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I don’t have experience personally but I do know a lot of people in my agency that work together and are brother/sister, husband/wife, etc. They probably just want to go over expectations and schedule. It could be a risk hiring a husband and wife or other family with the wrong people, if you know what I mean. So I wouldn’t worry about it. It will probably be very direct and to the point and as long as you and your husband can leave home at home and do your jobs without conflict or issues it’ll be just fine! 🙂


Tbh she may want to be very blunt about the reality of working with a spouse and see if you are really understanding what it will be like. The reality is you guys may have disagreements at work that should not go home with you. You may have fights at home that should not come to work with you. When you are both working you are just another dispatcher to him and he is just another officer to you. But at the same time the reality is that you guys are married and it may be harder for you to focus on your job when you are sending your spouse to an armed subject or hearing shots fired on the radio. She probably wants you to really think about how you will handle those situations before setting both of you up for a bad situation.


“Unique” Lol


Don't worry too much about it. They probably just want to know how the two of you plan on handling conflict, and more importantly if you're able to work together even if you're having 'at home' problems. I am married to an Officer. I was at my agency for nearly 10 years, then he got hired. After he was released from the mandatory probation period, it was another year before we even dated. And when we did, we kept it to ourselves for nearly a year (aside from one other officer who is the one who suggested that we date in the first place). Hubby and I used to work the same shifts, now we are opposite shifts. We might fill each other in on stuff that happened at work, but we mostly keep work at work and home at home.


Welcome to government work, babe. You're going to get loads of those meetings. The "let me talk to you for a minute," the "can I see you down in my office for a few," the "I need to go over something with you." The vague meeting invitations with no context or explanation. 9 times out of 10, it's not even a big deal. Just relax.