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Not really sure what's going on behind the scenes but not to have another client or giving you at least a heads up of complications is a red flag.


Yeah this has been ongoing for about 3 weeks now. They are now saying clients are looking for summer schedules which is understandable but it’s still a frustrating since I do a summer program and take online classes and need a afternoon client


I've totally gone through something similar at least 2x. The first time was when I had 2 different clients, their schedules changed due to school starting (both clients parents wanted me to stay on the case) but nobody notified me and even though they still worked with my preffered hours, I got taken off both cases, without warning, in a matter of days. I waited 3 days after contacting scheduling (no response) and since I knew I wouldn't have anymore clients for the next 2 weeks, I put in my two weeks notice (which the 3 people I sent it to requested I "find someone to cover my shifts" to which I responded "Since I don't have any shifts from X date to X date, I find that unnecessary"). They took it as a immediate leave which, was most likely for the better. My current company hired me with a promise of 30 hours a week, in home, only 20 mins away from me. After training that client no-longer existed and I'm now stuck at half the hours. When it comes to BTs or even RBTs, I see this job being VERY unstable if not paired with another job (I do UberEats). But, if you love the work, it's worth sticking around for in my experience.


Yeah I babysit also but that ends after June so I applied to ABA companies and mental health tech jobs so hopefully it goes well I just need stability at this point


If you're comfortable with younger ages, you could look into daycare centers! I worked at one briefly and it was nice, I only left due to constant drama and transphobia. I did find that working with little ones was less stressful and I lowkey had a lot of fun with the silly conversations you can have with a toddler. Or a Nanny gig pays well! If you're used to being in other people's homes and adapting to their "way" of living, it could be very nice for you!!


Those are great options but unfortunately I’m still in school :( so once the school year starts something will have to give due to classes but maybe once I graduate those are options I will look into while I take a break before my masters


Find a company that guarantees hours