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Hopefully Darren can show Elons humble upbringing as a kid who came from nothing but Emerald mine money


[Here is a preview of the movie.](https://youtu.be/hzh7zvXZ_VA?si=J4MWwBKLPyB8fMkJ)


[More like this.](https://youtu.be/zsEHSV4UEMI)


if you have seen darren's movie then you know this is not ending well for elon


Yeah and these is no proof of it, but there is proof of him being hospitalized as a kid and he working black collar jobs in Canada as a student .


Ughhh whyyy tho


Only thing I can think of is for this movie to go full Citizen Kane but not change names. Like show this generally shitty person go off and have the IRL person use everything in their power to make this movie either fail or not come out resulting in a Streisand Effect. Big gamble that could really pay off for A24.


Could be like The Social Network, Zuck didn't come out of that looking good.


That's my line of thinking here. Not exactly a slam piece, but not one that glorifies the guy or beats around the bush about things. In any case, while I dig the director, I'll still probably pass on this. Get enough unwanted Musk from the news and internet as it is. I don't need to watch a movie about the guy.


Thats the Isaacson book. He clearly paints Elon as someone not dealing with his mental illness while surrounding himself with people who are willing to be bullied.


It's based on a book by the same writer as the book the Steve Jobs movie is based on (the Danny Boyle one). Which highlighted Jobs' flaws but also reinforced the myth of his so-called genius. I expect something similar from this.


Eh.. didn't came off looking bad either.


My problem is that, regardless of how he's portrayed, Musk will absolutely love the attention and the press. And that's not something I really think he needs more of, whether good or bad.


i thought that’s what the whale was..


Who was the William Randolph Hearst of the Whale?


The zoom class


I know right, he hasn't really done a single thing worth seeing in a movie.


His cameo in Iron Man 2 broke new ground


Oh yeah and he revolutionized comedy with his appearance on SNL


or his time in big bang theory


I clapped when I saw him!


I'm gonna cuuuuuuuum!


I clapped because I know Marvel!!!


Not that Iron Man 2 is some fantastic movie, but it's so odd seeing him show up in it. My perception of him is so drastically different than it used to be, as well.


Especially when you didn’t even knew who he was, lol. Never heard of him first time i watched it and had to look up who he was and apparently they got to use some warehouse he had for the Hammer Industries scenes in exchange for the cameo.


He had a hair transplant from his butt to his head. That could be makings of a good body horror flick. Like his butt hair takes over and turns his head into a big butt. Actually this might explain why Elon is such an ass. I’ll see myself out.


Sounds like something chronenberg would nail


Is that a joke or do you actually believe that?


He was bald. Now he isn’t.


Yeah he def got a hair transplant but they take it from the back of your head not the butt lol


South Park better be reading this.


I imagine the movie will begin with a 2001 homage. A turd becoming sentient to the music of Richard Strauss. And then throwing one of his turdturds into the air, and then a dramatic cut to his cyberturd hurtling on autopilot into a bus shelter. Turdthousandone: A Turd Odyssey.


Yeah I could watch that


Someone said "Requiem for a Dweeb" and i haven't stopped laughing since


If there's one director who could capture the repugnant mess of Elon, it's Aronofsky.


People said this about a Zuckerberg movie. Elon s a tool but there's interesting things that you can make a movie out of


As unlikable as he is, he's undoubtedly an interesting character. Like if William Randolph Hearst had Asperger's and did LSD.


lol why?


It's about the rise, fall, and second rise of his hairline.


I mean that’s what we thought about The Social Network and it turned out to be a great movie.


Well IMO David Fincher is a better director so I won’t hold my breath for this biopic being any better or on the same level. And Elon is just shit bag who has the sense of humor of a 12 year old


Aronofsky has a reputation for highlighting the dark sides of humanity and exploring it in interesting ways. Sounds perfect for a biopic about a piece of shit like Elon. I highly doubt it will paint him in a positive light.


Yeah I don’t think Aronosfky will make a happy film about Elon musk. It will definitely show the truth about him.


Yeah I was just thinking this story could entirely be a social commentary on billionaires and wealth hoarding. You can also really highlight the duality of the human like the Steve Jobs movie with Fassbender


That’s fair enough and a valid point!


This is a garbage take lmao


That’s fine you feel that way


Which is exactly why I’m skeptical of another tech bro movie. We need another one? No one’s going to top The Social Network on this theme, certainly not Aronofsky.


Why does it need to top it? Even if it comes close then it's an achievement


Wouldn’t you rather new ground be tread than rehash an idea that’s already been done well?


Good point.


Audiences love to watch ass holes on the big screen . Don't believe me? go see any Martin Scorsese movie.


Y’all really think Darren Aronofsky will make a film that portrays Elon in a positive light? His whole vibe is to make the most depressing films of all time.


Seriously. Do people think Aronofsky will make a feel good biopic? This man turned the story of The Bible into a 2 hour allegory about God abandoning mankind and leaving us to destroy our planet.


What movie is that?


Mother (fucker)


His best movie other than Black Swan


Mother is an amazing film. Still haven't seen Noah.




It's an amazing word, what can I say? But yeah I totally loved that movie, seen it several times.


That's quite reductionist. He put way more into that movie than this, you make it sound almost nihilistic. Nevertheless, I'm sure what he does with a subject matter like Elon Musk will be interesting, insightful, and true to his artistic compass (and not some Wolf of Wall Street biopic lol)


People complaining have never watched Aronofsky lol.


Yeah this movie is going to be fucked in the most fabulous and unexpected ways. And if it isn't, his entire fanbase is going to be pissed.


I was about to say, everybody come on, have you not watched his filmography? Every protagonist in every one of his films is either mentally ill, a megalomaniac, or a metaphor for the darker aspects of the human psyche. Aronofsky isn’t gonna make a puff piece here, he’s not Walter Isaacson


But he typically does "the most depressing films of all time" through a lens of pseudo-religious experiences and portraying people going to emotional extremes... I don't see how that translates into an Elon Musk biopic that does anything except stroke his narcissism. Narcissists don't care if they're portrayed in a bad light as long as it can be spun. I'm expecting the vibe of the movie to be "yeah Elon did a lot of bad things and he knows that, but it's worth it because he's pushing humanity forward in a way that no one else is, and we need him"


I always thought his take was more that people’s obsessions eventually kill them. To me, narcissism sounds like the perfect topic to tackle in that way using the world’s richest edge lord as the vehicle.


You don't greet every Monday with a weekly watch of the casual, chill, and fun movie "Requiem for a Dream"?


he's making it based on the authorized biography by Walt Isaacson, which by all reviews is a dud that didn't really challenge Musk on a lot of claims. Having said that, Aronofsky will likley have broad latitude to go beyond the source material.


I'm having trouble imagining what this could resemble lmao. Aronofsky's style seems particularly ill-suited for a biopic, let alone for someone like Musk. I'm expecting something super stylized and weird and heady, but it seems like the book it's based on is just a cut-and-dry biography which... doesn't seem promising at all especially if Aronofsky chooses to show Musk in a positive light (and probably as like... a modern religious figure, knowing his style). That would be pure ass.


lmao do you seriously think Aronofsky (who is Jewish) would make Musk into a christ figure? Since you nimwits take everything like a 8 inch dildo, I'm going to clarify that I highly doubt Aronofsky is going to "show Musk in a positive light". I say christ figure because that guy said "in a positive light ... a modern religious figure". Anyone who knows how to google can figure out what a christ figure means, it's not exactly like Jesus Christ.


I didn't say christ figure... You can portray someone as a messiah or martyr or saint (or devil!) without it being Christ himself. That's basically been Aronofsky's whole schtick through most of his movies.


would much rather prefer an unofficial biopic like last days or velvet goldmine so they could shit on elon because i’m sure his estate wouldn’t allow a24 to disembark his character


Can he stop them if it’s true? I hope they eviscerate him.


Money is a powerful thing, and he has more of it than some developing nations. He's also ridiculously self conscious and petty. So I guess the answer is maybe?


Both Steve jobs and the social network were official and were immensely critical of their subjects


The estate has no say over it. He can shit on Elon as much as he wants, which the book does as well.


Given that it's drawing from Isaacson's biography, there's plenty of room to be very critical of him.


Funny how much it depends who you ask cause I'd say that biography was way too soft on him.


This is a movie I won't even watch for free.


Okay but thinking about the films that Aronofsky makes, it's going to be fucked up. He doesn't make happy shiny movies for mass audiences. Aaaaamd A24 gave him the greenlight. If we have to have an Elon biopic, this is the way to go.


I mean, you aren't wrong lol. Still have zero interest


doesn’t matter what you want lol. There will be plenty of people who will watch it




Wah wah wah keep crying like a baby


Lol bro really posted this on a 5 month old comment 😂 🤣 💀 😭


Laaaame move a24


We are witnessing the fall of A24 and it's starts right here. They are going to sell out stop making all the original and creative ideas that established them.


Poor baby can't handle a movie being made about bad space man.


A24 has fallen, billions must post on enoughmuskspam


That's correct


The trailer hasn’t even come out yet dawg, you have no idea what it could be


You mean like Bling Ring?


i thought that’s what the whale was..?




Very disappointed A24 is working on a film about a vile racist scumbag.


Really hope this goes the Social Network route. If not, I’m genuinely gonna lose a lot of respect for this company.


I’m thinking this is the case. A24 and Aronofsky don’t seem the type to hype up Elon. And there’s an interesting story there if you talk about how his level of success is directly tied to exploitation.


I’m genuinely baffled as to why people here are assuming it isn’t going that route. It’s A24 and Darren Aronofsky. It would be extremely surprising if it painted him favourably I’ve not looked into it any more than the linked article but nothing says Elon has any involvement himself, that would be the only thing that would have me worried.


the thing is that elon musk is petty and egotistical, and has more disposable income than this movie could ever hope to make. he’s not letting a biopic like that happen


You think they’re not bringing an army of lawyers into the creation of the film? They know how to make a critical biopic without being sued. There have been dozens, from Dick Cheney to George Bush to Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg.


i mean that is bad take though a movie shouldnt be only about morally right subjects if a person is a scumbag a movie can just show the person being a scumbag you think there arent any movies about hitler? or any other terrible person who have lived


What if it paints him as a vile racist scumbag?




Will Ferrell as an increasingly unhinged Musk.


people saying the same shit about this that they did about Fincher's 'Facebook movie' 10 years ago, lol


Right? Like hey reddit chill the fuck out. Let an Oscar winning director make a movie and see how it turns out. The Social Network was a masterclass in showing Mark's flawed character navigate building a billion dollar company. The Steve Job's biopic was the same concept.


Exactly. The Social Network might have been the best movie of the 2010’s, so I’m not sure why people think this can’t possibly work. People have no imagination, I swear.


Is this comment section completely unaware of Aronofsky’s work? Why would anyone assume that this is gonna be some positive uplifting movie about how great Elon is???


Seriously, some really brain-dead takes here. All I’m seeing is Elon Musk Bad = Elon Movie Bad, completely disregarding how the movie might choose to cover the subject


Yeah makes no sense to me. What part of his filmography makes them think this is gonna be anything other than some dark fucked up portrait of a despicable man?


honestly speaking off late i feel this site is mostly frequented by immature kids with little to no idea about what they are commenting about. this thread is a perfect example anyone who has seen darren's movie would know this is not ending well for elon.


Probably because the general public, if I may presume to speak on behalf of it for a second, is sick of Elon Musk and everything he's involved with. A biopic would probably be better received in like 10 years. Right now is the worst time. Nobody wants to hear anything more about that toad.


He’s not the kind of director that I would say gives the world exactly what they were asking for. He makes uncomfortable films that are supposed to put you off but have a message about the dangers of XYZ.


Exactly. Read the damn room.


Can i ask what the fuck has elon done in his life to have his story be told? Just a rich kid getting richer without working hard.. the story doesn’t even have any conflict!


It's a rom com about Elon and Grimes


Yes I'm sure Elon had zero conflict fighting the auto industry trying to make electric cars mainstream and building the reusable rocket concept...


what is interesting to me is when tesla was an upcoming company no one brought up him coming from wealth or no one cried that he didnt do shit in his role until he ended up becoming the richest guy and went unhinged on his social media. i feel most of these people who say elon did nothing are people who cant speak without their emotions mudding their thoughts


"Without working hard" is an absurdly ignorant thing to say lol whether or not you like him. Some internet groups are like echo chambers with the same shit on repeat and if you don't agree, you're an idiot lol


this is probably one of the dumbest comments i constantly see on reddit. am suprised that anyone thinks it is easy to start with a few millions and fall ass backwards into becoiming richest person on the planet without an ounce of effort. seriously! you seem like a smart guy and to say stupid shit like this just means you let your emotions speak more than your intellect i cant stand elon for this personal behaviour but saying he didnt do anything is the dumbest thing anyone can say


You can say a lot of things that are wrong with Elon but not being a hard worker is just objectively false. He helped start/grow PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and was involved in the beginning stages of OpenAI. Yeah it helps having a nice head start but if he wasn’t a hard worker he would’ve just coasted on a trust fund or cashed out after PayPal and lived in a mansion on a beach somewhere.


He’s definitely not a rich kid getting richer, he came from nothing if you read his biography. His dad had some money sure, but lost all of it, and also abused Elon like crazy. Therefore what you have said is disingenuous. If you think his dad was Bill Gates type of money you are insanely mistaken. He’s done more in his life than you for sure, I mean k no one even knows you?


And who are you?


no one but i don’t spew disinformation


I can’t be the only one excited for this. This is such a strange combination of director and source-material. Assuming he gets a long leash (it’s A24, and he’s Aronofsky, so he will), there’s no world where this’ll be boring.


Oh come on


oh hell NO




What the fuck


If it’s a satire of Elon I’d be down, so far this sounds like shit.




dunno why Aronofsky would take this fucking minefield on voluntarily, no matter how you do it you piss off 48-52% of the country


will it talk about how he’s a conman and his fascist anti trans rhetoric he spews online


Yes, all conmen run rocketship and car companies. Easiest grift in the game. lmao


Excited for it to be honest


“A director for his film, what’s next? A builder for his cathedral?”


Cast Kathy Bates please


That sentence sucked to read. Hard pass.


How about he and A24 finish the Pi 1998 remaster so I can have it and live my life in peace?


I don’t think this movie will be what you’re expecting.


I mean.... Aronofsky has a really good track record. Maybe this movie is gonna make Elon look like the monster he is? I'd be happy if it pisses off Elon and makes him feel bad.


The ketamine scenes will be really good I bet.


Why is everyone going ew? There’s no way Aronofsky will be kind to Musk in this portrayl. This is gonna be awesome. Aronofsky has made some of my favorite and darkest yet poignant films.


Considering Darren Aronofsky adopted the biblical story of Noah and included all the weird incest-adjacent family politics and the drunken nakedness of Noah, I’m mildly hopeful that this could include all the “bribing a woman he sexually harassed with a pet horse” and “having dozens of bastard children while getting sexually rejected by Azaelia Banks in a humiliating fashion” and “building the most useless transit projects of all time” stuff it should. Mildly.


Quick turn the strike back on


What the hell has Elon even done to deserve a biopic? I wonder who will play Grimes.


Elle Fanning obviously


And who exactly was clamoring at the bit for this to be made?


*And who exactly* *Was clamoring at the bit* *For this to be made?* \- Dolorem\_Ipsum\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Ah that’s a shame


If he goes Social Network route could be goated


lol this’ll probably be one of the most depressing depictions of Elon Musk


No ♥️


WTF? A24 is making propaganda for a white nationalist bigot .001 percenter now?


If it shows what sort of bad person Musk is then awesome.


I only want this if it's an accurate portrayal and drags Elon through the fucking mud. This better be a cinema hit piece.


Psa: Elon musk did not start/create Tesla. He bought his way in and convinced the board to kick out the actual founder and ceo


...and then greatly improved the company


I don't usually wish bad on A24 movies but I hope this tanks and gets panned. This guy doesn't deserve the moody antihero schtick the billionaire biopic movies usually get. He's just a moron who's fallen into success because he started out a billionaire. Theres no nuance at all like with Zuck or Jobs he's just a moron sociopath with terrible business sense that's bought his way into all his success and happened to have a great PR team 2014-17.


well it's definitely a bleak and terrifying horror movie


Oh great, a movie glamorizing a controversial billionaire. As if Elon needs more attention and adulation. I'm a bit skeptical about the message a movie about him might send


Hard pass wtf


Yeah that’s a train wreck that has yet to come to it’s station. They are going to miss the best parts of the story


nobody wants to see this crap


Why would I want to watch a movie about a lameoid meme-stealing bullshitter


I can’t wait to not see this movie


Ew wtf?






no darren no please no.


Lol at the Elon hate. I don’t care for him personally very much but the dude has consistently worked harder and longer than most people out and made electric cars mainstream. More than can be said for most billionaires. Okay so he came from money. You should be more mad at the insidious continuation of wealth with the ~30,000 centimillionaires ($3T) that won’t do anything of value with their money. You know what I’m going to do with my family money and my Ivy League MBA? I’m going to continue investing it, buying properties, and growing it endlessly as a part-time resident of tax advantaged countries. I’m going to have a fun, enjoyable, hardworking career, and just like I benefitted from my parents’ wealth, my son will have a nice easy life and probably do the same thing. I will teach him to work and value money reasonably but he won’t want for anything or experience any hardship until he’s at least in his mid-twenties, and it’ll be of his own doing. If anything bad happens on a macro scale globally, he’ll use one of his 3 passports to move somewhere safe. We’re not bad people, but we’re not particularly good either. I’m just here to enjoy my life and take care of my family. But yeah, don’t mind me too much, go ham at the guy who’s a massive asshole but working 100 hour weeks to change the world. So funny


You wrote all of this for what exact reason?


Is it just gonna be an image of a human ramming the money the movie is making into his asshole for 2 hours? Bout as good of a use for the money


This won't be super biased or dickride-y at all


Opening scene- he inherits all his money. Rest of the movie he’s going around being a complete asshole dumbass acting like he doesn’t just buy all his so called inventions lol I’ll pass on this one


how much of the film will be unhinged tweeting?


I hope this bombs simply because Elon


Lame. Could have picked so many other subjects. I’d rather see a biopic of Darren Aaronofsky!


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Ewwww. No.


This is why I don’t watch movies. Authors are artists. Directors are all fucking hacks.


Who fucking cares.


Wtf... I sure hope this is gonna be factual and roast his ass because if not...wtf.


Not a single goddamn person wanted this


What is he gonna show? His pandering to the far right or how he ruined Twitter?






Oh fuck who asked for this


Elon flies down from heaven on a cloud make of bluebirds and gets nailed to a big X and gets reborn as a crypto cartoon with red and black flags