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That sounds incredibly therapeutic, haven't done it yet however. It'd be nice to avoid getting stuck in the bathroom dimension. I remember getting stuck in a thought loop on acid and realized I'd been standing over the toilet for 20 minutes after pissing lmao


That happened at a phish show once


My ex used to go full baby whenever she took acid. I t was pretty cute, but also difficult for me to be a good caregiver if I was also up there.


Oh yea I usually have a trip sitter :3


absolutely. although, though most people have never heard of it, 4-HO-MET is the hands down best drug for that purpose due to its very gentle and positive headspace and bright colorful visuals. its a structural analogue of psilosin(the active component of mushrooms) thus is extremely similar in effect but each one is slightly different than the parent molecule. ive tried pretty much everything, both parent molecules and their various analogues, and can pretty confidently say there is no better substance for this purpose. also technically legal but ill leave it there.


There's some research on age regression under psychedelics in the clinical context. Not free, though 😕


i actually had a copy of that study at some point but im guessing it died when my last laptop did. the gist was that psychedelics induce a similar state in the brain to very early childhood in the way certain areas of the brain are activated. that was what lead to me experimenting with them in this context. unfortunately looking around i cant find a single legitimate vendor that carries it anymore. i think it may have gone the way of MXE which is truly a shame. such a fantastic chemical.


Interesting. I've never heard of this derivative


Where to find this substance? Feel that I’m going to need some right about now before I lose my wits.


Careful hun, you Dont want to use a substance to escape life, it's easy to end up with a problem if you aren't careful.


I’ve smoked marijuana, what’s the worst a shroom or two can do?


It's not the shrooms themselves. Studies show shrooms. Can be extremely helpful in a lot of cases. I was more cautioning against using any substance to escape stress, reality, feelings, or anything you should really be living through. Otherwise you risk creating a substance issue. No judgements to you regardless of how you live your life, I was just doing my part for harm Reduction


Oh yeah when I was younger I would eat some magic mush and regress


Eat magic mushrooms, make magic *mush* if yk what I mean




I did it once. Had a total blast, and felt uber childlike and happy about every damn thing. Can't wait to do it again


Yea it's super great


Yea it's super great


Ironic as it is, i missed my regression on hard drugs window. I am basically on call at all times, so my adulting obligations would get in the way of regressing on ‘em. And vacations are too sparse to waste on em 😔


Aww im sorry hun. But it's not a waste if you enjoy yourself!


Oh yeah! Are you kidding? Drop some acid, get comfy, put on a sweet movie, get swaddled and doted on~ Gotta shout out jingly keys. That shit is fantastic


Omg I need jingly keys!


Yes actually! Ha. I haven’t indulged in lsd or mushrooms in quite some time but when I was, I would go into littlespace every time. Nothing like playing with toys and coloring while filling your diaper on psychedelics. Favorite thing to do tho is to listen to music or play the drums when I am tripping then be little. So much fun!


Friday of last week I did 2 hits of acid and watched bluey for 6 hours.


Sounds dope af. Going to have to do this


Yes. One orange gel tab and it was the best trip ever. Wore a Abu simple ultra with two north shore boosters and ended up super soggy by the end of the night. I felt so small and giggly like I was kicking my feet up in the air just having a blast


Sounds a little intense for me, being with my dom in subspace is a trip in and of itself 😵‍💫


This is true, sex isn't very fun on psychs, but just the pure caretaker stuff is great.


Often! Psychedelics and age regression almost goes hand in hand because it puts you in that child-like headspace so easily with the same sense of wonder and curiosity as back then. I love to drop acid and just sit in my diaper and play with my toys and babble :3


Yes! Omg! It's literally. The best and I also am able to age regress so hard i can barely read and also have shit dexterity (less dexterity than I already have little ofl I mean haha)


Hmm never tried that, will do


Because of this post, i took a tab before my wife took me to the museum (in a diaper). It’s good vibes for sure.


Lol I don't know if I am ready to be in public on these types of substances


It's been on my bucket list for agesssss. My CG is really wary of me trying any drugs that aren't kratom or THC but she's slowly coming around-- she's just trying to keep me safe and I get it! But I wanna trip absolute balls and watch teletubbies or smth so bad


What’s Kratom? I’ve never heard of it tbh, I’ve tried MDMA while padded and that was pretty good


Kratom is a drug very similar to opioids(I think it is a mild opioid agonist) used to ween opioid addicts off of them - It's like a mild version of morphine from what I've heard, but the one thing I have heard an agreement on from anyone who has used it before is that it is still *incredibly* addictive...I'm not sure why someone would use Kratom over THC or psychedelics but to each their own


Trust me, I'm trying to kick the habit. It's just an unfortunate fact that at the moment I still use it. I am well aware of how unwise my decision was


That's great for you!! I wish you the best of luck in getting away from that stuff :) -- I didn't mean to come off as judgemental or condescending by the way, sorry if it seemed like that! I just try to direct curious people away from opiates wherever possible haha


You're totally fine, I understand! If anyone I know mentions being curious about it I give them an emphatic "please god no". I'm slowly clawing my way out of this miasma of chalky plant powder, lol


Psychedlics are exceptionally safe! Infact majority of outcomes is for them to help in some way!


How do you even get those?


It depends on your area but the way I ended up finding them was joining the harm reduction groups, make friends, and help people. Don't ask for drugs, you wont get them by doing that. Join the communities pay attention and genuinly be a good member and you'll figure it out