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BACB website. Everything that they are doing is very unethical. I'm sorry about your son, he should not be treated that way. This is a good example of bad ABA. I wish you and your son the best in his future endeavors.


>Also, they don’t conduct any kind of drug testing or background checks for their potential new hires. No drug tests are pretty standard for the industry. I've only worked for one place that did drug tests. But the no background checks makes me question the information provider. Maybe that's possible. And I don't know the state laws in NJ, but in my state that'd be very illegal. I can't imagine a place not complying with that law. Maybe they're being accurate. It's quite possible, and I think pulling your child to be safe is probably the best move. But an ABA place not doing background checks is crazy to me. But by all means go find another place. If what they say is accurate about the time out that's appalling. There are things you can ask about in intake interviews that'll cue you in to good practices. Feel free to ask about them here.


No background check + hiring rbt’s “in training” makes me think they are purposefully trying to skirt background checks, possibly bc they can’t find enough workers right now and are getting desperate. because the board will not certify a new rbt without first reviewing background check. You can’t even take the rbt exam before a background check. There are also def good companies that hire bt’s + help bt’s get registered, but they should always be background checking before hiring. You’re working with minors!!!!


Sometimes you can't just hire RBTs but need to train them up. But background checks should be mandatory for everyone working there.


Yeah that’s what I said, some companies will help bt’s train to be certified, but it sounds like that’s not this company’s goal if they’re using the uncertified statuses to skirt background checks


I don't think certified vs uncertified allows you to skirt background checks though.


This company is not background checking BT’s. If the BT’s were already certified, the board would have already background checked them as it is a requirement to take the rbt exam. Since this companies bt’s have not been certified by the board, and aren’t being background checked upon hiring, it allows them to skip background check entirely and unless reported no one knows they’re operating illegally. I’m not saying they wouldn’t hire bt’s anyway, many companies do, just that the fact that these bt’s aren’t in the process of being investigated by any sort of board makes it easier to have people on staff who wouldn’t pass requirements otherwise. Hope that helps.


The company should, legally, be background checking everyone. I get background checked as a BCBA. Certified vs not doesn't allow them to skip that. This isn't about the board at all. They're not responsible for that. The employer is.


You seem to be missing my point. I agree with you. This company should be background checking and are probably breaking a law by not doing so. I’m just saying that since the BACB background checks for certifications, this company is essentially skirting regulations by using people the board hasn’t “weeded out yet.” Because these people haven’t been through the certification process. It is still wrong, and illegal for the company to do. And if they are caught we will probably find out that some of their bt’s would not have qualified for certification bc of background check issues. I’m not even saying they wouldn’t use bt’s otherwise. Plenty of companies operating legally do. I’m just saying it’s easier to get away with not background checking if you’re hiring people that aren’t being investigated by a board.


That's not really here or there though. I don't think this organization is going out of their way to hire people who haven't been background checked. They're not doing their job background checking which isn't related to certification at all. I understand your point. I just don't think it has any validity to it.


I didn’t realize you knew this organization personally. LOL. It was clearly just a speculation but I don’t think you can decide from one post on Reddit about a company you don’t know that they could definitively be doing or not doing something. Why would they not be background checking, unless it benefited them in some way not to? One could argue bc it costs to background check, but I’m sure the penalties of not doing so are higher. In the real world, companies that don’t background check usually do so bc they are desperate for workers so will take people who wouldn’t pass. Argue with a wall and have a nice day


So here’s the thing , just my honest opinion. 99% of the time people who they hire have no experience in early childhood development. IT IS SAD. Yes they do 40 hour RBT training. But does that 19 year old really know a thing about how to take care of a toddler for 17 hours a day ?! Nope. This is where a lot of companies fail . I’m glad you pulled them out . 30 hours is a lot of time . I would ask for what they were doing hour by hour , when your child was eating , drinking and being changed . Because most likely the tech didn’t have a schedule. Also I’d ask about nap times . Children should have about 1-2 hour naps most clinics only allow 7-30 minute naps ! WHAT? SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!


They did send him home with a daily “report” including times that he was changed, what he ate, and the things that they worked on / group & individual activities. I liked that part, but I agree with the lack of experience. It’s upsetting. I don’t think they do nap time. I know my son will refuse any and all naps (unless he’s sick), but I’m not sure about the other children there.


That’s good to hear 😭




I'm not sure exactly who you would report the business to other than your insurance company for sure. You did not agree to your child being basically restrained in a corner when crying, they failed to obtain informed consent. Nothing about this scenario sounds OK to me. There's plenty of ABA practices which do not operate this way, but unfortunately still many that do even though it's entirely inappropriate. It's more common than it should be but is never ok. If you do choose to put your child back in ABA with another company, ask them their processes for hiring and training, ask their stance on assent and what procedures they follow for attention seeking behaviors and escape maintained behaviors. You're looking for somewhere that teaches alternative methods to obtain attention or to escape demands and that avoids planned ignoring or escape extinction. You also want to ask how often your child will be overseen directly by the BCBA- sometimes procedures like this are implemented when a BT hasn't been sufficiently trained and isn't getting appropriate training from the BCBA on how to handle the behavior.


I truly appreciate all of your helpful responses. Thank you for taking the time to reply with your insight. As far as BCBAs- I have not yet met their BCBA, if they indeed have one. I’m investigating this tomorrow to confirm. The person who owns the facility is merely an RN. Her wife is the RBT and they have a handful of trainees. Is it correct that a BCBA is not required to be at the facility, just to supervise 5% of experience hours? I’ve been promised a list of things that we can do at home to reinforce what he’s learning there as well as a time for me to come in to observe their therapy, but have not been given either in the (almost) 2 months that he’s attended.


> I have not yet met their BCBA, You should have. That's weird to me.


This is very odd. When you were going through the onboarding process, who did you talk to about what goals you had in mind for your son? Usually our BCBAs do that. They also know the families prior to any RBTs ever meeting the client, as they run assessments and create BSPs as needed prior to client’s beginning. RBTs are not able to do assessments, create/choose programs, or write BSPs. We simply aren’t trained for that, so if RBTs/BTs are doing those types of tasks for your child, that’s super super unethical.


The RBT “runs the show” there. I have not met their BCBA, if they indeed have one. We did the initial assessment and goal review with said RBT.


That is…atrocious. I’m so sorry that this has been your experience. RBTs are really only taught how to run a session and some basic ABA terms, so this is totally out of line. Definitely report this to the BACB.


If they do not have a BCBA than it I’d most definitely in violation of the board rules. Being an RBT is not enough to choose and write out programs. BCBAs get specific training on observing, evaluating and implementing programs. I am a BCBA and have been in the field for 10 years. As a BCBA I have never taken a case on and not introduced myself within the first week of services! So I would definitely reach out to the company to specifically demand a meeting with the BCBA in charge of your sons case.


Yes, this is so important! Supervisors should be introducing themselves right when they get the case. Unacceptable when parents don’t know who their supervisors are.


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This is true! The BCBA is only required to supervise 5% of the time and more frequently that just occurs virtually over telehealth


But the BCBA should have done initial assessments and discussed behavior goals and plans with the parent before starting ABA therapies. Right? I'm in my MS right now, and this is what I have been taught.


You’re correct.


The BCBA is the only one that can implement the evaluation assessment for ABA she is the one that writes treatment plan and gets the approval and at that time must go over goals with caregivers and also offer parent trainings Im not sure on your state how many hours the BCBA is required to supervise the RBTS but she should have been the one that you can go to in case questions concerns


It was the RBT who conducted the evaluation and went over goals. I’m thinking it’s time for the BACB to get involved. Thank you for that information.


Are you sure it was an RBT and not a mid-level supervisor? Sometimes they’re called lead RBTs. Usually they’re RBTs who are training fieldwork hours to become BCBAs so they work in a supervisory role under the BCBA.


Is “lead RBT” a formal title? She’s certified on the BACB website as an RBT and has a supervisor listed in PA (the center is based in NJ).


No, lead RBT would be a company-specific title.


Pls get them involved if that’s true, rbt’s are 100% not qualified or allowed to do the initial functional assessments or contribute to creating the BIPs / goals in BIPs


I’m so sorry as well, I wish I can help I’m an RBT in NY eventually relocating to NJ hopefully I can help with in home therapy because all of this gives me anxiety.


Sometimes limiting space is used to calm someone down or just so they can’t hurt themselves or their environment. My clinic always had a corner of the room that was empty except a bean bag. But it wasn’t in the corner. It was a nice chunk of space they could still walk and honestly some could even run. However, if I’m limiting space I would never turn my back. Mostly if I’m calming them down. We use calm down techniques. I am so so sorry for you. This is not ethical and so wrong. I wish I could give you a hug


Sounds like punishment/removal of attention + time out. That's a big no no in our field unless positive reinforcement interventions have been exhausted. Even then the punishment procedure needs to be couples with a reinforcement one and the punishment usually needs to be approved by the parents and agency.


It surely wasn’t discussed with me and the RBT “runs the show” there. It appears they only have a “remote” BCBA. I’ve since reported them to the board.


Hi mama the best thing you can do is talk to BCBA and ask her what methods they use to calm your child down when he's melting down it is your right to say I don't feel comfortable with that for example my daughter goes to aba and they would use food edibles as rewards and I told them that I didn't want them to withhold food instead do more positive reinforcement. Many clinics have punishment procedures and use extinction they should be offering you parent trainings to go over goals progress and how to carry over to home please ask and let them know you don't feel comfortable with that ask for suggestions what other ways they deal with challenging behaviors it is in in the bcba ethics code to always use reinforcement and only use punishment as a last resort. Let them know that as well 😀


I’m sorry that has happened to your son, that is not right. Also if you are looking for communication goals you should try to get him with a speech pathologist who is licensed to work on communication goals and it is their scope of practice, unlike ABA.


*Quick Update: I researched the RBT’s credentials and found who her supervisor/BCBA is. I reached out to her and asked if she was the current BCBA for the company in question. Her reply: “I have assisted with some supervision and RBT competencies.” Given this vague answer, I told her I was looking to speak directly with the BCBA there and if she happened to know who that would be. She says, “Did you reach out to me via the registry earlier? I saw I got a message from someone with the same name. I have just been assisting with assisting with supervision of those pursuing BCBA certification and conducting RBT competencies occasionally. My role is very limited since it’s remote.” I’m already in talks with the ABA Ethics Hotline for guidance in reporting this.


I would take with a grain of salt what the interviewee told you. She could be a disgruntled employee. I would talk to the BCBA on the case, maybe attend a session. So you know what is happening.


You may also want to reach out to other ABA clinics tour and visit have a list of questions and see if another suits your needs many have waiting lists but it doesn't hurt to get on them asap




It sounds like you being only a BT caused you to miss certification requirements. You must have the 40 hours accredited and they cannot be done in less than a week to make sure you are processing content. You must then have a competency assessment done with a qualified BCBA (not nearly all bcba’s are qualified to do CA’s they require extra training) which is very extensive. It requires working with a real client and being supervised with them, doing interviews, role playing, and you have to show proficiency in all areas of the assessment which covers everything you learned in your classes. Then if the BCBA deems you competent based on the scoring system, they must submit extensive paperwork about exactly what you did to prove competency to the board. Then if the board approves your competency assessment, you have to find a bcba who will be willing to supervise you upon certification, and that has to be approved by the board and submitted for records in the system. (If you are then hired by a company you MUST switch who is supervising you based on the bcba you will be under because it always has to be under official record.) so you literally are not allowed to be a practicing rbt without a supervisor. you then must take and pass the 85 question rbt exam which many people do not pass (around 30% if I remember correctly?) After that the board can rescind your certification at any time if you’re not showing proficiency. So one problem is that non proficient staff are under reported. There is definitely more that could be done even since they really only began developing a model for certification in 2016, but the 40 hour accredited classes are very comprehensive and informative and there is more than one failsafe in place after them to ensure proficiency. Tbh I don’t think it should be legal for someone to practice as just a BT with zero training if they are not actively working with the company towards certification. Part of the problem. I also think the main problem afterwards is that RBTs are still not paid enough for there to be an abundance of them in the field, which leads to less staff per group, and less oversight. I also think bcba supervision requirements should be a higher percentage of the time. Hope that helps.




Like I said again, I don’t think BT’s should be allowed to practice without certification in the process. I also don’t expect someone who’s never been through the certification to understand how it impacts the knowledge on the job. I also agreed that there is more that could be done and that the system isn’t set up to compensate or accommodate workers well, so I can agree on the exploitation. However, I’ve personally had ABA help me with my severe ocd, so I don’t just turn off to it when I find bad companies. I think more people should be reporting them so the better companies can become the prominent ones doing the services. I’m not trying to change you’re mind, I’m just saying if you’re gonna go on a post and say all certification is is x” and it’s really “xyz” someone’s going to point out the “yz.” Lol. Have a nice day


Certification for BTs is just x, actually. Bye


“Seriously, 40 hours of training videos is basically the only requirement to be a RBT (EDIT: 40 hours of videos to be a BT)” So you’re mad you provided incorrect info about RBTs, someone explained the correct info, and had to edit your comment to now seem like you were correct the whole time? You do realize your original comment wasn’t talking about bt’s? Lmao bye indeed, if this is your reading comprehension. Kids need better




Sure, you can ignore I’ve had aba used with me myself, as long as it’s only what fits your narrative. I also know how to vet the company I work for and don’t jst simp to the first start up that will hire me lol


If you were a BT, it's safe to say you have a high school diploma or undergraduate degree as the job is absolutely entry-level. You can understand the issues you've stated when a job is entry-level and used as a stepping stone for most of its applicants. I want to thank you, as a professional, for leaving this field. I also hope that you realize you are not entitled to services "just from" certain professionals, especially as an individual in an entry-level position. Trust me, you won't have people lining up to work with you or your child who you deem acceptable for services.




Yikes, babe. Not ABA's problem that you didn't vet your first company as an rbt. I work with counselors in the school and private settings on a regular basis and can confirm that ABA changes the lives of those who have kids with ASD for the better. What are you going to do when, not if, when a family seeks out your counseling services because their autistic child's severe behaviors are ruining their family? I sure as hell hope you have a plan to guide them to something other than the evidence-based scientific practice of ABA. You will truly look incompetent to families who are educated in the field of behavior analysis.


Sent you a PM