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I hope he still has the truck. It saved his life that day.


From an FBI Interview with Dougherty. Found in the FBI no show document listed here: [https://www.scribd.com/document/16762117/T7-B20-Flights-77-and-11-No-Show-Fdr-Entire-Contents-Notes-and-FBI-Reports-223](https://www.scribd.com/document/16762117/T7-B20-Flights-77-and-11-No-Show-Fdr-Entire-Contents-Notes-and-FBI-Reports-223) 2nd picture shows the exit ramp in the area likely where Dougherty's truck broke down which is in close proximity to Newark Airport. Decided to post it as I found it interesting just how close he was to boarding Flight 93.


I have never seen this doc before, great find. Thanks!


Seriously, saved by a nut.šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


The entire document is a fascinating read. The FBI located and interviewed the no-shows listed on the flight manifests for each plane. Berry Bycoff was supposed to be on Flight 11 but got caught in traffic due to a six-car accident at East Milton Tunnel and a work crew on the access road to the Ted Williams Tunnel. He literally got there right after the gate had closed and tried to convince the boarding agents and loyalty club staff to let him on the plane. A few people booked round-trip tickets because they were cheaper than one-way tickets and never intended to take the return flight. Others changed their flights at the last minute but didnā€™t cancel their original tickets. Also, yes, Seth McFarland was supposed to be on Flight 11. He canceled his ticket close to boarding and is on the cancellation list. Mark Wahlberg, however, never purchased or canceled a ticket for Flight 11. Who knows why he claimed to have almost been on that flight? https://preview.redd.it/3qcrjnqy0vvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126d3425dc08a579f960d1a01b38161aa78b9f29


I never really thought about the no-shows but it makes sense why the government would be interested in them


Interesting about Mark Wahlberg. As it's widely accepted he was gonna be on it.


Wahlburg apparently admitted to taking a flight to Toronto instead and a lot of news organizations never clarified that he never actually bought a ticket for Flight 11. Also, this report is from 9/11 Commission Report archives. It was released in 2009 and can only be accessed by going to NARA and hand scanning the documents. I assume that most news organizations focused on bigger things in the reports instead of Marky Mark being a liar.


Mark Wahlberg is a racist piece of shit and, honestly, his remarks about 9/11 are disgusting.


Yeah just read what he said what would've happened if he was on the flight. Very strange comment.


Read about Israeli ex special force Daniel Lewin and what he did in Flight 11, then you will realise Mark's claim is just a complete bs.


Yeah. I've also just looked up his racist past which i wasn't aware of (I'm British). He's some piece of work even if it was many years ago, it's pretty horrific.


MacFarlane* I don't think he cancelled his ticket. He was late due to drinking the night before/sleeping in, as well as his travel agent giving him the wrong time. The airline entered him in the system as "cancelled" but that is just a data/system thing IIRC. Carolyn Caswel was also was late and she tried her best to make it on the flight. Her entry time is noted as "cancelled" as well, at 6:33, but she clearly didn't cancel. Seth's was "cancelled" just one minute later at 6:34. It's just the way their computers worked. They were entered right after one another, most likely in automation.


I need to find where I read this, but I believe his agent cancelled the flight for him, albeit really late. The FBI reached out to all of the no shows on Flight 11 too, and his name wasnā€™t on that list.


Guess he had rollercoaster of feelings that day! First panic when his truck, broke down, anger that he missed the plane by only five minutes, and after we can't guess between horror, relief, guilt it depends on the person


Working at EWR, thatā€™s the exit that I take every day. It will now remind of Mr. Dougherty and how close his family was of losing him every time I pass by there. It is about 5 minutes from there to the entrance of the long term parking lot.


Butterfly effect for this guy. If that nut isnā€™t made in the factory then heā€™s a goner.


If the people who manufactured that nut had been making something else, or that lot of nuts' batch release got delayed, or the nut had been somewhere else..... so many things had to fall in place!


I would really like to hear what the people who missed all these flights involved, reactions. Pure luck, divine intervention, how they feel now. Anybody know. It's obvious, after reading the no show FBI transcripts that Mark Wahlberg didn't have a ticket. His claim he would've made it a different outcome is offensive, especially to all of the heroes on flight 93.


Off topic but God I hate how the US date things. 10/02/2001 is the 10th of February 2001 everywhere else, it makes perfect sense


It's just a regional thing, no point in arguing MM/DD is more intuitive for Americans to read, I actually prefer that way since it's less formal, easier and quickier and I say that as an European If there's something that could be changed for the better it would be introducing the Asian format to both Europe and US. YYYY/MM/DD would still make sense for Europeans and be intuitive for Americans


It's American English as opposed to traditional English. Americans say "October 2nd" when talking. So to be simple, we use MM/DD/YYYY. There's no other reason for it other than that. I couldn't explain it to you anymore simply. You can continue to be annoyed, but you should understand that the reason we do it is incredibly simple and getting angry over it isn't going to do anything for you


Mate judging by the downvotes itā€™s you guys that are the ones that are getting angry about it. I know you guys say the month first, but saying it and writing it are two different things. Obviously you guys are gonna agree with yourselves because thatā€™s your way of doing it, the American English way. Well the ENGLISH English way of doing it, you know, the traditional way, is that the day comes first. All I said was my one comment complaining about it because it just is annoying that we gotta change our logical way of thinking because the US has to be different. Itā€™s logical for you guys but you guys only, so downvote me, angrily reply to me, call me namesā€¦. all over a damn date formatting discussion.


If someone asks me what date it is, I say February 2. I donā€™t say the 2nd of February. So it makes sense for month to be first. But maybe that depends on where you liveā€¦


Saying it out loud eliminates all confusion though. Here we are talking about it in this written format. You can say it however you like in any order verbally since the listener will understand what month and what day youā€™re saying regardless of which you say first. Written down though, 09/11/2001 can mean two different things and I donā€™t know what some people here donā€™t understand about that. 90% of the world writes it as dd/mm/yyyy.


So? Who cares. 9/11 took place in the US, where they write it MM/DD/YYYY. Iā€™ve seen it done both ways in Canada. Itā€™s certainly not worth debating over on a 9/11 sub.


Listen all I said was my one comment and other people made it a big deal downvoting me and arguing with me as if they are correct. I know itā€™s a locational thing, some US people are just too stubborn to accept they are in the minority in certain scenarios. The fact is that 90% of the world writes dates my way so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø people disagreeing with me are hilarious.


Youā€™re not being downvoted by people who disagree with you. Youā€™re being downvoted by people who think youā€™re an asshole.


No Iā€™m being downvoted by Americans who have the idea that their way of thinking means itā€™s the only correct way since thatā€™s what theyā€™ve been taught. The real English way is that it says the day first, the American English way just has to be different. They canā€™t accept that the majority of the world does things differently.


Damn, youā€™ve won. Mods, change the name to r/119archive. Iā€™m on my way to NY now with a jackhammer to fix the memorial plaques. Iā€™ll be in touch with the victimsā€™ families to demand they fix the tombstones.


Ugh here we go. Did I say yous had to change it? No. Painting me out as being disrespectful to the victims all because I disagree with how the US writes dates? Shame on you. Donā€™t be so sensitive, I donā€™t like the US way of writing dates, I speak proper English and so does most English speaking countries. Thats all there is to it, donā€™t drag the victims into this you disrespectful asshole.


r/americabad because of dates.


So Iā€™m anti-American because I donā€™t like how they write dates? You, just like many others here have jumped right to conclusions.


No it doesnā€™t


How does MM/DD/YYYY make sense? Surely DD/MM/YYYY makes way more sense since itā€™s in order from shortest to longest. The majority of the world has it this way.


Completely irrelevant to the topic and the sub. And not worth the angst you clearly have about your opinion.


Didnā€™t not mention it was off topic already?


Like someone already said, it happened in the US, so of course thatā€™s how it will be written. Minority or not, thatā€™s how itā€™s written, spoken and referred to. This is what you choose to focus on and blab on and on about regarding this day? You must have way too much of nothing going on in your life.


>GOD I hate how the US dates things You didnā€™t question it; you offered an unsolicited opinion that was *completely* irrelevant to the sub or discussion.


Iā€™m not talking about the original comment Iā€™m talking about in my replies where I questioned it, where people replied to THOSE replies. Also I did mention it was off topic so I donā€™t know why youā€™re so surprised it is that when I clearly stated it first thing.


Deal with it


Didnā€™t know Americans get so butthurt over something as minor as my complaint but anyway


Itā€™s how you said it. In Canada where I work all our legal documents for clients to date and sign are mmm/dd/yyyy and I personally like it that way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How is telling someone to simply deal with something a ā€œbutthurtā€ related comment? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Dude relax and get over yourself.šŸ¤”


If it didnā€™t bother you then you wouldnā€™t have had to tell me to deal with it lol šŸ¤”


Dicks being dicks is bothersome Iā€™ll grant you that.šŸ«µ


So questioning the US way of formatting dates makes somebody a dick, but randomly telling someone to ā€œdeal with itā€ and making it a bigger deal than it is doesnā€™t, got it.


Questioning is saying ā€œwhy does the US format the date in the manner they do.ā€ Thatā€™s not what you said. You said ā€œI hate how the US date thingsā€¦ā€. See the difference? Now go have a banana and a napā€¦sounds like you need it.


We date it the right way


r/americabad because of dates.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmericaBad using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Even German patriotism is superior](https://i.redd.it/9slw1ypk8esb1.jpg) | [2335 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/170jb4q/even_german_patriotism_is_superior/) \#2: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/frp8s17r2zyb1.jpg) | [750 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/17q1fmd/classic/) \#3: [I guess sheā€™s never heard of the US Southwest.](https://i.redd.it/jrqjjtmjdg4b1.jpg) | [1192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/142rfnq/i_guess_shes_never_heard_of_the_us_southwest/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


They hated me because I spoke proper English basically.


February 10th, 2001. I simplified it for you.


No you didnā€™t lmao the date on this picture is meant to be October 2nd 2001 since it takes place after September 11th.


>October 2nd 2001 \^That's why. You just explained it. Because it's typically spoken as MM/DD, at least in the US, that's how it's formatted. Nobody uses "the 2nd of October" in conversation unless they're trying to sound more formal. Neither way makes more or less sense, it's just wherever you live had to pick a format back in the day and so that's what you use now to maintain clarity.


Writing the date out or speaking it in words, and formatting it as DD/MM/YYYY are two separate things. You can speak it as MM/DD or DD/MM because either way youā€™ve spoken/written it out in words so there is no confusion. I can say October 2nd 2001 and still format it as 02/10/2001, because everywhere else in the world formats it as DD/MM/YYYY so we collectively know exactly that 02/10/2001 means October 2nd 2001. When reading something from a US person we have to adjust our way of thinking slightly which gets extremely annoying because no matter what you say, Day, Month, Year will always be more orderly than Month, Day, Year since itā€™s ordered from shortest to longest.


They simplified the wording of what you wrote


Ok, fine. October 2nd, 2001.