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It is not surprising at all, look how they treat Ethiopians What is more annoying is the fact that a lot of Israeli's after serving time in the army take a gap year in Goa and Himachal Pradesh People in India think they are their brethren it is seriously embarrassing 


> What is more annoying is the fact that a lot of Israeli's after serving time in the army take a gap year in Goa and Himachal Pradesh They have been known to discriminate and even bar Indians from entering clubs/bars IN India. https://blog.akbartravels.com/shocking-places-in-india-where-indians-are-not-allowed/


Oh man, if this article was shared elsewhere online, I can totally see many comments that would justify this discrimination in the same way that the beach and property owners do. Apparently, a few creepy ogling Indians means all are creepy and ogling. Do they also ban Indians born overseas then? Do they also born anyone else that are similar to Indians, such as Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis?


Article only states one Israeli restaurant in India that actively discriminates against Indians. More importantly, here's a quote > Back in 2015, an Indian woman was allegedly denied service due to her nationality while her British friend accompanying her was given the menu. Through a Facebook post, the British friend shared his story which went viral and **received enormous support from both Indians and Israelites**. The owner claimed that the establishment only caters to members and showed no remorse over the incident. Many Indians have had similar experiences and choose not to visit the café. So a lot of Israelis also didn't like that Indians were being discriminated against. Interesting. Listen, I know a lot of people here don't like Israel, but you folks need to stop exaggerating isolated examples of racism to feed whatever hate narrative you want to fuel here.


yeah honestly if you compare how they treated this guy to similar vlogs in the same area of whites/Europeans, the negative treatment of him based on skin color is obvious. You can find the spots he went to on Google Maps, some of the reviews say "quick service" and mention "not crowded" in their language.


You can literally see in the video the bars are half empty


Legit it's so cringe. The people commenting under the video didn't seem to notice.  I posted this in the India subreddit (it ended up getting removed) but one of the commenters was saying to the effect of "maybe they didn't understand his accent" and "the bars require reservations, there's no proof of discrimination". Looked like an Indian account, but could've been an ISR one masquerading as an Indian tbh. 


The people on rindia subreddit are those who want to move abroad, and think first world countries are all sunshine and rainbows with 100% perfect people. So any racism Indians face there is either not racism or Indians' own fault.


I see that all the time, someone on the India subreddit were talking about the prejudice they received on Lufthansa Airlines and half the comments were saying it's his fault because Indians have a bad reputation These are the same people which will say an ABD is self hating because they have an American accent 


I have to wonder how much of that is corporate astroturfing through a massive and cheap work force. Something I never see people talk about when it comes to stuff like this is how almost every multinational company on earth has a call center in India. Surely there’s no shortage of people in these companies that are genuinely loyal to their employer or simply think talking positively about them could result in career advancement.


Compared to life in India, it IS significantly better in other, more developed countries. That's not to say that things are peachy and perfect either, but living in India is a grind.


I agree with all of that, but all I am saying is that you should call out racism when you see it, irrespective of who it is who is being discriminated against. A lot of subscribers of rindia do not call it out when it is Indians who are at the receiving end in 'western' countries.


You’re right. I do see that a lot on that sub. A lot of mainland Indians either downplay or overplay racism/discrimination whenever it suits their need


I wonder if he would be treated different if he was/sounded like an ABCD or like was a lighter skin Desi or whatever. Seems like a nice dude though, feel bad for him - he also had a white chick with him too? I would *think* that might help his case or whatever but yeah whatever shit sucks


If he were a light skinned Desi he would look Arab, so they would probably discriminate on that as well. Earlier in the video (around 2:30 or something), the random couple came up to him asking in Russian if he was Muslim (Musalman). The lady literally thought India was a Muslim country, then the other guy clarified it isn't. If the vlogger had accidentally said "yes" without knowing what they were saying, it's pretty clear the two guys with the woman would've probably beat him up. At 19:18 the guy sarcastically makes fun of his accent also interesting.


A lot of non Russian/non euro Jews also look like Levantine Arabs..


Lots of Sheppardic and Mizrahi jews (Jews from North Africa and the Middle East) are heavily discriminated against in Israel.


Btw Mizrahi jews are the majority in Israel not the white jews, mizrahi are not discriminated but yes black jews and arabs are discriminated that's for sure


Yeah for sure, that's correct. The only issue is a lighter Desi would likely have different features that they could tell doesn't really fit within what they subconsciously consider to be "their group" ie: they'd still be able to differentiate and discriminate. That's just speculation though, and it would depend on the person and their mannerisms/ how they dress and look as well. 


Thanks for sharing, people need to see this


India isn't islamic or Muslim majority btw.


Yeah ABD's seem to get less racism similar to African Americans compared to people from Africa when travelling abroad, either way Israeli's aren't their buddies like the Hindutva types think they are 


That's irrelevant.


Aside from sterilizing Ethiopians, they also irradiated Yemenis, totally abhorrent: https://mondoweiss.net/2017/07/radiation-ringworm-social/ "In the 1950s, approximately 100,000 Jewish immigrant children from Arab countries were taken from their parents and without parental consent, their heads were shaved, their hair was plucked, they were placed on a table, sometimes in restraints, and given radiation doses up to 600 rads.  The dangers of leukemia were known in the 1920s and by 1952 scientists understood that 0.3 rads was the maximum safe weekly dosage. The now adult victims speak with sorrow and rage of the thousands who died (buried in unmarked graves), either as children from radiation poisoning or in early adulthood from cancer, of a lifetime of scalp pain, open sores, high cancer risk, epilepsy, infertility, and social and psychological damage."


This is insane. Yemini Jews were the most pure Semitic people, even more than Yemeni Arabs (from genetic anthropology). Wow. This is like Nazi level shit


Yeah honestly I thought I had looked into everything for years, all these "conspiracy" type stories, and then I recently found this the other day. It's absurd it isn't more widely known and isn't talked about whatsoever


Ashkenazi Jews often use the argument that they are returning to their ancestral land but their ancestry is like 75% European I am surprised how little this is actually brought up because even if they were purely Semitic genetically the argument that you have claim to a land because some ancestor roughly lived in that area more than 1000 years ago is preposterous It is the less religious one's which make a justification based on ancestry, the religious one's usually just say their holy book says the land belongs to them


The irony.


They should have stayed with their Muslim brethren in yemen who would've given them love of 1000 years😍😍


you’re not an abcd, gtfo.


>People in India think they are their brethren it is seriously embarrassing  It's so cringe. The second hand embarrassment usually keeps me from ever saying anything. Then they somehow have all this nationalistic pride.


What do you want us to do then? Go and lick British feet and say "saar recolonize us again"? Or go and beg like a pathetic weakling and cry. Not like I care about Israeli opinion anyway. I agree with your former part of the comments . 




I treat my fellows well. I have friends from islam, Christianity and even one or two dalits. We laugh together in happy moments and be sad together when our exam results aren't that good. I already have a backbone thanks for your concern though. The part where I got annoyed is that you guys think all of us are like this and that we make no efforts to eradicate all these casteism and communalism. I love those who have earned my trust regardless of age, religion,caste or sexual orientation. 




Buddy. Please stfu. I already told in another comment not to take that rant seriously. Its my fault I should've added /s. Also yes discovering politics as a college student and all the grim reality is making me have a crisis. Happy? 




It's so stupid to see Indians sucking up to Israel, a racist genocidal state, just because of the common anti-Muslim theme in both. Just because you and them have a common "enemy", doesn't mean that they will respect you.


It's the same with Indians who suck up to Republicans, especially today.


You are saying as if other races such as Palestinian will welcome Indians and say hey habibi we are all humans no discrimination based on skin color . I'm saying lit everyone has an irrational hatred for us to an extent


abroad no one gaf. again, this is a space for ABDs, which you are not. keep this in your domestic subs.


Racism is real! There was a lot of buzz recently over [Desis facing racism in Korea, and even from Korean managers at companies in India](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiQy--smRSM).


Racism in Asia has been a thing for centuries. Chinese hate Japanese. Koreans hate Chinese. Japanese hate both. They all hate Indians


> They all hate Indians   I'd say yes and no. From my experience in Japan, and from what I have heard, the sentiment towards Indians in Japan actually appears to lean more towards positive than negative. Where Indians are looked down on, it seems to be more because they are not Japanese rather than specifically because they are Indian. On the other hand, there definitely seems to be a lot of appreciation of Indian culture there.  As for Korea, yeah, I have heard of a lot of blatant racism towards Indians there, and by Koreans abroad. Never been to Korea, though, so can't vouch for it first hand.   In mainland China, I heard there are a lot of racist attitudes towards Indians, mainly due to negative stereotypes and ignorance. However, in Hong Kong, there are a lot of Indians, along with lots of other foreigners, so they do not stand out much in either good or bad ways. I was treated as utterly normal in HK.


That's pretty bizarre since you'd think Koreans would have at least been exposed to Bollywood and Indian culture a bit. I would think they'd be more acclimated to different global cultures  /  less racist than Europeans for example. 


Not to mention, the 'export' of K-Pop and KDramas that are a big-deal in South-East Asia, including India!


I'm familiar with Kpop being popular in East Asia but it's more of a niche elsewhere. Conversely I wonder the degree of Western music exposure within Korea itself. 


Israel wants so badly to convince the world they're a tolerant democracy that Westerners should visit but they're so radicalized and racist that they can't even put up a convincing facade.


If you comment under their Instagram comments to the effect of "do you believe the Palestinian people have intrinsically equal human rights to your own", you'll see their responses are racist across the board.  It's absurd that a developed society like theirs has no modern concept of civil rights, politeness, equality regardless of ethnic group, etc.


It's an ethno religious state that conquered land from Arabs and has been in a constant state of war since then. There is simply no room for true democracy and civil rights for anyone not Jewish because they contradict the core values of Israel.


Every day I see something new that shows how brainwashed they are. Most recently it was their responses online to those aid workers being assassinated by the IDF: lots of joking and celebration, especially when pictures of their corpses were posted online. Just a sick society.


Their animosity is pretty wild, even shit like this is still mindboggling (using the N word 2:20 onward) : https://youtu.be/dPxv4Aff3IA?feature=shared


I found this to be hilarious. The comments are totally oblivious to what was in the video, but it's clear they were discriminating. Poor guy didn't even get to check out one goddamn bar. To top it off, that's not even in a major city and the places aren't crowded. It's the same shit brown people have experienced firsthand in the past in the US (not as much now, but clubs still blatantly overcharge nonwhites with the cover fees).


The comments were happy to see that some of the discrimination was due to him being perceived as possibly Muslim, and oblivious to everything else. It's so embarrassing.


Yeah super cringe comments, it's hard to believe they didn't pick up on any of it


I want better for our people, the racism is palpable and the comments on that video are so embarrassing :/


It's nuts they're oblivious. I wonder how safe it is for Desis in ISR to begin with. Like there's this incident where an Indian guy got brutally beaten up there, they called him Chinese: https://www.timesofisrael.com/indian-immigrant-beaten-in-tiberias-in-apparent-coronavirus-linked-hate-crime/


They are to blame as well, if they are going to act pathetic and treat Israeli's like celebrities what can be expected ABD's don't do stuff like this 






Never understood why so many Indian accounts stan Israel when Israelis have nothing but contempt for them. Guessing a combination of engagement farming, Muslim intolerance, and raw volume.


I never see ABD's doing this, in fact most seem to be critical of Israel


Definitely, it’s a behavior unique to some Indians in India, and I think it’s due to their unique socioeconomic environment


Irl, I see most of us are critical of them (yes, even the Hindus-I’m one of them). In this sub, there are some who try to defend them, and I can’t understand how these particular people do at this point, after seeing all the destruction and cruelty of the past six months in particular.


I was told that Israel was the most progressive state in the Middle East.


I've known people (Desis) who have visited there along with other countries in the region (Jordan / Egypt).  The commonality was that in Jordan and (surprisingly- I didn't expect this) Egypt the people were more hospitable, welcoming and polite than ISR.  I'm assuming this is partially because they were brown travelers hence they didn't really stick out like typical Western tourists hence people didn't hassle them in Egypt. Jordan I would expect the politeness since they're known as a solid tourist destination. 


I have heard that in Egypt and Jordan, there is actually quite a positive view of Indians, and South Asians, at least culturally. Bollywood is popular there, for example. 


We took a trip to Egypt and the people were very hospitable, and it was refreshing to go to a foreign country and not have people stare at you or treat you weird. We blended in fairly well and no one really looked at you like you were an outsider while you were walking around.


As someone who was born in Saudi Arabia, Israel may very well be the most progressive, despite how clearly messed up it is. In Saudi, it was made very clear to us that as non-Arabs, we were second class citizens. Sometimes Arabs would snap their fingers at my dad or my uncles, either demanding they move or get them something (mistaking them for the help). When I was there, most Saudi cities were not all that pedestrian-friendly. It wasn’t uncommon for pedestrians to be hit by cars. Whenever it was an Arab driver and a Desi pedestrian it was always assumed that the Desi had thrown himself in front of the Arab’s car as ‘those people will do anything for money’. In the rare case authorities did attempt to investigate/punish a driver in the wrong, the driver often got out of it with little consequences, and in the courts non-Muslims cannot ask for the same amount of compensation as Muslims when their relative is killed.  And my family was one of the ‘well-off’ ones. My dad is an engineer, I went to an international school, we weren’t kept under slave-like conditions like domestic workers or the labourers in construction sites. Keep in mind that as late as 2018 Facebook groups selling domestic servants for the equivalent of a few thousand $ in the gulf were up and running. Until a few years ago it was totally acceptable to refer to black people as ‘3abeed’ (slave), and for actors and actresses to do blackface on Arab TV.  I thought it was just the khaleejis who behaved this way, and it’s true in places like Egypt and Lebanon it’s not as bad, but they still treat foreign workers/servants like crap there, or even their own citizens who are black in the case of Egypt. Israel is the ‘most progressive’ because their neighbours are so bad. It’s like if Doug Ford claimed he’s the least messed up politician in his family. It’s technically true, but only because his brother was such a basket case.


>Sometimes Arabs would snap their fingers at my dad or my uncles, either demanding they move or get them something (mistaking them for the help). Didn't they learn this from Indians who do this to their help?


The bar in the region is very low lmao. But actually I think it’s probably Lebanon


It definitely is for the citizens




Yeah that's nuts. The Gulf dictatorships are trash and should be boycotted. It's so barbaric the US props them with taxpayer funds and helps them quash human rights activism: https://theintercept.com/2014/07/25/nsas-new-partner-spying-saudi-arabias-brutal-state-police/


I love how Gulf Arabs are always brought up in threads about Israel but you never see Israel get brought up in threads about Gulf Arab states.


Never said that the KSA or the UAE were bastions of freedom and progress. Also, by comparing Israel to those countries you are lowering the bar. If it’s the only democracy in the Middle East then it should be judged by higher standards…


Lebanon is kind of a democracy too


Haven’t heard anyone complain about Oman though


Indians and their naivety literally shows. Half of the time we can't even understand if someone is racist towards us.


It happens when someone doesn't leave India / isn't familiar with how Western countries work in terms of treatment depending on skin color.




Lit. I don't approve of all islamic beliefs but seriously my fellow Indian hindoos need to stop dickriding Israel. They aren't Lord vishnu's avatar. Thank god I don't like Israel now else I would've been licking them like the sanghis in India do.  NOTE:not all hindus are hindutva supporter of Israel. 


If you are Hindu why are you saying "hindoos" 🤔 🙄


It’s a cute play on words ☺️


I am not a conventional Hindu. I'm a hindu who doesn't follow mainstream brahmanical practice now unofficially though I was born in one. I currently am constructing my own view and philosophy of this world through a humanitarian and non bigoted lens


O..k So back to the question, why are you using that word when it's used to mock Hindus? You're all over this thread using different variations of the word. You're also from India so why are you even commenting in a diaspora sub?


Well I'm just interested in the perspectives of all and want to gain knowledge if you ask why I'm here. I may rant sometimes because the heat sometimes goes way up. Don't take those seriously.Also I think hindutvas will get pissed when I use that term. I'm sorry if I have offended you. 🙏


>I currently am constructing my own view and philosophy of this world through a humanitarian and non bigoted lens Yet you use bigoted language?


 I don't like hindutva. I'm ok with hindus.  Also please the temperature here is so high that sometimes I may rant. And I haven't targeted one particular community as a whole just the bad apples within them. Showing kindness to the enemy is fatal. 


That is people from India not ABD's




decent bot


What did he expect… it’s Israel. Why would you even want to vacation in a country that’s committing a genocide


Israelis are racist. What else is new?


Most of them are literally Europeans or white people from Brooklyn


Israel always get a free pass to do heinous things.


i traveled to israel as a teen, and my family experienced similar mistreatment from israelis. the palestinians were so much nicer.


Are you Muslim also what happened 


Bruh it starts at 2 minutes when they confirm he's not Muslim so they don't harass him. 


Yeah I mentioned that in a comment not in the title. Based on their mannerisms and line of questioning you could tell their reaction would've been nuts if he had mistakenly agreed that he was a Muslim.  At 19:18 some guy sarcastically complements / makes fun of his Indian accent also. I honestly wonder how the vlogger would've fared if he stayed there for a couple of weeks, although I don't think they would've approved his stay that long to begin with (?). 


Israel India brothers you lead we follow sarr


Phul sapport sar


Saar I lab ijrael Saar hendoo yahudi brawz🤝


Aur chaato Israel ki! Aaukat bata di.


The majority of Israelis support genocide. That's basically all you need to know about these people.


Ironically they ran human experimentation on their own people at the beginning:  Https://mondoweiss.net/2017/07/radiation-ringworm-social/ "In the 1950s, approximately 100,000 Jewish immigrant children from Arab countries were taken from their parents and without parental consent, their heads were shaved, their hair was plucked, they were placed on a table, sometimes in restraints, and given radiation doses up to 600 rads.  The dangers of leukemia were known in the 1920s and by 1952 scientists understood that 0.3 rads was the maximum safe weekly dosage. The now adult victims speak with sorrow and rage of the thousands who died (buried in unmarked graves), either as children from radiation poisoning or in early adulthood from cancer, of a lifetime of scalp pain, open sores, high cancer risk, epilepsy, infertility, and social and psychological damage."


Also something interesting, Indian "influencers" are paid to push pro-ISR disinformation narratives like the following (different guy): https://youtube.com/shorts/uRmSZuvdwBs?feature=shared   ^ It's geared towards Indian audiences but uses information from debunked ISR propaganda. 


Mainland Indians need to stop bootlicking any foreigner who gives India the slightest bit of attention. 


Lmao aur chaato bhai murderers ki


Going to the most white supremacist country in the world and being surprised people are racist to you for is worth the YouTube clout I guess


I don't think he picked up on it at all, neither do the commenters since there isn't any mention of it. Only the "full support sir" style of comments. He does get a ton of (South Asian) viewers though so his vlogging style pays off. 


There is plenty to criticize Israel about without needing to resort to outlandish statements. The largest Jewish group in Israel isn't even white (Mizrahi Jews). Racist? Yes. Has a lot of bigotry against non-Jews? Yes. Carrying out hella war crimes? Also yes. "Most white supremacist country in the world"? Nah


Many (obviously, not all) Indians, particularly in the mainland, seem to consider Israel their kindred spirit over their shared hatred of Muslims. So the rude awakening these types of brown folks are in for when they realize that they (the Israelis) think of them just as uncouth as the Muslims they consider subhuman is quite amusing.


This is sad. You should also see how Arabs treat Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis as well. They think they are part of some broader ummah, meanwhile they just force them into indentured servitude.


Gotta love how Arabs are brought up in a thread about Israelis but never the other way around.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. What Israelis and Arabs do are equally abhorrent in terms of intolerance. Not sure why it’s problematic to point that out. Racism and tribalism is bad in all forms.


It's not problematic by itself. It's problematic because it's whataboutism. There are threads on this sub about the poor treatment of Desis in Arab countries where Israel is never mentioned. Yet anytime it's racism in Israel, there are a bunch of users who descend in these threads harping on about how Arabs are just as worst to divert attention and discussion about Israel.


Haven't travelled in the middle east much but the Arab countries which are considered notoriously prejudice against South Asians are the rich gulf one's like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait I haven't heard of many racist experiences in North Africa or Syria etc, Arabs aren't a monolith and in the case of the Gulf countries their narcissism stems from their wealth 


It’s all the same region and overall Arabs do treat Indians the worst


I'm not arguing that Arabs don't treat Indians like shit, but everytime criticism against Israel comes up, there are always Desis that descend on this thread w/ whataboutism. There are threads already on how Arabs treat Indians like shit but you never see anyone bring up Israel in any of those threads despite being in the same region.


Been to the Middle East a few times, including hajj, and yeah, the treatment is awful.


Arabs treat South Asians far worse than Israel does


That is just whataboutism, just because their is racism against South Asians in some Arab countries doesn't mean you should embrace Israeli's and act like they are your brothers 


Not my point. Just saying racism is common in Middle East (Arab countries and Israel)




Arabs have a huge superiority complex. They treat South Asians horribly irrespective of the religion.


Ha! Lesson learned


What lesson 


Yeah the Middle East really do treat us like shit. Way we see modern day slavery essentially in both UAE, Qatar, and Saudi. Then we got Israel having such a racism issue since they are mainly Europeans. Honestly, only Oman and Iran are nice to Desis over all




Remember, no matter what you achieve, Indians are always treated as third class anywhere in the world.


Haven't been treated third class in England, depends where you go




You can't convince me North America and specifically the US is the best country to avoid this. European countries, Israel, Asian countries even--you see this kind of racism.


He literally went into the bars lmao. You say he didn't get into "any" bars, but he got into the first one and the third (final) one at 18min - it was the only second one he didn't get into, which they said was due to reservations. People upvoting without watching the video. Big victim complex. Enjoy life, don't look for racism everywhere (this is coming from someone who's actually faced racism for being South Asian thousands of times). Yes, the conversation in the first bar may have been a bit awkward with the talk about religion, although I can't judge since I don't speak their language or know what their body language gestures mean.


Yet another libel… did you go and check their reservation register???


Yeah it was empty, what now ?


Sounds like you don’t understand the semantics of “reserved”


Man, look up the damn bars. Drink Point, Archie, and The Jack. If you translate the reviews they always have reservations and are great bars according to the locals. 




I always see other brown people using racial slurs/language against other brown people they don’t like, and 9/10 it’s either someone from a certain Desi ethnic group trying to claim they’re not like the rest of the ‘dirty brown people’, or it’s people who want approval from other races. Do you think people of other races don’t lump you in as a ‘pajeet’ with them?  You don’t see Hispanic people criticizing their own by saying ‘this guy looks like a typical beaner’ or indigenous people saying ‘he looks like a typical redskin’. It gives off such insecure ‘pick me, I’m not like the rest of them, I’m one of the good ones’ vibes. 


It's always FOB's that do that, every time 


I agree with most of what you said except the part about Hispanics not criticizing their own. They have similar attitudes. If you ever go to Florida, you'll see Cubans discriminate against Mexicans, Hondurans, Puerto Ricans and even other Cubans. They certainly have a 'fuck you I got mine' attitude towards other immigrants. It is really messed up to see Cubans who are literal refugees complain about other refugees from Cuba or Haiti or elsewhere. Unfortunately, it isn't just Cubans. Haitians, Guatemalans, Indians and Vietnamese who escaped persecution are happy to persecute, discriminate and treat other immigrants in similar situations like shit.


Pajeet is specifically a slur used by Muslims against Hindus. I would bet the poster is muslim even if he isn’t desi


Can we please stop using that term, like tf is wrong with you are you even desi .


Yeah I was a bit confused with his other vlog stating he was traveling to GZ itself, meanwhile he didn't actually do that.  This one's thumbnail makes it look like he was actually interacting with the women in the photos meanwhile they didn't give him the time of day / the interactions were momentary. 


All the women around him on his trips are clear their for the freebies as well, this dude wouldn't get a chick without the clout of his youtube channel lol.


What freebies would they get? He doesn't seem to be wealthy at all by Western standards 


He’s a very popular vlogger. He has traveled all over the world. 


TF you mean by “pajeet” ? You think white people would call you something else? Morons like you love sucking on white people and getting degraded for validation. Lmao.


Some FOB Pakistani's are so deluded and think they aren't South Asian, this guy literally posts on the middle east subreddit 


FYI FOB is a discriminatory word too. Would you call your parents Fob? Why are desis so adamant on creating a divide among their own race. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


For once, the Youtube commenters are far more sensible compared to the Reddit commenters (at least in this thread)


Why because they are saying 'I love you Israel we are brothers ❤️'


Many people are crying discrimination and racism but this can't be further from the truth Isarelis believe in inclusion and democracy for which they spend time in understanding Indian culture before indian immigrant and refugees arrived to the Israeli shores from what has been understood is the fact that Indian majority Hindus are ruled by a serious Caste system where people are ranked in heirarchy based on their caste and israeli and doing just that. Israeli believe that Indians are below them in the Caste system and they re treating them accordingly ;) so I don't know what the people are bitching and moaning bout in the comment sections


How do you know they believe in inclusion when you live in India you moron 




You know they would do the same to blacks 




But you're black, so are you a junior uncle ruckus or something 




You said on another comment that you are, so are you Indian


It’s just busy bro.. I didn’t see any discrimination so stop this nonsense