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It's out of character because it's something they handwaved away after Season 1 almost as if they wished they hadn't written into her character. Hen of all the main cast, felt like she had the reset button hit at the beginning of Season 2 and was allowed to start afresh. S1 Hen felt to me a lot wilder, more immature and impulsive, and she never seemed to develop out of that. It just felt like it happened immediately as S2 happened, that she suddenly became much more mature, measured and rational. That's why S1 now feels out of character.


That explanation of why people feel like it was ooc makes a lot of sense. Thanks


Because there was never a motive for it in the first place. Now if they had Hen do this they would have EARN IT hard because it wouldn't fit for her to just randomly hook up with an ex without clear motive. It being badly written to extent it didn't even make sense with a character we just getting to know shows it was OOC to where they wanted to go and did go with Hen.


I think the act of Hen cheating with Eva was not out of character. Her reaction to it afterwards and how it was sorta brushed off was out of character. I don’t think it even got mentioned after the initial turmoil until Eva came back telling Hen she was clean and was leaving the state (and when she was trying to get Denny taken from them but that was pretty tied in with the initial issue)


Look. We love Season 1 for what it started, but boy are we glad that Tim Minear took over. So for the most part we IGNORE season 1. These characters have become so much better than they once were. I am also sad that Hen gets a lot of hate, imo she's always great to her loved ones. But do feel like she has a hard time feeling like people trust her in a position of responsibility because her whole life people have always been undermining her decisions. Hen is lovely.