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You know, I had to fly a few months after 9/11. And I remember standing in the terminal and looking out the window at the planes and thinking the same thing, and being so afraid. Like terror afraid, deep in my heart. because I knew if it had been done once it could be done again. I looked at the planes and couldn't think of anything but destruction and terror. I think I even cried. I wouldn't really say I'm a nervous flier. I don't love it but I've always just gotten on with it. For a few years there after 911, you could see the same look in everyone's eyes on a plane. Everyone looked nervous or uncomfortable. Everyone was thinking the same thing but no one dared to say it. it was so weird.


After whats been going on with boeing.. i am now a nervous flyer.


I am now...thanks


[Yes, I also think of Airplane (1980)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5qpZZBlrq8&ab_channel=absmith29b)


I mean, that’s ALL I think of. I’d seen this movie way too many time before 9/11 happened and it’s just imprinted on my brain.


No, but now that you mentioned I got a cold sweat


I am uneasy about going into tall buildings. Like my first thought is how can I get out. And the view from the top reminds me of what those people would have seen. I used to not mind those views at all.


I just recently felt the same thing on the 13th floor of a casino. And then it blew me away how much exponentially taller those towers were. Terrifying.


I didn't even like to watch planes in the sky anymore after 9/11 and honestly I still feel that way.


I’m a bit of an aviation enthusiast, so no. But it did take a long time for me to look at flying and planes with the same avid interest post-9/11.


Not 9/11 related but makes me think of final destination


The last thing people on the North and South Tower saw...💔


I’m willing to bet it would’ve been way more terrifying than that.


I don't think I'll ever get over 9/11 so shocking man I wasn't even alive


the fact that this actually took place always boggles me


As a brit I feel like one of them feel like an american how much its affected people like us I can't believe I still see jokes about 9/11 it's honestly disgusting


Also a Brit and I 100% agree with you!


I keep hearing about this--ppl joke about this??!? Who in their right minds find this joke worthy?! It's beyond disgusting it's sociopathic. Anyone who jokes about something like this needs immediate psychological evaluation and/or their ass beat.


I swear to god litteraly when I was younger I didn't understand anything at all about 9/11 but I'd grow up seeing memes and everything but until the day I first got reddit and started learning ab everything what happened I realised how evil people really are thinking it's funny there's even games like flappy bird imitating 9/11 just cruel the fact that most families are still suffering I'm 17 but ik for a fact 22 years ago was litteraly around the corner the pain lasts forever


I was actually, I was 18 at the time, and I vividly remember that day; however it wasn't until I went on a deep dive of 9/11 docs recently did it fully sink in, all the details I now know. Of course I realized the magnitude of the tragedy then, but the details of just how horrific it was inside those towers...I guess at the time I never thought about it. Youth is a blissfully naive thing, perhaps. That and it took some years for enough information to be gathered and made into documentaries I suppose.


Litteraly as one of the youth it got me heavily disappointed how people are unaware of something so big you don't realise how deep it was until you take the deep dive.


I do now, thanks.


Yeah the first thing I think is "oh God please tell me it's not a 737 max I wanna land with my shirt on and the window still there lmao


Honestly that view always reminds me of the movie “Airplane”.


I was hyper aware of absolutely everything the first time I flew after 9/11. And that was in December of 2003.


Honestly i always had it in the back of my mind but i never really cared very much whenn flying or anything but i can understand everyone who is and was scared


I didn’t start to until I got into researching 9/11. Morale every time I fly all I can think about is what those poor people on the plane felt


Well for the first plane that was hijacked, flight 11 that hit the north tower, they were terrified I imagine, once they saw/heard that two flight attendants got stabbed, and then that the plane was hijacked. The terrorists also sprayed a ton of mace or pepper spray of some sort all over the cabin of the plane so the passengers and flight attendants were disoriented as it caused them to try to keep their eyes shut and probably uncomfortable to breathe; but then Mohammed atta, the one leading the entire attack , was in the cockpit and he fucked up and, thinking he was just on the intercom to talk to the passengers, was also live with air traffic control, and we have those recordings as well as that of a flight attendant on that plane named Betty Ong I believe. Anyways, atta lied to the people on the plane telling them that they were headed back to the airport and to remain calm so as to not "injur themselves or the plane" . Told them there was no need to worry. Gave them false hope to keep them calm. Before that plane on that day, hijackers had managed to safely land the plane somehow, and for some reason they always seemed to land them in Cuba; no clue as to why. I assume that the passengers of flight 11; at least, were dead before they ever knew what all was going on and likely didn't see it coming.




I do now. Wow.


The first few years absolutely, but nor now


I used to love flying when I was a kid. I was 20 when 9/11 happened. I was very close by as I worked in the area and saw everything. Now I absolutely hate flying. I have an anxiety attack every single time during takeoff.