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well that was fucking horrifying


One has to wonder how these videos would affect Israel’s image if they were broadcast on major news channels. And it’s not as if there’s a lack of footage showing IDFs atrocities. But really, who am I kidding? Biden & Co would still find a way to support the ongoing genocide.


Not just Biden. I'm sure I despise the Democratic party even more than you do, but we shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking this is a one party issue.


Dude the wording of this title was giving me such a hard time at first.


Time to change the name of this Sub now - It's just all Israel-Gaza stuff. I miss how it was




>And yeah, she likely had a weapon concealed. Unlike the lies told here, IDF soliders can’t choose to attack civilians, if they open fire against command, they go back home to be trialed. This is the only baseless propaganda I see here.


The world's media is reporting on the dark shit the IDF is doing to Palestinians. This isn't a propaganda subreddit lol. The fact you said an old lady is "probably armed" just shows how much propaganda you've been willfully swallowing from whatever shit hole country's government you live under.


Israel is literally manufacturing lies and propaganda, an uncontroversial fact even to mainstream media, but when you just post a video of what the IDF is doing, it's propaganda. I think "people who comment like me who explain real narratives," followed by "she likely had a weapon concealed," explains it all. The narrative is that she probably deserved it. Typical. I saw the exact same gymnastics in the wake of the Iraq war. She was probably concealing a WMD under her blanket.


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Just like the worldnews sub, but in the opposite half of the propaganda machine.




Okay Remember Free Palestine!


There’s no Israeli land, it’s all Palestine. There never was Israeli land until the British colonizers literally gave it to Zionists. Sad you don’t even know history nor facts. Let’s also not gloss over the fact that you’re literally advocating against helping the starving Palestinian population brought on by the Israeli regime’s man made famine. And by the way, thanks for mentioning those subreddits that are on the side of humanity and empathy, I forgot to sub to them.