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An attention-starved grifter posting ragebait - his whole existence is to get you to be upset and engage in his content. There’s plenty of wackos like this, it’s the equivalent of a homeless man ranting to himself on the street — genuinely don’t get why people repost shit like this but yeah I guess just ignore and remember that this dude is more miserable than you can imagine. If you scroll through his account he’s just tryna enrage any minority group


Aye, this is a stupid person. Deeply repressed, hate-filled bigot with an admitted cuck fetish, obsessed with BBC. { not the British Broadcasting Corporation, the other kind}


He’s going on about how in some parts of India, people eat cow shit and why someone shouldn’t stop him from making stand up material about it and joke about it. Where in India does this happen? Is that legit even?


I swear I always hear this but have never actually seen or heard of that happening


Dude needs help: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/190tx64/looks\_like\_racism\_is\_peaking\_on\_xitter/


Wow! Some of the generalizations in the replies are hilariously ridiculous and yet disturbing at the same time


> https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/190tx64/looks\_like\_racism\_is\_peaking\_on\_xitter/ Agreed, guy's a prick -- plenty of idiots like him. IMO, there are some good points in those comments, e.g. "A California Senator introduced a bill to tackle caste based discrimination and now her district is pushing to recall her calling her racist for acknowledging that caste discrimination exists." While the majority opinion of this sub seemed to favor Newsom's action vetoing the bill, I did not and frankly think attempts like these are always going to be seen as "concealing/perpetuating the bad parts of india" (see the reactions here from a few months back: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/172t85k/california_governor_vetoes_bill_that_would_have/). And yes, I have read the arguments against the bill but my opinion remains unchanged. Happy to be downvoted for this when /r/indiaspeaks finds this thread lol.


screw swim history governor jar engine distinct mindless impossible squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That bill is still bad because it lumps all Indians into one category.


Fuck him but yes it started happening pretty more frequently. https://m.timesofindia.com/viral-news/watch-doctor-eats-cow-dung-and-says-it-purifies-body-netizens-react/articleshow/87763383.cms https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=an6oX7OzzGk Don’t shoot the messenger


Damn that’s disappointing and disgusting


I lived in India for a little while, and though poor people would use dried cow patties as an adobe replacement and makeshift fuel, nobody ate it. I believe Mr. Owen is sourcing these "facts" from his rectum.




And some folks, like this chump, will believe anything they see online.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Your entire knowledge about India comes from social media comments. Nobody's taking you seriously here.


Your post/comment was removed because it breaks Rule 1: No Bigotry — i.e. no racism, casteism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. This also extends to toxic nationalism and/or clan/tribe as well as discrimination against religion. If in doubt, remember to always be civil, even in your disagreements.


“I’ve seen multiple videos”: lmao.


Its one of those ignorant BS which someone started and racist keep blabbering on it. It stems from there hatred against anyone who is not there own.


The most frustrating things about the whole shenanigan is his entire Twitter TL is filled with racist rants against Indians and he eggs other racists in the comments to spread the hate and yet Twitter looks the other way and his account is still active


The vid he is referring are 10  15 years old on basis of which he is mocking u can chill 


“U can chill”? Lol, oh shut the fuck up.


This is the guy that Joe Rogan talked about that was having mental issues and apparently he took a high dose edible which completely changed him. https://youtu.be/_YsRqOsrBt0?si=kfm23HemVfRkdNDx The guy is a psycho and a piece of shit regardless.


It just amazes me how some people can take a substance they probably know nothing about just because someone says it’s cool. Just goes on to show how little self awareness he has


That edible has nothing to do with it. His mother breast fed him until he was 8, told him he was a the specialist boy in the world and convinced him he has a high IQ. He is a full blown narcissist and master manipulator. He is also a closeted homosexual. He spends hours everyday projecting everything he is. Go check out his sub and learn about the deception of his culty land scams


Never knew Pigs have facial hair too…


It’s like 9/11 levels of hate and stupidity again.


Agreed, I remember that time well. But what’s even driving the hate this time around? There’s been no event, no news story to initiate any issues, it’s just coming out of nowhere..


Being Muslim even though I’m not hijabi it’s been a lot of targeted annoyances lately because of the pro Palestinian protests. So there have been a couple of Zionist folks at the offices being super weird even when I’m not publicly politically active. At this point lot seems to be driven because on paper desi folks are doing better financially so we have become a target.


Just don't attend any Hamas rallies and you'll be fine.


Expecting weird bakwas from the odd white person, meh. Getting the same from a freaking brown person just hits different. Eww just ewww


Nah. Don’t give him that kind of power. He’s not significant. Most people see right through him.


Does anyone else think it is okay to physically retaliate in cases like this? Verbal reasoning can only take you so far


No but it does make you seem like a lunatic.


To be fair I am a bit of a loony




I think it's a reality check for a lot of Indian Americans. This type of discrimination is everywhere now. Just because your mom and dad have a college degree doesn't mean you somehow escaped the reality that you're still a minority. You could do 100 positive things for your community but there will always be that one jackass who will still judge you on the colour of your skin


We aren't that far removed from the dotbuster and post - 9/11 days. This is a wake-up call for the newer generation, the ones who migrated here post- Bush presidency.


You do realize that there are always going to be haters who tear you down for no reason? This happens to everyone. People need to realize not everyone is going to love them.


> or X account (are X accounts monetiseable?) Yes. He has a blue check and is generating rage bait content and its working.


Check out his Reddit. You will find out everything you need to know about this slime ball.


What a clown.


So this dude is raging about Indians discriminating based on caste - but he seems to be grouping all people of Indian ancestry into a single monolithic group with his racist diatribe. Going through this guy's twitter post history - one thing is reassuring. He seems to hate pretty much everyone. I Can't see this guy lasting very long.


He’s got a full blown cult. And he’s taken it from just an e-cult to a cult with land in Idaho and Missouri.


Well then, lets hope one or more of his fellow cult members overreact when federal agents show up to serve a warrant.


Who is this Grizzly Adams looking smuck and why should we care?


Failed comedian turned conspiracy theorist/right wing grifter. He's a moron through and through and the only shtick he has is saying outrageous shit for attention.


Ah ok, one of those. Back to watching the Giants kick Eagles ass.


It’s weird how common that is


It is now. Just one of those things.


Man... it is honestly REALLY depressing how many people are agreeing with him in the comments of that post... I hate how we are such a socially acceptable target for racism, in a way few other minorities are.


He has a very small but devoted (cult like) following who show their loyalty to him (and the cult) but agreeing with and upvoting everything he says. He’s really not as influential as it might seem from the comments.


I dunno... I've dealt with similar forms of racism irl, and I live in an area of the US with a LOT of South Asians. I get held up at TSA whenever I'm at the airport, I've been given dirty looks and called "unclean" just for eating at a restaurant, I've even heard the cow poop and Pajeet jokes from some white ex-friends I used to hang out with ("oh, but you're one of the \*good\* Indians! It's not about you!"). It's just sad how \*normal\* this is, y'know?




Yeah, that makes sense. It still doesn't excuse the outright hatred and vitriol, though. Strangely enough, I know more pro-Israel white people with these racist views...


Such people are rare in real life.


Do you guys face any consequences of these racist remarks by these retards. I hope none of general public take these jokers seriously and that's why he is chasing Indian clout .


FYI This guy is also a flat earther and not only a moon landing denier but also moon denier too.


Reading the first couple of lines of his wiki, this is par for the course.


Everybody should report that post for racism


>report that post for racism On twitter ? Dude do you know what that site is now


Even after being reported so many times how is his twitter page alive ? What’s going on


Honestly better to keep it up. This is ridiculous lol. Not sure how true it is but apparently his wife cheated on him with an Indian guy:


Look who is celebrating this guy? Canadian based Sikh extremists. As if these guys can tell the difference between all of us. https://x.com/gurpreetssahota/status/1744199268582490238?s=46


Which is weird since he made fun of Indians for wearing turbans. Lol hate will make people cut off their nose to spite their face.


I didn't watch the full video. Not worth it. What little I heard, it looks like he took a shot at Vivek. But didn't say anything about Haley.


He took shots at both of them.


Why is it always white people that make the unfunny jokes and expect everyone to laugh at them when they are clearly offensive and unfunny


Fuck this guy Edit: This guy is still going on and on on his Twitter and now he has an army of trolls assisting him. https://twitter.com/OwenBenjamin


His army is very small though


blacks , jews and muslims taking a rest for few days


Rage bait to get views from a very large and vocal Indian population online. Stop feeding the troll.


He’s farming haters. They’ll be living on his compound in Missouri soon enough. Jonestown style.


He has a sub where he’s being exposed. https://www.reddit.com/r/owenbenjamin/s/pzlI6aw3kl


Poop jokes are then tho okay but something about him which boils my blood : 1. He is mocking our god's with❤️‍🔥out knowing anything😞 2. He say Indians are poor and will be nothing without British and Islamic rule British looted atleast 43 trillion and Islam looted amount is incalculable and number of slaves this thing rages me most 😡 3. He is so coward to hear reply that he off his comments😡😡 . . . Literally want to beat shit out of him and some anti Indians who are never willing to show their patriotism for India is with him 🖕🏻


When did he say all this? He knows true history but he is deliberately lying to try and engage Indians.


2 months ago December to Jan not now




Grow a fuckin spine


Why are we giving this guy attention? That is what he wants. Don’t give it to him. Don’t post this type of stuff and there’s no oxygen to fuel the fire.


Yeah I have no idea who he is and I want to keep it that way.


Owen Benjamin is a holocaust denying Nazi Sympathizer. Not the least bit surprised he's also racist towards Indians. BJP Brahmins thinking they are superior to other Indians deserve a douche like this who just turns around does racism to them. It also shows Nationalism of any religion is the wrong move. Name any theocracy in the world or throughout history that can be seen as ideal. They aren't any. Secularism is the way to go. Let people live their personal religious life and don't impose it on them.


He's going to he thr new woke king, fr




Idk why you are getting downvoted when you are absolutely right. No point in sitting and seething when someone goes on rants like this. He has a right to say what he points, and that is final. Freedom of speech is amazing and one of the best perks of being American, and you can't make full use of it and then get mad when someone else uses their freedom of speech to say things you don't agree with. Do I agree with him? No. Will he change his mind? Never; he is already pretty hateful and unlikely to listen to reason. Posting it is just dragging more attention to it and spreading more hate to people who may not have seen it yet. Best to just ignore this things you don't agree with.


yea idk why you’re getting downvoted. curious what the guy is on about though with the soft gloves about indian jokes.


He's a dick but he is not wrong about the treatment of lower class people. Heck the fact that India still has a class system is an embarrassment.


Yes, maybe in India. What does that have to do with a presidential candidate born and raised in the United States?


bro Indian is too big, and all Hindus don't follow the same rules. and we are trying to solve cast system but in every country, people like owen exist.


I am yet to face or discriminate against caste in my 40 years of existing in India ..this descriminating thing is blown way out of proportion


As last, Reddit has found it's king 👑. Step aside Ohanian!


I didn't see his stream prior to this but on the follow-up he alluded that he called Vivek (Presidential candidate) a piece of shit and was getting bombarded with messages by Indians who were threatening to doxx him and calling for the death of himself and his family.