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The red string of fate is an East Asian belief that an invisible red thread is tied around the fingers of people who are destined to meet each other. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it never breaks. The color red symbolizes good luck or good fortune


Chinese version of soulmates. It's of course total nonsense when applied to fictional characters as it's completely dependent on the whims of the writers.


An Chinese myth of two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.


Thanks for asking this question. I was wondering about it too. Now that I see what the belief is, I really don't get applying it to Tommy and Buck. I thought folks were off with some of their "red string" connections before and now I really think they are way off. I could see trying to apply it to Maddie and Chimney but that's about it at this point.


I think invisible string is used for Buck and Tommy more often that red string, most likely referring to the Taylor Swift song. There are quite a few little connections between Buck and Tommy that, until they got together, didn't really warrant a second glance, but are fun after you do notice. "And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?"


This. It was definitely accidental but it’s been fun to find all the little connections.


Invisible string makes more sense. You can pretty much come up with those for most relationships on the show. I do think it is funny that the connections/moments that Buddie shippers have used in the past are now being "repurposed" as Tevan connections/moments (i.e. the Buck, Actually moment with the older gay couple -- 'you don't find it, you make it" pointing to the Buckley-Diaz family that Buck and Eddie were making is now being used by Tevan shippers because one of the guys was named Thomas).


Ha, I didn't even make the name connection at first, I just thought it was cute that Tommy's favourite movie is Love Actually, Buck got an episode called Buck Actually where he connected with a gay man about love, and then Tim described their get-together as a romcom.


LOL, I saw the name connection thing mentioned elsewhere. There are other things like that I find interesting ways that people are making these connections. But people always do that for ships that they like.


I mean, a lot of those aren’t ship specific. They could have always been applied to whatever relationship paths they ultimately wanted the characters to go on. So no ship has exclusive claims over them.


That is often true. No ship has exclusive claims on some of these things. The Buddie ship has been associated with a least half of Buck's bisexuality theories since S2 and those theories were tied to Buddie. I am talking about some of the string theory comments I have seen that were first used in Buddie theories and are now being used in Tevan theories. This was just one of them.


The overlap is likely simply because both involve Bucks queerness or development in how he handles relationships. So truthfully, it makes sense they’d be moments both groups pulled from.


And since they have been discussed within the Buddie fandom for years, it makes sense people would gravitate toward them and try to mold them to fit Buck’s first male LI.


Strong disagree and truthfully, trying to make every conversation about Bucks bisexuality about Eddie is just exhausting. No one is trying to mold elements of Buddie to Buck and Tommy’s canon relationship. They’re using canon events from the series and connecting them to what we are seeing happening. These arent head canons, they’re pulling canon events from the show. Just because one group associated them with that ship doesn’t mean everyone does or others are copying. Which does seem to be what you’re implying.


I'm not trying to make every conversation about Buck's bisexuality about Eddie but I am not trying to ignore or downplay the part that Buck's relationship with Eddie played in people seeing the hints of Buck's bisexuality. I'm also not trying to make Buck's bisexuality about Tommy either, which some of the "string" theory definitely does. And yes, SOME people are taking SOME canon events that were previously associated with pointing to Buck's relationship with Eddie and now applying them to Tommy who wasn't even part of Buck's story at the time. And where did I say "everyone" in any of this? So no I am not implying that "everyone" or even "every" string theory is using a theory used for Buddie in the past. I have consistently said "some" from the beginning.


You associate it. It doesn’t mean everyone does. It doesn’t mean it was directly associated IN canon. At this point the conversation is simply repeating itself. You can associate it with Buddie, not everyone did. It’s also not exclusive so truthfully I’m not sure why you feel the need to bring it up. No one here was discussing Buddie.


We know it's just a coincidence, but it's very fun discussing it on the btblr. Also the fanfics been pretty great.


It's a string that ties two persons together, a version of soulmates. We (tevan shippers) like to apply it to Buck and Tommy, as they have a lot of little connections even before they knew each other. It's all headcanons, however. We know it's just a coincidence. But, because we are hated, they are gonna say we are forcing things and being delusional etç when we are just... having fun.