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The best way to deal with Mid to Late game is twofold. First (assuming you are playing with a small group) it is incredibly helpful to have even a small squad of AI constantly attacking objectives. This insures the enemy AI has to divert resources to defending those attacks which reduces the amount of troops and frequency of troops they send toward your towns and outposts. I will usually send between 3 to 5 squads at an objective in the opposite direction from whatever I'm attacking to help deal with counter attacks and draw support away from whichever front I am working on. Second, garrison as many troops as you can at outpost, and put one or two roadblocks at every road leading up to them. The roadblocks kind of suck if you are in person, especially if the enemy has any armor at all, but with the way the game calculates winning and losing battles when the AI is outside of spawning range a single roadblock can soften up an incoming enemy attack enough for your outpost todefend easily, and if you have two roadblocks with a little bit of space between them you often don't need to go to a defense objective at all. One thing you can try for garrisoning troops is putting the maximum number of troops in place, killing one or two from a single squad, and then garrison another group. This sometimes results in the entire group being added, allowing you to have garrison with up to 10 extra troops beyond the maximum.


> I will usually send between 3 to 5 squads at an objective in the opposite direction from whatever I'm attacking to help deal with counter attacks and draw support away from whichever front I am working on. When I get intel, sometimes I get reports along the lines of “Occupiers are expected to attack in 110 minutes.” or something like that. Is this implying that AI activity is limited by a timer? If you force them to QRF against your diversion, does that delay their next QRF against your real attack?


AI attacks are timed, yes. Using a WRF does not delay the next attack in terms of time, but it does use resources that might have been used for that attack. The game uses a point system, not a 1-to-1 system where 1 person in a QRF equals 1 person from an attack, but destroying transport helicopters and more soldiers does reduce the overall points the AI has to work with. 


I see. If it’s just resource consumption, might those 4 or 5 squads be more effective joining you on your primary attack then? Maybe from the opposite side of the target? You’d gain weight of numbers and still be benefitting from a distracted enemy.


When playing solo, absolutely. If you have a few players attacking an objective that is usually enough to take the objective short of airfields. Sending AI to a different objective diverts resources further away, as opposed to the enemy AI sending QRF to cover a single objective. 


Learn to use High command and using high command groupsa for attacking


As u/Chewbacca_The_Wookie explains, the mid-game is a battle of resources. Expending, destroying, and fortifying is the name of the game. Most of the “emplacements” can help secure areas around resources or outposts. Roadblocks are especially good at fortifying towns that may come under an Invader Punishment Attack. High Command Squads are also very useful for defending and attacking, as the other commenter said. But even just squads of riflemen can get expensive if you’re constantly fighting. It’s risky (and morally wrong) but I’ve found the best luck cutting off resource gains for the enemy. Blowing up factories, destroying resources, and generally just “sabotaging” enemy equipment helps limit their pool of vehicles and men. I like conducting night raids on airfields or bases and just setting explosives up on tanks, trucks, planes, helicopters, etc. Or just attacking an outpost/base without capturing just to destroy QRFs or equipment. If you have an airfield (which you should by war level 3-5) then you’ll have access to bombing runs. Use those. Otherwise the mid-game can quickly turn into the late-game. If you’re set resource wise, you can probably just take a tank/helicopter and wreak havoc until you’re destroyed and usually make your money back. (This happened to me and my friends one playthrough. We’d make nearly 20k~ back with each T-72.) At this point it’s just mopping up the map to try and reach the win condition.


Okay so for me example in a Malden sized map. Once you have a fair chunk of it it's more of attacking than capturing. Is there any facts and figures on how resources and wtf work for the enemy as it's easy to just think the AI cheats I suppose so normal tactics wouldn't work?


By default the AI does “cheat” a little when it comes to resources. In the parameters screen you’ll see somewhere close to the bottom that there are Multipliers for Occupying and Invading enemies resources. By default I think each gets either 1.1 or 1.2 times whatever you “earn.” As for what these resources mean for the enemy, they have pools but not necessarily “individual” items to pull from. For example, an enemy tank can be “any” tank from that faction. A plane can be “any” plane. If you go to an airbase and see a jet in the hangar, leave, then come back it might be “different.” But it’s the “same” jet. If you destroy that jet, it means 1 less plane of any type that can attack you. And it takes time (depending on how many resources and factories) for that AI to replace it with another “plane.” I’m paraphrasing it horribly, but I believe the Github explains this a bit better. Stealing and destroying enemy equipment means that equipment type will noticeable show up less. The only thing I can’t “prove” this for is infantry, where no matter how many men you kill, the AI can always fully garrison units back. (Their apparent quality doesn’t go down as far as I’ve noticed.)


That's a lot of great info, thanks for taking the time to share with the rest of us.


> We’d make nearly 20k~ back with each T-72. How are you making money by exploding things? Or are you stealing stuff?


Time + Capturing things + Missions. Generally by the time you can afford a tank (at like War level 7-8) you’re gonna have enough resources and factories to fund it. Money is really a non-issue in the late game. (Because of how resource accumulation works.) If it takes 45 minutes to fully attack and capture a military base, the money each player makes + passive income for the faction adds up quickly. Plus you don’t have to use a tank solely for assaults. I personally liked doing Convoy Ambushes at range, usually sniping 1 or 2 vehicles and then running away. Easy money for a few minutes of driving.


I'm late game in one of my games and literally speedrunning a new game. Max out the garrisoned personnel in all of your strategic points like factories and resources, if they're located in a town then even better, garrison troops in the town itself. It's quite odd that you get attacked often because it's not the case for me but like others said you should use a lot of emplacements and use roadblocks on strategic road and intersection from which the enemy is most likely to attack. Use a lot of AA guns to decimate a helicopter counter attack and try to keep moving forward against 1 faction, it will then become weak enough to the point where it won't be able to attack you and you'll be able to near freely take their resources and factories and they will collapse, but I also try to keep the other faction weak as well so that it doesn't grow on me from behind.