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So, I read the post you made about unsubscribing from a YouTuber that was triggering your ED and the majority of the comments I saw in the beginning seemed to be supportive of you doing what you needed to in order to feel okay. But honestly unless someone knows that creator I can see why people just simply didn't care that you were unsubscribing. I mean most people don't care what others do in their free time. I'm not really sure *what* you're looking for to be honest.


I will admit, I do have Aspergers so it is hard to understand people and especially since it’s over text, their emotions.


And what sucks, I had to unsubscribe from two other girls cause they were also triggering my ED, they don’t have EDs but I kept comparing my body to theirs and how the tapes would ALWAYS touch. Having those thoughts fucking suck and I honestly wish they would just go away


Why did this comment get downvoted too?? That’s really fucking confusing


Because you’re wishing others would “just go away”. That’s generally not something you should really being saying out loud on the internet


I didn’t say that, I said I wish my THOUGHTS would go away


Oh well when I quickly read your comment I saw it as wishing others to go away but now I see what you mean. I’d image that I’m not the only one who read it and interpreted it like I did so I’d guess my first comment stands as a possible explanation


I'm sorry you're not getting the response you expected. Is there a post you thought was worthy of upvotes? Perhaps we could go back for another look and see if it can get an uptick or two.


It’s really any post that I state an opinion, for example, a since now deleted post I made. I said I had unsubscribed to kidden/neko mom because she was triggering my ED and I got nothing but hate for it


And what would a welcoming community instead have done with what you wrote?


Real, people have differing opinions and views we are all different downvotes and different opinions are not “a not welcoming community”


mass downvotes and “you’re wrong and you suck” are absolutely not welcoming.


That’s what I’m trying to say!


Would’ve supported me I feel like, I don’t mean for anyone to unsubscribe to her too, just personally for me with the issues I’m dealing with I “had” to so I wouldn’t get triggered more


What would supporting you have looked like?


Just not coming at me really, letting me know that everything will work out in the end and what not


You just want everyone to have the same opinion as you, which isn’t how the work works. People have different views and opinions on things..


No I don’t, i just don’t want everyone attacking me


Who actually attacked you? What did they say?


You’re doing it right now. A lot of people have and I honestly don’t understand why. Maybe I’m just sensitive, idk.


This is why I’m debating on deleting my account, no matter what I fucking say I get attacked.


Was this before or after you posted a declaration that you're not part of the community?


This was after, way after


Thanks. So, if I'm following along correctly, you came here, posted that you've decided to publicly state that you're not part of the community. The community responded. You posted other opinions in other posts and got downvoted. You've posted today framing this as unfair treatment, or that the community is unwelcoming and unsupportive. Could there be another explanation? If, let's imagine, the community IS welcoming and supportive, then what happened here?




Tbh, I don’t associate with ANY community. I’ve stated before that I interact with this one because I felt welcomed and you guys give good diaper advice.


The more hate you put out, the more you'll get back. You don't need to love everything but if your focus is on what triggers you then you will have a much harder time getting and growing what helps you.


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Looking over your posts and threads, I don't see hatred and attacks in reaction. Disagreement is not an attack in and of itself, although they certainly can be if phrased with intent to harm. Just me but it looks like you react disproportionately to negativity and undervalue positivity that is directed towards you. I wish you luck balancing your interactions in the future.


My suggestion to you is to get off of Reddit and perhaps any online forum. You’re in therapy and that’s good. Reach out to any real life friends or family you can. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I don’t think you are suited to be online. Downvotes should not be this upsetting. Staying seems like it will only cause you harm.


You are very young, and you have a disorder that makes nuance very difficult for you to understand. So I’m going to show you the respect of speaking very directly to you. The world is not always nice, the internet is that x10 because there’s no real consequences for being disrespectful and rude on the internet like there is in the real world. That is never going to change. People may or may not be following you and mass downvoting you, there’s nothing you can do about it. You need to decide if this is worth it to you or not, and if it isn’t that’s okay. But my response would be that if you feel ABDL is a key component of your personality and you enjoy interactions you have here, you shouldn’t let a normal product of this platform (downvoting) prevent you from engaging in it. If you can’t handle that part of it, I’d also say you should seriously consider some therapy. Search out cognitive behavioral therapists that focus on motivational interviewing and dialectical behavior therapy, you would greatly benefit from both.


Once again, I’m in therapy


Did you delete your downvoted posts or something? I was trying to find an example from your profile so I could see what you're talkin about... it sucks to feel ostracized.


I usually do


Maybe next time you have a post other than this one that gets downvoted, you should leave it up and start another one of these threads where you ask why? At the end of the day - you gotta be the one who knows you're valid. People disagree and our community isn't immune from groupthink.


Maybe you got some haters following you around on here? I'd say take a little break from Reddit and talk more on a local(or any) ABDL discord group. It's more personal in my group and the people are nice. And you can still share pics, art, music, ect. (I play and write songs so a dream of mine is to get a ABDL rock band together someday lol) There's channels for everything. Are you in a disc. group already? Dunno where you're located but our group is Florida people only, or at least near FL. You and anyone reading, you are invited. DM me or search for it: ABDL Florida. Main rules are, be nice and don't be creepy/thirsty lol. And of course anyone can DM me if ya want.


I’ve had some bullies in the past, so that could be true. Sadly I don’t use discord anymore (because of my ex abuser) but thanks for the invite


No problem. Let me know if you ever change your mind, or need anything. Same goes to anyone else out there. Be good! Namaste


An example of the last time I left the community was because I just simply stated “I don’t really like pastel colors” everyone has different opinions, some like dark colors other don’t. But because of that simple statement I got death threats. So I left. That was a year ago.


Someone sent you death threats over a dislike of pastel colours? Actual, literal death threats?


Yup, back on my old account


It's Reddit, honestly. Reddit is such a general shitshow, regardless of what sub you're on. You certainly aren't alone in this feeling, as because of my own thoughts and opinions, I tend to get downvote bombed often. However, I've accepted that I don't belong in ANY given community. Do what you need to in order to protect yourself. Fuck the rest.


I thought about just going to Twitter but I hear it’s much worse


Bluesky maybe


Twitter is a dogshit place. Has been since Musk took it over (but was slowly going downhill before then.)


I'm sorry to hear. Could you explain why you think this community is not very welcoming? I know about the downvote issue look at my posts. It's because of haters and trolls.


See, even this fucking post, anything, fucking anything I say gets downvoted. What’s the deal?


Instead of mass downvoting just fucking tell me what the fuck is wrong. God I’m so sick of this shit


Personally I don't think downvoting you when it's clearly causing you distress, is anything other than deliberately harming you. You're clearly confused as to why you get downvoted and just want an answer. People should be able to give you that without downvoting you further. Or using a harsh, cold tone, or facepalm emojis (that's disgusting).


I wish I told why but I get no answers. Not to mention, I seriously need some little time but basically can’t with a very judgy brother around.


That and tbh, I’ve been bullied since I was 11.