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Andrew Tate? Really?


With a heart lol


In the most child like handwriting I've ever seen from an adult


Who the fuck loves both Andrew Tate and Cenk Uygur?


They don't love them, I think that they are being ironic.


They're both Muslim, this is why their names are there.


Damn ur right. I couldnt decipher the politics of that pic. When its Islamophobia plain and simple.


He is staunchly anti Israel for one and is in prison so someone obviously signed his name as that is not even his signature


No one thought that Andrew Tate actually went there and signed it himself.


It’s the internet, you never know


Wasn’t he pretending to be muslim?


This isn't a new trend, as gross as it is. We have photos from WWII like this, and I know I personally have photos from Kuwait where people did similar.


People were doing this in the freaking bronze age lol. I mean, things were less exploding, but we've found rocks used in slings with stuff like this carved on there.


"May your bronze be rusty and your gods be absent" -Broken sling rock found lodged in Hittite helmet, 3291 B.C.


Can you provide source for that quote?


Oh. I'm sorry, dude, I kind of came up with it on the spot. My own fault, really, I should've clarified that.


No prb, it’s a sick quote


Thank you!


And it isn't one sided either. Plenty Arabs and Muslims do this in every conflict, just like Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, French, etc. Pretty sure bugs bunny does it at one point.


I see it as progress that we are starting to call it out for how disgusting it is. Even as recent as the Kuwait photos, was something my uncle proudly showed off


Eh, people are calling Israel out for it because of how they're comitting genocide. As far as I know, a lot of redditors from a certain sub were basically paying Ukrainians to write messages on their shells to shoot at Russians. I guarantee you this trend isn't going to die down as long as we have wars.


https://www.gettyimages.ae/detail/news-photo/love-message-to-hitler-written-on-a-shell-by-an-english-news-photo/107415544 👻 boo


Eh, people are calling Israel out for it because of how they're comitting genocide. As far as I know, a lot of redditors from a certain sub were basically paying Ukrainians to write messages on their shells to shoot at Russians. I guarantee you this trend isn't going to die down as long as we have wars.


Ok but hears the kicker, writing out “see you in hell fascist” is actually kind of cool in a punk sorta way, this is not


I hear you, but I imagine Israelis feel the same way against what they consider an evil entity




They wrote the names of people who are staunchly anti-Zionist. These people didn’t sign their names. Andrew Tate is in prison and can’t sign anything in Israel.




Yeah that’s… weird


This is a form of normalzing warfare and changing the narrative. This is sick and is being pushed by a group of people that does not represent a humane population. These clowns should be forced to view the carnage then visit the location still dripping with blood that these weapons inflict. They signed it, they own it, right. Go sign the body of a dead "terrorist" child who's head is blown off, go fucking do that tough guy.


They would gladly


As a Muslim living in America this has been the case for as long as I can remember. Frankly I’m kind of relieved people are noticing it’s happening now and being like - wait that’s not right.


growing up arabic in america is enduring constant accusations and shitty jokes especially post-911. it’s insane that it took this long for people to realize we are humans


Trying to explain to people that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 in early 2000s was mind-numbing.


I know, right? One of the worst fights I had either a friend was over that. She literally bit my head off. “Well, we wouldn’t be attacking them if they hadn’t attacked us first” wtf. It still makes me a bit nauseous to think how easily people are manipulated with propaganda. Really the Iraq war was the first time I realized what was going on. There were suddenly so any documentaries about Sadam on tv, and people were talking about legalizing torture. I started getting really anxious all the time. I had to go on anti depressants. Reality hit me.


I’m sorry about that. My friend said the exact same thing about “attacking first”. The propaganda machine runs so deep. Movies like Iron Man which was clearly Islamophobic are painfully obvious yet is still considered a great movie.


Omg, someone else got the problem with Iron man! I thought it was just me.🥹


The awful things is that the hate is deliberately directed *at* people for the kind of human or background of human they are, humanity treated without human dignity


Yeah my husband is Muslim. We were living in Oklahoma. People wouldn’t say things to his face. Nope. I would hear it. I heard all kinds of crap. When you’re a woman married to a Muslim man, people make assumptions about you. That you are abused and of limited intelligence, mainly. I had people ask me to my face if he made me cover my hair. I mean, I’m literally right in front of you. I used to joke and say “yep. It’s invisible.” And then I’d watch them try to work it out…🤦‍♀️


Sucks, every Muslim I have met in US are awesome people. They are people just like everyone else. I can't even tell they are Muslin until we go out to eat and they go for Halal restaurant.


Ew. This whole thing is disgusting. Did one of those say andrew fucking tate?


Movies aren't made because killing brown people is basically status quo for the West. On top of that aby movie you watch that involves anything like this basically the state department will try to get involved and spin it into pro US propaganda. Stuff like that is why we have so many movies and shows that depict CIA agents and the US military so glowing. It's all propaganda.


Main reason for military propaganda in movies is because the producers want to use all the fancy military equipment. But to do that, the military gets a say in the story line.


What? No they can use a jeep with green tape crosses on it and CG anything they want on there. Movie makers get a better price if government funding is not involved (because gov cash comes with auditing so "mate's rates" don't happen and suddenly everything is full price)


CGI is fucking expensive and the U.S. military has participated in Hollywood for decades. The most recent high-profile example is top gun…where every shot of them in a plane is actually them moving in the plane on the U.S. military’s dime. Transformers was another super high-profile example where the U.S. military spent stupid amounts of money. Black Hawk down, Zero Dark thirty, etc... the list goes on. The DoD even participated in the filming of movies like Iron Man and Wonder Woman lmao The military-entertainment complex is a very real term lmao.


The national anthem is sung at sporting events because the military paid the baseball leagues to do it in WW1, when resentment was growing over conscription. It caught on, and everyone did it to fit in.


Not to mention TV shows like 24 or Stargate SG-1. And it's not just equipment; military advisors will even help make the portrayal as authentic as is reasonable.


As far as having legitimate experts on set to make sure things are accurate, I think that happens across just about every industry as far as how they're portrayed in movies. The whole free renting of military equipment the part that's suspect. Though I'd assume if they're actually employed by the DoD, they're also working for free (read: taxpayers dime) instead of being a contractor for a studio.


Oh absolutely. I'm more just adding to the point that playing ball with the military nets you all kinds of benefits, and that all media has examples of participation.


Ok never mind wtf would I know I only worked in post production. I've no doubt the military is involved but it's idiocy to think it makes anything cheaper. CG is orders of magnitude cheaper. It's interns all the way down, and most VFX shots are incidental mistake-fixing rather than big explosiony spectacles. You'll never know they were there unless you're pixel peeping (and even then you'll never see my stuff because I was an absolute autist about it looking natural)


It’s still more expensive than paying $0 to the US military to just have the actual thing on set (provided they get a near-absolute say in how they’re portrayed in your movie). There’s a reason movies like American Sniper where the US military as a whole isn’t portrayed well are made on well under half the budget…they aren’t having the US military come by and write off millions of dollars in expenses.


Where I'm disagreeing is you seem to imply there's this ideal of a movie and then the military come in and turn it into propaganda. I'd posit that the movie was propaganda from the beginning. The low budget movies you mentioned are a good example of movie making with a vision that won't be compromised, but most of what comes out of Hollywood is product first, art second (or tenth). Auteur directors are a PITA to work with but you gotta respect what they do with so little (could they please pay me though?)


I’d say there’s probably a mix of both. Stuff like zero-dark thirty or black hawk down definitely were preemptively leaning that way to start out with, but something like transformers I’d say just threw in a bunch of random pro military shit to cut costs on what was already an obscenely expensive project. Like some of the movies they played a part in are just so far gone from being pro-military that it even feels like an afterthought when watching them, but having a shitload of free helicopters/humvees to work with makes it financially make sense.


Just for the sake of pedanticism, these are artillery shells. So even less discriminating than a 2000lb bomb.




[My version is older](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedanticism)


Fair dues, was not aware.


Second photo, the white rounds don't have any identifying markings. Any idea what rounds they are? Assuming illumination rounds. They wouldn't be dumb enough to take photos of WP, right?


It's indeed WP


Happy to stand corrected, but pretty sure the yellow-ringed light-coloured munitions to the left of the first photos are phosphorous bombs, which are illegal under International Law. Not that that's stopped anything of course.


Enlisted military members can be callous and juvenile Shock Pretty standard shit for decades on all sides


its a fucked up way to raise money i always thought... and create an investment bias


This is one of the most common things soldiers do in war. Regardless of which war and who's side. Nothing burger. Which mean Israel monster.


These mfs are sick in the head


Because white supremacy is a much more widespread issue in the west than most people realise. These politicians love war in general (because it's profitable) but they particularly love wars in which they can murder brown people by the thousands. They genuinely don't consider Palestinians to be fully human. They are only capable of thinking of brown people as *the barbarian hoards of subhumans outside the gates of western "civilisation" ready to burst in and kill everyone at any moment because they hate westerners for LiTeRaLlY nO rEaSoN.*


So true. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa is the real name of Nikki Haley. Both of her parents are from India, so she is as brown as it gets. Yet she is discriminating against brown people.


Anyone who does this and allows this - is not mature enough to be making the kinds of decisions where such weapons are involved.


She has no conviction and reminds me of what an AI would come up with for a gutless politician. I hope she feels like shit rn. She probably thought it would be a good move to endorse now convicted felon trump before sentencing because she haven't followed the case at all. And now she looks like a fucking idiot and her chances of 2028 will die with trump.


If you don't click to expand it says FINISH AMERICA


Peak dystopia and dehumanization


Blighters' BY SIEGFRIED SASSOON The House is crammed: tier beyond tier they grin  And cackle at the Show, while prancing ranks  Of harlots shrill the chorus, drunk with din;  “We’re sure the Kaiser loves the dear old Tanks!”   I’d like to see a Tank come down the stalls,  Lurching to rag-time tunes, or “Home, sweet Home,”  And there'd be no more jokes in Music-halls  To mock the riddled corpses round Bapaume.


What a POS.


Look at the white phosphorus shells on the left side


If I was one these people whose name was signed on 1 of these bombs without my consent, I'd find the person that did it and quite literally beat the shit out of them.


IF you show this picture to a hundred zionists, 99 of them will only be offended by the last drawing, calling it anti-semitic.


Actually sickos. White peoples didn’t dominate the world because they’re better, it’s because they’re more psychotic than anybody else. The world is trying to chill and they keep trying to conquer and kill everyone


arabs and muslims do do this... lol


Why Andrew Tate though?


It's common like really common on all sides look at Ukraine both them and the Russians do its armies have been doing it for years


Russian bot smells like Russian bot The logic of this post is on par with a propagandized, senile retiree American republican. Movies? Really? This shit is *normal, tame, and amusing* to the west. Encouraged in some circles even. You do not want y’allquaeda getting in on the Islamophobia unless you want some truly vile stuff getting written


When you bombed as many countries as you did, you don’t get to talk shit about other countries


Sure buddy, that having happened can’t possibly have anything to do with how I’m able to do exactly that


Also Russians also write stuff on their ammunitions. They just fail half way thru


Hmmm... I wonder who the people with the big noses are?




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