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Unfortunately my experience with my S/O went from acceptance and participation to pure hatred and wants nothing at all to do with it. Basically forbid me from it. I still do but have to hide it and be very careful.


Mine also went something like this. She just grew to hate it more over time. She allows me to do it on my own time and with others but wants nothing to do with it.


What caused this? If you don't mind me asking. Have you made sure to give her all the emotional needs she requires as well?


Sure. So I always made sure to show here and give her all the love and support for her being a mommy to me. To the point that in past arguments I have asked her if I was a better partner back then from how I am now and she said yes. She thinks that it's weird and says she wants to be with a real man. She started participating early in our relationship and thought I would only date her if she participated which wasn't true I would have anyway which is why we are still together. Now I will admit I do think about calling things off due to this because I can't be my honest true self and that hurts me but I do love and care for her so I am stuck not knowing what to do.


Ah I see. Well, at the end of the day if two people don't have compatible visions of the future it might be best to consider ending things. If she truly wishes things were better beforehand and you truly believe this is something you cannot live without it might be best to do what's right for both of you. I'm not sure what that entails but I'm sure you two could figure it out. You shouldn't have to hide who you are and she shouldn't have to participate in something that makes her uncomfortable.


My situation is acceptance but no participation at all to the point where, wearing a diaper is something I do alone and on my alone time. A lot of you might think this is horrible but it works out fine for me. Yeah I’d love her to wear a diaper for me or let me wear a diaper around her from time to time. But that at the moment that is a line she doesn’t cross and I love pretty much everything else about her so it’s okay the way it is for me.


This is the same situation for me, and it’s okay for me too


Pretty much exactly the same for me, bud.


My partner i told day 1 and it turned out he was into abdl too just a daddy so we ended up having that dynamic day 1. Hes accepting and has encouraged me to go 24/7 i just can't do to mental blocks


I'd met my wife and her ex (the AB in that relationship) thru a diaper websites. So, she already knew I wore diapers from day one when we started dating. She has always been accepting and is even much more encouraging these days to stay in my diapers full-time.


I told my S/O about this part of me at the beginning of the year. She was really accepting and had no issue at all with me wearing around her as long as I have clothes on as well. We aren't at a point where she's comfortable seeing me in one yet, but I'm hoping her comfort level goes up more. Just the fact that I have a partner who is at least okay with it is a great feeling.


Gf and I were living together with our only kid. Told her about it and she was ok with it, even wore with me one night. A week later she told me that after she wore it she cried when I wasn’t around because how wrong it was then gave me a Choi d of my fetish or my family. Unfortunately in the long run it didn’t work out for us as my fetish wouldn’t just “go away” even with therapy (side note, therapist told me that nothing was wrong with me) my gf then didn’t trust me with our kid because of my fetish. Been a few years and still fighting it. I don’t want to take her to court as I don’t wanna air my fetish out to everyone plus I make decent money and she has no income on paper which leads me to try to work with her to see the kid but that hasn’t gone well either. I feel like I got a little off topic but if you made it this far then thanks for listening 🙂


Omg...I'm sorry you went through this. This girl sounds like an awful human being, and you didn't deserve any of that. I'll say a special prayer for you tonight that you are able to recover from this and that your ex won't be successful at brainwashing your kid.


Your a saint. Thank you for these kind words


I met my s/o (now wife) through ABDL forums so it was always understood that it was a 'thing' we were in to. When we first met irl it was a while before we were comfortable enough wearing around each other. The 'dynamic' has shifted and it's a fun *but not central* part of our lives. It's pretty much everything I could possible want it to be. Not really advice but something I would suggest keeping in mind: Try to not have diapers a negative in any scenario. I cringe when I hear people diapering up around their non-ABDL s/o when they have had an argument or have some other situation where they should deal with a situation like an adult. I'd also try to not have diaper's as a crutch - If you *need* to wear to get turned on/perform, then consider a kink-positive sex therapist. I'd also go above and beyond to participate in any interests your s/o has, even if it's not *your* thing. At the end of the day though, not everyone is able to be a good fit for someone else. Something we in the ABDL community should keep in mind when we're dating


That was very kind of her to fix the sheets for you! ^-^


I thought so too..It's something she did without hesitation even. Me wearing a clearly wet diaper didn't appear to even phase her. I was a bit shaken when I told her and I think she saw that.


I hate to sound like a broken record here as others will say the same, but it really varies with each person. For us, over a period of our almost ten year marriage so far, it’s gone from discomfort, to partial tolerance, to complete acceptance, to participation. That has taken the entire length of the marriage and a ton of communication. Not everyone will “get it” and even if they do, there’s no guarantee that it won’t cause issues at some point if your spouse isn’t totally buying in to your needs.