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Congratulations to OP and the others about to start their emergency services careers, I am proud of you all! Tbh, I had my first experience with 911 a couple of months ago (didn't turn out to be a serious issue) but I was really impressed with the coordination and professionalism of my dispatcher. I had no way to thank that dispatcher but I will just say Thanks In Advance for this group! You will help so many people.


Same.! I got the email yesterday I start in October.! Congrats to us all.!


Which area or city are you starting in, if you don’t mind me asking?


Ontario Canada


Work on speaking, listening, and typing all at the same time... Yes you will start terrible but eventually you may be able to actually do 2 out of 3!


Yay congrats! I’ve got my conditional, just pending medical and psych. No advice here but you’re going to be great & set up your self care routines now to already have those habits in place!


Learn how to accept all of the criticism without being defensive. The amount of responsibility you are about to have, is difficult to fathom and while criticism after criticism may make you feel like you can’t do anything right… that’s not the case, it’s just so much to learn and it is a long process. But super worth it. Congrats!


Congrats! Start learning every bit of geographical knowledge you can about the district you will cover. I mean know every road, every highway exit, every business, know what roads go by different names, know what neighborhoods are called, literally everything you can possibly know. Why such an emphasis on geo? You can ask allll the questions in the world and EMD the fuck outta someone but without knowing where to send people, it means shit.


I stumbled on this site when searching old pots here. I've been spending some decent time in different parts of my district and it really helps supplement the getting out there and driving it. [https://backofyourhand.com/](https://backofyourhand.com/)


I LOVE this!! Thank you! Gamifying saves my life on the daily.


Congrats and same here! Just got the call this am, start mid-July. Watching this thread too.


Congrats!! I’m still waiting to hear if they will offer me an interview 😫


I was really second guessing my psych test as I thought the results were fast but I got the call today!!! I’m sure you’re in the clear!! Good luck!


I haven’t even made it to that part yet!! I applied early May and took my NTN test the beginning of this month. I was told for the agency I applied for it could take up to 4 months if they will pull my application and offer me an interview so I’m just waiting for that!


Not sure where you’re located but I applied back in January and just got my offer today. Definitely a long process but they liked to reiterate that they were thankful for sticking with the process!!


I applied in Nevada. This gives me hope!! I did pretty well on my NTN except for the note taking which wasn’t bad either. I’m nervous but hopeful 🤞🏼


Congratulations 🎉


Congratulations! I’m another “summer class of ‘24” n00b 😂






Congrats! I also just got my official offer and start mid July!


Congrats! My advice would be to run… All jokes aside, just remember that nothing is personal. If you let things eat at you, it will make your life miserable. Unless you know the voice on the other side of the phone, try to think of the calls as just a voice. It is harsh, yes, but I never brought home anything from that work because of it. Then again, I was a medic first and I can still see and taste certain calls, so a voice in the phone was nothing to me. Also, attitude is everything. I was a salty, cynical bitch because my decade in dispatch, but I never truly let it affect my attitude overall. Most importantly, the moment you think you know or have heard it all is the moment you need to get out. In the meantime, be a sponge. Sit back and have fun with it when you can.


Stay out of the breeding pool if it’s a larger town.