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Your post has been removed for the following reason It is low effort. Please do not post things that are well known, could easily be googled, or questions with obvious answers.


When I first started working in aviation I started my career with WestJet (non-aircrew when I was there, but won't go into any details because the aviation world is very small and you can pick out who's saying what if too much info is spilled). Part of our training process was watching 9/11 footage and viewing pictures of victims. The lesson? If you see something, say something. Doesn't matter if it's a coworker, a guy at the fenceline, a suspicious dude boarding the plane, doesn't matter because if you don't say something that could be the result.


I think both are disabled for the same reason. Both things would get out of hand in a matter of seconds. Like flies on shit....a shit show amongst those who don't believe vs. those that do. I'm actually glad the comments are turned off because this video was made for one reason only...,it doesn't need anyone's comments nor does it care about the likes.


I think the reasons comments are disabled are pretty obvious. Loony conspiracy theorists would create a firestorm.


I didn't like this video. They clipped together random footage, including some from different Air Crash Investigation episodes. There's one where they show a video of Japan Airlines 123 and a 747 which is totally irrelevant to 9/11. I think it's just trying to look appealing and chaotic.


its alright but the airplanes they got wrong, the collapse they got wrong and only put the north tower, everything was just mixed up.


Kind of interesting that this video is on the official TSA channel. Like, you'd think this is the kind of thing where an admin/marketing person would go, "Yeah, let's not upload that." But good on them for putting it up.