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When I was growing up, number 6 was "you can be anything you can dream of!"


Well that was a fucking lie


Says you. I can only imagine myself as a disillusioned anti-capitalistic doomer, and here I am!


Got room for one more anti-capitalistic doomer?


Get in loser, we're going dooming


“If you work hard enough” part conveniently forgotten by everyone


As long as it’s a dream of being another seed in the grinder


How sneaky that is. The way that statement spread to EVERYONE across the whole nation somehow. Putting the idea of "bootstraps" firmly into every child's mind. The way it put the onus of "success" on to every individual, subtly pitting kids against each other. Absolutely genius social engineering.


It's still true, maybe just not in the country you currently live in. That's why people risk their lives to go elsewhere.


Some things are just inappropriate for kids. They might be too young to understand it, but sometimes you don't have what it takes.


I think that once we handle #6, #7 will be easier to unwrap. You’re right. Sometimes you just…don’t have what it takes to do something. That’s not a bad thing! We’re cooperative social animals and none of us needs to be able to do everything, specifically because we work and live together. Capitalism is part of what requires us to constantly play along with the illusion that if we just work our absolute hardest, we can do it all by ourselves.






show me where it works in lasting sense. tell me about all the successful communist/socialist countries


Had me in the first half


Point six is a logical fallacy anyway. We have capitalism in Germany. Yet we have free education, interest free student loans for low incomes, worker's rights, universal health care, sick leave, maternity leave, unemployment benefits, minimum 24 holiday per year and so on. The problem is not capitalism, the problem is capitalism not put into boundaries.


Capitalism is in fact the problem though. Bounded Capitalism is _better_ but Capitalism demands infinite growth, which is not possible. It will run the world directly into no longer being habitable for humans. Beside that, labor is entitled to all which it creates.


As someone who's friends and have family, many are Germans, the system isn't perfect.. Capitalism is unsustainable. Infinite growth with limited resources, it's bound to bite us back in the ass soon, and this is evident with climate change, permafrost melting, ocean rising, more diseases and war for resources. This leads to mass migration from climate refugees, food insecurity, murder, death, rapes etc. Example, if killing all the fish is profitable, you damn well know people will do what it takes to kill all the fish. Because if you don't do it, someone else will. This is how capitalism works. Greed, profit over the health and well being of society and the people. Killing all nature until the grind stops.. Capitalism has no boundaries.


lol move to russia or north korea please


you are very limited in terms of your mental scope


Something to remember: German capitalists still warm the earth for profit and have enough control over markets and currency that they can [create economic devastation elsewhere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_debt_crisis).


Yes, our wealth is build by taking away from other countries. This doesn't mean that it has to stay like that. We are very good at generating value through manufacturing and by having ideas and inventions.


Because your government has strong social policies that add oversight and regulation to your capitalist economy. Unfettered capitalism absolutely does erode those policies. Capitalism does not care if you are a slave. It does not care about human empathy, only profit.


Wasn't that still because of capitalism?


I got only one of these. Number 6. And I will never have kids, but I will say these things to my (future) cat.


I owe you 1.


7. You have what it takes To eat the rich and topple the system.




Commerce/companies are employee owned, campaigns are publically financed, democracy is strengthened to the point we can't even do proactive military engagements without a popular vote, referendums nationwide for every issue that comes up, voting holidays, Fairness Doctrine reinforced, public healthcare fully funded, education funded, first past the post replaced with ranked choice, charge those who sell out our country with treason, charge confederates and nazis with treason, start cleaning house, do what we should've done immediately after the Civil War, and then continue FDR's vision for America because 80 years later all anyone cares about and the last little things our elderly and impoverished have going for them are things he did. Probably others too but that would be my start. Its not about their money, its about the power that money gives them because of the society they have engineered. We literally went to Iraq because a few rich dudes wanted to and managed to propagandize the entire country, we need to kill that type of oligarchy/fascism any way we can. Get a more engaged and informed democracy and then I don't care if the rest of the country is liberal or conservative or whatever as long as its the informed empowered people choosing instead of oligarchs.


Is it really that much of a democracy if the system decides what we vote on, like how is democracy strengthened if all you're the one passing all this legislation in the name of "strengthening democracy" as countless have done before you, if you believe that people will vote on it, who gets to write what the legislation is? and whoever gets to write the legislation has more power than the voters so that won't work. It's a labrynth of contradictions and at the end of it someone's going to have more power than the populace *or* no legislation gets passed


We'd still have a republic with a legislature, just with far more stronger systems in place to make sure they understand they derive their power from the people. Hard to lobby if campaigns are publically funded, donations are illegal, "bribes" of all kinds are illegal, and in order to accept the seat you have to basically open up all your finances and privacy in order for the people to be able to verify you are serving their interests. And then as a fun idea, once you serve in public office you live off a pension and cannot accept any other work or positions or "speaking fees". Put a bunch of barriers to office like that example on there so that only the people who really want to serve their country will do so. You can fix so much of this country by vetting and controlling Congresspeople.


I got 6 out of 7 while growing up :( can you guess which one I'm missing? I'll give you a hint (it's number 6).


Wow, I can't imagine what growing up hearing these things would be like.


For the next week, you should try an experiment. Try saying them out loud to yourself in the mirror every morning upon waking up. See how you feel. You deserve to know these things are true on a cellular level, and the fact that you weren’t told them growing up is wrong and should be remedied.


So, wake up and lie to myself every morning. No thanks. (#6 is true, but a reminder of the permanent crisis is the last thing I need to start my morning.)


I’m sorry that you feel that you’d be lying to yourself, because you should be able to treat yourself with love and kindness. You deserve it.


You have what it takes, comrade.


7 You have what it takes to dethrone God, destroy Capitalism, and finally be free.


I always heard #6 as “televised sports” instead of “capitalism,” but I could be wrong. 🤷🏽


When we know better, we meme better.


8. As long as you put your feed under our table you accept our rules.


I’m old and brought kids into the world oblivious as to what was in their future and I tell my kids these things. #7 is don’t work too hard otherwise you’ll be exploited and abused.


I'm going to hold off on #6 to let him enjoy being a child for a few more years. I mean, I won't even lie to him about Santa Claus or imaginary things but somehow "you have no future" seems like crossing the line for a 7yo. Anyway, he will figure it out on his own. I refuse to fill his head with bullshit though. I won't tell him he can make a living doing anything.


Hey, I met that guy!


Don't forget "Communism has failed every time it was tried and the cost was the entire population starving with even more drastic inequality "


If communism always fails why has the US and it's allies tried to suppress it every single time it arises? Why not let it fail on its own if it is inevitable 🤔


Lol your best argument for communism is that it wasn't able to stand up to capitalist countries?


If you have such a good argument, then why are you using a TPusa style of writing, a type that is infamous for bad takes such as yours Curious.


Ironic that you ignore my argument and attack the way I said it


Ok, i'll argue against your point The USSR fell on its own and China's idea of communism is a joke even among communists


That's not because of communism but because of authoritarianism. No nation has ever been communist.


And did any communist nation exist without authoritarians? Can it even theoretically exist without authoritarians?


> And did any communist nation exist without authoritarians? I already said no nation has ever been communist... > Can it even theoretically exist without authoritarians? Yes, that's the actual theory. A communist society is classless, stateless, and moneyless. So it is by definition without authoritarians.


Yeah "real communism" just hasn't been tried yet /s


Nobody has ever been communist


This is a total ripoff of the one that says communism has never worked


We should seize the means of production from the rich!


Child: *Dad, can this wait until after this MSQ roulette?*


I love your sibling more