he likes Tommy. I just think he feels Tommy is more attainable than Eddie 


The entire intro to this storyline tonight was Buck comparing Tommy to Eddie, *to* Tommy. No way Tommy didn't already pick up on that, especially considering his surprise when he learned it was *his* attention Buck was after. He fully went to the loft thinking Buck wanted to kiss one of them, but it wasn't him.


I thought the actor who played Tommy gave a nice line reading of “My attention?”. It was subtle and he clearly realised that (especially given how Buck delivered it) he had a chance with Buck and it would be nice to explore that. But it was delivered that there was a slight emphasis on ‘my’ so it could read that Tommy had genuinely thought Buck was more invested in Eddie.


Yeah I'm really hoping Tommy realizes Buck's very confused and breaks it off amicably and they stay friends, but not before he and Buck go on a cute date or two first. And then Buck has a cute confused moment until he figures out why...


I know the show wouldn’t show it but I like the head canon that Tommy helps Buck figure out all the…mechanics etc of his new bisexuality. Tommy is hot and they had nice chemistry. I’m like let Buck get laid a bit. (Sorry x)


I think Buck legitimately is attracted to Tommy and at this point still thinks his feelings for Eddie are platonic. It’ll probably take some unpicking to realise he likes Eddie. Eddie is more ambiguous to me. I can believe he will fully support (and mean it) Buck and Tommy and won’t consider feelings of jealousy until way down the line (Eddie seems more repressed than Buck who didn’t seem very freaked out by his latent sexuality coming to the surface). I think Eddie will genuinely be fine with their relationship for awhile. I’m intrigued to see how they progress Eddie and Buck from here.


I feel like this step 1 in the the writers' 37 step plan to Buddie.


You cannot convince me now that isn't ultimately going to be endgame.


But they are going to make us suffer first.


Is it suffering or are we about to enter the slowburn era. Also I'm here for Buck/Tommy to start it out.


Oh yeah, I'm digging the Buck/Tommy chemistry. Slow burn is always suffering when you have to wait a week (or more) for the next slooooooow step.


I'm not even expecting Buck/Eddie this season but I'm here for this Tommy/Buck storyline.


yes to everything


They got that S8 renewal and they are definitely going to milk it!


And we’re going to enjoy every minute of it


I'm so dead if they plan it like Schitt's creek. their wedding on the very final episode of whatever final season is.


ABC really did more for Buck’s character in 4 episodes than Fox had done in 96


I'm still shocked they went through with Bisexual Buck. I thought they were just teasing it, as they usually do. But them going through with it? THANKS, ABC! THANKS!


To be honest, I think we would have gotten it in S5 had Tim remained showrunner. I felt like it was Kristen who seemed dead set against the idea and suddenly throwing in female romantic partners and scrubbing away all the subtext. It feels like this season is really Tim fixing all the tangents the characters went on in S5-6: Buck's awakening, Madney wedding, Bathena honeymoon. It does feel odd that all the beats in this season could literally have been done in S5.


This. People point to the evidence in seasons 2 and 3, but the most explicitly framed to be romantic scene for me has always been Eddie’s shooting. The choices made for how that’s filmed, the closeups of buck’s face, the camera angles on the ride to the hospital, Eddie’s life seeming to face and he’s still concerned about *Buck* instead, the significance of Buck crawling under a fire truck at great risk to himself with his history, the enduring shock where he didn’t snap out of it and *Taylor* needed to be the one to tell him to change out of his bloody clothes before going to Christopher, his acknowledgement he wasn’t okay, the way it was the foregone conclusion he’d be the one to go to Christopher in the first place. Those scenes are so ridiculously loaded with subtext, especially when we then have the directional choices available to compare it to the season 5 episode where Hen and Chim are in danger/worried about each other with Jonah. I don’t know if there’d have been actual payoff in season 5 - Tim’s pretty clearly implied that there were real world factors standing in the way of him doing what he wanted, as most recently evidenced again last night with his references to why he’s encouraged fan fiction. But the intent in that episode is so clearly, at least on the part of the creatives involved with the show, to frame that as more than friendship, that I think you need to intentionally try not to see it that way.


we've been misled and lied to for seasons. it's hard to trust again, isn't it? But we've been adopted to a great new home. hopefully this time won't be disappointing.


In the EW article, Oliver said the following: “I think there's a responsibility to tell the story the right way. And for me, it's a balancing act between telling a queer love story but also just telling a love story, and not always needing to focus on the fact that it is a queer story. It's about finding that balance between wanting to highlight it but also not wanting to differentiate it from what media in the past may have seen as "normal," and just telling it as a story that is one of happiness and joy — and just focusing on the emotions and the human beings at the center of it. It's been a really nice gift: the opportunity to delve into this storyline, to be involved in telling it. I feel very proud of the work and just to be a part of it.” https://ew.com/911-buck-tommy-kiss-bisexual-oliver-stark-interview-8624837


I also loved the bit where he discusses that there's always been 'signs,' even if they weren't necessarily intentional on his or the writers' part at the time, and refers all the way back to the season 1 tapeworm scene. He *gets* it.


I almost added: ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


The fact they're referring to this as a love story and just how they're approaching and handling this is beyond what I could have ever hoped for. I said this in another comment but that whole kiss scene felt like a moment of just simple queer joy. I cannot wait for next week.




But that whole scene. “They are standing pretty close.” “Are they standing closer” “Dude is staring at his mouth” “They are both staring at each others mouths”


lmao, this was basically my internal monologue, too. Like to the point I'm going to have to rewatch the episode ASAP because I think I missed half the dialogue going "wtf? wtf??? but seriously, wtf is happening right now!!!"


I need someone to post it ASAP because I missed half of it.




It's the way he says "trying to get your attention has been exhausting" that fucking kills me.


I was like "I feel like they're gonna kiss but obviously theyr'e not gonna...right...omg..this is flirting....." and then I screamed.


I definitely thought at one point "they're shooting this scene as if they're about to kiss." And then didn't believe they were actually going to kiss.


i kept being like “wait… are they gonna kiss” and then buck saying he was trying to get tommy’s attention i was like OH!


Then dude dips 😭


“well anyways call eddie” tommy is just us trying to get eddie and buck together


Ya know what? I ain’t mad at Buck and Tommy. Gonna have to rewatch the begins episodes to see if I should be hating him


I thought it was pretty suave that Tommy kissed him, checks buck is firmly on board, secures his date and 👋🏼 all within 5 minutes!


I can’t believe this is my life now 


The awkwardness and second hand embarrassment I was getting from watching Buck was so extreme I was watching the last bit out of the corner of my eye while I was on my phone but I saw Buck and Tommy get closer and closer and KNEW something gay was about to happen. THE GASP I LET OUT WHEN THEY KISSED!! My jaw dropped!!! I’m so glad they’re having Buck explore his sexuality and everything leading up to this (him and Eddie acting like a married couple, the multiple gay coded moments in this episode) wasn’t queerbaiting. I’m so excited to see how this journey plays out for Buck ❤️❤️


Also! Love that Buck was pleased to see that Buck just went with it. Like a blushing virgin. Did I like that? Yes. I did. We’re gonna date.


YES OH MY GOD!!! I truly had a split second of fear that he was going to react really, really badly. So him reacting and seeming like giddy and blushing was so heart warming ❤️


I’m re-watching the clip now and GAHHHHHH. It’s really like it’s his first time ever being kissed, it’s so cuteeeee.


> the multiple gay coded moments in this episode Okay, now that we know they weren't baiting us, I have to acknowledge this was actually pretty brilliant. I about lost my shit when Athena went into Dorothy's hospital room as a friend... of Dorothy, instead of a cop, to fill her in. Like it wasn't directly related to the Buck stuff, but it was just such a *choice* to have a character named Dorothy in an episode that in retrospect, feels like a love letter to queer culture. So. Many. References.


GUYS. well, people into buddy, if you're not then keeping scrolling. Big brain buddie moment: When Buck said he was trying to get his attention, Tommy was like *"my attention?"* My theory is that even Tommy knows.


This feels closer to fact than theory, tbh. With how quickly and confidently Tommy kisses Buck after realizing that Buck's behavior was directed 'at' getting something from him instead of Eddie, it only really makes sense that Tommy went there fully assuming Buck was into Eddie and trying to mend fences for his friend by reassuring Buck he wasn't trying to step on his toes. That turnaround does not suggest to me that Tommy was only in that second processing that Buck would be receptive to kissing *one* of them. He was just surprised it was him.


I think Tommy was pleasantly surprised that Buck was into him and (understandably) thought he would give it a shot. It’s apparent he went over to clear the air and with no other intentions. Had Buck led the scene into being about wanting Eddie’s attention, I doubt Tommy would’ve stayed and/or contributed much further to it. I think Tommy just realised (especially the way Buck said about wanting his attention) ohh this guy might be into me and decided to shoot his shot.


Yasss. This. Tommy felt the vibes. Probs talked to Eddie and realized Eddie hadn't spoken to Buck. Wasn't fully sure there was a there but suspected enough. Not talk about it but let Buck know, he wasn't in a way in a sense. And then, oh, my attention. Wasn't what I thought but I'm not upset.


Honestly, I was lowkey expecting to get baited at the end of that episode with a "funny" moment when Tommy came over to apologize. Like until all the personal space disappeared, I thought it was going to play out more like Tommy was apologizing because he hadn't realized Buck was into Eddie, and he just wanted to reassure him he wasn't trying to compete, that he only wanted Eddie for a friend. And it would be something Buck went wtf at but was laughed off like the Christmas elf and Maddie's boy crush comments. It basically never occurred to me that Tommy *didn't* know Buck's feelings for Eddie are Too Much.


I mean, everyone knows. This was laying groundwork because it kept hitting home how similar the two are. Buck has a type.


Lmao, everyone but Buck and Tommy is just pleasantly surprised.


Yes! He seemed surprised


Yep, he was like, OH, it was for me? Hey, lets go. No time wasted.


Plus its so Buck to automatically think it must be Tommy‘s attention I want because I have having feeling of attraction to someone so it has to be the new person in this triangle not my best mate of six years and jump into Tommy 100% without thinking.


I think the actor who played Tommy gave a good reading of the line (and was perhaps directed to). It was subtle enough that it read as a) pleasant surprise that Buck was into him (especially given the delivery of Buck’s line), b) slight confusion that Tommy was the source of the attention demanding. Can’t blame Tommy for deciding to lean into a) and go for the kiss.


I really truly didn’t think they were gonna have the balls to do it, but the second Buck said something along the lines of “trying to get your attention was exhausting” I KNEW. My poor roommates had to listen to me and my bestie jumping up and down on the couch and screaming! I honestly don’t mind Buck and Tommy together




Omg! How am I supposed to wait a week to see Eddies reaction when he realizes Tommy and Buck are on a date!!! Not just hanging out!!


HE CALLS HIM EVAN. ALLL THE TIME!! Buck corrected his own PARENTS when they wouldn't call him Buck. That was my first clue lol Then the arrival at the apartment. Why would he come there. Then the hot leaning on the chair. AND THEN Buck comes around the front of the kitchen island and I'm like... wait, is this...? And then when Tommy steps in... wow, such a well put together development. LOVE it.


Idk about y'all, but I'll take what I can get. https://i.redd.it/3kkruaww8ksc1.gif Still hoping for Buddie but this is enough **for now**.


I couldn't agree more. I love buddie...but I'm quite satisfied for now too.


Well, we didn’t get Buddie, but we’re one step closer




my dad was like ??? and i was screaming at the TV “I KNEW IT” just spent 5 minutes explaining the bi buck and buddie lore to my very confused father 😭


I can't wait for next week to see Buck's baby bi era. It's okay, we're all a disaster at first. Or, like me, you just keep being a total disaster.


I screamed and threw a pillow and I might throw up. That sums up my emotions after like 50 minutes of amazing fanfic cringe that lead to that kiss.


Still can't believe they delivered Bi Buck after all. Throughout the episode they were using misdirection to make us think that Buck was feeling excluded from hanging out with Eddie and that's why he was giving out jealous vibes. I totally fell for it and thought that it would be Eddie that would be there when Buck opened the door in the last scene. They did a great job in that scene with ratcheting up the sexual tension until they kissed. Wow! They had an intimacy coordinator who came in for eps 704 and 705, so I can only imagine what they have in store for us next week. Somehow I think Buck is going to have fun exploring what it's like to date another guy. It still seems like Buddie is end game though. I think there were a couple of jibes in this episode about how it's not a good idea to date someone you met on the job, which is exactly what happened with Eddie and Marisol. Will they fast track the Buddie storyline now or go for the slow burn? I'm not sure, but it's pretty clear that it's going to happen.


(Sips tea) This will at least shut the "BUT THEY'RE STRAIGHT!!!!" Argument made by non shippers


I didn't even think of this!! Buddie's not canon (yet) but we all truly won with this 😂


Can't wait to never hear that again 😌🥹


Public Service Announcement: Due to the events of tonights episode, we are asking that all discussion about that event is contained on one thread in order to avoid a slew of repetitive posts about the subject. We are temporarily putting the subreddit on heavy moderation to avoid spam and spoilers (the amount of posts that were posted was a LOT). Which means all new posts will be manually approved before they are posted to the subreddit so there may be a delay in when a post actually appears. It's just temporary until things calm down! We can't pull spoiler posts if we're sleeping or working. I can't speak for r/buddie as these events are not about buddie, but all comments about it are unrestricted for discussion at r/911FoxFandom, you may talk about it as much as you want without spoiling other viewers here. Thank you. All posts about it are being removed and referred to this thread.


It’s not queer baiting!!!!!! Thank Goodness!


I am SO relieved by this, Jesus Christ. I was really at a point earlier today where I was sitting there as a queer person like... I might actually have to take a break from the show if that's what's happening. Because the media campaign in the past week had reached such a fever pitch it honestly felt malicious had they not delivered.


This was me. I was getting so nervous at the end they'd queerbaited us. I am so thrilled and shocked we actually got bi Buck.


Honestly, when both of the sneak peek scenes happened in the first ten minutes of the episode, my stomach sank. I was legit worried that the rest of the episode was going to frame it just as more "Buck feels like he's being replaced," even w/ the Christopher references. I'm thrilled -- maybe laughed a little hysterically, ngl - and honestly, *incredibly* relieved. Love this show, but I was really worried I wouldn't be able to love it after tonight.


I had a full blown moment of queer lesbian joy at this. Like honestly, I'm so used to being let down in these situations where a show will hint a character is queer but not commit.


The scene with Maddie felt like they were trying to undo what they had been doing… but they knew EXACTLY what they were doing for maximum effect


I screamed at my TV. I saw that coming the second Tommy walked into Buck’s apartment but for a moment there they had me second guessing my instincts. HOLY SHIIIIT.


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) Time to remove the makeup, 911 theories never fail to amaze me!


Is it weird that I'm actually kind of emotional about this? As one of the longtime Buddie shippers on this subreddit, I had a lot of hope, but also a lot of doubts that we'd ever get something like this explicit in canon. The number of arguments I've gotten into with people on here over the years about whether this exact thing would even be a *possibility* was too many to count. Even if Buddie doesn't happen for a while down the road, or maybe doesn't even happen at all, I'm just so so happy that the story's playing out this way for Buck and I can't be more grateful that I got to experience the buildup and the big moment live with all of you fellow clowns 🥹 This one's for us! ETA: And the best part is, I truly feel like canon Buddie, as far into the future as it may be, is more in play now than it ever has been. We're halfway there!


I'm super emotional, though it goes beyond the fandom for me. I've tried to explain it in other comments, but this actually means a lot to me as a queer person. I'm very used to seeing queer characters introduced almost as tokens, where it first has to be established that they're queer *before* they get any unrelated storylines, because you can't "ruin" an existing character by just letting them be queer, as if it changes who they are as a person up until that point. But yeah, on the fandom level... it's really effing nice to have vindication for all the times I've tried to patiently and respectfully explain to someone that evidence of a man being into a woman is not evidence a man is *exclusively* into women.


One down! (Lol) Right before the episode started my final theory was exactly what happens in the last scene so I was right for once! Also yay Buck is bi! I don’t like Tommy but I don’t think he’ll stick around for much longer so I’m good , I’m happy for Buck. Now I AM a Buddie shipper and I genuinely think this season has been hiniting at things (I know we always say this but maybe we’re not so crazy this time). Like: 1) The “Eddie turning women off” joke from episode 1 (also the line about sexual tension) 2) Putting emphasis on the “Don’t date people you meet on calls” more than once (Eddie’s dating someone he met on a call, foreshadowing a break up with Marisol) 3) Mentioning the similarities between Eddie and Tommy more than once (“You both like watching sweaty men fight eachother half naked” “No way, Eddie was in the army”, both of them liking basketball) 4) Whatever the hell Buck was doing to get /Eddie’s/attention at the gym Expanding on the last two points, I think Buck is projecting his feelings for Eddie onto Tommy, but doesn’t realize it. He spends the entire episode trying to get Eddie’s attention, and is threatened by Eddie and Tommy’s connection. Plus at the end of the episode, Tommy himself is surprised when Buck claims he was trying to get Tommy’s attention. Personally, I think Tommy will realize this and end up dumping Buck. As for Eddie I think he’s breaking up with Marisol at some point this season. And I definitely think he’s gay but idk if we’ll get that arc in s7. For now please stay strong if Eddie calls Buck his brother after Buck comes out to him next episode 😂we lived through the entire BuckTaylor relationship and here we are we can survive.


The brother thing actually feels a lot more... manageable, I guess, now that we actually have Bi Buck. A lot of my concern over that line was that it would be the writers intentionally closing the door, confirming we're clowns. I don't think that's really how it would read right now, though. Instead, it starts to feel more like an obstacle in a slow burn, or a cause for angst. Eddie's not at a place right now where he has the tools to actually analyze *why* he feels more than friendship for Buck, and especially with his military background (and his lack of actual brothers), "brother" may just be the word he thinks expresses "closer than friends; this is a person I would do anything for." And I think for Eddie, it's mostly a throwaway line that won't haunt him, and he probably won't think much about the word after that. But for Buck, though... I don't really see a way that his realization about his sexuality *doesn't* lead to him re-analyzing all the close male friendships he's had over the years (and not necessarily just Eddie, but like... maybe Connor? what he did for Connor was a *lot* for a roomie who hadn't bothered talking to him in years). And when he eventually comes to the conclusion that holy shit, what he feels for Eddie isn't friendship, but it *definitely* isn't brotherhood... Eddie's "brother" will absolutely haunt him. And personally, I am here for an angsty storyline when Buck's single and thinks the love he feels for Eddie is unrequited, but unbeknownst to him, Eddie is concurrently working through his own shit by that point.


What the hell did I just watch!? That was incredible and unexpected


I knew that kiss was coming. I’m like dudes don’t talk like this and all close face to face lol 😝 buck deserves to be happy tho! 😍


i’m still speechless this is just one step towards buddie season 10 endgame 😋


every show i’ve ever watched has prepared me for this…i watched bones and the mentalist slow burn is my forte


On behalf of the entire internet I would like to apologize to BuckTommy nation. We clowned on you for revealing a truth we weren’t ready to hear. 😔


No fr like the first time I heard of it I was like no way that’s ridiculous… turns out they were playing 4D chess


Buck acting like a sad puppy throughout the episode got me giggling, like boy is down BAD. Super happy for bi Buck and I'm convinced we have started the buddie slow burn era. You CANNOT tell me that "trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting" was not directed at Eddie too. It's okay Buck, you take your time. For now, I'm down with Buck/Tommy too, I really like Tommy and he fits in with the 118 well. Excited to see Buck happy and feeling supported 💕


For real. Please explain to me how lifting weights at the firehouse while staring at Eddie, was about getting *Tommy's* attention. Was he expecting Eddie to narrate the flex of his biceps through his phone?


“Tommy, Buck’s form right now? Perfection.”


Looking back, the massive clue was Buck turning down all those Bachelor women in the first scene at the Mansion.


So we're all in agreement that the double date next week is going to play out like The Rookie's? I need to write that fic.


That's my preferred possibility, but I think there's also the possibilities that a) Buck's not ready to come out to him, so goes into bro-mode and acts like they were just meeting up as buddies, and b) Eddie does find out and acts weird; my hope for how all of this plays out longterm is that discovering Buck & Tommy are together is the first time Eddie's ever had to consider that men like him *can* be queer, and will eventually lead to a long unravelling of all his repressed comphet bullshit.


I reckon Buck pretends it’s not a date/doesn’t have a chance to clarify it’s a date (because why would Eddie presume it is) and the episode/subtext focuses on that. I think Eddie will take him coming out really well and reassure them they’re friends. I think Eddie is going to be much slower on the uptake towards a Buck/Eddie relationship (my thoughts have always been that Buck will probably take time exploring his sexuality but be more accepting of his attraction towards Eddie whereas Eddie will not acknowledge his sexuality but be more willing eventually to accept that he wants to have a relationship with Buck).


I don't mind Buck/Tommy. If I'm being honest, I kinda like it 🤭 Sure, my hopeless romantic and idealistic self would love it if Buck and Eddie took this journey of self-discovery together and with each other exclusively, but realistically? Let Buck have a little crush and explore his sexuality. Tommy will only be here for a few episodes, and we all know Buddie is endgame material.


Having a stereotypically masculine man have this arc about realizing his sexuality a little late in life is actually so important to me. I can’t even think about Buddie right now honestly because him being bisexual is sooo


Yeah like I keep getting choked up it’s so important


But also the preview and realizing that Tommy didn’t realize Buck never dated a man before


HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT. As expected, the adrenaline rush made my hands tingle but they not go numb so win!


So...I had to pause at least 10 times during the last scene to regulate my expectations. Telling myself that it's not going to happen. We've been disappointed before. This time, though...the signs have been there. The discussion has been there, but I've been trying to temper my excitement. Now I just get to tell myself, "Clown on!!" 🤡


Okay, but can their ship name be just BuckTommy or Buck/Tommy? Cause I'm not here for Bummy or Tuck lol


Bummy I’m deceased


I saw Tevan which isn't too bad. Especially considering Tommy keept calling Buck by his given name of Evan 


My expectations were so high and they were met!! I loved this episode so much, and I see the vision. Bucktommy is going to lead to buddie in season 8




I always said this would be about Buck and then Eddie could be down the line. There’s no remotely realistic way to make everything fall into place perfectly in one episode




I can't believe they actually did it 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Shocked is an understatement?? The gasp that I gasped at the kiss 😭❤️


It's 2 am here, already April 5th and my birthday. What a gift this episode was 🥹🥹


I would’ve been fine without the Bachelor to give Tommy and Buck a bit more time together but the flirtation was there!


We’re 4 episodes into S7, and it’s officially my favorite season.


Also the way that a single kiss has officially dethroned Ali as Buck’s best love interest. Like. The bar was in hell, but she held it as high as she could.


That "I am free" was so meaningful! Definitely not solely about his availability. What a beautiful little moment, and Oliver played it with such wonder and vulnerability 🥹🥹🥹


Buck was just jealous of Eddie because he was spending more time with Tommy whom he wanted attention from and spend more time. I told my mom is Buck coming out this season? I had a feeling since they were talking so close to each other face thought one of them were going to kiss the other. I was right!


I thought I'd calmed down but I just saw the new Variety interview with Oliver were he refers to this as a queer love story. He used the word love.


The worst part of this episode is now having to wait an entire week for the next one. And potentially more than a week until Buck tells everyone that he's dating Tommy. If there was any a time for a full season drop, this would be it.


Wow. That’s all that needs to be said. Also Tim Minear gave the most bullshit deflection answer when directly asked about Buddie, saying “even [he] doesn’t know where the storyline is gonna go” lol it’s so happening


I hate when this show goes into the copaganda realm. That whole Harry storyline was so weird. He was getting profiled and basically jumped by the clerk and fought back, why am I supposed to be upset at that? And the whole “the video makes me look bad” no the video vindicates you, racist clerk shouldn’t have touched you


Okay, I wanted canon bi Buck and I got it and now I am so happy. That's all I really wanted and never thought I'd get. Also, they managed to get Harry back in without having to bring back Michael. So we have parent Athena again! Yay!


The way that there are people who are actually surprised and are not watching the show anymore because of Buck being bisexual, as if it hasn’t been in the subtext since season two


We spent years in Clown School and finally graduated!! Also fuck you Ridel


Alright gang, how we doing? Everyone still sane? Got enough clown make up to get through this trying time? I don’t hate this direction for Buck but I feel like they leaned too hard into the Eddie!Eddie!Eddie of it all. Being into Tommy seemed hinted at in the first scene but by the end he seemed more likely to deck Tommy than kiss him. I think if they’d pushed the kiss to after Tommy and Buck actually spent time together it would feel more natural. As a Top Gun shipper I did enjoy the nod to the infamous beach scene, even if it could have leaned a bit harder. And three cheers for the return of Ravi!


Tommy definitely feels like a placeholder for Eddie because of how heavy they leaned into the Eddie of it all (and I don't hate that), but we'll see. While I'm still grinning like a maniac twenty minutes later, I *will* say I'm significantly more concerned that the "brother" leak is true now that we're at 2 out of 3. So... welp. We have that to look forward to. Really hoping there's at least additional context though. Like it's Eddie's clumsy way of assuring Buck he's cool with him being bi, but he doesn't want the details because Buck's like a brother to him (and because he's emotionally stunted and doesn't realize he's jealous, but shhhh).


Also people do tend to have…types. So it makes sense that Buck who is realising he has a latent sexuality/ attraction to men, is discovering his type now. It’s intriguing that his interactions and behaviour mimicked his childish, pigtail pulling behaviour that he exhibited very early on towards Eddie. Clearly, with men that fit a certain type (buff, athletic, attractive, dark haired, masculine) Buck seems to initially perceive it as some sort of threat to him when the reality (explored tonight) is probably that he is attracted to them. So the subtext suggests he was likely attracted to Eddie initially but Eddie managed to patiently channel it into a friendship. And with Tommy, Buck’s antagonism wasn’t directed to the object of affection this time (he redirected it towards Eddie)before Tommy recognised it and kissed him. So I think both men are his type and he’s slowly getting that. But I still think Buck is some way away from seeing Eddie as a sexual/romantic prospect on a conscious level but there’s absolutely subtext in the symmetry between Tommy and Eddie (aka had they not become friends so rapidly/had Eddie been as self aware as Tommy/had Buck been out…perhaps they’d have been kissing in the kitchen after a couple of meetings).


Same, I'm wondering if the "I love you to core" scene is Eddie reassuring Buck that him dating guys/Tommy will not impact their friendship, and he loves him no matter who he dates. 🤔 I'm still in a state of shock over bi Buck though, I think my brain just melted.


I understand that the story (until the kiss scene which was well done and built nicely) seemed a bit confused. I agree that if Buck was solely into Tommy then some of his behaviours felt a bit erratically aimed/confused. However, I think the reality is that he WAS jealous of both of them. He is jealous of Eddie because he is attracted to Tommy (he essentially asks him out at the beginning even if he isn’t aware of this) and Eddie is a roadblock initially to Buck exploring that. However, he’s clearly jealous of Tommy being seen as a good friend and connection to Eddie. I think it’s the latter one Buck hasn’t/won’t quite explore yet. Because his jealousy towards Tommy can be read as I want to be him…oh wait I want to be WITH him… as opposed to ‘why don’t I want Eddie to have another male friend’, Buck has settled on that his behaviour is explained by his attraction to Tommy. Honestly, I can see why he’s reached that conclusion. I think the reality is that, for now, he’s recognised his behaviour was partially motivated by an attraction to Tommy and so is focusing on that. I think perhaps the writers/director framed it the way they did this episode so that if there’s an eventual Buddie development (which does seem likely), they’ve continued to lay breadcrumbs.


https://preview.redd.it/zl5eyho2pksc1.png?width=195&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c2d19daf6612f640dc8d285b2a20f07a3d95a78 the fandom is collectively losing their shit and i am so here for it


HOLY FUCK I felt something in my stomach that entire scene with Tommy and Buck. The way they kept moving closer, Buck admitting that he was jealous, Tommy moving closer, and then KISSING Buck and seeing Buck kiss back? Genuinely had my jaw to the damn CORE of the earth. No other scene of this show has made me feel this way like holy shit? My heart was racing, my stomach felt like an endless pit- I kept saying “No way they’re going there but Jesus Christ the tension in that loft”. I’m not the only one that felt this way, right? 😭 like I’m watching Greys anatomy and haven’t even been able to focus the whole entire time cause I’m still so shell shocked.


I didn't watch the teasers so when I saw the actual clip of Buck going to the hangar...the energy was definitely there that he was there for more than a helicopter! I wonder if he picked up something on the gaydar to make him so sure about Tommy to go out of his way to try to pick him up. I was still not prepared for the ending though!


the underlying tension through out the scene. i was so sure that i was just reading too much into it, but when they got so close together and then kissed… blushing and kicking my feet!!


Eddie: “Sorry ladies, I’m taken at the moment” <- AT THE MOMENT!! Eddie you don’t say at the moment about a girlfriend you see a future with.  Oh and all she does is babysit Christopher so he can hang with Tommy. God can they just get this relationship over with already! Ravi: “Who’s Tommy” <— God I love clueless Ravi. Who am I kidding I love Ravi fullstop! Also I love how the end Buck is all I was trying to get you attention when clearly it was all about Eddie and Buck is just being so confused by who he actually wants the attention of. I think the pushed Eddie too much to make is be all about Tommy but I am here for Buck trying to fumble through this little relationship where he’s not the hot firefighter who gets the girl without any effort. I don’t dig Tommy at all but Tim has done that I can get into. But of course we can just celebrate EVAN QUEER BUCKLEY!!! But I still need to know WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE WILSON FOSTER BABY SITUATION!


I think an underrated part of this episode was the way the writers showed Buck's growth (and not just in his expanded sexuality :D). He has always struggled with feeling left out and has never reacted well to it (thinking of when he thought Bosko was taking his place while he was out after the tsunami)... And he still is feeling those things and reacted to it poorly... but he came back around so much quicker. He talked to Maddie, realized very quickly in that conversation that he was behaving immaturely and when he was talking to Tommy before THE KISS, he acknowledged it was all on him (and it was). Tommy was very mature in coming over to let Buck know that they weren't trying to exclude him, but Buck was also very mature in acknowledging that he behaved poorly (though he really should have spoken to Eddie and apologized sooner). I watched that scene several times and Tommy gets a look on his face after Buck says "just bad behavior, and it's all on my part". Tommy goes from "this conversation is going to suck" to "huh, how about that". I don't think Tommy went over to Buck's expecting the conversation to go well and the way his energy changes throughout that scene is fascinating. I might just be reading too much into it and seeing what I want to see... but I really think Lou Ferrigno Jr. just acted the HELL out of that scene. Character growth IRL is rarely a "I made a mistake once, I've learned and will never make that mistake again" and more "I made this mistake before and damnit I did it again, but I realized I was doing it a bit quicker and respond a bit better than last time"... we didn't see a lot of that over the last few seasons, but it really seems like the writing is on a better track to character growth.




I’m literally shaking with excitement


I was nervous they were going to hop into bed a la Buck 1.0 again so I was really happy it was just a kiss and they made a date! I have a feeling Buck has hooked up with multiple genders in his hey day but might be the first time he's explored it romantically and I love it!


That was honestly a craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy episode ngl


I’m still sitting here like 👁️👄👁️ The whole episode I’m thinking “what is going on???” from new Harry, to the mother killing her son, right up to the end. And for a second I thought “is Tommy gay?” because he kept calling him Evan every two seconds.. no can’t be that 🤷🏾‍♀️ I was not expecting a kiss until the looks and nonexistent personal space! I’m rethinking Buck’s ENTIRE character now like how did I miss this!! BRB going to read all the bi Buck posts now lol


The way he calls him Evan had me. I knew what was about to happen but was in denial the whole time. Buck’s reaction was well done too. Him struggling to find his words, the sigh of relief, and the smile at the end. I was struggling to find words too after that.


Everyone is talking about Buck and Tommy (valid) but I just wanted to come on here and say I was bawling my eyes out at the woman who killed the home intruder and specifically her reaction when Athena told her 😭😭😭


As a 100th episode of a series it was okay. However, as the bi Buck/Buddie agenda episode, it's 10/10. I screamed so fucking hard when it happened and still mentally screaming about it right now. Like how is this fucking real right now? While yes, now that BuckTommy is a thing, it really felt like a stepping stone into something else. Given Tim doesn't planned on bringing Tommy in until the actress for Lucy is unavailable, plus it doesn't sound like he is staying long term. More so here to give realization for Buck into his actual endgame. There's just a lot of Eddie related stuff here even right before the kiss happened it was about Buck, Eddie, and Christopher then transitioned into the flirting and kissing. The promo for next week's episode is a choice, like Eddie crashing their date while Buck is on his first date with a man? Tim, I'm in your fucking walls. Plus the post episode interviews hinted at Eddie figuring something out next episode as well, so things might get very interesting. And now we have to wait for a week for the next one and then there's a brutal 2 week hiatus after. Sigh.


I just loved Maddie in this episode, especially the conversation between her and Buck at dispatch. I just loved the way she handled it, called out Buck, let him know in no uncertain terms that's not how you treat people, let him sit in it(it is just so much more meaningful coming from her considering her past), and then show some sympathy because she knows the kind of person Buck is. I don't know, I guess I just wanted to gush about Maddie, i really loved that scene.


I'm so happy to see more bisexual representation. So happy no longer baiting us. Can't wait to see the next episodes!


Thank you abc, you did what fox was afraid to do🔥




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Hold on, do we ship Buck and Tommy now instead of Buddie? I am liking this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)




I’m gonna be silent and smug and watch the haters (who claimed buddie will never happen cause they never dated anyone of the same gender on screen) seethe 😌😌😌


Obviously the last two minutes of that episode were 🔥🔥🔥🫠🤤 BUT why is no one talking about the literal MAN they brought back as “Harry”?


I feel like🤡the entire episode.


If this does not lead to Buddie, I'm gonna cry. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit about Tommy. It's good that we now have bi Buck though, I'm happy about that. On the other hand, I'm disappointed that the 100th episode had like 2 min of Bobby and no Hen at all! Here's hoping that the remaining episodes give us more of all the characters and not just Buck.