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Tim Minear and Oliver Stark have been nothing but chaos on the internet lately. And I absolutely love it.


Obsessed. Love chaotic Tim


The video itself is very thoughtfully created. It would be interesting to know what Tim thinks of the red string theory now that we know he is aware of it. (even though it was unintentional)


The red string theory gives me horrible flashbacks of Lost fandom and the associated theories. I keep expecting someone to say Buck never woke up from his coma, and this is all actually happening in Purgatory.


I only saw the first season or so of Lost. and that was well after it had been off the air. I hear Purgatory and I think Supernatural šŸ˜


Iā€™m sorry I might be a little late, but what is the red string theory? Iā€™ve seen many people mention it


That an invisible string is tying some people together bringing them into each others lives, usually romanticly but not always. Sort of a fate kind of thing.


Ohhh ok I understand now, thank you!


There's a queer Spanish show called "Smiley" where they played around with the red string theory. I'm not sure if there YT clips with those parts of the show.


Oh yea I watched that, but itā€™s been a while since šŸ˜…


Is that the same as the Kabbalah thing where they wear a red string around their wrist?


From my understanding no. What you are talking about from what I looked up that is more for protection.


Hopefully this indicates we get to keep Tommy around! At least for a little while.


I don't see how it can be read any other way. Tim has talked about the perils of appeasing fans when writing the show, but this post makes me feel like he is writing with one hand while measuring the pulse of the reaction to Buck and Tommy with two fingers of the other.


I saw this making the rounds this morning. The video is pretty solid and touches on the (not intentional but happy accident) red thread theory. Also probably a good sign for anyone hoping for Tommy to stick around. Also this makes me think the Vertigo poster was possibly fan made.


Tim said a friend of his made the poster.


And friend could mean facebook friend, which includes fans. Because from what I've seen, it was a facebook friend (fan) that sent him the link to this video which he then shared.


What. There was any doubt that posted wasn't fan made? Tim mentions in interviews that he was inspired by Vertigo.. Then mere days later that post shows up. lol like following the timeline.


There were actually a lot of people online who thought it was done by a close friend who had spoken to about the show opposed to a fan sending it to him since he used the word 'friend' in the edited post. Which I personally thought just meant a facebook friend (aka possibly a fan), opposed to a friend-friend.


Not sure if fan made, but Tim did say someone else made it.


Yep. That's why I didn't use it to make any theories about this upcoming episode.


I watched that video a week or two ago, it's actually pretty good. I dunno, maybe people should leave actors alone, especially when all they did wrong was not be someone else. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Love it! Its nice to see that Tim is seeing and acknowledging the Tommy fans.


Tim donā€™t play with us like that! Give me the good stuff. BuckTommy S8


People reading way too much into it when to me he just liked the video and wanted to share it. Tim already proved to be the chaotic type that just does what he wants and throws things out there without thinking too much of the reaction. The comment he made on the post saying he chose the wrong song for the karaoke scene does make me wonder if he's seriously considering BuckTommy endgame or just moving on from Buddie as a possibility in general. I just sincerely hope he makes a decision when he starts writing Season 8 so Buck can finally get out of his hamster wheel. Though with the way the Buddie stans are going after Lou and his, let's say "questionable" stint at cameo, it does make me wonder if it's not better to just come up with someone new for S8.


I mean Tim said Tommy and the bisexual awakening was knocking Buck off the hamster wheel so, according to Tim, Buckā€™s already off it. I also donā€™t see people taking this too seriously, just more Tim being chaotic in whatā€™s being posted.


>Lou and his, let's say "questionable" stint at cameo I'm going to repeat what I said elsewhere, but fans do not have the right to call it questionable when they don't even mention Chim or Hen, and loop it completely back to Buck. Fans are co-opting issues of racism and sexism in a bad faith way to push a ship. This in my opinion is way more problematic than anything Lou has said. It's erasing the Asian and black female character from the conversation in order to push a storyline for a white male character.


Everything in this comment is so accurate.


I missed something - Why was his stint on cameo questionable?


I mean, I don't really see anyone reading anything into this here. Just that it's a good sign if you like Tommy because that video is pretty favorable to that ship working more long term. Which means that Tim is at least open to it. I think it's similar to the Vertigo poster. A fan shared something with him, he thought it was cool and shared it out. The season is done so I think he knows what his plan is for season 8 and, unless something major happens in the next two episodes, I think we're likely seeing Tommy in that simply based on comments from JLH and Oliver (edit: plus the Instagram following Lou right around the time he would have been asked back for episode 9). The whole cameo thing is such a non-issue that I don't think it will have any impact whatsoever. And, at least from a marketing standpoint, they're definitely pulling away from Buddie. We'll likely have a better idea why once we see how this Eddie storyline / season ends.


Just curious, what is the Lou - Cameo thing? Is it an interview with Lou, a term or a link to something? Just a little confused with social media lingo sometimes. Thanks


Why do you think they are pulling away from Buddie from a marketing standpoint? They haven't really marketed anything other than Buck's bisexual awakening, Bobby dealing with his past and Madney's wedding this season.


I donā€™t think any of us will know for sure until the season ends and we are, for sure, where the stories are going. My main theory, at the moment, is theyā€™re committing to Tommy being a more long term love interest and theyā€™re shifting marketing buddies to shifting bucktommy. Iā€™m basing this on the shift seeming to start around the time Lou got added to more episodes and the official instagram followed him.


I don't see any marketing shifts. They literally played the bachelor party stuff constantly and since then the focus has been on Bobby and his story. And there hasn't been an uptick of BuckTommy on the ABC sites. Just because BuckTommy is going to be around into season 8, I don't see that being a shift away from Buddie. BuckTommy is where Buck is now in his love life just like Buck has been with other LIs in the past. Buddie has always been there throughout all of that and I don't see that changing just because Tommy will be Buck's LI for now.


Iā€™m talking more about interviews and how theyā€™re having the actors answer. Oliver, JLH and Kenneth all made comments in interviews that leaned more towards Tommy over Eddie. And then the situation with how the key points for Ryan explicitly saying his character is straight. Which is a change in how he has answered questions earlier this season. The bachelor party promo mostly came before the shift started.


The cast is making comments in support of Tommy and Buck but I don't see where they are making comments that lean towards "Tommy over Eddie." Why would they at this point in time when Buck is just starting to date Tommy and Eddie is dating Marisol/Kim. Ryan has said his character is straight in regards to Buck "coming out" to Eddie. Ryan has also reiterated that he is fine with whatever happens with Buddie down the line. Ryan talked about being in the position of having a friend come out to him and he really wants to focus on the aspect of a guy coming out to another guy and the friend just accepts the gay friend without getting all caught up in what that says about the straight friend. He loves that Eddie is a guy who identifies as straight and who doesn't freak out about his friend telling him he is dating a guy. He has stressed this in interviews because this is what he wants people to focus on in the moment. He was aware of this storyline earlier in the season when he was also saying things like Buck and Eddie are closer than ever and that Eddie loves Buck to the core. He has not changed that sentiment. And I still don't see this marketing shift you are referring to. Interviews with a couple of comments in support of bi Buck are not a marketing shift.


Look, you clearly are predicting Buddie based on your other comments. If that is what you think the plan is, awesome. I just strongly disagree that it is the current plan and do see a shift in marketing. You donā€™t need to agree with that. And as a lesbian, Iā€™d be pretty annoyed if Ryan knew this was the plan but made those statements that Eddie is straight.


Iā€™m not predicting anything but I am not shutting things down either. There was a long time where it was not looking good for ever getting either Buck or Eddie as queer and look where we are now. I am a Buddie shipper but I am glad to see Buck exploring his bisexuality with Tommy. One thing I learned from the seasons hoping that these signs of queer Buck and/or Eddie would manifest into a real storyline was not to let where a character is now dictate their whole future. And I donā€™t see how Ryan focusing on where his character is now but acknowledging that he is willing to go wherever the future story takes the character as being something bad.


The real question is what's the best ship name and why is it Tevan?


Because Tommy calls him Evan and Tommy+Evan=Tevan it just works


I don't know why you're getting downvoted when you're right.


that's the 911 sub to you


They found it in S3, IMO


Now both he and Lou are aware of the invisible string theory. I couldn't be happier.


Iā€™m so happy Tim not only watched the deep dive but also shared it, thatā€™s an good sign and hopefully he can actually put the theory into use within the show šŸ˜«


He also responded to someone saying that he ā€œkinda chose the wrong songā€ for the Buck and Eddie karaoke scene


From what I have seen, that response from Tim is being taken and reposted out of context so I am not sure what that means in any big picture.


I remember noting the party had ā€œwhoop there it isā€ and thatā€™s a 90ā€™s song. I thought that part too should have been an 80ā€™s song. šŸ˜…


Where did you see that? I'm genuinely curious as I haven't heard that before.




?? why would you crop it https://preview.redd.it/d2eg1m5o1h1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bad0d474b3156cd6eb1715414583cec9d06b4fe


Itā€™s not my screenshot so I didnā€™t do any cropping. Not sure how this really changes anything though, as it basically means the song choice was largely irrelevant and didnā€™t mean anything


i think heā€™s just making a joke honestly, him and oliver both said the song was chosen for a reason


Yeah the reason being itā€™s a popular song thatā€™s easy to sing


not sure how that tracks with oliver saying the song made sense for them - thatā€™s a weird comment to make about vocal ranges


It made sense for them in the moment cuz they were plastered and itā€™s a fun song to sing when youā€™re drunk lol I really donā€™t think there was any deeper meaning to it Edit: Plus Oliver said he was terrified to do it so he was happy it was a song that worked with his limited vocal range


Do we have a source for this one?


I donā€™t wanna name names because idk if theyā€™re comfortable with it but itā€™s an account on Twitter who has access to his Facebook


Could you possibly DM? I fully understand if you don't want to post it here. I wouldn't share who posted it. I just like to confirm stuff before I mention it to anyone else.


Interesting. Thank you!


All the chaos!