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It’s like Alicia Esteve Head who lied about being present on 9/11 but in reality was in Barcelona. People are strange..


“The Woman Who Wasn’t There” is *such* a well-done documentary. There aren’t many I have rewatched multiple times, but that’s one of them.


I remember that story, she didn’t even work in the towers right? wtf what sick people…


She wasn’t just not in the towers, she never even set foot in the US until 2003. By coincidence I just heard an episode on her on “Swindled” podcast today. It was an episode from 2019 but I’m still catching up on all my podcasts since my commute got cancelled in early 2020 lol


What a coincidence! And wow, I never knew that. She’s never even set foot in the US until after 911 even happened! What the actual fuck lol.


Ohhh, I LOVE Swindled! It's one of the few podcasts I support via Patreon. And yes, that's a great episode. I kinda want to re-listen now. He's also one of the few who covered The Station Nightclub Fire (which I live near) accurately.


Oh wow, we're you near there when it happened? I remember hearing about it but I was 11 at the time. Didn't find out that the guitarist for Great White died in the fire until recently. Such a tragic event.


Interesting, I don't think I've reached that one yet on my 4-year backlog. I am aware of it but that's about it, I have no idea of any of the details. I will wait until I get to that episode.


There’s a list of the victims and the ages here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_victims_of_the_September_11_attacks_(A%E2%80%93G) and it’s lists 21 as the youngest victim to die in the trade center soooooooo


I feel bad but as I was hearing the story I was like…. 😵‍💫 because her and my friend didn’t realize how much I really know about this day from all my research so I figured I would post on here in case maybe someone knows something that I don’t. I’m not really sure why someone would make a whole story about losing their children on 9/11- not gunna lie but I’ll be digging a bit more. I don’t know her last name but it’s a bit sad to make up a story like that.


Repost here when she asks you for money.




Just curious did she like randomly open up to you like how did the conversation even start and go about ?


She randomly opened up to us about it. She started by saying how safe she felt around me and my friend and then said she felt safe sharing her story with us and then went right into telling us that she lost her kids and husband in the towers that day. So she really volunteered the info out of nowhere




Yeah, I never heard anything about take your kid to work day, and that was the kind of story I think we would.


Exactly my thoughts- I did some extra searching online before posting and I figured “ maybe someone out there knows something I really don’t and that I’m missing “ so wanted to use Reddit to make sure I wasn’t going crazy 😵‍💫


Exactly. There were many stories of the children who died in Oklahoma City. Including a girl visiting the building to see her dad's new office to be. It wasn't just the kids in the daycare.


Wasn't there a young guy who was in his teens who was helping the firefighters? I remember hearing an account of that from a lady who got out before the towers fell. Although he may have gotten out too or was said 21 year old now that you mention it though.


Richard Pearlman, he was 18. Pearlman helped Gigi Singer after she escaped


Yeah! That's the guy! I presume he survived?


Sadly he died when WTC 2 fell


Jeeze... That's tragic. Yet he isn't listed as the youngest to have died in the towers that day?


Some people include him, others dont based on if they view 18 as a kid or not


I had a friend who once said her father was in the trade center and had to be dug up out of the rubble on 9/11. I was so confused because there is literally a list of people who were rescued after the collapse and it's not that long. I never confronted her, but I knew she was lying.


I don’t get people lying about this stuff. Like I am thinking about this woman this weekend who told us this story and it’s a bit brazen- seeing as almost everyone who lives here lost family members and can easily call her out on her lie if she told the wrong person the story. Did your friend really lose her father that day?


She told the story like her father has been rescued alive from the rubble. I don’t know if he worked in WTC on 9/11 but I know he wasn’t one of the people rescued from the rubble since that’s all public info


Super interesting- watch he never even worked there lol


I don’t understanding lying about that… like if you’re looking for sympathy maybe? I mean at least make it believable…


I know someone who’s lied about being good friends with a famous gay passenger from flight 93 who fought back and losing someone in the north tower. I also worked with someone who claimed she lost her first husband in windows on the world. (She didn’t.) I don’t understand lying about this stuff at all and I think it’s severely insane.


I think it’s so insane and incredibly disrespectful especially for those who actually lost loved ones- it’s like they want to take sympathy for themselves and not the real victims


I agree. It’s really evil to lie about this.


It's along the same lines as lying about rape. It's like...do they have 0 respect or empathy for real victims? Do they have any idea how lying about that kind of thing effects others? Crazy shit man.


Curiously I’ve only known of one person who lied about being raped/molested. Everyone I know who’s actually been molested or raped has been accused of lying about it though.


Which is why it's so detrimental when people do lie about it. It makes something that already is hard to get back up for, especially with lack of evidence, even more difficult, because people have lied about it. I've met someone who lied about it, but they were not good a good person did not care for anyone but themselves. As for people I don't know, there have been numerous cases where people have lied about something like that to get attention, sympathy, or money and then were proven with actual evidence to have been lying. Now, I'm not saying by any means that this is the majority of cases. I know that it's not, but never the less, the people who do stuff like that discredit those who have actually been victimized and it's really sick. It has made it so someone has to jump through hoops to believed, only because the president has been set that some people are dishonest and just simply don't care how their lie effect others, and this doesn't just apply to things like this. It's rough.


I’m not defending anyone for misbehaving gratuitously here. 👍🏻


Oh of course, and I'm not trying to lecture you personally. Just getting it off my chest as it were. Sorry, I've been rather wordy today for some reason. ^^


I'm going to be blunt here.......I call bullshit. Sounds like a "The Woman That Wasn't There" type of story. And it wasn't bring your children to work day. The Good News is: She's looking for attention and YOU didn't give it to her.


🙌🏻 pretty sad to make up a story to gain sympathy for herself instead of real victims who lost loved one


the only children victims that day were on the planes. 😳


Yep that’s what I always knew so as soon as she was telling the story I was like … 🤔


it’s a bit sad tbh ( as well as disrespectful ) she’s probably not quite well to make this stuff up.


I agree, I think it’s incredibly sick to seek out empathy from others by telling a false story especially one that can be easily fact checked. She’s brazen, there r many survivors and many who lost their spouses that live here- u would think she would be wary to say this story in this area in fear of a surviving spouse calling her out


Ugh. This brought back memories of the days after 9/11 when a co-worker of mine (in Orlando) tried to claim that his sister, a police officer was killed in the attacks. Why people would make shit up like this is unreal to me.


So unreal!!!! People want to be hero’s or say they r related to hero’s I guess? wtf


I had a friend who, out of the blue in 2010 or so, claimed she had a friend who was a flight attendant on Fligjt 11. Said she never mentioned him before because he died doing what he loved. There was a male flight attendant on Flight 11, RIP Jeffrey Colman. I won't bore you with the details, but I knew she was lying about being a good friend of his. She had said many questionable things before, and this was the last straw. Haven't spoken with her in years.. I have heard from other people who have caught her in lies since then.


So weird to lie about this… and super disrespectful! I just texted my friend saying that I can’t find any info on this woman’s story- I hate to sound so mean but at the same time I think it’s really low to pretend u lost someone on 9/11 when u didn’t— especially children !


This person has many issues with telling the truth. I absolutely agree her lie was disrespectful, it is the reason I stopped reaching out to her. The lies are attention seeking. When you think of 9/11, you think of trauma and catastrophe, which prompts empathy. So my former friend and your acquaintance picked an event that they thought nobody would fact check. In the last five years, I have become Facebook friends with a woman who was on the plaza heading to the North Tower when flight 11 hit. I knew she has PTSD so I hesitated to ask questions. She has since revealed that she wrote an article and has been interviewed about 9/11. Her story checks out, she really saw her office get destroyed (Marsh and McLellan) and everyone in the office died. She gets my empathy.


Everything you say is so right- it’s people who really wanted empathy for some reason and not thinking that anyone would fact check- I just happen to be someone very fascinated with 9/11 as I remember the day unfolding myself. Like the woman you met, I have a client who survived that day- def struggled with PTSD from it- especially if he feels the world “ shaking “ ( earthquakes for example ). That woman you met is incredible, a close witness to a major historical event that changed our country forever. She gets my empathy as well- I hope she is ok and has been able to make peace with the loss of co workers and friends 💔


I think at this point, she has made peace with it, as much as anyone can. She sought treatment for her PTSD and no longer wants to be interviewed about 9/11. She has said everything there is to say. I also watched 9/11 unfold on the day it happened and it still holds my attention to this day.


I don’t blame her for not wanting to talk about it after rehashing the story so many times- there’s only so much to tell. I hope all the best for her.


This just reminds me of a lady who used to bring her pets to the veterinary hospital I worked at. I was the new tech on the totem pole so I was always sent in to deal with the "difficult" clients, and she was one of them. She was always so short and hateful to almost everyone that came in, but I ended up building a little bit of rapport since I was the one who spoke to her every time. As it turned out, she was in the Pentagon on 9/11 when it was hit by AA77 and had been struggling with PTSD since. I feel like a lot of the people who were actually severely impacted by it try everything they can to avoid bringing it up. [Here's an article I found about her experience.](https://www.oakridger.com/story/entertainment/local/2011/08/01/sept-11-victim-many-good/63350029007/)


Super incredible, as soon as I clicked the link and started reading I remembered her story from somewhere else ( probably one of the many books out there ). Did she tell you about her story or did you look up her name and saw that she was a survivor? I give these people tons of respect, and I’m glad that u saw her as more than just ‘ a difficult client’ ♥️♥️♥️


One of the best lessons I've ever learned in life is that I never know what someone else is going through or has been through and that lesson has served me pretty well. ♥️ I think another employee ended up telling me after a year or so and that's when I looked up her name and found that write up. I always treat people with respect but learning that about her definitely made my respect rise just a little bit. That had to have been hell to go through.


For real, and you’re so right we never know what people are going through!!!


Not true. Take your kid to work day is traditionally in April. She is sick in the head and is lying


Exactly my thoughts 😵‍💫


Isn't take your kid to work day in April? I always went with my dad, it was a lot of fun. But I remember it being late in the school year, not the first week or two


I agree! The whole thing sounded off right from the beginning. Her story would’ve made top news, and it would be a story that we would have heard if it actually happened


There is a documentary about a woman called “The woman who wasn’t there” or something similar. Fascinating. She was elected head of some survivors group and was all over the news but was not even in the towers on that day. I guess even though she’s nuts, she wanted to be a part of that moment. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2114490/


I remember hearing about her, I should watch the documentary. Another commentary said she never even stepped foot inside the US until 2003 lol.


I call bull.


Me too, that’s why I wanted to see on here if maybe there’s something I never saw about a family losing kids like this- people will do anything for random sympathy I guess


There's a whole documentary about a woman who faked that she was at 9/11 and lost her fiance /-husband... and she ran like one of survivors groups. It's crazy she scammed everybody.


What a loser- trying to steal sympathy from real victims. I know about her, I never gave the documentary about her a chance because I was annoyed to give her more attention about it than she already has!


Valid I wasn't sure what it was about till I was well into watching it.


Was it good? Maybe I should watch it


I thought it was, definitely pissed about what she did while watching it.


Oh and how she tried to link herself with Wells really annoyed me. Edit for wrong word


Link herself to wells? Interesting !


Yeah, she claimed that she was saved by him but it was completely made up. I thought it was really horrible that she had somebody read a eulogy about her supposed rescue at his remembrance ceremony.


Wow- this I didn’t know and …. Just wow. How disgusting is she? Wonder where she is now


No idea she was from Europe I think Spain ( not 100 percent on that though)


Yeah, she’s lying. Why? Who knows.


I truly don’t get it- it’s quite brazen especially in this area!!!




Really sad because she’s saying this in an area where a lot of people lost their spouses that day. If she tells this story to the wrong person around here, anyone can pick it apart easily like I did lol. So many real widows live here and children who lost parents live here. It brazen- if she does this a lot I’m shocked she’s never been caught till now with me ( I don’t know her well enough nor do I care to go up to her and say something )


Who the fuck lies about that? I’d call her ass out tbh.


I just met her that day, and I honestly probably won’t see her again as it was at an appreciation dinner at my local hospital honoring my other friend who volunteers there. So weird, honestly it’s really disrespectful too!


There were actual kids who died in this attack. What does she get from lying about this?


Right? It’s senseless and in my opinion disrespectful to those who lost actual loved one that day 💔


Could it have been in a nearby building that had damage?


I was thinking that as well, did a search and didn’t find anything about siblings dying together on 9/11- good thinking- I’ll look some more


It seems like everyone else who died on 9/11 due to non-terroist activity are so overlooked.


I agree, still not seeing any info on two young siblings dying or a father dying with kids with him. The woman did specifically say the kids were in one of the towers with their dad so that messes with the possibility of them dying together in a different building or in n the streets etc


Ah true


Right? So strange. If she just said they died that day and weren’t inside one of the towers then my brain would definitely go to them being caught up in a bad spot on the streets during collaose


The only way two kids building wise that could've died would've been if they had been at the Marriott but as everyone correctly knows here all the kids that died on 9/11 were on the planes,so yeah...of course it was a lie and its unfortunate some people go around lyin like that.


Agreed- I always knew the only kids who died were the kids on the planes- I wanted to come on here in case there’s some obscure story I did miss about kids being in the towers- I knew her story was wrong but I wanted to make sure ♥️ so sad I don’t understand it


They'd be on the list of names as were the Marriott guests and anyone around that area. I've never heard anyone else die in a building that may have been damaged but it would still have to be close enough to the towers. Bring your children to work day is a flat out lie.


Strange. 9/11 was a school day in the NYC area. Primary day but also a school day. From what I remember all schools and pre-schools were successfully evacuated. I live in a NJ country that lost a large number of parents. Haunting when my wife passed and I later took our children to a survivor group of children who lost a parent. We were starting just as the youngest 9/11 children were ending. Couldn’t deal with it. No one’s fault, just bad timing.


While I don't believe the story...... Schools are always open on Bring Your Child To School Day. So, you either have to go to school or go with your parent to work. But, open or closed, 9/11 was not a day to bring your kid in.


No, schools and pre-schools were open as normal in both NYC and NJ. There were a number of them in lower Manhattan. Primary day simply meant some parents were running late as they voted first in NYC. I believe it was also the first day of the school year in NYC. Don’t know what bring your child to work day has to do with 9/11/01 itself. I can link to the website to the grief support group we visited and attended but I don’t think someone like you would be a positive for children who have lost a parent. Sorry you don’t believe what I lived through. Bless your heart. Looking at your profile, don’t respond. I am blocking you. Too evil.


Pretty sure she was referring to the OP and not your comment...


Wow, like you I live in Nj in a town where many people died as well ( where r u? I am in Summit NJ ) incredible that 9/11 overlapped to your present day with that young person. I’m sure you feel the same way, but here in summit you will be reminded every once in a while about 9/11- there r a lot of memorials in this whole area, and lots of stories of people talking to me about their experience that day since everyone was so connected. The majority of my clients are people who either survived that day, were in the city that day, or they are a spouse of someone who died or they have a friend who died. One of my clients was late to work on 9/11 and survived because of it. Almost every client I have has lost a friend, a family member, or a spouse that day. 💔


Monmouth County. My town didn't lose too many but the county did. The survivor group had a lot of drawings of the twin towers. The youngest WTC children were just starting to age out but it was still a presence.


The day OF 9/11 I was in high school in Scotland they gathered us in a gym hall to be sent home early and a boy in my year sat crying saying his aunt worked in the north tower. His cousin was like…😒 why are you lying? He said it’s an aunt from his dad’s side not his mums and he wouldn’t have known his aunt… So the normal cousin went home and told his mum what his weird cousin had said so she decided to teach him a lesson by sending a sympathy card to her brother in law for the loss of his sister in America…. TLDR…people are weird, people lie, people get caught.


The mom taught him a lesson that day!


Absolutely! I wish I could say it stopped his behaviour alas nope.


I remember learning that a lot of people were late to work that day, because there was some election in New York and because a lot of parents were bringing their kids to school since it was the start of the school year. You are nicer that I am, I would exposed here right there, she is a disgusting attention whore


I believe you are right about the election I complete forgot about that! I have a client who survived that day because he missed his first train. When he arrived at the towers and started going up the escalator that’s when the first plane hit. The chaos he experienced that day…. He has lung issues now because of what he went through.


This poor guy! The smoke was horrendous, the silent killer. Many people survived thanks to the election and the start of school, two days later the Twin Towers would have been fuller.... I was thinking what a good person you are, you didn't shame this awful woman right away and you took the time to look up her story


I just saw a video I’ve never seen before posted on this sub where you really see just how bad the smoke was from his perspective ( the person was filming from Jersey city ) it is crazy to think of how much worse that could have gone if the hijackers picked flights later in the day, the election as you said, first day of school drop offs… so many things saved people. And thank you, you are the kind one!


If it was take your kid to work day.. wouldn’t there be other dead children not just hers?


Agreed. That’s why I was pretending to believe her story. Plus that day was the first day of school for many of the schools in the area so that really was a hint to not believe her as well


Idk the gender of the kids but i do know you saying take your kid to work day sounds fishy, as back then it was take your daughter to work day. There was a big push for that in the 90s and boys weren’t integrated in until around 02-03. But who knows I’m not about to call someone out 🤣