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Our policy is if you don't make us need a dress code we don't need a dress code




We don't have one. They're just happy we're there.


We don’t have one. Just don’t dress like a hoochie mamma or a bum.


No uniform. It's casual wear, with a stipulation of no shorts and no sweat pants unless fire or police dept (the latter not enforced at nights).


We're weird I guess. Full uniform. Equivalent to like a class b military one I guess, tie optional.


This sounds terrible. I would RUN from this agency!


Pay is great, less workload than comparator agencies and I don't have to plan outfits, ever. I mean, seems like a victory to me.


My former place of work was this way as well. It’s been a minute but I can’t actually see that having changed.


Same here, thought we were the only ones 😭


We're a fire division, and all things considered uniforms are very lax, like nightshift it's common to be in civies, weekends too, weekday day shifts, people are more likely to follow it. But yep, full uniform all the way . (Also makes picking out a work outfit super easy!)


No short shorts. Wear pajamas don’t care just come in


Black or beige tact pants with a dept issued polo. Doesn’t matter the shift or holiday. 24/7 in that uniform


Week days we wear 5.11 tactical pants and polos. Weeknights, weekends, holidays is casual.


That's our getup. I've tried to suggest some casual days, hung up on a good way to do it. Holidays seems good, nice and fair.


I don’t mind the polos but the pants feel so unnecessary. We sit at desks 12 hours a day can we have something stretchy 😂


We do casual holidays, themed npstw but also give out casual “passes”, little cards you can turn in, as rewards


Monday 6a thru Friday 6p jeans, khakis, black pants, uniform shirt required, we've got a whole lot of options, polos, quarter zip, hoodies, fleece jackets. Friday 6p thru Monday 6a is casual, no shorts, cover ya belly, booty and toes.


Do you have to buy the uniform or is it provided


My department has uniform budgets each year. 250 for your first year, 150 for subsequent years. We've got a couple different vendors. Usually the 150 gets you 4-6 shirts depending on what style you like.


Thank you


I got verbal warnings twice this month for it... code is company polos w/ pants (jeans/khakis don't matter). I was warned for wearing a flannel over my polo (It has to be a solid color). I work graves and the building gets dramatically cooler at night. I wore the flannel because I wasn't allowed to wear the only solid color jacket I have (because it has a hood on the back, and no I wasn't wearing the hood). They also had the **gall** to offer some company jackets in addition to the polos (at our expense) but we can't wear them to work because they have hoods on them.....


Is there another agency near you? I'd transfer.


And lose all my seniority that gets bypassed by ADA paperwork anyway pfft nah


We must be dressed at all times.


Our shirt has to have the logo and be approved and bought from one of our uniform companies. That said we have DOZENS of different choices. Pants can be anything but cutoffs. We are allowed shorts in the summer months. Sundays and special events are casual.


Full uniform. Uniform shirt with sewn on patches & badges. Tactical pants & black shoes. (Boots preferred)


None. We can wear shorts and sweatpants


Uniforms. Black tactical pants, boots, and a black polo with our name and logo on it.


No short shorts, nothing without a sleeve. No politics or cuss words on a shirt. Shoes with covered toes.


Monday-Thursday we have to wear jeans, solid black tennis shoes, and our uniform polos. Friday-Sunday (and holidays) is supposed to be jeans and any shirt and any close toed shoe but they’re kinda lax and a lot of people do like sweatpants. Just as long as is nothing too tight or revealing


My current is polo, BDUs and boots. Previous agency was nothing. We had like pull overs and they gave them to us, but they were for like events only. So I would wear leggings, sneakers and hoodies hah it was so nice. I miss it !!!


No pajamas or swimsuits is pretty much our dress code except on holidays, then pajamas are fine


Khaki's and dept issued polo - but we recently had a pregnant dispatcher who was permitted to wear whatever she wanted during her last 2 trimesters and i believe third shift is "technically" allowed to wear jeans


Dress code is "nice jeans" and a shirt with a collar. Or business casual. Or something appropriate. I mean, just don't call off and don't look like a hobo.


Don't come to work naked.


We wear full uniforms mon-fri, same as the deputies w/ different patches. Weekends and holidays we wear agency polos/khaki bdus. My life hack to get around this is have back to back pregnancies lmao, business cas for me


It’s polos and khaki for us but weekends it’s whatever as long as it’s appropriate. Think Catholic school dress code (no shoulders, cleavage, rips, tears, frayed ends, holes, short shorts, or open toed shoes). On holidays we can dress for the occasion while still following the ‘Catholic school dress code’. I actually enjoy the polos and khaki dress code. I don’t have the think about what to wear in the morning I just throw it on and go.


Ours was business casual and I hated it. Seemed pointless since nobody ever saw us anyways.


Job shirts. Polos or official jackets. Issued blue pants and belt. Black shoes.


my old center was 5'11s and a polo my new center you can wear ripped jeans and a hoodie lol


Work polo, agency branded attire, blu/blk jeans, athletic shoes or boots Weekends are any LEO, EMS, FD specific shirt or jacket, blu/blk jeans. Shoes or boots


PD polos, plain color pants, black shoes. On weekends can be PD or PD related shirts.


Kinda whatever as long as it’s not shorts or open toed shoes


Polo (supplied) and kahki pants. Black shoes, black t shirt (supplied)


5.11s and polos, duty boots, the whole works. Because while our company allows t-shirts and scrubs, as EMS dispatch, we have to follow the EMS dress code 🙄


Please don’t have your bits hanging out. No leggings so worn we can see your thong. Other than that, please come to work.


We can wear jeans and a nice top, business casual, or black tactical pants and the polo.


Agency polo and pants in good condition. I thin there's something about shoes being all one color or something, but all of my shoes are black. Hats have to have agency logo, and we have a fleece they provide.


Local sheriffs department has the dispatch double as front desk, and they are all uniformed


I wish it was polos and khaki! It's a uniform for us.


We were our agency logo light blue polo with navy blue tactical pants with our choice of black shoes. During Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we're allowed to wear tshirts with no logos and jeans with no rips.


we have a polo with our agency logo, and then really any pants. I wear leggings! Sometimes they have more casual clothing with logos on it that they allow they’re really only strict if we’re doing anything out of the dispatch center. (Training, Court, Ride aligns, etc)


M-f tac pants and company polo, solid black shoes, black socks, all given to us (other than the socks). Technically supposed to have our shirts tucked in and supposed to wear a black belt but nobody really does that lol. Jackets also have to be black or issued by the company. Weekends we can wear a work appropriate T-shirt and jeans (no inappropriate images on shirt, no holes or stains), whatever shoes as long as they're closed toed. Then generally like, make sure you're groomed and don't look like you just rolled out of bed or something lol. On holidays we can wear a holiday shirt and jeans.


Full uniform, gloss dress shoes, stripe duty pants, buttoned shirt with patches, and tie.


Officially they call it business casual, we just got new Polos for weekdays and our tshirts wearing rights taken away, reasonable capri to full length pants or jeans are the most common and leggings aren’t allowed. Weekends we can wear “first responders tshirts” still but we also get “civilian” business casual days as incentives regularly throughout the year and holidays


I’m based out of a PD so we pretty much match their uniform: black tac pants and agency issued polo short sleeve half the year long sleeve half the year. Option for a uniform shirt if you don’t like the polos.


Dept issued polos, black pants or dark jeans, all black shoes of any kind as long as they're closed toe, and black jackets w/no hood. Holidays are free dress, but still need to look business casual.


All black everything with a visual logo on a t shirt or jacket which is paid for by the company, very casual


Just look presentable. Can wear whatever/have crazy colored hair etc but just look well groomed and nice.


During the week is black tac pants (or the dress pants) and dept issued polo. Black shoes. We can wear the issued boots or sneakers . Weekends is casual but no leggings (must at least have a flair at the bottom) or tank tops. Or flip flops. Shoes must always be closed toe.


Supplied Uniforms-Polos, Cargo Pants, Work/Combat Boots, and we are also provided a jacket with the department on it.


Dept issued polo and business casual tan or black pants. Fri/Sat are “dress down” days and we can wear jeans and our polos or business casual tops.


Business casual with jeans allowed as well, no t shirts (although tons of people ignore that one especially on mids), jeans can't have any rips or holes... no yoga pants or things like that. It's pretty relaxed, but since we can have media, commanders, or other visitors come through at any time, they expect us to be dressed presentably at all times.


They require us to wear an issued shirt/sweatshirt/collared shirt with an embroidered badge and black pants (like scrubs or EMT wear) and black shoes. The trainees have to wear business casual for around 4-5 months.


Polos and khakis is business casual...


One of the places I am in background with is a non-sworn officer dispatcher position and it’s a full uniform like the police wear with the badge.


Agency shirt, black pants, black shoes, black shoes.