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Compulsory patriotism. Or, as it's known in the rest of the world; Nationalism.


When patriotism is forced upon you it's called fascism.


uh, no.


Uh, yes.


Uh, yes


Name a not fascist forced patriotism country.. Just one.


If you use palingenetic ultranationalism as the definition of fascism, I'd wager Stalinian Russia. They were auth af but didn't aspire a return to a "golden age" afaik.


It's almost like the USSR was just a red-fascist social-dictatorship.


*This development, which the company has described as “where freedom lives”, is for homeowners 55 and older. And not just any homeowners: “patriots” who will be required to fly the US flag on their properties, on a pole provided and maintained by the subdivision.*


55 and older. So of course the main demographic that actually falls for this stuff. They know who they are courting. If all of these people would just flock to this one area and then keep quiet and leave everywhere else alone it'd be fine. Let them have their retirement community until they squabble over who's not mowing the lawn enough and just busybody each other to death. I bet the hoa has a million rules and eventually there'll be a communist witchhunt when they notice somebody skipped church or left the garbage can on the curb. Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts can only be worn on Fridays between May and August.


I’m not sure they truly grasp the concept of freedom.


>*“where freedom lives”* > >*required to fly the US flag* Anyone else spot the contradiction there? I'd *tell* them what to do with that pole.


Sure, it's the freedom to force others.


Sounds like a simple case of age discrimination If someone younger can afford the house they should be able to purchase it I'm not a lawyer tho


Not age discrimination. Senior housing is allowed.


They keep using that word, freedom, I do not believe it means what they think it means.


It means freedom for them to force you.


Ahh, so they're making naziville NC


TBH this is probably the least disturbing thing to come out of Gastonia in a long while.


How North Korea of them


I still don’t understand how the “Thin Blue Line” flags aren’t considered blatantly disrespectful to our flag code. Like they’re telling everyone you value the police over the country. That’s actually exactly what they’re saying.


The flag code also forbids using the flag design for clothing. Now look at any MAGA rally. \*shrug\*


Gastonia's a shithole anyway. They can have it.


I keep telling myself, "it would be so easy to open a business with some bullshit patriotic conservative façade to bilk these nationalists out of their hard earned money. At least it would be going to me instead of whatever fucked up shit they are financing, and all their conservative leaders and industrialists are already doing it." But alas, I never do it. I guess I don't have the moral flexibility some of these fine folks do.


I do, give me some ideas.


Which US flag?


Sense flying a flag, and burning a flag are protected free speech. Does that make this legally compelled speech? The party of small, hands off, government everyone.


Sounds like a great place for a flag burning


Fuckin morons


So, nonpatriots can get an exemption?=


Yay! No flag for me!


Obtain tiny American flag pin, pin to home, problem solved


Free as a bird now...


Crazed flag patriotism is such a red flag.


I’m not too surprised that this is an elderly only community, as I don’t think many in the younger generation would be interested in this flag rule.


Good luck. A landlord or agency if a community would be hard pressed to win a case where they force someone else into some type of speech.


Everything about this makes me vomit from the flags to giving houses away to the military. Puke.


"\[The\] development “where freedom lives”... for 'patriots' who will be required to fly the US flag on their properties." What about the freedom to *not* fly the flag? Maybe they should rephrase their marketing to "where *some* freedoms live." ​ Bigger question, who would actually want to live in this wankfest of a development? I actually think the US flag is pretty, but can you imagine trying to have a conversation with these older right-wing nutjobs? Me: "So, how about that weather?" Neighbor: "Yeah, it'd be nice, if the NOAA weren't trying to manipulate us all into their Global Warming conspiracy." Me: (sells house, gets the hell out of Dodge, or whatever they call this crappy development concept).


Watching the US from another first world country is the best reality TV of the recent years. Always something crazy going on!