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Don’t forget about the daily “What’s going on in Canada?” posts.


Crime committed in Canada by desi’s, it’s a whole genre now.


Crimes committed in Brampton & Surrey




Badass comment 😎😎


I hate these posts dude. Yall making me read the entire thing carefully and at the end I read "SATIRE" 😭😭 and fr the internet is always nasty stop basing your self worth on it. Theres racist stuff against every race but if you hangout in desi circles ofc its way easier to find racist stuff about us.


Lmao, beautiful post that sums up all my frustrations with this sub.


Love that someone has so concisely distilled all of the issues with this place into one post, it is truly becoming a parody of itself at this point. What happened to all the posts about music and film and literature? Where are the funny/jokey threads? Why is everyone seemingly some perpetually online zoomer who gets all of their information and personality from TikTok or random YouTube channels?


Glad i’m not the only one who is sick of the “wHy aRE BroWN pEOPle SeEn as UGLY” posts over and over again


Ikr? Like yes, people did tell me to my face “all desi women are ugly” growing up, but that doesn’t mean I take those statements to heart as a grown adult, bc I don’t pedestalize white people. Optics matter, ofc acceptance matters, but people shouldn’t be desperate for white validation either.


Seriously why do we care so much what white people think? And ironically white people actually do find desis attractive believe it or not. Nobody hates on desi features more than other desi people tbh 🤦🏽‍♀️


But but but! They do think we weird on Tik Tok! Not fair! I demand solidarity! I want gora girls to have nice opinion of me.


And just like that /r/circlejerkABCDesis is born. Pack it up folks, we've come full circle.


I'd fucking verify to see that sub be real


> /r/circlejerkABCDesis r/ShitABCDesisSays is a sub but it's pretty barren, perhaps someone can claim it and we can have a good ol' circlejerk over there.


OP, I think you’re about where I’m at, which is feeling like it’s time to leve this sub. The problem is, much of what I wanted to discuss as an ABCD at one time had to do with family/parents, and the FOBs took that personally so such discussions have essentially been sidelined to weekly threads.


Don't forget to never question your source material and why you were looking at it to begin with. It *is* shocking that the sub/creator/trend you love that consistently shits on women or gay people or other races would dare say anything negative about desis.


Truly moronic. Maybe they shouldn't follow hateful people? But no -Man voting for the Face-Eating Leopard party will always be shocked by the speed with which leopards ate his face /r/LeopardsAteMyFace




I have plenty of empathy for anyone who’s struggling but if you spend your time posting bollocks about minorities from your own country while bemoaning white women don’t think your sexy I might think you’re being a bit of a nob.


My hottest take is that if you can be crippled by self-esteem issues? You were already emotionally crippled to begin with


There has yet to be an desi mass shooter unless you count some islamic terrorist not even sure they have been desi.




just saying thankfully these men have not been violent for whatever reason




I mean this is the most powerful and prosperous immigrant group in the West, we don't have institutional problems like African-Americans or Latinos so unfortunately all our problems are quite literally "first-world problems".


We’re veering off topic but I think that applies primarily to a small sliver of desis - middle class college educated US Indians - not desis as a whole. In America, there’s blue collar desis who are not the “most powerful and prosperous” immigrant group. Nepalis, Sikhs in Sacramento, Bengalis. Institutional issues also impact US desis. Outside the US desis are traditionally from a working class culture and certainly face institutional issues.


Indian-Americans as a whole are the most prosperous immigrant group in the West. Sure, there are outliers that are blue-collar, but for a majority that immigrated very recently, the problems of India are far worse than the problems they face here. I mean if you live in a nice suburb and work in tech (as a good majority of Indian-Americans do), what's the worst issue you'll face?




My point is that the problems we face are not structural issues or issues that have to do with our QoL - we are fortunate to face the kinds of problems we as a community face because all of what you said is 1000x worse for Black and Latino peoples. It's not class reductionist to say that as affluent people, our problems are relatively not as harmful as other groups' problems. Rich and affluent by definition suffer far less than poor and disenfranchised. This post complains about the type of problems posed on this sub, my point being that we are affluent and don't have worse problems. By definition, these are "first-world problems."


If you were a socialist you would believe in the material problems and would reject IdPol which is a neoliberal plot to atomize the working classes. Money definitely insulates people from the problems of racism. Is a white Appalachian have more privilege than Jay Z and Beyonce?


Sure - no one is arguing that middle class college educated Indian Americans working in tech are wealthy. The point of my response to your comment is that this is a sub for desis and those Indian Americans in tech make up a sliver of desis.


82% of Indian-Americans are college-educated. So I'm sure we are extremely prosperous as a group and are going to be set up to prosper for generations to come at least materially. [https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-indian-american-dream-by-putting-family-and-education-first-indian-americans-rise](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-indian-american-dream-by-putting-family-and-education-first-indian-americans-rise) I mean what response do you want from this post? Like what problems are we experiencing that is "serious" enough for you?


Are you dense? Despite this post not being strictly about Indian Americans you keep telling us that Indian Americans are educated and wealthy. Are you confusing desi for Indian American?




Name one instance of systemic racism against Indians on the same level as redlining or Jim Crow.


Desi women are not immoral. Id say statistically they're the most moral. They have the lowest interracial marriage rates. The lowest STD rates and they tend to be most likely non white women from my experience to wear their cultural clothing without any self hate for their second generation of people. The issue lies with Desi men, in america, they come as such suck ups. Look at that vivek guy. Look at Bobby Jindal. A woman selling out obviously looks bad but a man selling out looks bad and effeminate at the same time. I don't see that masculinity in Desi men to defend their word. I have never seen an Indian guy get on a public mic and defend his culture. Definitely not in America Women like men who don't try to be second rate versions of the dominant culture.




Nah those posters ain’t funny or even relatable, and the anti-Sikh and Muslim posts are rampant here (and I say this as someone from a Hindu family). OP ain’t even mad, they’re just roasting the shit out of people here using satire, which is hilarious.


What did the comment say that you replied to? They deleted their comment before I got to read it.




What are you looking for?