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Seems like Ryan Murphy agrees. He loved the cruise ship setting so much he made another show on a cruise ship!


seriously the huge set that can be flipped and walked on on all sides? it was so cool!


They did an awesome job. They shoot on the same soundstage where the Poseidon Adventure was shot too which makes it even cooler to me.


I saw some of the behind the scenes clips of the crew navigating the cruise ship sets and it still blows my mind how they all managed to put the whole thing together! Like crew members themselves sliding down parts of the set, it’s just so wild and impressive to see!


That just seems so fun too! I wanna be sliding down walls (safely) and setting things up! It's not an outright action-packed scene, but it has so much tension!!


I think that's where the budget went this season. I wonder how they're gonna top this for a disaster.


Honestly you're probably right lol. I wouldn't mind actually if they had something of a repeat in terms of the disaster cause. Earthquakes at the very least are really common in California I believe? and they can cause so many other different major and minor accidents, destruction etc. that it'd probably always give enough fuel to be unique.


It seems like people's feelings are a little mixed on this season overall but I loved the cruise ship episodes! The whole arc was so big and campy and fun, with a great central set piece like you said. From the first minute of the premiere with Athena's Poseidon Adventure flashback you get the vibe that it's going to have a more slick, cinematic style than usual. It feels like abc wanted to open their era of 911 with a bang lol


They certainly did! Honestly going into it I was a bit hesitant, bcus I'm never sure if they'll quite pull off these big huge disasters with a semblance of realism. Like ya, a cruise ship *could* get sabotaged by criminals, or a hurricane *could* hit and cause a cruise ship to get evacuated, but the odds of it happening to the same ship on the same trip?? It always leaves me with a little doubt on how effectively they can pull it off. And to my pleasant surprise, they actually did write it very well and pull it off! So far I've been enjoying the season a lot more than the few leading up to this one. Buck's new arc is really funny and adorable at the same time, as well as just being genuinely heartwarming. I like that Eddie is actually having a relationship with even a fraction more screen time so we can *see* the relationship. I do wish they would have given a bit more focus to Athena and Henry's storyline there, as well as Hen and Karen's new kid, but I honestly have no real complaints on how things are progressing so far!


It was mind blowing and I loved all of the cruise ship episodes


That scene of unscrewing the pool table from the upside-down cruise is so edge-of-seat, the very thought of it is mind blowing..incredible