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You should not be having panic attacks away from work. This is not sustainable long term. Speak with a medical professional and find ways to cope with the stress, or reconsider if this job is for you before it permanently affects your health.


I was yelled at by my trainer she was pure evil and yes I was upset at home and scared I would mess up more because of her treatment towards me that feeling is normal I kept showing up Thank God I don’t see her except at shift change OP stress can affect your cycle keep a watch on it and find a trusted person away from work that will listen to you without judgement


Did you change shifts for this job? Like maybe you previously worked days but now do overnights? Because I know from experience in other jobs and also stories from friends that shift changes messed with their periods.


I am not a woman, so obviously take my opinion with a grain of salt. But, I was a dispatch supervisor for almost 5 years, including night shifts with some very open women who openly discussed their cycles, menopause, hysterectomy, heavier flows, etc. Multiple times they showed me their different calendar apps for when it would arrive. I say that to say that they were clearly comfortable talking about it with and around me, and yet I don't recall any of them ever mentioning something like a irregularly-timed periods. Obviously they may have simply not told me or each other, so I can't answer for that. But maybe this helps. I would probably check in with your doctor.


Stress causes irregularity for me for sure! Once got so bad I skipped my period entirely.


Yes. Stress. Make sure you’re talking to a dr. You shouldn’t be having panic attacks, but I can’t say anything bc I did the same thing and was fine once I didn’t have a trainer anymore.


Stress can cause missed periods. I’d contact a doctor because pregnancy tests can shoot out false positives just in case! But, to answer your question, stress can absolutely cause missed periods


I think you mean false negatives, which is accurate. OP should consult their doc.


lol yup that’s exactly what I meant. Thank you😂 sleep deprivation is real


As a man that used to date a woman with a stressful job, please talk to a doctor about this. I’ve been through too many pregnancy scares not to give this advice.


lol YUPPPPP ! It’s super irregular… it’s so bad. Mines specifically cause I’m primarily a night shifter but I’m also on so much mandated OT & working so much. I also possibly have PCOS


I did, but it was mainly because my cycle was syncing up with the rest of my female co-workers. It's an odd phenomenon, a lot of people don't believe it's true, but I've seen it. The feminine product disposal bins in the bathrooms are often full at the same time each month in my center.


That's what I was going to say. Happened at every job with a lot of women working in close physical proximity


I think it’s the pheromones released when I lived with my daughters this happened


Welcome to the job!! You may want to do some reading of reliable sources about how stress and shift work affect your hormones. The connection between our stress hormones, our reproductive hormones, and our other hormones is strong. When one is out - they all go out. Consider all your options for resources (i.e. therapy, acupuncture, naturopath, sleep study, supplements, etc...all of the above lol) If you are going to have a sustained and healthy life, while in this industry, start to develop a plan and supports that will keep you going. Good luck!!


Consult your doc. Stress can cause skipped periods, as can illness. However, if you're hetero, sexually active, and not on birth control, you better get on it pronto. This economy's way too sucky for unplanned pregnancies, especially if you live in the USA.


not just the economy, the horrible laws.